From October 23rd to November 21st, Scorpio season takes hold. A star sign ruled by the planets Pluto and Mars and the element of water, Scorpios tend to be complex and passionate.
Often misunderstood, those born with their Sun in Scorpio are famous for having that sting in their tail. But what about Scorpio men? Do they live up to that defensive stereotype of this sign? Or can they open up and let love in?
Whether you are a Scorpio man yourself or have a special Scorpio man in your life, reflecting on the zodiac traits helps you gain a deeper understanding of how the Scorpio man interacts with the world.
Let’s explore Scorpio men and discover their unique qualities and traits.
Scorpio Men Traits
On the surface, Scorpio men can appear quiet and distant. They are always pretty guarded with their emotions. But don’t interpret this as them not having any. As a water sign, Scorpio men feel a lot but prefer to keep their feelings to themselves until they genuinely trust someone.
Like their namesake, Scorpio guys have a hard shell for protection. They do not let other people in quickly, taking their time to warm up to new friends and romances. However, once they have opened up, Scorpio men are some of the most trustworthy people in the world. They are fiercely loyal to those they love and will go above and beyond to support the people in their life.

Scorpio men are curious and forward-thinking. They love to discover new aspects of the world, exploring ideas and theories that will help them expand their knowledge. They are also one of the bravest zodiac signs, staying true to their beliefs and defending those that need it to the ends of the earth.
Scorpio Men Negative Traits
Of course, nobody is perfect, and Scorpios are no different. They can be pretty stubborn and have a bit of a possessive nature when it comes to friends and partners. This is all down to their insecurities and the worry that they have made a mistake by opening up. Oh, and they can totally hold grudges. If you have done a Scorpio man wrong, you will know it.
Scorpio men are ruled by Mars, which is the planet of passion and desire. You see this energy in a Scorpio man once you get to know them. But, as Mars is the planet of war, its influence can also negatively affect Scorpio men. Scorpio men can have a destructive and argumentative streak to them. When they are upset with you, they are really upset with you.
Scorpio Men In Relationships
So, what are Scorpio guys like in a relationship? Scorpio men tend to be extremely loyal and dependable as a partner. When they commit, they really commit, valuing romance and deep connections. Being a water sign, Scorpio men are deeply in tune with their emotions, listening to their heart to guide them in love.
When it comes to romance, Scorpio men are all in. They will plan romantic dates, bring flowers, and hide little love notes for their partner to find. They can be super cute and sweet and always aim to lift their partner up.
As Mars rules them, it is no surprise that Scorpio men are passionate and spontaneous. They are the old-school romantics and the Knights in shining armor. They love being in love and will do anything for their partner. If this is your type of guy, you are in luck with a Scorpio! However, their all-in nature can get a bit annoying for some. They have a jealous streak and can be a little bit possessive over their partners.
If you are dating a Scorpio man, know that this aspect of them is all down to their insecurities and worries. However, possessiveness in a relationship is not cool. If you have a controlling partner, put yourself first and get out of there quick!
Thankfully, most Scorpios know how to keep this aspect of themselves in check. They may need reassurance from time to time. Deep down, they just want to love and be loved.
Scorpio Men Compatibility
Turning to Zodiac compatibility can help us determine the best matches for a Scorpio man. They work well with their fellow water signs, Cancer and Pisces.
Those born with their sun in Cancer tend to be incredibly loyal and provide Scorpio men with the security and love that they crave. Both signs bring out the best of each other, with the Cancer helping to ease the insecurities of a Scorpio. In return, the Scorpio will provide the Cancer with emotional support and feelings of safety.
Again, the emotional maturity of a Pisces will give a Scorpio love and harmony. They also both tend to be pretty creative, sharing a passion for art and music.
Another compatible match for a Scorpio man is someone born with their sun in Virgo. Virgos are incredibly loyal to their partners and will dedicate themselves to their happiness and well-being. As we know, Scorpios are also extremely dedicated to their partners, allowing a Virgo and Scorpio match to maintain a strong and supportive relationship.
Scorpio Men and Work
Like his attitude towards relationships, a Scorpio man takes his work very seriously. He commits to his career and works hard to get to where he dreams of being. Scorpio guys tend to be extremely intelligent and love challenges, meaning they thrive in fast-paced careers.
When a Scorpio man faces obstacles, he carefully and slowly works through them. Nothing throws them off, as they believe in themselves and their abilities.
Scorpios love unlocking the secrets of the universe and find repetitive jobs incredibly dull. You won’t find a Scorpio man stuck doing the same thing day in and day out. They want to explore, discover, and advance their career path.
Best Jobs for Scorpio Men
The best careers for Scorpio men are ones that challenge them. Jobs in research and the sciences are perfect for them, as these careers provide the Scorpio man with opportunities for discovery and growth. They are not afraid to go their own way and change things up, so they tend to thrive in careers that let them explore on their own terms.
Engineering, technology, and medicine are also fantastic career choices for Scorpio guys, as these jobs allow them to use their smarts productively and pave the way for discoveries and change. Bill Gates, a Scorpio, is famous for founding the world’s largest computer software company and is highly vocal regarding world change. From AI to climate change, he is constantly searching for solutions to the problems humanity faces. That Scorpio passion never goes away!
Oh, and who could forget about the creative streak of Scorpio men? Their passionate charm and emotional intelligence allow them to express themselves in music and art, making a career in the arts suitable.
Scorpio Men and Spirituality
The sensitive nature of a Scorpio man means that they are often extremely in tune with their spiritual side. They want to believe and will spend ages searching for the spiritual ideals and philosophies that suit them. Once they connect with their spirituality, they maintain focus and work to explore the deep wisdom of their souls.
It is not uncommon for Scorpio men to use their spirituality to guide themselves and others. They may turn to Tarot cards or Runes for guidance, knowing they can link their intuition with the universe to get the understanding they need.

The spiritual goal of a Scorpio man tends to revolve around self-discovery and attunement. They will work hard to understand their soul’s mission and align with higher realms of existence.
However, this may mean that Scorpio men forget the importance of altruism in spirituality. Selfless love and charitable deeds allow our souls to send positive energy into the universe, tuning us into higher vibrational frequencies. However, Scorpio men will often crave control and personal progression. If you are a Scorpio man, reflect on how you can bring altruism into your spiritual life.
Scorpio Men Tarot Cards
Did you know that all zodiac signs are linked to specific Tarot cards? If you are a Scorpio man, learning about your Tarot card can help you explore your spiritual path and gain insight into your personality.
The ruling card for a Scorpio man is the Death Tarot card. The thirteenth card of the major arcana, Death symbolizes transformation and change. It reminds us of life’s cycle and how everything constantly evolves. We go through many different lives in one lifetime, with death and rebirth happening throughout our existence on this Earth.
The Death card reflects how a Scorpio man thrives with discovery and progression. They love change and know it helps them develop emotionally and spiritually.
Other Tarot cards linked to Scorpio men include:
- Knight of Cups: This card represents the romantic nature of the Scorpio man and their passion for love and emotional connections. The Knight of Cups is the knight in shining armor, just like Scorpio men!
- Ten of Cups: The Ten of Cups reflects family life, harmony, and deep and meaningful love. Scorpio men crave security in their home life and dream of having what the Ten of Cups represents.
- Ace of Wands: The Ace of Wands represents inspiration, passion, and new ideas. It reflects the attitude Scorpio men have regarding their work. They push themselves to discover new theories and develop ways of uplifting the world.
Scorpio Men Crystals
Did you know that all healing crystals link to specific zodiac signs? If you are a Scorpio man, knowing what gemstones work well with your energy allows them to promote positivity in your life.

Here are our top picks for crystals for Scorpio men:
- Smoky Quartz: Smoky Quartz connects with the Root Chakra to bring forth grounding and stability. Its energy helps Scorpio men find safety and peace in their lives, enhancing positive vibes and banishing insecurities.
- Rhodochrosite: Rhodochrosite is an incredibly soothing crystal that opens up the Heart Chakra to boost love and compassion. It relieves the emotional worries that Scorpio men face and helps them lower their guard to let love in.
- Aquamarine: Aquamarine is a gentle and calming stone, perfect for bringing balance to the argumentative streak that some Scorpio men have. As a Throat Chakra stone, it helps them to communicate their feelings clearly and bring clarity to their feelings.
- Ukanite: Another wonderful Heart Chakra crystal, Ukanite relieves jealousy and insecurity in the Scorpio man. It helps them to find patience and understanding, overcoming any negative emotions.
- Labradorite: A stone of spiritual truth, Labradorite boosts a Scorpio man’s understanding of the universe by opening up the Crown Chakra. Scorpio men love discoveries and understanding when it comes to spirituality, and Labradorite will assist them on their journey.
Summing up the Scorpio Man
The Scorpio man is an incredibly complex individual with a deep need for emotional closeness yet a wariness to new connections. They are passionate and brave, knowing the importance of stepping out into the world to forge changes and create new ways of thinking.
Sometimes misunderstood, the Scorpio man listens to his heart to guide him forward. He will always stay true to himself and be a faithful comrade to his friends and loved ones.