Protection spells are one of the oldest forms of magic, having been used for centuries throughout the world. Because of their popularity, they have seeped into modern life.
I am sure I am not the only one who will throw salt over their shoulder if it’s been spilled. Plus, I always see the traditional evil eye symbol in jewelry nowadays. This ancient symbol of protection is still popular to this day, as we are drawn to its spiritual energy.
These different magical forms of protection seem second nature to a lot of us, but did you know that there are protection spells you can perform to enhance your spiritual wellbeing?
In this article, I want to talk through some simple protection spells that are perfect for beginners. They are a form of white magic and can be used to protect our souls, our belongings, and our loved ones.
Protection Spell For Banishing Negativity
This powerful protection spell is to banish negative energy from your life. I always like to perform a protection spell every few months or so, as it usually makes me feel better straight away.
It is a pretty hectic and scary world right now, and this means that negative energy can seep into our homes and minds. So, this easy spell is designed to banish any negativity that is affecting us.
For this protection spell, you will need:
- A small mason jar
- 7 needles or pins
- Pen and paper
- Black candle
- Rosemary
- Step One: Write Down Anything You Are Concerned About
After centering yourself at your altar with your magical tools, take a moment to think about where you are in life right now. Is there anything specific you need to banish from your life?
What sort of negativity is impacting your life? Is there someone bringing you down? Are you worried about anything in particular?
If so, write down your intentions on your piece of paper. This can be specific or general, depending on what you need to ask the universe! Then, when you are ready, add the paper into the jar.
step Two: Add the Pins or Needles
After you have put the paper in the jar, add the pins or needles on top. Put them in the jar one by one whilst visualizing any bad energy that you need to banish.
By doing this, you are able to put the negative energy into the needles. It is important to take your time with this step, to make sure the energy is attaching itself to the needles.
Step three: Add the Rosemary and Seal the Jar
After the needles are in the jar, take your rosemary and place it on top of the other items. Rosemary is an amazing protective herb, which sends forward energy of healing and power. It will neutralize and banish the negative energy from the needles and paper.
When you have placed it in the jar, seal it and put it on your altar.
Step Four: Light the CANDLE
Light the black candle next to the jar and ask the universe for protection. Meditate with the flame, acknowledging its power. If you want, hold the candle over the jar and allow the wax to drip down on the jar. This further seals it, allowing the negative energy to be contained inside of it.
When working with candles, it is important to never blow out a candle. Always watch it burn down, or use a candle snuffer. This means that the power of the spell will be as potent as it can be.
Step Five: Bury the Jar
The last step in this protection spell is to dispose of the jar. Now, because you have used rosemary and a black candle, the negative energy in the jar isn’t that strong. This means you can dispose of it in whichever way you want.
However, I would recommend burying the jar out in nature if you can. This allows mother earth to rid any lingering negative energy from the jar.
Protection Spell To Protect Yourself
This simple protection spell is perfect to practice if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed. It asks the universe to protect you and send you positive energy. Oh, and it is super simple, too!
For this spell, you will need:
- A white candle
- Black tourmaline
Step One: Cleanse The Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is one of my favorite crystals. I actually wear it most days! It is a really powerful crystal of protection, and this means that it is super important to cleanse and charge it.
I recommend performing this spell at night, after leaving the black tourmaline out in the sunshine for a whole day. This allows the powers of the sun to cleanse the crystal of any negative energy it might be holding onto.
Step Two: Charge the Black Tourmaline
When the night falls, bring the black tourmaline inside. Sit at your altar and hold it in your hands, clasped to your chest.
Allow yourself to really feel the sensation of the crystal in your hand. How does it feel to you? Can you feel any energy flowing through the stone and into you?
It is useful to close your eyes at this point to really connect your soul with the black tourmaline. I like to visualize a beam of light running through my body and into the crystal.
Step three: Light the Candle
Place the black tourmaline by the candle and light it. Take a moment to connect with the flame, meditating on your situation in life right now.
Is there any negativity that needs addressing? Is something bothering you?
Now is the time to identify anything that you need protection from.
Step four: Repeat Affirmations
When ready, now is the time to repeat affirmations of protection.
Close your eyes and speak out loud the following words of affirmation:
‘I ask the universe to protect me
From dangers and ill intent
I turn to the earth, the sun, and the moon
And with this candle and this crystal, I am protected‘
Step Five: Finish the Spell
When you feel you have repeated the affirmation enough, open your eyes. Bring your attention to the candle and the crystal, and further form the bond between you and the items.
Either wait until the candle has burned out, or use a candle snuffer. Then, take the black tourmaline and hold it in your hand for a moment. How does it feel now? Does it feel the same as before, or any different?
If you can, carry the black tourmaline around with you. This will provide you with protection at all times.
Protection Spell For Friends and Family
The next protection spell is designed to be cast on friends and loved ones. When we are worried about someone, we may often think that there is nothing we can do to help them.
However, a simple protection spell can send positive energy their way. We can ask the universe for help in protecting those we care about, using magical items in our practice.
For this protection spell you will need:
- A pen and paper, or a photo of the person you are wishing to protect
- Salt
- Black pepper
- Rosemary
- Water (it is best to use natural water, such as rain water or water from a stream)
- Wooden Spoon
Step One: Prepare Your Altar and Magical Items
Place your objects on your altar, with a bowl of the water in the center. Take the pen and paper and write down your friend’s name. Write down any worries you may have about this person. If you are using a photograph of the person, write down the worries on the back of the picture.
Then, prop the picture or paper up in front of the bowl of water.
Step Two: Add the Items to the Water
Now, add the different items into the water, using the wooden spoon to mix it up.
Put the salt in first, and repeat the words, ‘with this salt, negative energy is banished from (names) life.
When putting the black pepper in, repeat the words, ‘with this black pepper, (names) can connect with their inner strength and personal power.
Next, place the rosemary into the water, repeating, ‘with this rosemary, (names) is protected from harm and distress.
Step Three: Soak the photograph or paper
When you feel ready, gently place the photograph or paper into the mixture. Allow it to soak up the water, and take a moment to thank the universe for its help.
I always find it useful to remember my friend’s strength at this point. Identify the wonderful things about your friend, and send energy of love and support into the universe.
Step Four: Discard the Water
Finally, take the photo or paper out of the water and place it on your altar. Leave it there to dry overnight before putting it away.
Next, take the bowl of water and take it out into nature. Pour it back into a stream, or in a wooded area. This further connects your spell to mother earth, allowing the powers of the universe to protect your friend.
Protection Spell for the Home
This next spell allows you to protect your personal space. It is designed to be used for the home, but it can be used for your workspace or studio.
In this spell, you will create a powerful protection mixture that you can keep in your home for long-term protection.
For this spell, you will need:
- Cleansing sage (for smudging)
- Salt
- Rosemary
- Bay leaves
- Lavender
- A needle
- A small mason jar
Step One: Cleanse Your Space and Items
Firstly, gather all the ingredients and lay them out on your altar. Make sure you have everything you need for the spell. After opening the windows of your room, light the sage.
Spend a while smudging the room with the sage, allowing it to get rid of any negativity that might be lingering. When you feel ready, place the sage down. You may wish to put the sage out, but if you have a fireproof bowl, you can let it burn throughout the rest of the spell.
Step Two: Add the Items into the Mason Jar
Add the needle into the jar first, as this symbolizes anything that you are in need of protection from. Then, add the salt and herbs.
When putting the items into the mason jar, repeat the following affirmations:
‘I ask the universe for protection
For myself, my home, and my safe space
With this magical mixture
Myself, my home, and my safe space are protected’
Step three: Seal the Jar and Shake it
When you have put all the items into the jar, seal it up. You can then shake the ingredients together, repeating the affirmation above.
If the sage is still burning, take the jar through the smoke. This will make sure that there is no negative energy in the jar.
Then, place your magical mixture somewhere around your home. I recommend putting it by your door or a window as this will help repel any negative energy from entering your home.
Use These Protection Spells To Enhance Your Life
These powerful protection spells are perfect for beginners, using ingredients and tools that can be purchased easily. However, they are still super powerful spells and really work at protecting you, your home, and your loved ones from harm!
If you are new to magic, I recommend purchasing a spell book to further your knowledge. There are so many great spell books that have detailed spells, history of the craft, and top tips inside.
Good luck on your magical journey!