Angel colors can help you connect with your angel, god, or what you believe to be ‘the source.’ However, if you’re new to the wild and varied world of modern-day spiritualism, there’s just one thing you really need to know in the beginning.
No matter what you believe in, there is something out there that will resonate with your soul. For many of us, we grew up already believing in the possibility of angels.
Guardian angels have a higher vibrational frequency than us. They’re divine spirits that serve as a bridge between us and higher powers, providing gentle nudges of guidance and protection throughout our journeys.
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Key Takeaways:
- Angel colors infuse your surroundings with distinct energetic vibrations, resonating with the essence of divine beings.
- Embrace the healing presence of angelic hues, bringing comfort, balance, and positive transformation to your spiritual and emotional well-being.
- Angel colors communicate symbolically, appearing in your life as messages from the celestial realm, encouraging attentiveness to the nuances of your experiences.
The Seven Angel Colors Explained

For those of us who believe in the presence of angels, knowing and understanding their colors can help us strengthen our bond with them and identify them.
These angel colors can also help us focus our prayers on the angel who is best equipped to help us in our times of need. Let’s delve into these different colors and their spiritual energies.
1. White Angel Color
White light, in the realm of angelic colors, is often associated with purity, clarity, and divine protection. It signifies a high vibrational frequency, representing the presence of holy angels and spiritual guides.
When you encounter this color, it may indicate a call to purify your thoughts, actions, or surroundings. It’s a symbol of spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and a reminder that you’re surrounded by divine light and guidance.
Embracing the energy of the white angelic color can bring a sense of peace, clarity, and a stronger connection to the spiritual dimensions.
The angel color white represents the angel Gabriel.
2. Green Angel Color
Green is commonly linked to healing, growth, and balance. When you encounter this hue, it often signifies the presence of healing energy and the support of green angels, like Archangel Raphael. He’s the angel of healing.
Green represents the renewal of health, whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual. It encourages you to embrace a sense of harmony and balance in your life, fostering growth and rejuvenation.
This color may also be a sign that your heart chakra is opening or that you’re receiving healing energy from the angelic realm.
Overall, this color carries a message of well-being, renewal, and the potential for positive transformations in various aspects of your life.
Green represents the Archangel Raphael.
3. Blue Angel Color
Blue is often associated with communication, truth, and divine protection. Encountering the blue hue suggests a strong connection with the energy of blue angels, like Archangel Michael. This blue angel represents power, protection, and guidance.
Blue represents clarity of communication and encourages you to express yourself truthfully. It symbolizes the presence of calming and soothing energies, offering a sense of peace and tranquility.
When you see this color, it may be a sign that your angels support you in speaking your truth, finding inner peace, and providing you with the strength to overcome challenges.
The angel color blue represents the Archangel Michael.
4. Yellow Angel Color

The yellow angel color is often associated with joy, positivity, and enlightenment. Encountering this hue suggests a connection with the energy of Archangel Jophiel, known as the angel of beautiful thoughts and joy.
Yellow represents the uplifting and energizing qualities of the sun, symbolizing optimism and enlightenment. When you see this color, it may be a reminder to approach life with a positive attitude, embrace joy, and seek the light in every situation.
This color encourages you to open your mind to new possibilities, gain clarity, and welcome a sense of happiness and warmth into your life. This angel appearing in your life is encouraging you to focus on the brighter side of your journey.
The angel color yellow represents the angel Jophiel.
5. Red Angel Color
Red is often associated with passion, strength, and divine love. Encountering this bold hue suggests a connection with the energy of red angels, like Archangel Uriel, known as the angel of wisdom, enlightenment, and wise service.
Red symbolizes vitality, courage, and a strong connection to the life force. When you see this color, it may be a sign that your angels encourage you to tap into your inner strength, pursue your passions, and embrace a sense of divine love in all aspects of your life.
This color can also signify protection and a powerful presence of angelic energy, guiding you to take bold and confident steps in your journey. Embrace the red energy as a symbol of courage, passion, and the loving support of your celestial guardians.
The angel color red represents the Archangel Uriel.
6. Purple Angel Color
Purple is often associated with spirituality, intuition, and divine guidance. Encountering this regal hue suggests a connection with the energy of Archangel Zadkiel, known as the angel of mercy and transformation.
Purple represents a higher spiritual consciousness and the activation of the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition and insight.
When you see this color, it may be a sign that your guardian angel wants you to trust your inner wisdom, explore your spiritual path, and seek a deeper connection with the divine. This color also signifies transformation and the potential for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
In other words, you should listen to your intuition, trust the spiritual guidance you receive, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
The angel color purple represents the angel Zadkiel.
7. Pink Angel Color
Pink represents peace, compassion, and nurturing energy. This color represents love as well, so encountering this gentle hue suggests a connection with the energy of Archangel Chamuel, known as the angel of love and relationships.
Pink symbolizes unconditional love, harmony, and a sense of emotional healing. When you see this color, it may be a sign that your angels surround you with loving and supportive energies, inviting you to open your heart to give and receive love.
This color also signifies a focus on self-love and compassion, encouraging you to nurture yourself and others. Therefore, the pink vibrational energy is a reminder to cultivate peaceful relationships.
The angel color pink represents the Archangel Chamuel.
How to Use Angel Colors: 10 Common Ways

Many people use angel colors in a variety of different ways to connect, communicate with, and summon their needed angels, including color visualization, chakras, crystal color choices, etc.
There’s a multitude of ways to use angel colors that connect with you on a spiritual level. Here’s a breakdown of common ways to use these colors:
1. Visualization
For those who pray, visualizing the color of your angel can help you connect with them faster and more directly. As you talk to them, pull your chosen color to the front of your mind and allow it to wash over you.
But what if you don’t pray? Don’t worry; prayer can be uncomfortable for many of us, and this doesn’t mean you will be excluded from the power of angel colors.
Meditation can be the perfect time to visualize your needs or questions while focusing strongly on your chosen angel color.
2. Candles
Many people choose to burn candles of the same color as their desired focus as they pray or meditate. Some who choose not to pray or meditate may write down their questions or desire for help on a piece of paper and leave it by the colored candle as it burns.
3. Chakras
Many people use different areas of the body to enhance their prayer through the power of chakras—the different energy centers of the human body.
We have seven chakras in total, and each one has a symbolic color, which can be linked to the angel colors above.
Many people will use chakra-opening exercises such as singing, dancing, and even certain yoga moves, which help them connect more deeply with their angels through the power of their color.
4. Crystals
Many people believe that different crystals hold their vibrational energy. In fact, crystals have been used for generations as additions to prayer, meditation, and healing ceremonies.
So, it’s no surprise that many people use crystals to help them communicate with their angels. Choosing a matching color crystal and then either wearing it daily or weaving it into your spiritual practices can help strengthen your relationship and connection with your angel.
5. Wardrobe Choices
Select clothing in the colors associated with your angel for the day. Wearing these angel colors can serve as a physical reminder of your connection with the angelic realm and help you align with the specific energies represented by the color.
6. Altar or Sacred Space
Create an altar or dedicated space in your home adorned with items in angelic colors. This can be a focal point for your prayers, meditations, or moments of reflection, amplifying the presence of your chosen angelic energy.
7. Color Bathing
Incorporate the angel colors into your bathing routine. Use bath salts, oils, or even colored lighting that corresponds to your chosen angelic color. Allow the water and colors to envelop you, promoting a sense of spiritual cleansing and rejuvenation.
8. Nature Connection
Spend time in nature surrounded by the colors associated with your angel. Whether it’s flowers, trees, or natural landscapes, immersing yourself in these colors outdoors can enhance your connection with the angelic energies.
9. Color-Infused Food
Incorporate foods that share the color of your chosen angel into your diet. This can be a symbolic way to nourish your body and soul, aligning yourself with the positive energies associated with the different angel colors.
10. Digital Wallpaper or Screensavers
Set your digital devices’ wallpaper or screensaver to the angelic color. This constant visual reminder can bring the energy of color into your daily life, serving as a continuous connection to your angelic guide.
Remember to choose a spiritual practice that feels natural and meaningful to you, enhancing your connection with a specific angel.
Angel Colors: The Light Rays of Archangels
In essence, angel colors serve as a bridge between our earthly existence and the ethereal realms. Whether worn as a daily reminder, incorporated into meditation practices, or reflected in the surroundings, these hues offer a tangible connection to divine energies.
Diving into angel colors welcomes you to discover love, wisdom, and transformation on your spiritual path.
As we surround ourselves with these radiant hues, we open ourselves to the whispers of angels, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and the sacred path we tread.
Kim says
I am still puzzled, confused and left with the thoughts of what I saw. I was sick and laying in bed I was not asleep but closed my eyes and prayed God please don’t let me die tonight, please don’t let me daughter be the one to find me in the morning. I then opened my eyes and clear as day I seen a huge white angel wings out above me and to my left beside the bed was a huge dark gray chrome colored angel standing there looking at me and I could tell it was male and his wings were down by his side. What could this mean. I can’t stop thinking about it. What am I missing, who are they, why were they there? I’ve never had anything like this happen before and I am 45. Any answers or ideas would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
UGH says
I don’t know what it means but you left us hanging you open your eyes you have an angel in your room did you talk to it did it vanish Into Thin Air did it start walking around and having conversation with you why didn’t you ask it questions? Etc
there’s also some people who would tell you that it’s a demon that is shapeshifting to make you believe you have an angel but I don’t think I believe this kind of stuff all I know is it wasn’t until my fifties that I met the first ghost or paranormal Force in my room that spoke the daylight side of me then it happened again the 3rd or 4th Place I moved after that never in my entire childhood or adult life had I ever encountered any such things so I don’t know what to tell you they keep saying that messing with the LHC and Switzerland is causing portals to open in these entities to come into our reality before I suddenly drunk people be living to that stuff
Desmnnd says
It’s very good to be on this page and very intresting too
Little Jess says
Does anyone happen to know an arch angel or anything spiritual that would resonate w both blue & red. Had a vision of a sword. the florescent color blue was most of it like it glew & I believe I read color or diamond that was red at top of hand of sword or right above handle where the sword blade part begins. the day after did a meditation thing w many ppl & they were being sent a gift from the blue avian girl, Seven(her name may not b spelled right) on TT. I feel i was seeing the gift sent to me night before that mediation. even tho it’s already happened, everything’s already happened. we just catch up in 3D Physical.. make sense? So I thought it could resonate w an arch angel or (2 colors blue & red but also a sword), or w a race of extra terrestrials. Are the Auctetians the same as a blue avian? Thank you. love & light
Pattie Carey says
Thank you for this. Oh my good I just kept hearing pink wings and seeing pink. Thank you for helping me connect to Chamuel
Wille says
You are very welcome! Bless you
Felicia says
What archangel is associated with orange?
Erin says
Beautiful I see white light . It’s comforting to be in direst contact and protection of the Devine
Wille says
Hey Erin! That is beautiful. The world is full of magic things waiting to be seen when our senses grow sharper. Love and light