Have you been dreaming about dogs? Most of us are pretty fond of these cute four-legged creatures, as they have been companions to humans for centuries. It is no wonder they will appear in our dreams from time to time.
We may be dreaming about dogs because they are on our minds. Perhaps we are wanting to adopt a puppy or are worried about a dog we know who is unwell.
However, most dreams have a hidden meaning to them. Dreaming about dogs will typically be a metaphor for something else.
So, what are some common dreams about dogs, and how can we interpret them?
Why We Dream
If we are wanting to understand why we are dreaming about dogs, it is helpful to take a moment to remind ourselves of the importance of dreams, and why we dream at all.
Nobody really knows the definite answer to the question, ‘why do we dream?’. However, there are a lot of different theories and all suggest that dreaming is an important tool to enhance our emotional and spiritual well-being.
A popular theory about why we dream comes from Freud, who suggested that dreams use symbolism to help us understand our subconsciousness. When we dream, our psyche opens up to us and reveals our deep fears and desires.
There may be spiritual reasons for why we dream, too. Some people believe that we can connect with higher realms of consciousness through dreaming.
This is because our souls are more active when we sleep, allowing us to transcend and visit astral planes through dreaming. Some people can even visit the Akashic Records when they dream!
Dreaming About Dogs: Spirit Animals
You probably have heard about spirit animals. This is the ancient tradition that suggests we all have a specific animal that guides us.
This animal can be anything and can connect with us in so many ways. We may see them out and about, or we might feel a connection with them when we see them in nature documentaries.
Our spirit animals will also typically appear to us in our dreams.
So, if you are dreaming about dogs, you may want to consider the idea of a dog being your spirit animal.
If a dog is your spirit animal, you are a loyal and devoted person. A lot of people rely on you and trust you a lot. This is because you will always be there for a friend in need, and will go above and beyond for the people you love.
The dog as a spirit animal reminds us to protect those that we care about, and give them unconditional love and support.
Dreaming About Dogs Meaning
If you are dreaming about dogs, it may be because they are your spirit animal. Or, it may be because your subconsciousness is trying to tell you something.
Our dreams use things we are aware of in our waking world as a symbol for our fears, desires, and insecurities. So, we may dream about dogs because our psyche is using dogs to reveal things about our subconsciousness.
In order to fully understand why we are dreaming about dogs, it is important to pay attention to the details in our dreams.
What kind of dog are you dreaming about? How do you feel about the dog in your dream? Are you scared, or are you feeling playful?
Let’s look at some common dreams about dogs and what they might mean for you.
Dreaming About Dogs Attacking You
A pretty scary dream about dogs is one where a strange dog is attacking you. Because we normally see dogs as friendly and loyal, it can be really upsetting to dream about them attacking you.
This dream will normally suggest that there is someone in your waking life that you should be wary of. You may not know that this person is not who they say they are, but your subconsciousness definitely does!
Someone in your life has a whole lot of negative energy that is affecting your psyche and soul. It may be someone in your friendship circle or someone at your place of work. Have a think about people in your life and how you feel about them. Is someone worrying you?
Dreaming About Dogs Fighting
If you are dreaming about dogs fighting each other, it is typically a sign of jealousy and competition between you and someone else in your life.
Of course, a little bit of competition is healthy. However, too much rivalry can become destructive and have an effect on your progression in life.
If you are having dreams about dogs fighting, have a think about your workplace and your colleagues. Is there anyone that you feel threatened by? Perhaps a coworker keeps trying to bring you down and sabotage your career in order to progress their own.
Rivalry and jealousy aren’t only apparent in the workplace. We can sometimes compare ourselves to our friends and family members who we think are better than us. This can really harm our mental well-being and distract us from our true journey in life.
If you are dreaming about dogs fighting a lot, it may be time to take a step back and look at what you are grateful for in your life. When you are comparing yourself to others frequently, you will often forget all the good things about yourself.
You should also try to rise above petty rivalries at your place of work. In order to get ahead and achieve your goals, put your energy and time into yourself and your abilities.
Dreaming About Dogs Biting You
Similar to other dreams about dogs, dreaming about dogs biting you suggests betrayal and unkindness in your waking life. This is because we see dogs as kind and loyal, so when they bite it can be a bit of a shock!
You may have been let down recently by a friend, and it is on your mind. Or, perhaps someone at work is acting in a sly way, and you’re getting nervous around them.
You may be shrugging off these feelings in your waking world, but they are really affecting your subconsciousness. It is time to address any ill feelings you may have with people in your life in order to move on and be happy.
Dreaming About Dogs Chasing You
When you dream about something chasing you, be it a dog, another animal, or a human, it will typically suggest that there is something you are running away from in your waking world. There is something in your subconsciousness that you are ignoring. Perhaps a part of your personality that you are not acknowledging.
So, what does the dog represent in this dream?
In order to understand why you are having dreams about dogs chasing you, you need to think about what the dog symbolizes for you and how you feel about the animal.
Dogs are often seen as responsible, kind, and loyal. Perhaps you are running away from responsibilities and are feeling overwhelmed about things in your life.
Or, the dog might symbolize a caring and loving relationship. If you have been hurt in the past, you may find it hard to really open up to a new partner. This means that you run away from truly connecting with someone new.
Whatever the reason you are dreaming about dogs chasing you, it is time to face your fears and work on what you need to do in order to be happy.
Dreaming of a Dog Barking at You
If you have dreams about dogs barking at you, the nature of the barking matters in regard to what the dream is telling you.
Is the dog barking at you in a happy and exciting way? Or, is the dog barking at you because they are scared?
If the dog seems happy in your dream, it typically represents a fulfilling social life. You are feeling part of the pack right now, and there are loads of fun things coming up in your life. Your psyche just wants to let you know to embrace friendship and romance right now, and have a lot of fun whilst doing so!
If you are dreaming about a dog barking at you in an aggressive and fearful way, your subconsciousness is sending you a warning about someone in your friendship group. Dogs are pack animals and don’t do well if strange and unkind people enter their pack.
Who is bringing that negative energy into your life?
Dreaming About Puppies
Having dreams about puppies will typically symbolize a need for tenderness. This may be because you are subconsciously craving someone to look after you and give you some support right now. Are you in need of a bit of nurturing?
Or, the puppies in your dreams might symbolize someone else that is in need right now. Is someone close to you suffering at the moment? They might need a little help from you, so reach out and embrace that nurturing side of you!
Dreaming About Killing a Dog
Don’t worry, dreaming about killing a dog doesn’t mean that you have subconscious desires to hurt animals! Imagery in a dream is usually a symbol of something in our waking world. So, in order to work out why you are dreaming about killing a dog, you should have a think about what the dog might represent.
Because dogs are social creatures with a strong sense of loyalty, dogs in our dreams will often represent our social life. If you are dreaming about killing a dog, it will typically represent a need to get rid of an unhealthy relationship.
You currently have a lot of suppressed emotions about a certain relationship. Perhaps a friend is draining and always seems to cause issues for you. Or, perhaps you are dating someone who is bringing you down.
Dreaming about killing a dog suggests that it is time to cut this person out of your life and move on.
Dreaming About Dogs: Specific Breeds and Colors
Sometimes the breed and color of the dog we are dreaming about are important. This is because there are so many different dogs out there, and they all have their own qualities and symbolism!
Let’s look at what colors and breeds might represent when dreaming about dogs.
Black Dog Dream Meaning
If you are familiar with English folklore or have watched the Harry Potter films, you may feel pretty panicky if you dream about a black dog. From The Grim in the wizarding world to the mythical beast called the Black Shuck that is said to roam the countryside of East Anglia, black dogs are often considered an omen of death.
But, don’t worry! Our dreams can’t predict the future, so dreaming about a black dog doesn’t mean that a death will occur.
However, because we have these connotations with black dogs, we may consider what it might symbolize in our dreams. In the spiritual world, death is seen as a transformation.
If you are a Tarot reader like me, you know that picking the Death card is actually a wonderful sign of change and new beginnings.
Similarly, when we dream about black dogs, our subconsciousness is telling us that we are beginning a new journey and going through a transformational process. Keep your head up and your gaze towards the future! Good things and new opportunities are coming your way.
White Dog Dream Meaning
If you are dreaming about a white dog, your soul is telling you that it is time to work on your spirituality. This dream about dogs is ushering a time of peace and enlightenment for you, and you should move forward on your true path in life using spiritual tools to enhance your journey.
It may be time to begin meditating, Tarot reading, or automatic writing. There are so many different tools that can help you on your spiritual awakening, so try different things out and see what works for you!
Small Dogs Dream Meaning
Are you dreaming of dogs that are small, yappy, and excited? You know the type of dog – chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and small terriers… These dogs seem to enjoy everything in their life, and always want to meet new people!
When these kinds of dogs appear in your dreams, your subconsciousness is telling you to learn from their personality a bit. Life is to be enjoyed, and all the small experiences we have can provide us with happiness and contentment.
Go out into the world, experience new things, and meet new people!
Scent Hounds Dream Meaning
Scent hounds are types of dogs, such as bloodhounds and beagles, that are bred to follow the scent of an animal for hunting.
If they are appearing in your dreams, they symbolize your desire to solve a problem that you are facing in your waking world. You may not be giving this problem much thought right now, but your subconsciousness knows that you need to face it!
You have the skill set to work out what you need to do, you just need to give it some thought.
Terriers Dream meaning
If you are dreaming about terriers, your subconsciousness is wanting you to learn from their characteristics in order to get ahead in your own life.
Terriers are strong-minded and confident dogs, with a whole lot of courage! Do you need to work on these traits? Perhaps you need to give your self-esteem some attention and work on becoming a courageous and happy individual!
Herding Dog Dream Meaning
A lot of dogs have been bred to protect and herd animals. They are still used to this day, and make great pets as they are extremely loyal.
If you are dreaming about dogs such as German Shepherds and Sheepdogs, your subconsciousness is reminding you to protect yourself. You may be a pretty open person and will always trust unconditionally. However, this can sometimes hurt you. Be careful who you open up to, and always put yourself first.
Are You Dreaming About Dogs?
Dogs have always been there for humans and seem to love us unconditionally. Because of our long relationship with this animal, it is no wonder we dream about dogs.
I hope this article has helped you understand why you are dreaming about dogs. Of course, you may be dreaming about dogs simply because you love these creatures. However, your subconsciousness is probably using dogs as symbolism.
Why are you dreaming about dogs? Are they your spirit animal, or is your psyche trying to tell you something?