When it comes to astrology, there is so much to learn about! Over the years, I have developed my understanding of astrology by reading books and studying my birth chart. Every discovery brings fresh clarity regarding myself and my connection with the universe. Astrology sheds light on who we are and what we can do to get what we want out of the world.
If you are new to astrology, it can seem pretty overwhelming! Thankfully, we are here to help you understand each different aspect of it. Today, we are going to look at modality signs. These signs are linked to sun signs, with the 12 zodiacs broken down into three groups.
So, what do modality signs actually mean, and what modality sign are you?
Cardinal Signs Explained in Astrology
The 12 sun signs of the zodiac are broken down in various ways. You may know that your sun sign is linked to an element. For example, Capricorns and Virgos are connected to the element of earth. But did you know that the zodiacs are also divided into three modality signs: fixed, mutable, and cardinal?
These are called the three modalities in astrology and reflect your style of behavior. These are ways we approach tasks, work, and life as a whole, and by learning what we are, we can discover our pros and cons and work with them.
We can view these three modalities as a symbol of three life conditions. Cardinal zodiac signs are the creators. They are the zodiac signs that start every season. Fixed zodiac signs have the energy of preservation. They are determined, hardworking, and have their eyes solely on the prize. Lastly, we have mutable signs which reflect transformation. These signs are at the end of every season and lean into change and growth.
Let’s dive deeper into these three modalities and how each zodiac sign is represented.
Cardinal Zodiac Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn
If you have a cardinal modality sign, you are a leader and a doer. You know how to get things done and will always plan before acting. Cardinal signs never shy away from taking the lead and know how to organize people to make the most out of their qualities.
They are always fantastic people to work with. People with a cardinal zodiac sign are motivated to begin projects and move forward with ideas and plans. Plus, they tend to lift up those around them in the process. Nobody gets left behind or overlooked in the work place if a cardinal zodiac sign is running it!
Planning plays a key role in how they interact with the world, and this is not just regarding work. In relationships, people with a cardinal zodiac always tend to be looking toward the future and working out the next step. They know the importance of working with their partner to create a harmonious and healthy relationship.
Of course, each cardinal sign does this in their own way.
Capricorns are famous for being determined and hardworking individuals, and they tend to flourish in their careers. They harness the energy of the cardinal modality by planning and focusing on work and hobbies.
Capricorns push themselves and those around them toward success and know how to put their best foot forward. Of course, they can sometimes be a little bit blunt and insensitive when it comes to their work. However, they always come through to help others when they are in need.
Many people think that emotions and relationships aren’t a top priority for the ambitious Capricorns. However, this is simply because they approach relationships in their own way. They use the cardinal sign energy of planning and organization to allow their relationships to flourish.
Cancers harness the energy of the cardinal modality in the home. They tend to put their loved ones first and, in return, are seen as the figurehead for their family.
Those born with their sun in Cancer are deeply in tune with their emotions and are natural homebodies. They have the drive to create and lead their family and friendship groups, helping others on their journies.
Cancers are highly artistic signs that lean into the vibes of creation that cardinal zodiac signs represent. They love to create and express themselves in new ways.
Aries are the first to bring forth new ideas connected to their passion and inspiration. They know how to take the initiative to achieve their goals and create new and exciting energy.
Those born with their sun in Aries tend to express their cardinal energy by motivating others. They inspire those around them to tap into their own fiery energy and get artistic and creative. When it comes to love, they are always their partner’s cheerleader. They know exactly what they want from a relationship and know what they need to do to find it.
Lastly, we have Libras. Diplomatic and loyal, Libras lead their friendship group and bring balance to the world.
Those born with their sun in Libra are great at guiding others and divvying out tasks. This is a fantastic personality trait to have in the workplace and also helpful when it comes to friends and family. Libras will maintain a balance in the social groups they are involved with and help others get their voice heard.
Are Cardinal Signs Compatible?
Those with cardinal modality signs tend to be strong, determined leaders. This means that, sometimes, conflict will arise between them. All four cardinal signs enjoy taking charge and often think that their way is the right way.
However, the other aspects of their signs tend to balance it out. A Capricorn and a Cancer relationship can run smoothly as both signs have their own way of expressing their cardinal energy. Capricorns may find it relieving to be with a Cancer who wishes to take control of the home, as they may want to focus on their work!
Fixed Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius
Fixed modality signs are often trustworthy and determined. They have a lot of focus and bring the energy of stability and security to the world. Fixed signs tend to be fiercely loyal and can always be counted on.
People with a fixed zodiac sign are extremely disciplined and will see any project through to the end. When it comes to love, they lean into commitment and will put a lot of work into what they want from a relationship.
Of course, this means that those with a fixed zodiac sign can find change pretty tricky. They don’t like it when their plan goes awry and sometimes struggle to get things back on track.
If you know a Taurus, it is probably unsurprising that they are a fixed modality sign. These loyal and hardworking individuals are always focused on their goals and always tend to achieve them. A lover of luxury and nice things, those born with their sun in Taurus will always put the work in to get to where they dream of being.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign, and this means that they value stability at home and work. They move towards their goals slowly but surely, with all aspects of the situation considered.
Leo is a fixed fire sign, which brings a balance to their outgoing nature. Those born with their sun in Leo tend to be pretty charismatic, with a love of being the center of attention. Yet, the fixed nature of this sign means that they are always reliable and have the strength to tackle and overcome any obstacles.
Those born with their sun in Leo tend to be courageous and determined. Of course, their fiery, energetic side allows them to express themselves and have fun. However, their fixed nature means that they are reliable regarding work and relationships. They don’t let people down and will always be there for you when you are in need.
Scorpios are incredibly loyal. I feel this sign is often misunderstood. They have their sting in their tail and can be stubborn. But deep down, they simply want a stable and fulfilling home life. They sometimes get it wrong, but ultimately, Scorpios have strong fixed energy that brings stability and clarity into their lives.
Because Scorpio is a water sign, emotions will often rule. They can sometimes get stuck in their emotions. However, their wish for stability and security pushes them out of their rut and allows them to move forward.
Finally, we have the creative and dreamy Aquarius sign. Their free-nature spirit is always connected to reality through their fixed energy, with a focus on big dreams and ideas.
Those born with their sun in Aquarius are fantastic at transforming ideas into reality. Because of their fixed energy, they will not give up easily on their dreams. They know that patience and diligence will allow them to find success and fulfillment.
Are Fixed Signs Compatible?
People with fixed modality signs tend to get along because they understand hard work and forward planning. They value honesty and loyalty, and those with a fixed modality sign will often find their soulmate has a fixed sign, too.
Stability is important to fixed signs, allowing relationships between them to be built on support and trust.
Mutable Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces
The mutable modality signs signify the end of the season and are adaptable and spontaneous. They never break when facing change and chaos and will always find a way to find a solution to any problem.
People will a mutable star sign tend to be very good communicators. They are witty and intelligent, with a great ability to make friends easily. Their flexible nature means that they are able to connect with all types of people on deeper levels.
Geminis are incredibly versatile people who always approach the world with positivity. They embody the energy of mutable signs through their approach to other people. The life of the party, Geminis thrive when meeting new people or trying new things.
Geminis love discovering new ideas and learning all about the views of others. They are never fixed in their beliefs and will always consider other people’s opinions.
Virgo is a mutable earth sign, which means they are a little more impulsive than the other earth signs. They are loyal and hardworking and are incredibly adaptable under pressure. They love planning but are never thrown off when their plan changes.
Like other earth signs, those born with their sun in Virgo are practical individuals who clearly understand their goals. They tend to be super productive with a keen eye for details. Yet, their mutable nature allows them to go with the flow regarding their ambitions and be open to change.
The adventurous nature of those born with their sun in Sagittarius is heightened by their mutable sign energy. They love action and exploration and spread enthusiasm and optimism wherever they go.
Those born with their sun in Sagittarius are great leaders. However, they rarely put themselves forward at the start. But when things go off track, they will step up and use their mutable energy to sort it all out!
Sagittarians are deep thinkers who love hearing about new ideas regarding religion and philosophy. Because they are a mutable sign, they are incredibly open-minded and will always listen to the views of others.
The last mutable sign is Pisces, and people with this sun sign embrace change regarding dreams and ideas. They love to explore new ideas and are great at helping people get their emotions flowing.
Ruled by the element of water, those born with their sun in Pisces are great problem-solvers regarding emotions. They tap into the flexible and open-minded nature of mutable signs to figure out ways to overcome problems and promote change.
Are Mutable Signs Compatible?
Mutable modality signs will often get along with each other because of the way they approach communication and connections. They love adventure and discovery, making them great friends and partners.
Modality Signs: Do You Relate To Yours?
It is fascinating to dive deep into astrology and discover how we can understand ourselves this way. I am sure I am not the only one who thinks ‘that totally makes sense‘ when finding new things out about myself and my friends regarding star signs. Learning about the modality signs helps us know more about ourselves and others. From the mutable energy providing Virgos with adaptability to the fixed energy bringing stability to fiery Leos, modality signs give us depth to our zodiac knowledge.
Do you relate to your modality sign? Does it reflect how to experience the world?