As the spirituality community grows, our knowledge of the chakras has continued to expand and with it the importance of chakra meditations. The belief in the seven chakras of the human body is deeply rooted in Hinduism, but slowly it has filtered into western spiritual beliefs.
Chakras are energy points situated on different parts of the body that make up a connected energy system. These energy points are constantly spinning and vibrating. The higher your vibrational frequencies are in these energy spots the more in balance your chakras will be.
Meditation has long been a method to increase the vibrational frequency of your chakras to achieve more mental awareness and emotional balance. It’s also a way to connect with your chakras, helping you to open new pathways to your personal healing and growth.
But did you know that each of the 7 chakras has its own form of chakra meditations? This allows us to work on singular chakras if we feel they are blocked or vibrating at a lower vibrational frequency than the rest.
Read this guide to discover what each of the 7 chakras means and how you can meditate effectively to bring them back into balance and improve your energy and mental wellbeing.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
The root chakra is located at the bottom of the tailbone. This is the perineum area for men and the cervical area for women. All of the 7 chakras have a representational color, and the root chakra is the color red.
The role of the root chakra is to connect all of your physical bodily energy with the earth, which, in simpler terms means, this is your grounding chakra.
Your root chakra is linked to everything you need and do that keeps you alive. Such as, breathing, eating, and, sleeping just to name a few.
The root chakra is the foundation of all the 7 chakras. Without this chakra in balance, you may feel paranoid, fearful, full of procrastination, and overly defensive. So you can see why this chakra is one you want to keep in balance at all times.
The root chakra, like all the 7 chakras, is linked to the effective workings of different parts of our bodies. This chakra is deeply connected to your legs, feet, bones, adrenal glands, and large intestine. A blockage of this chakra may manifest as issues with these specific parts of the body.
Meditation For Your Root Chakra
If you have been feeling unsettled, anxious, or depressed your root chakra may require some meditative support, and chakra meditations are the best place to start.
Since the root chakra is prone to these anxieties and fears, most deep meditation methods work very well to bring some balance back to this energy spot.
To elevate your root chakra meditations, take it outside where you can form a deeper connection with the earth beneath you.
- First, it’s important to be comfortable. Whether you choose to sit on a chair, on the floor, or even if you choose to lie flat on your back.
- Close your eyes and focus on your root chakra, imagine a soft, red light emanating from your root chakra. This light may slowly radiate down your legs, or even envelop your entire lower body.
- Breathe slowly and deeply. With every breath you take, imagine you are strengthening your foundations. Perhaps you are building the wall that keeps you together, or you are sending roots into the earth you are sitting on. However you imagine your foundations to be, they must be strong and reliable.
Tips For Your Root Chakra Meditations
- It may be helpful to play relaxing music in the background. It doesn’t have to be meditation-specific music. The sounds of the ocean, whale song, or even a steady, relaxing drum beat can work well. Whatever soothing music you prefer.
- Consider learning Pranayama (yogic manipulation of breathing) practices to elevate your meditative breathing experiences.
- The mantra Lam can be used as a gentle, rhythmic chant for your root chakra meditations.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
The sacral chakra is located in your pelvic region, specifically a couple of inches below your belly button, and is connected to your lower abdomen, kidneys, circulatory system, bladder, and your reproductive organs. Any issues you may currently be experiencing in these areas may be a manifestation of an imbalanced sacral chakra.
This chakra represents desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation, and creativity and some more emotional manifestations of a blocked sacral chakra can be emotional issues, obsessive and compulsive behaviors, and even sexual guilt.
Otherwise known as ‘the place of self’, this chakra is all about your self-creativity in all of its forms and is represented by the color orange.
A well-balanced sacral chakra can help you to enjoy your life and its energy helps you to enjoy the results of all your hard work.
You will feel comfortable indulging yourself in pleasurable activities without fear or guilt. You will also have a more intuitive knowledge of how not to overdo these pleasurable activities.
Meditation For Your Sacral Chakra
If you feel as though your emotions have become stagnant, you feel stuck, or you have been experiencing health issues in the areas connecting with the sacral chakra, chakra meditations specific for this area can help reenergize and reawaken your creativity and get those juices flowing freely once again.
This meditative practice can help you reconnect with your emotional center, increasing the vibrational frequency of your sacral chakra and giving your connected energy system balance once again.
- Sit so that your hips are higher than your knees. You can do this by sitting on a cushion or even a yoga block. Just like any other meditation you want to be comfortable.
- Before you settle in stillness rock your pelvis back and forth. This will help loosen up the space around your sacral center.
- Visualize a warm, orange light originating 3-5cms below your naval, some people like to visualize an orange wheel that spins clockwise. With every inhale imagine it grows bigger. Until it covers your entire midsection.
- As you breathe, imagine any stuck emotional energy being washed from your system.
Tips For Your Sacral Chakra Meditations
- Use the Vam mantra, extending the M sound as you breathe out.
- Listen to the sounds of ocean waves, or even better do this meditation by the ocean.
- Ecstatic dance and trance-like dance movements can also be used to open and unblock the sacral chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the 3rd in the series of 7 chakras of the human body. It is associated with fire, spiritual growth, personal power, and the power of transformation and is located just above the belly button and below the breastbone.
The representative color for the solar plexus chakra is yellow and it concerns the physical aspects of your body such as your digestive system, muscles, pancreas, and adrenal glands.
A balanced solar plexus chakra will manifest as a resolute inner strength, strong instincts, and the ability to trust your gut feelings.
However, if you have found your memory or concentration to be lacking, overwhelming feelings of anger or worthlessness, or your digestive system seems a little out of whack you may be suffering from an imbalance within this energy point.
The solar plexus is commonly referred to as the warrior chakra because of how it powerfully supports us to make clear boundaries and also instills us with bravery.
You may have even felt the physical effects of the solar plexus chakra in play. Imagine a time when you felt intensely pageful energy. You can almost feel it pulsating just below your chest.
Meditation For Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Feelings of disempowerment, unworthiness, insecurity, low self-esteem may all be signs that your solar plexus chakra is vibrating at a low frequency and is out of balance with the rest of the 7 chakras.
Using the power of chakra meditations, we can bring our solar plexus back into line to draw in personal courage, more discipline, and reconnect your being with that inner confidence and trust in yourself that you desire.
- Begin by sitting on the floor, with your spine tall and relaxed. You must be comfortable so if you need to lie down, or sit on a chair this is completely ok. Meditation is about what works for you.
- Before you enter your place of stillness take your hands to your belly and massage this area using big circles in a clockwise rotation. This will help to improve digestion and to soften the belly, which can get tense when we feel our solar plexus out of balance.
- After rubbing these circles on your belly, it’s up to you how many times you do it, you’ll know when you’ve completed this step but it’s recommended at least 10 rotations have to be done. Release your hands and rest them on your thighs.
- Now focus on your breathing. Take long, slow, and deep breaths. Focusing on the air as it rushes in and out of your body.
- Now visualize a fire burning away your fears and feelings of being trapped. Picture this flame settled on your solar plexus area (between your belly button and the base of your breast bone) and imagine with every exhale you are ridding your body of the smoke of the fire.
- Once you have done this you can begin to bring yourself back to the present slowly and with gentleness.
Tips For Your Solar Plexus Chakra Meditations
- Since this chakras element is fire you can light some candles for your meditation or meditate by an open fire or campfire.
- Use the mantra Ram to aid the activation of the fire element. Ensure you draw out the M sound as you exhale. You’ll know you’re doing this correctly when you can feel the vibration of the sound.
- Martial Arts can be an excellent addition to your routines, along with chakra meditations, to free your solar plexus of blockages.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The 4th chakra of the 7 chakras, the heart chakra or Anahata, is one of the easiest ones to find on your body.
Located between the breasts, or the center of the chest, this energy point is the center of compassion, peace, harmony, and love. Although in modern society we associate the color red with love, this chakras representational color is green.
This chakras’ physical associations with the human body are the lungs, heart, arms, hands, and thymus gland. Not only can a blockage in your heart chakra manifest as immune system issues, lung, and heart problems, but also as more emotional issues.
A lack of compassion and empathy for others and an inability to see the beauty and love in others and ourselves are some emotional manifestations of an imbalanced heart chakra.
Your heart chakra is also the bridge between your lower and upper chakras, so when this one is vibrating at a low frequency it can have a knock-on effect with how the rest of our chakras perform together. So it’s incredibly important to check in with your heart chakra regularly and keep it free from blockages.
On the flip side, a balanced heart chakra will help pave the way to the healthy relationships you desire. You will find your kindness overflowing, both giving and receiving. You may find your ability to overcome feelings of grief, fear, or pain kicks up a gear and you feel a sense of wholeness with everything that surrounds you.
Meditation For Your Heart Chakra
A blocked heart chakra can manifest as many damaging emotional and physical symptoms. Such as feeling closed off or lonely. Overwhelming emotions of guilt and jealousy and falling into the trap of continually self-victimization.
With heart chakra meditations, the aim is to get your heart energy wheel spinning with its full force so you can feel all that is good and welcome positive people and situations into your life.
- Sit on the floor (Lie down or sit on a chair if this is more comfortable) will your shoulders back and a proud, confident posture. Be aware that your lungs are very important to your heart chakra so ensure they are free and you breathe deeply.
- As you close your eyes and draw breath deep into your lungs, envision a green light filling up the cavity of your chest. Fortify it with your breath and attention. Filling it up with your love, desires, and joys.
- After a few minutes, draw your attention to the center of your chest. Imagine a soft, pink diamond glowing from this space. This diamond is everything good. Your love for others and yourself, the you that you truly are. Feel the love and care that is held within this diamond and allow those feelings to wash over you.
Tips For Your Heart Chakra Meditations
- Introduce rose oil to your meditation. You can do this using an essential oil roll-on, or even use it within a diffuser to allow its perfume to radiate around the room.
- A lot of people who use heart chakra meditations involve rose quart crystals, or even roses themselves, in their meditative practice to help strengthen their feelings of love, compassion, and joy.
- The mantra Yam can be used during a heart chakra meditation to help open the heart.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The throat chakra is our chakra of communication, creativity, self-expression, and balance. Located, you can guess where I’m sure, the throat, this chakras representational color is blue or turquoise. This chakra gives you the power to speak up confidently and authentically.
At the root of the throat chakras power, is the ability to voice your beliefs and values without fear or worry about what others may think. We don’t put enough importance on our power to express and share our truth but the inability to do so can cause us to feel lonely and isolated.
The throat chakra is also physically aligned with our mouth, jaw, tongue, pharynx, and palate and a blockage within this energy point can manifest as emotionally as a fear of speaking, feeling shy and withdrawn, being out of touch with your desires, and having a hard time putting your feelings into words.
Having a balanced throat chakra opens a world of creativity and possibility. You will feel able to openly and fully express your thoughts and feelings. Your imagination will flourish, you’ll feel more drawn to creative ways of living, and your communication skills will improve with a focus on sharing your knowledge with others.
Meditation For Your Throat Chakra
If you have felt a severe lack of creativity, authenticity, and expression within yourself your throat chakra is not turning quite the way it should.
Perhaps you’ve been suffering from a consistent sore throat, irritated sinuses, or issues with your teeth and gums. These are all physical manifestations of a blocked throat chakra.
Chakra meditations can help to release your power of self-expression and creativity. Giving back your power olive an authentically creative life.
Chanting and sacred singing can be the strongest forms of mediation to fix a blocked throat chakra but if this isn’t available to you, the following meditation can help.
- Find a comfortable upright position, this meditation should not be done lying down as your throat can feel blocked in this position. Close your eyes, keep your mouth closed and soften your jaw.
- Focus your attention on your throat and neck and picture a glistening blue gem perched on this area. This gem represents your creativity, your communication, and everything beautiful you have to offer the world.
- With each inhale fill this gem with all your creative and authentic energy, as you exhale offer that energy back to the world.
- After a few minutes imagine a blue light beginning to shine from your ears. Listening is an important part of communicating, and here we are clearing our listening pathways.
- Focus once more on your throat chakra and envision what good you can do in your world, and others, with your newly restored voice.
Tips For Your Throat Chakra Meditations
- Use the mantra Ham to elevate your throat chakra meditation.
- Humming, singing, or chanting – even outside of your meditative experience – can open up your throat chakra.
- Incorporate head rolls and neck stretches into your meditation to open up the throat area.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Although strongly associated with the power of clairvoyance, did you know there is much more to our third eye chakra? Of all the 7 chakras, this one gets a lot of attention thanks to its connection to our intuitive energy and is considered the strongest of all the 7 chakras. Located in the center of the forehead, this chakras representational color is indigo.
Along with intuition, the third eye chakra is associated with perception, consciousness, lucid dreaming, and establishing connections to higher realms.
A fully open third eye chakra will have you feeling in tune with the physical and spiritual world and able to create a strong connection with both your ego and your soul.
However, on the flip side, an unbalanced third eye chakra can manifest as migraines, headaches, nightmares, and even eye problems. Emotional manifestations may include a lack of foresight, a rigid mentality, selective memory, and even depression.
Meditation For Your Third Eye Chakra
If your thought patterns have begun to limit your possibilities, or you have felt a disconnection between you and your intuition you may be experiencing an unbalanced third eye chakra. This imbalance can affect every one of the other 7 chakras so let’s move on to how we can fix this using powerful chakra meditations.
Regularly meditating on your third eye can help you gain greater wisdom, not only within your being but to the greater universe and its workings. It is also an excellent way of turbo-boosting your imagination and connection with your inner self.
- Find a comfortable position for yourself. This could be lying down, sitting in a traditional lotus position, or just sitting with your legs out in front of you. However, you choose to sit to ensure you are comfortable, balanced, and can sit with a tall spine.
- With your eyes resting closed, bring your internal gaze to your third-eye energy area. If you feel the area around your eyes beginning to tense draw your attention away from the forehead and to the front of your brain.
- As you breathe deeply and slowly allow your thoughts to flow through your mind. Entering and exiting without falling stagnant. As each thought disappears refocus your attention to your third eye area.
Tips For Your Third Eye Chakra Meditations
- Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth to stimulate your third eye chakra as you breathe in and out.
- These chakra meditations are best done in silence and without distractions but if you find the silence distracting you can play calm relaxing music, like classical music, quietly in the background.
- Use the mantra Sham to support the opening of your third eye chakra.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The final of the 7 chakras is your crown chakra. Located just above the crown of your head, this chakras representational color is violet. This chakra is connected to your cerebral cortex, central nervous system, and pituitary gland.
This chakra is symbolically depicted as a lotus flower, the petals representing the many layers of connection in our universe and the development of our consciousness.
The crown chakra is responsible for our thoughts, awareness, wisdom, and our connection to the ultimate source or the divine. At its core, it’s tied to our greatest levels of consciousness.
When our crown chakras are in balance we feel unlimited energy, an innate sense of peace, wholeness, and gratitude for the life we live and the gifts we receive.
However, an imbalanced crown chakra can manifest as a multitude of issues. Apathy, insomnia, boredom with your life, spiritual disconnection, and mental confusion are all symptoms of a low-frequency crown chakra.
Physical representations of an imbalanced crown chakra can manifest as conditions such as epilepsy, memory loss, cognitive function problems, and migraines. That’s not to say that if you suffer from a serious condition that it is just your crown chakra that is to blame. Genetics always have a massive part to play when it comes to serious disease and issues, but blocked chakras can impede your healing.
Meditation For Your Crown Chakra
If you have been plagued with headaches, nerve pain, or emotional issues such as loneliness, feelings of disconnection, indecisiveness, and struggling to find meaningfulness, choose to focus on healing your crown chakra imbalance through the power of chakra meditations can reap incredible healing results.
There are many ways to improve the flow of your crown chakra, such as reiki, self-reflection, and dream journalling but meditation is one method that is easy to include into your daily routines and requires no money to be spent – bonus!
- Sit comfortably with a tall spine and your shoulders pulled back softly.
- With your eyes closed, and your breathing deep, steady, and slow, imagine a lotus flower on the top of your head. Motivate the petals to open loosely.
- Once open imagine a beam of violet light drawn from the center of the lotus flower right up into the sky. As you exhale the light moves into your body, and as you exhale it moves back towards the sky.
- Once it feels comfortable and natural, allow your inner gaze to settle on the crown chakra point on the top of your head.
Tips For Your Crown Chakra Meditations
- Unlike the other 7 chakras, crown chakra meditations call for silence. So find a quiet place, and a little extra time to truly settle into this meditation
- If the silence makes you feel uncomfortable you can use the mantra, Om. However, aim to work towards silent chakra meditations.
- Use a purple amethyst crystal to elevate the energy drawn to your crown chakra during meditation.
find balance with chakra meditations
Our chakras are so tightly interwoven that any offset can be felt all through the body and mind.
A lot of energy and lackluster thoughts and feelings stem from abandoned and abused chakras. It can be a real testament to your love for yourself to begin recognizing the power your chakras hold and carving out self-care in the form of chakra meditations.
It doesn’t take long to feel the benefits of meditation and it is a fantastic way of carving out a little time just for you to restore your inner balance and calm. And if you’re still a little insecure and what to start from the beginning, check out this meditation for beginners guide here.
How did your first meditation go for you? Let us know in the comments!