Dreams have always been an important part of being human. For centuries, we have been intrigued, confused, and in awe of the dream world, with communities and cultures around the world putting forward different theories for why we dream. Many experts say we dream up to two hours a night, even if we can’t remember them.
What I find really interesting about dreams is that there are some super common dreams that loads of people have. Have you ever been telling someone about a random dream you had, for them to turn around and say, ‘wow, I have the exact same one!’?
Yup, it is pretty weird! Teeth falling out, creepy crawlies, and being late for exams or meetings are all common dreams that you probably have had at one time in your life.
But, what do these common dreams actually mean?
Why Do We Dream?
Before we dive into the most common dreams and what they mean, it is important to take a moment to remind ourselves of the importance of dream interpretation and why we actually dream.
Okay, so there is no definite answer to the question, ‘why do we dream?’. Nobody actually knows why, but there are loads of different theories that make sense when we consider the things we know about spirituality and psychology.

For a lot of people, we dream because our souls are connected to higher realms of consciousness when we are asleep, and therefore we can receive messages from our spirit guides.
For other people, dreams are there to shed light on our subconsciousness. When we dream, our psyche uses symbolism and imagery in order to show us our deep desires and fears.
Whichever school of thought you fall into, we can all agree that dreams are important in order to move forward and flourish in life. We receive guidance and understanding from these common dreams, whether it be from higher powers or our deep subconsciousness.
Top Common Dreams And Their Meanings
Let’s look at the most common dreams we have listed on this dream list and what they might mean to us. Did you have any of these dreams?

1. Dreams About Teeth Falling Out
This common dream is super gross, but I think that most people I know have had this dream at one point in their lives! I used to get this dream a lot, and I would always wake up with a weird taste in my mouth…
So, what does it mean to dream about your teeth falling out?
This dream will typically signify anxiety and stress. Because your teeth are a big part of your appearance, dreaming about them falling out suggests that you are anxious about how other people might see you. You may not feel comfortable in your own skin, or embarrassed about how you look or the things you do.
If you have this dream, it is time to work on your self-confidence. By using affirmations and crystals daily, you can build up your self-esteem and begin to see yourself in a much more positive light.
2. Dreams About Being Naked In Public
Another super common dream is when you find yourself suddenly naked in public. Everyone is staring at you, and you are running around to find cover!
Dreaming about being naked in public suggests that you have shame and anxiety right now in your life. You are feeling vulnerable about something, and are stressed about how other people are seeing you. You may be worried about your shortcoming and concerned that you are being viewed as a fake by those around you.
If you are dreaming about being naked in public a lot, take time to work on your self-esteem and confidence. You may find it helpful to talk to those close to you in your life in order to make sense of your insecurities.
3. Dreams About Falling
The common dream of falling can be super scary, and you tend to wake up pretty stressed! In these dreams, you can definitely feel a sense of threat, and you worry about your safety.

Dreams about falling typically reflect anxiety in your waking world. They normally suggest that you don’t feel like you are in control of your life, and you might be worried that your goals and dreams are becoming farther and farther away. You may see yourself as a failure, not having control of your future.
If you are having these dreams, take time in working on grounding yourself, and find peace where you can. You may wish to use spiritual practices for this, such as starting a gratitude journal.
4. Dreams About Being Pregnant
Dreams about pregnancy can be super weird if you are not pregnant or not trying to get pregnant. However, this common dream is actually a really hopeful sign.
Pregnancy is how the start of every life begins. Dreams about pregnancy normally won’t be about a literal new life, but a symbolic new life. Having these dreams signifies that you are at the beginning of a new journey, with amazing opportunities and experiences coming your way.
Your psyche is letting you know that you are well on your way toward your goals and dreams, and it is time to let go of the past and embrace your new life. Of course, this period in your life might be pretty scary, but you have the inner power to get through it and achieve your dreams.
5. Dreams About Giving Birth
Dreaming about giving birth doesn’t usually signify a literal pregnancy. Instead, your subconsciousness is using the idea of giving birth as a metaphor for something in your waking life.
A common reason for dreaming about giving birth is that you are at the start of a new adventure. You are getting a fresh start in life, with new opportunities on the horizon.
You may find yourself in a new role soon. Perhaps you are going to get a promotion at work or have applied for a different job. This new role might feel a bit daunting (just like the role of a parent), but you are in the role for a reason. Believe in yourself and embrace the next stage of your life!
6. Dreams About Being Chased
A really scary common dream is where you are being chased. I used to always have this dream where something was chasing me, but I could not seem to get my feet to move forward. It was as if I had these massive shoes on that weighed me down.
There are loads of different types of dreams you may have that involve being chased, from being chased by people you know, to being chased by monsters. However, they always have the same meaning: you are running away from something you need to address in your waking world.
What are you avoiding in your life? Are there issues with friends or family members that you need to address?
Your subconsciousness is telling you that you must face up to any problems you have in order to move forward in life.
7. Dreams About Being Back In School
It may have been years since you were at school, and you rarely think about all the teachers you knew and the exams you took! So, why do they crop up in your dreams?!
This common dream is super weird, and one I have had quite a few times. I am always back at school in this dream, but the age I am now. I am wearing the uniform, and have to retake an exam that I failed years and years ago.

When I wake up, I always feel extremely relieved it was just a dream.
This dream usually suggests that there is anxiety about work, and a feeling of not being good enough. Have you heard the term imposter syndrome? According to Healthline, imposter syndrome is when you have accomplished things, but feel as if you have done so on a fluke. You don’t feel like you are worthy of the job you have.
Dreams about being back in school reflect a degree of imposter syndrome. It is time to work on your confidence and remember all your amazing talents! You are successful because you have worked hard and deserve to be where you are.
8. Dreams About Flying
If you are dreaming that you are flying, your psyche is telling you that you have a whole load of freedom right now. This common dream is super positive and suggests that you have recently got to a place where you feel in total control of who you are and where you are going.
You might have this dream if you have faced a lot of obstacles recently, but they have passed. You are excited about the next stage of your life, and you have a huge amount of power to mold life into exactly what you want it to be.
9. Dreams About Dying
Out of all the common dreams, this one is probably the most disturbing. However, dreaming about dying doesn’t mean that you will die. In fact, it has quite a positive meaning.
When you die in your dream, your psyche is telling you that you are at the beginning of a new life, and it is time to let go of things that are not serving you. Your subconsciousness knows that there is something that you have to get rid of, be it a toxic relationship or a dead-end job.
It is time to move on and let go of situations and people that are holding you back. Take time to figure out what you want from your future, and what you need to do in order to get there.
10. Dreams About Running Late
This is an incredibly stressful dream, and I usually have it when I have an important meeting in the upcoming week. I will always dream that for some stupid reason or another, I just don’t manage to make the meeting!
This dream is normally pretty self-explanatory – you have something important or fun you are looking forward to, and you don’t want to miss it! You may have this dream if you are an anxious person, and have these worries in your waking life.
If so, work on combating your anxiety. I normally use natural remedies or crystals when I want to relieve my stress!
11. Dreams About Water
Water is one of the major elements in the universe that make up so much of what we see around us. It also has deep spiritual significance and symbolism. Because of this, there are loads of common dreams that involve water.

Dreams about water usually represent transformations and change. Water can reflect our emotions and the journey we are on in life. We will often have dreams about water when we are growing and developing emotionally, embracing the transformational process of life.
You may be having dreams about water if you are on the cusp of a spiritual awakening. There is a feeling of realization and renewal in these dreams, and you are able to connect with your soul and the universe.
Common Dreams About Objects And Places
When we are wanting to analyze our dreams, it is really important to look at the objects in our dreams and where we are in the dream world. Normally, the things that appear in the dream world symbolize our emotional state.
Furthermore, places will typically signify our state of mind, with the building or area in our dream representing our psyche.
So, what are some common dreams about objects and places, and what do they mean?
1. Dreams About Driving a Car
When cars appear in our dreams, they normally represent our path in life and how we feel about where our life is going. The car symbolizes the journey we are on.
So, in order to work out what our psyche is telling us, we must pay attention to how we are driving and how we feel in the car.
If you are driving erratically, and don’t feel in control of the vehicle, this means that you are not feeling in complete control of your life right now. Bad habits and mistakes have impacted your journey in life, and it is time to address these in order to take back control.
If you are enjoying the ride and are having fun, your psyche is telling you that you are on the right path in life, and you have control and confidence over the journey you are on.
2. Dreams About Being Trapped In A Room
Dreams about being trapped typically reflect a deep fear within your subconsciousness of being stuck. Remember how I said that buildings in dreams often represent our mental state? Well, dreams of being trapped in a room suggest that you are feeling mentally trapped.
It is time to work out why you feel trapped, and what you can do in order to move forward. What is it in your life that is making you feel this way? Are you happy with your job? Do you need to tackle something in your relationship that is holding you back from happiness?
We all feel trapped from time to time, and we can work with spirituality in order to find meaning and understanding in life. Meditation and self-exploration can help us figure out what we need to do in order to feel free again.
3. Dreams About Houses
Dreams about houses normally reflect ourselves and the different parts of our personality. The different rooms in the house we dream about represent the different parts of ourselves, from our intellect to our subconsciousness.
This means that dreams about houses are all super personal, and there is no definite meaning for common dreams about houses. In order to work out what your subconsciousness is trying to tell you, you must reflect on your emotions in your dreams and how the house looks.

Are there any rooms that you are scared to go into? This suggests that there are fears and trauma you need to address.
Is the house run-down and abandoned? This typically means that there are problems in your life that you are not addressing, but rather learning to live with them. This is ultimately harming your spiritual and emotional growth.
4. Dreams About Hotels
If dreams about buildings typically represent our personality and self, dreams about hotels tell us a lot about where we are mentally right now.
Dreams about hotels typically represent a transitioning stage of your life. You are moving on from one place to the next, and finding new meaning and understanding in your life. There are changes in your waking life that are affecting you, but this transitioning stage is important to your growth.
How are you feeling in the dream, and what does the hotel look like? This can help you understand what you need to do in order to fully embrace this new stage of your life.
5. Dreams About Discovering a Secret Room
If you have a dream about discovering a secret or unused room, your subconsciousness is reminding you of the importance of exploring new parts of your personality.
Because houses typically represent our mind in our dreams, dreams about finding a secret room tell us that there are parts of us that need to be discovered.
Life is a journey and there are always new things to explore and discover about ourselves. In order to keep moving forward, we need to grow and develop, learning new aspects of our personality.
Common Dreams About Animals
A lot of the common dreams we have will involve animals. This is because our subconsciousness uses animals to symbolize our hopes and fears. When we have common dreams about animals, it is useful to look at how we feel about the animal that crops up in our dream and the associations we have with them.
You may also have dreams about specific animals because they are your spirit animal. So, if you are dreaming about an animal a lot, read up on the idea of spirit animals and consider if they are your animal guide!
So, what are some common dreams about animals, and what do they mean?
1. Dreams About Snakes?
Snakes seem to appear a lot in the dream world, perhaps because a lot of us find them pretty creepy! However, dreams about snakes don’t merely reflect your dislike for the slithery animal. They can actually represent your fears in the waking world, and how you are dealing with them.
If you are overwhelmed with the snakes in your dream, it suggests that you are not in control of your fears. It is important to acknowledge what we are scared of and look for ways to overcome our fears in a productive way.
2. Dreams About Spiders
Dreams about spiders can be quite terrifying, especially if you have a big fear of the creepy crawlies! The spiders in our dreams will typically represent annoyances or discomfort in our waking world that we need to address. This small irritation is slowly taking over your life, and it is becoming a much bigger issue than it needs to be!
What is the irritating thing that is affecting you right now? Could the spiders represent someone in your workgroup or friendship circle?

Perhaps the spiders represent your behavior. Are you treating yourself right, and practicing self-care?
If you are dreaming about spider webs, your subconsciousness is giving you a warning about being stuck or trapped in a certain situation. Are you feeling overwhelmed right now, with responsibilities getting on top of you?
Take a step back and look at what you can do to help yourself right now and feel a little more comfortable in your life!
3. Dreams About Cats
When we dream about specific animals, our subconsciousness is usually trying to tell us that we can learn from the characteristics of these animals and manifest their qualities in the waking world.
So, what can we learn from dreaming about cats?
Well, these animals are typically seen as independent and curious. They do what they want to do, and are always exploring the world around them.
If cats are appearing in your dream, your psyche is telling you to embrace a cat-like outlook on life! It is time to explore new things and go out into the world to find exciting experiences. Perhaps you need to be a little bit more independent in your life right now. Do you rely too much on your friends and family? Do you feel as if you never have time for yourself?
Work on your self-confidence and try things that you have always wanted to try! It is time to explore your hobbies and interests, embracing new experiences.
4. Dreams About Dogs
Dreams about dogs are typically about our interpersonal relationships. This is because dogs are often seen as sociable and part of the community.
Having dreams about dogs might suggest that you need to reach out to your support network right now. Have you not seen certain friends or family members for a while? Perhaps you have been too busy with work or other commitments.
But, humans are social creatures, and it is super important to spend time with our loved ones! Dreams about dogs might represent your need to be a bit more sociable right now.
If you have dreams about dogs attacking you or fighting, your subconsciousness is telling you that there is someone in your waking life that you need to be wary of. Someone might not be as loyal as you think they are.
It is important to listen to your intuition when it comes to other people. Sometimes, someone has a whole load of negative energy that just doesn’t go with your vibe!
Do You Experience Any Of These Common Dreams?
So, what do you think about these most common dreams? Do you experience any of them, and do you relate to their explanations of them?
I find it fascinating how certain common dreams pop up in dreams around the world, with so many people having the same dream! Which dream do you have the most?