If you love anything to do with astrology, you may have heard of zodiac sign symbols. Each of the 12 zodiac signs has its own unique symbol that is connected with the sign’s meanings, personality traits, and mythology.
Interestingly, the word zodiac comes from the Ancient Greek term zōdiakòs kýklos, meaning ‘cycle of little animals.’ This name reflects the prominence of animals and mythological creatures in the zodiac sign symbols.
If you want to discover the meaning of your zodiac sign symbol, we have you covered! In this guide, I will go through each sign one by one and look at what their symbols represent.
The Origins of the Zodiac Sign Symbols
The zodiac signs we know and love so well are not modern inventions. In fact, the zodiac was invented 2500 years ago by the Babylonians, who divided the sky into 12 different sections. They then assigned each of the sections names, meanings, and symbols. The zodiacs were fixed in relation to the stars, with the Babylonians using them for guidance and divination.
Over time, the original zodiac sign symbols have evolved. The Ancient Greeks took the zodiac signs developed by the Babylonians, assigned them to 12 houses of the skies, and associated them with their deities. Despite the changes that cultures have made to the zodiac, we can see that many of the zodiac sign symbols stay true to their Babylonian roots.
Zodiac Sign Symbols and Their Meanings
How cool is it that the zodiac signs have been around so long? I love to hear about the history of astrology and how it has always had a significant impact on people’s lives.
So, what are the 12 zodiac sign symbols and their meaning?
Aries Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: March 21 –April 19
- Symbol: Ram
- Planet: Mars
- Element: Fire
- Gods: Ares and Amon
Aries is the first zodiac of the astrological calendar and is represented by the ram. The symbol of this star sign is the head of a ram and is said to reflect Aries’s headstrong and defiant nature. If you know an Aries, you can totally see where this comes from!
The symbol for Aries has been around since Babylonian times, and many different ancient cultures had their own mythological stories surrounding Aries. In Greek mythology, Aries is connected with the story of a magical flying ram with a golden fleece. It is said that the ram was sacrificed and laid in the sky.
Taurus Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: April 20 – May 20
- Symbol: Bull
- Planet: Venus
- Element: Earth
- Gods: Aphrodite and Zeus
The zodiac symbol for Taurus is the face and horns of a bull. The Mesepotians called the constellation of Taurus ‘The Great Bull of Heaven,’ which reveals the power and impact of this star sign. Bulls are seen as courageous, determined, and strong. These are traits we often see in our Taurus friends!
The connection between the bull and Taurus is also seen in Greek mythology. According to the legend, the constellation of Taurus commemorates Zeus. He is said to have shapeshifted into a bull to win over Princess Europa.
Gemini Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: May 21 – June 20
- Symbol: Twins
- Planet: Mercury
- Element: Air
- Gods: Castor and Pollux
Gemini is represented by the twins, with its symbol depicting the Roman numeral for 2. The sign reflects the adaptability of Geminis and how they can change and transform depending on the circumstances.
The constellation of Gemini has two prominent stars known as Castor and Pollux. They were named after twins who appeared in a range of stories in Greek mythology.
Cancer Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: June 21 – July 22
- Symbol: Crab
- Planet: Moon
- Element: Water
- Gods: Luna and Diana
The symbol for Cancer is a crab, which is usually depicted as two pincers lying side by side. As crabs are associated with water, this symbol represents the connection that Cancers have with their intuition. Furthermore, as the element of water rules emotions, we can see the crab also reflecting how Cancers are deeply in tune with their feelings and the feelings of others.
According to Greek mythology, the symbol of the crab represents the Karkinos, which was a giant crab crushed under Hercules’ foot. It is said that the crab came to support Hydra in battle before falling victim to its fate.
Leo Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: July 23 – August 22
- Symbol: Lion
- Planet: Sun
- Element: Fire
- Gods: Hercules and Zeus
The zodiac symbol for Leo is the lion, which is often depicted as a lion’s head and tail. The lion reflects the strong-minded passion of those with the zodiac sign Leo, as those born in Leo tend to be outgoing leaders. They are also brave and sometimes pretty competitive!
The constellation of Leo is said to represent the mythological Nemean lion. The Nemean lion appeared in many Greek tales until it was eventually killed by Hercules.
Virgo Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: August 23 – September 22
- Symbol: Maiden
- Planet: Mercury
- Element: Earth
- Gods: Astraea and Athena
The maiden represents the zodiac of Virgo, with the symbol derived from the Greek abbreviation of parthenos, which means virgin. The virgin maid is associated with wheat and harvest, highlighting the connections Virgos have with planet Earth. Virgos tend to be grounded and practical, with a strong love for mother nature.
The maiden of Virgo is represented in a range of ways in mythology. Ancient Greeks associated her with Astraea, the last mortal to abandon Earth and move to Olympus.
Libra Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: September 22 – October 23
- Symbol: Scales
- Planet: Venus
- Element: Air
- Gods: Themis and Aphrodite
The zodiac symbol for Libra is the scales. This symbol originates from the Scales of Justice held by the Greek goddess of justice and order, Themis. Libras crave balance and harmony, working hard to bring fairness to the world. They are diplomatic and thoughtful, with a strong sense of right and wrong.
Interestingly, Libra was known by the Babylonians as both the scales and the Claws of the Scorpions.
Scorpio Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: October 23 – November 21
- Symbol: Scorpion
- Planet: Mars and Pluto
- Element: Water
- Gods: Hades
A scorpion represents Scorpios, with the symbol depicted as a scorpion with a stinging tail. If you know a Scorpio, you have probably fallen victim to that stinging tail from time to time! However, just like the animal, Scorpios are pretty misunderstood. The sting in the tail of both scorpions and Scorpios is used for defense when they feel afraid or threatened. Scorpios are guided by their intuition and crave security and safety. However, when this is threatened, they can get pretty defensive!
According to Greek mythology, the scorpion connected to this star sign is one that Artemis and Leto sent to kill Orion. Both, when killed, were placed in the sky as a reminder of the risks of feeble and egotistical fights.
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: November 22 – December 21
- Symbol: Archer
- Planet: Jupiter
- Element: Fire
- Gods: Chiron and Crotus
Sagittarius is represented by the archer, with the symbol depicting the bow and arrow of a centaur. The centaur is a mythical creature with the lower body of a horse and the upper body of a human. According to mythology, they are free and untamed spirits who help humanity grow and develop. Those born with their sun in Sagittarius tend to be adventurous and imaginative, with that free spirit that connects them with the centaur.
In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is associated with the centaur Chiron. He was a wise and intelligent centaur and a renowned mentor to many heroes of mythology, such as Achilles and Jason. Chiron helped these heroes, guiding them toward bravery and justice.
Capricorn Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: December 22 – January 19
- Symbol: Sea Goat
- Planet: Saturn
- Element: Earth
- Gods: Pan and Enki
The mythological sea goat represents Capricorn, with the symbol depicting a head and body of a goat with the tail of a fish. The mix of water and earth in this symbol reflects the ambition and determination of many Capricorns, with the horn representing their stubborn nature.
The sea goat is a mythological creature that has appeared throughout history. The Sumerian god of wisdom was also half goat and half fish, and the sea god associated with Capricorns first appeared in Babylonian mythology to represent Enki. Enki was the god of water, wisdom, and creation, and it is said that he helped in creating the world.
Aquarius Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: January 20 – February 18
- Symbol: Water Carrier
- Planet: Uranus and Saturn
- Element: Air
- Gods: Ganymede and Deucalion
The water carrier represents the zodiac of Aquarius, with the star sign depicted as two ripples of water. This reflects the flow of ideas and creativity that comes from those born with their sun in Aquarius, who are known to be independent and forward-thinking.
The zodiac of Aquarius has many mythological stories attached to it. One legend involves Zeus sending out his son to pour water from heaven on the earth to destroy it.
Pisces Zodiac Sign Symbols
- Dates: February 19 – March 20
- Symbol: Fishes
- Planet: Neptune and Jupiter
- Element: Water
- Gods: Poseidon and Aphrodite
The zodiac sign Pisces is represented by two fish depicted side by side. These fish are often seen as going in different directions, reflecting the dreamy and dual nature of many Pisces. As fish are connected to the element of water, we can also see how this symbol reveals how Pisces’ are intuitive and compassionate.
The fish that appear in the symbol for Pisces are said to represent the fish that Aphrodite and Eros transformed into when escaping the monster Typhon. Interestingly, the god Pan also had to change to escape this monster. He decided to change into a sea goat, which represents Capricorns.
Do You Relate To Your Zodiac Sign Symbol?
These 12 zodiac sign symbols date back to the Babylonians and have appeared in many cultures throughout history. They have influenced our understanding of astrology for centuries, allowing us to connect to our zodiac and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.
Do you relate to your zodiac sign symbol? Perhaps you are a brave Leo who connects with the lion. Or, maybe you are a Libra who values justice and sees the scales as a perfect representation of yourself. As a Capricorn, I definitely have always had a soft spot for goats!
If you are big into astrology, we have loads of content here for you to check out! Take a look at our other articles:
- Learn all about air signs and their traits.
- Discover how Cancer season affects your zodiac sign.
- Find out what modality signs are in astrology.