Are you being chased in a dream? This terrifying phenomenon is quite common, and we probably all have experienced it at some time or another. I know I am not the only one who has woken up in the middle of the night in sweats, worried that what was chasing me was still on my back. But, what does it actually mean?
Being chased is a typical horror movie motif. Be it zombies, serial killers, or aliens, people are always running away from something in a horror movie. When we watch these films, we sense the dread of the characters on screen, and we understand their total fear. Because of this, it makes sense that we project this fear in our dreams.
But, being chased in a dream is a little bit deeper than merely replicating the fears we see on the screen. Our subconscious is using this horror movie motif to send us a message.
So, what does being chased in a dream for you? Let’s look at common dreams that involve being chased, and how we use them to understand our emotional state and psyche.
Why Are Dreams Important?
When discussing dreams, I always think that it is useful to remind ourselves of the importance of dreams and the spiritual and psychological theories behind dreaming.
Dreams are super interesting, yet nobody really knows why we have them. For centuries, humanity has searched for answers and understanding, yet nobody has really identified the true reason for dreaming.
However, there are a lot of interesting theories about them. For spiritualists, dreams are a way of linking between this world and higher levels of consciousness. In dreams, we are connecting with an unseen spiritual realm, and we can receive answers and guidance in our sleep.
Other theories suggest that dreams use metaphors and symbolism in order for us to understand our deep fears and desires. When it comes to being chased in a dream, our psyche is using the phenomenon of being chased to signify to us an issue in our waking life. When we have this dream, we can look at the context to work out what our subconsciousness is trying to tell us.
Being Chased in a Dream as Threat Simulation
An interesting theory that explains being chased in a dream is Antii Revonsuo’s threat simulation theory. From an evolutionary perspective, I think this dream theory is really interesting and can help us understand our subconsciousness a little better.
Revonsuo suggests that our dreams are a way of practicing and rehearsing real-life threats. When we are being chased in a dream, our brain is learning what to do if we ever get chased in real life.
This does make sense, but I don’t think this theory explains everything there is to know about being chased in a dream. Some dreams are just a little bit more complicated, and we need to dive deeper into the dream and the symbolism to truly understand why we are having the dream.
Being Chased in a Dream Meaning
So, what other reasons might there be for being chased in a dream? This common dream normally means that we are avoiding something in the waking world. However, in order to fully understand the reason why we are having this dream, we need to identify certain aspects of the dream.
What are you being chased by? Is it a human, an animal, or something unknown?
Are you running slowly? Do you feel as if you are sticking to the floor?
Let’s look at some common themes that occur when we are being chased in a dream, and what they might mean for you.
Dreaming About Being Chased by Someone You Know
Being chased in a dream by someone you know and love can be pretty spooky! You might begin to doubt this person’s intentions in the waking world, and worry that there is something more to them than meets the eye.
Don’t worry too much, as being chased by this person tells you more about yourself than them! It is probably not your psyche warning you about this person, rather, your subconsciousness is using them to reflect something about you.
In fact, if you are being chased in a dream by someone you know, the person actually has nothing to do with what your psyche is trying to tell you!
Remember how I said that dreams used symbolism to send us messages? Well, have a think about the person who is chasing you and what they might symbolize. What are some negative characteristics of this person?
These negative characteristics are probably things that you are worried about having in your own personality, hence why you are running from this person in your dream. You are projecting your own fears about your personality onto this person.
Dreaming About Being Chased by an Animal
If you are being chased by an animal in your dream, have a think about your own attitude towards this animal and what they might represent for you.
Of course, you may dream about being chased by snakes because you are pretty scared of snakes, but it will probably have a deeper meaning!
If you are dreaming about being chased by snakes, have a think about what the snakes might represent and your own attitudes to the animal. Snakes are often associated with sneakiness and treachery.
Could you be worried about these characteristics appearing in your personality? Have you behaved in an unkind way to someone in your life, and your subconsciousness is telling you that you need to rectify this?
Because you are running away from the animal, you are not happy with this certain aspect of your personality, and you need to work through this. You are avoiding this issue in the waking world, but your psyche is telling you that running away is not helping anything!
Dreaming About Being Chased by a Car
Being chased by a car in a dream can be pretty bizarre. We will often spend the dream dodging and diving, trying to hide from the ominous object that is approaching.
In order to figure out why you might be being chased in a dream by a car, have a think about what type of car is chasing you. Is it a car that you know, for example, the car that your parents had when you were a child? This could signify an issue from your childhood that you are not addressing.
If the car is high-end, fast, and expensive, dreaming about being chased by it might represent your preoccupation with class and status. Cars have long been linked with money and wealth, and dreaming of a fancy car can suggest that your obsession with having the best and being the best might be affecting your emotional and spiritual growth.
Of course, money is important in life. We need it to live and thrive. However, we can sometimes get a bit carried away with it all. Money is important, but it isn’t everything!
If you are having this dream, take a step back and examine your priorities. Are you giving your spirituality and health enough attention? Are there things that you can do in order to expand your horizons and find a deeper meaning in the universe?
Dreaming About Being Chased by the Police
For many of us, the police represent authority and power. We may have negative or positive attitudes towards the police, and how we feel about them helps you to understand why you are being chased in a dream by them.
If you have had bad experiences with the police, dreaming about being chased by them might represent your own fear of corruption and disloyalty. Are you behaving in a certain way that you don’t think is morally justifiable?
If you have a positive attitude towards the police, dreaming of being chased by them suggests that you are running away from your own responsibilities. Perhaps you recently have had a promotion, or are now in a caregiving role. This can be pretty scary, and your subconsciousness is worried that you don’t have enough authority for this role!
It is time to remind yourself of your own personal strength and power, and how you are able to do anything you put your mind to!
Being chased in a dream by the police might also suggest that there is someone in your waking life who is overbearing and controlling. You may be ignoring it and pretending it isn’t really affecting you, but it is. It is time to sit down with this person and explain how you feel.
Dreaming About Being Chased and not Being Able to Run
This is probably one of the most terrifying dreams I have ever had! You are being chased in a dream, and you are trying to run, but you just can’t seem to move… It is just like a scene from a horror movie!
You may be sticking to the floor, or your legs might have just got stiff, and you can’t get them to move.
But, what does this actually mean?
Being unable to run is typically a sign of low self-confidence. You seem to be unable to do something that normally comes naturally to you, and you are doubting your own abilities. You are feeling helpless and feel that you can’t get away from your fears.
If you are experiencing this dream a lot, there are things that you can do in order to work on your self-confidence. Repeating self-love affirmations daily can really have a positive impact on your self-confidence, allowing you to identify and celebrate your powers and abilities.
Have a think about the things you can do in order to boost your confidence. Having a go at your favorite hobby or treating yourself to a self-care session can make you feel a whole load better about yourself!
Dreaming About Being Chased in a Building
When you are being chased in a dream, pay attention to where you are. Is it somewhere familiar, or unknown?
In the dream world, buildings can be pretty significant, as they usually represent our psyche. Like a building, our mind has so many different doors and parts. We may visit certain rooms more than others, and we may have rooms that we never enter.
If you are being chased in a dream in an unknown building, it may be because you are avoiding certain aspects of your personality. There may be things that you need to work on, but you are pretending they are not there and choosing to avoid them. However, there is a danger in this. By not entering the rooms, you are running the risk of being caught by the person who is chasing you.
Dreaming About Being Chased by Dark Shadows
There is something pretty horrific when you are being chased in a dream, but you do not fully understand what is chasing you. Humans and animals seem easier to comprehend and easy to deal with, both in the waking world and in the dream world.
If you are being chased by dark shadows, this normally signifies a trauma or memory that you are repressing. You may not think about it much when you are awake, but it is still affecting you.
If you are having this dream a lot, you may want to have some therapy or see a counselor in order to identify the trauma that you are avoiding. Perhaps you know what it is, or maybe you need to work to understand what your psyche is telling you.
Addressing trauma and bad memories is a really difficult process, but it is important for us in order to heal. When we do not acknowledge pain, we tend to bottle things up and this begins to affect our day-to-day life.
Are You Being Chased in a Dream?
Being chased in a dream will typically signify running away from something in your waking world. This may be a part of your personality or a traumatic event that you are not addressing.
Identifying why you are being chased in a dream is the first step towards healing and enlightenment. It is time to work things out and find out what you need to do to become your best possible self!