I have always had a strong interest in magic, ever since I was young. There is something exciting about magic and spells, and I am sure we have all dressed up as witches once or twice when we were kids.
After growing up and developing my own spiritual practices, I soon realized that magic is not just a folktale.

In fact, there are so many of us around the world who actively practice magic and enhance our lives this way. After connecting with like-minded people, I developed my own magical abilities and found ways of bringing abundance and love into my life.
In this article, I am going to look at money spells. Now, I am going to be honest, you can’t perform a simple spell and wake up and win the lottery the next day. You may have seen these quick-fix claims online, but they are mostly just scams that prey on vulnerable people. If it was that easy, we would all be rich!
However, there are money spells that allow you to connect with the energy of the universe to bring abundance into your life.
Money Spells List
If you are new to magic, it can be pretty difficult to know where to start! Because of this, I have researched and devised these five money spells that are perfect for beginners and expert witches alike.
Let’s look at easy money spells that will enhance your life.
Candle Money Spell
Candles are really important tools when it comes to magic. This is because they connect us with one of the earth’s core elements: fire. Fire symbolizes creation and transformation, therefore it is a great element to work with when we are wanting to bring change into our lives.
For this money spell, you will need simply need a green candle, a coin, and a safe space.
Before you begin the spell, find a place where you will not be disturbed. A lot of witches have an altar, and this just means a place where they keep their magical tools and perform their spells. It can be anywhere, as long as you feel relaxed and comfortable!

To begin this spell, you will need to charge the candle. Hold it in your hands and set your intention, repeating the affirmation ‘money will come my way’. If you like, you can mix up the affirmation so it suits you!
Charging the candle is super important, as it allows your energy to connect with the candle. When you feel ready, place the candle in front of you with the coin to its side.
Light the candle and while it burns, carry on repeating your affirmation. Focus on the flame, visualizing your goals. When you feel a lot of energy between you and the candle, pick up the coin and rub it in the palm of your hands.
Make sure the candle burns out safely, and leave the coin with the unlit candle overnight. You may then want to carry the coin around with you in your purse, so the magic is always with you.
Full Moon Money Spell
The moon is a potent magical tool, as it connects us with higher spiritual powers. For this money spell, you will need to wait until there is a full moon. The full moon is when its magic is at its highest, and your own personal powers are more awake.
If you can, it should be performed out in nature under the light of the moon. However, only do this if you feel safe enough to.

Bring a glass of water out into the light of the full moon, and sit somewhere where you can see the moon. This allows your energy to flow and connect with the moon’s energy.
Meditate with the full moon for a while, asking its energy to flow through you. Find a mental and spiritual place where you feel at one with the lunar object.
When you are ready, pick up the glass of water and raise it to the moon. Now, set your intention. Ask the moon to provide you with money and abundance.
Take a moment to allow the water to connect with the moon. When you feel ready, drink the water and allow the lunar energy to flow through your body.
Money Spell With Salt
For most of us, salt is a household ingredient that sits in the cupboard only to be used when we are cooking. However, salt has long been linked to the occult and magic, with cultures around the world using it in order to benefit and enhance their spiritual life.
For this simple money spell for abundance, you will need a white candle and a cup of salt.

Sit down at your altar or safe space, placing the candle and cup of salt in front of you. Touch the salt lightly with your fingertips, taking a moment to really feel the sensation of the salt touching you.
When the salt is on your fingertips, repeat your affirmation for money, ‘I ask the universe to provide me with money and wealth’.
Touch the candle, whilst repeating your affirmation. Allow your spirit to connect with the candle. When you feel ready to, light the candle and watch it burn, whilst chanting your affirmation either out loud or in your head.
Money Bag Spell
This is a really fun money spell as it allows you to get a little bit creative! In this one, we take a drawstring bag and add whatever we want to it that connects us with wealth and abundance.
For this spell, you will first need to find a drawstring bag. It doesn’t have to be that big, as long as it can contain money and gemstones. I recommend purchasing a gold or green bag, as these colors invite wealth into your life.
Then, spend a few days finding objects that connect you with money and good luck. If you can, get your hands on a citrine crystal and green jade gemstone. These are magical tools that bring abundance and luck into your life.
Collect your favorite coins for this spell. I don’t know about you, but I have a small collection of money from around the world that I really feel connected with. This is because I love to travel, and the coins symbolize the freedom I have.

Have a think about other things that symbolize wealth to you. It could be pictures from magazines, small crystals that you have found in craft stores, a certain type of spice or herb… Whatever feels right for you!
When you have collected all your items, sit down at your altar. Place your collection in front of you, lighting a candle. While it burns, repeat your affirmation for money whilst touching all the objects in front of you.
One by one, hold each object and again repeat your affirmation. Then, place them in your drawstring bag. When all objects are in the bag, pull the strings to seal it.
If you can, carry the bag around with you. Or, you may wish to have it by your bed when you sleep. Wherever you feel connected with it!
A Money Spell Using The Sun
When I practice magic, I find it to be most potent when I am surrounded by nature. This is especially true when it comes to spells of money and abundance, as nature is all about growth and change.
For this money spell, all you need is you!
Where in nature do you feel at peace? Is there a specific park or garden where you live that you feel really connected with? Before you do this spell, think about the spot on earth where you feel at one with mother nature.
Now, have a think about the plants and trees that are in this place. Is there a specific tree that you enjoy? Are there some flowers that always fill you with joy when you see them blooming?
When you have picked your spot, wait until the next sunny day. This is because, like the moon, the sun is an incredible spiritual tool. The sun has an amazing energy of abundance and growth, and you need to connect with it in order for this spell to work.

If you are a Tarot reader like me, I suggest bringing the Sun card to the place you go to, as it allows you to have a tangible connection to the sun.
Find your favorite spot, under your favorite tree or beside your favorite flowers, under the glowing sun. Sit down and relax. If you have the Tarot card, place it in front of you or have it in your hands. Close your eyes and meditate for a while, taking in the sensations of your surroundings. How does the sun feel on your skin? How does the grass feel under you?
Inhale and exhale deeply, allowing you to reject negative energy and embrace positivity. When you feel ready, repeat your money affirmations.
I ask the power of the sun to provide me with money and wealth. I thank nature for providing me with what I need.
Repeat this affirmation until you feel ready to open your eyes and carry on with your day. If you want to, keep going back to that spot on sunny days to practice the money spell.
How Money Spell Manifestation Works
If you are new to magic, you might be reading this and thinking, ‘this all sounds great, but how does it actually work?!‘
Magic works because of energy and intentions. When we practice magic, whether we are performing money spells or love spells, we are sending our own intentions and energy out into the universe. The power of the earth is incredible, and we are able to connect our vibrations to the vibrations of the universe.
Money spell manifestations also work with the power of the mind. All affirmations work on the idea that if we repeat something often enough, we will begin to change our behavior and actions.
Best Money Spell Books
If you are interested in money spells and want to dive deeper into this practice, there are so many great books to choose from in order to find the right spells for you! Here are my favorite three money spell books that will help you on your journey towards abundance.
1. Little Guide to Money Magic by Tess Whitehurst
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Tess Whitehurst is a fabulous writer who makes magic accessible. She has been practicing magic for over twenty years now and knows the spiritual importance of incorporating it into your life.
This book guides you through money magic, from setting intentions and changing your mindset, to different crystals and herbs you should use in your practice. The rituals and spells included are easy to follow, perfect for both beginners and magic experts alike!
2. 7 Occult Money Rituals by Henry Archer
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This amazing book is a step to step guide to money spells, firstly rejecting the things that are holding you back and then guiding you in accessing new realms of finance and abundance.
Reading this book is like going on a journey that transforms your life. It allows you to gain a fresh perspective on wealth and money, learning ways to bring it into your life.
3. 40 Money Spells: 40 Days to Wealth Consciousness By Valerie Love
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This book provides you with 40 money spell mantras that allow you to welcome prosperity into your life. It is really well written and provides you with simple daily magical exercises for money.
It also has space to write down your own intentions and personal journey, allowing you to identify what you are wanting from the universe.
Are You Ready To Create Abundance With These Money Spells?
Magic is an amazing tool that we can use daily in order to bring what we want into our lives. These five easy money spells are a great way to start, allowing you to embrace property and change.
If you are new to magic, I would strongly recommend checking out my article with a list of magic spells for beginners and my article on spell books. Reading up on the different ways we can use magic can help us forward on our spiritual journey, creating the life that we deserve.
Good luck!