Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of chakras. They’re like these energy centers in our bodies, and they’re super intriguing, especially for folks who aren’t experts on this topic.
If you’re also intrigued by chakras and want to learn more, you’re lucky!
This article covers all things chakras. How many chakras are there in total? What’s their significance? Can you activate them all at once? Can you see chakras? We can’t wait to share these answers with you, so let’s dive right in!
Table of Contents
First of All, What Are Chakras?
Chakras! They’re like energy centers in our bodies. Imagine them as spinning wheels or swirls of energy along our spine, starting from the base and going up to the top of our head. As for their number, they’re seven in total.

Each chakra is associated with different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They work together to keep us balanced and healthy.
In other words, when they’re in harmony and spinning well, we feel good and have a positive outlook.
But sometimes, our chakras can get imbalanced or blocked due to stress, negative emotions, or other factors. This can lead to problems like feeling tired, anxious, or having physical issues.
Some people practice meditation, yoga, or energy healing techniques to keep their chakras healthy.
These activities help clear blockages and keep the energy flowing smoothly through our chakras, promoting overall well-being.
How Many Chakras Are There In Total?
We have seven main chakras in total, commonly referred to as the primary or major chakras. They’re located along the spine, starting from the base and moving upwards to the top of the head.
Each chakra is associated with different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These main chakras play a significant role in balancing our energy and overall health.
However, some belief systems and practices may also refer to additional chakras or minor energy centers.
7 Chakras in Human Body and Their Significance
So, imagine our body has these seven special energy centers called chakras. They’re like spinning wheels, and each has a unique job to keep us healthy and balanced.
Let me tell you about each chakra and what it does:
1. Root Chakra
It’s at the base of our spine, and it helps us feel grounded and safe. It’s like the foundation of a house, keeping us stable and secure.
2. Sacral Chakra
This one is just below our belly button, and it’s all about emotions, creativity, and pleasure. It helps us express ourselves and enjoy the good things in life.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
This chakra is around our stomach area, like our personal power center. It gives us confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to make decisions.
4. Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is in the middle of our chest; it’s all about love, compassion, and forgiveness. It helps us connect with others and feel love in our hearts.
5. Throat Chakra
As the name suggests, it’s in our throats and responsible for communication and self-expression. It allows us to speak our truth and express ourselves openly.
6. Third Eye Chakra
This chakra is found between our eyebrows and is linked to our intuition and inner wisdom. It helps us see things beyond the physical and trust our instincts.
7. Crown Chakra
This chakra is at the top of our heads and connects us to something greater than ourselves. It’s like our spiritual antenna, helping us experience a sense of oneness and spiritual awareness.
Overall, our chakras can affect our life in various ways. When they’re in harmony and spinning well, we feel good physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
But sometimes, they can get blocked or out of balance, which may cause issues in different areas of our life.
People practice meditation, yoga, or energy healing to keep their chakras healthy.
These activities can help clear blockages and keep the energy flowing smoothly, promoting overall well-being and balance.
It’s like taking care of our inner energy to lead a happy and fulfilled life!
How to Activate Chakras in Human Body?
Activating our chakras is like giving them a little wake-up call, making them more alive and healthy. It’s a way to boost our energy and feel more balanced.

Here’s a list of simple ways to activate your chakras:
Find a calm and quiet place, sit comfortably, and take some deep breaths. Focus on each chakra, starting from the bottom and moving up. Imagine each chakra as a bright, glowing ball of energy, and with each breath, visualize it spinning and getting stronger.
Certain yoga poses can help activate specific chakras.
For example, try grounding poses like the mountain or child’s pose for the root chakra. For the heart chakra, backbends like the cobra pose do wonders.
Chanting and Affirmations
You can use simple sounds or mantras to resonate with each chakra.
For example, try chanting “LAM” for the root chakra or “OM” for the crown chakra. Also, repeating positive affirmations related to each chakra’s qualities can be helpful.
Visualize Colors
Each chakra is associated with a specific color. Try visualizing the color surrounding the respective chakra during meditation or throughout your day. It can help stimulate and activate them.
Crystal Healing
Some people use crystals to support chakra activation. For example, amethyst for the crown chakra or rose quartz for the heart chakra. Placing these crystals on or near the chakra can be beneficial.
Try Various Sounds
Listen to music or sounds designed to activate chakras. You can find plenty of chakra-specific soundtracks online, and the vibrations can positively affect your energy centers.
Reconnect With Nature
Spending time in nature can help balance your chakras. Take a walk in a park, sit by a river, or enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Nature has a way of naturally harmonizing our energy.
Remember, you must do these practices with a positive mindset.
Allow yourself to be present and patient, as activating chakras takes time and practice. And when they’re activated and flowing smoothly, you’ll likely feel more energized, focused, and emotionally balanced!
So, stay patient, find what works best for you, and make it a part of your daily routine.
Can You Open All Your Chakras At Once?
Opening all your chakras at once can be intense and overwhelming for most people. It’s like trying to turn on all the lights in a room simultaneously—too much brightness can be blinding!
Instead, it’s generally better to work on opening and balancing each chakra individually. This allows you to focus on each chakra’s qualities and energies and understand how they influence your life.
Here’s a step-by-step approach to working with your chakras:
Step 1: Start From the Bottom
Begin with the root chakra and work your way up. The root chakra is like the foundation, so it’s essential to establish a strong base before moving on to the others.
Step 2: Take Your Time
Spend time with each chakra, meditating and practicing exercises to open and balance it. Give yourself a few days or weeks to work with each chakra before moving on to the next.
Step 3: Listen to Your Body
Pay attention to how you feel during the process. If you sense any discomfort or emotional intensity, it might be a sign to slow down and focus more on a particular chakra.
Step 4: Seek Guidance if Needed
If you’re new to working with chakras, learning from experienced practitioners or seeking guidance from a meditation or yoga teacher can be helpful.
Step 5: Be Patient
Opening and balancing chakras is a gradual process. Don’t rush it. With consistent practice and patience, you’ll make progress.
Step 6: Integrate and Observe
As you open and balance each chakra, observe how it impacts your life and well-being. You may notice positive changes in your life as you go.
Step 7: Maintain Balance
Remember that maintaining balance is essential even after you’ve worked with all your chakras. Continue practicing meditation, yoga, or other chakra-balancing activities regularly.
By taking a step-by-step approach, you allow yourself to understand and integrate the energies of each chakra more effectively.
Remember, the journey of chakra work is about self-discovery and growth. Be kind to yourself, and enjoy exploring and nurturing your inner energy centers!
How to Unblock Chakras?
Unblocking chakras is like clearing the path for energy to flow freely through your body.

When a chakra is blocked, it’s like a roadblock that stops the energy from moving smoothly, which can lead to various issues.
Here’s a breakdown of common ways to unblock chakras:
First, you need to become aware of which chakras might be blocked. Pay attention to any physical or emotional issues you’re experiencing. Each chakra is associated with specific problems, which can give you a clue about where to focus.
Meditation is a powerful tool to unblock chakras. You can do chakra-focused meditations where you visualize the blocked chakra as a spinning wheel of light. Imagine the blockage dissolving and the energy flowing freely again.
Movement and Exercise
Engage in physical activities like yoga, dance, or any exercise you enjoy. Movement can help release stagnant energy and unblock chakras.
Chakra-Specific Foods
People associate certain foods with specific chakras. They believe these foods can help balance their chakras. For example, orange foods like oranges and carrots can benefit the sacral chakra, and green leafy vegetables can support the heart chakra.
Sound Therapy
Listening to certain sounds or tones can help unblock chakras. You can find chakra-specific soundtracks or use singing bowls tuned to each chakra’s frequency.
Color Visualization
Visualize the color associated with the blocked chakra. Imagine it becoming brighter and more vibrant, filling the area with healing energy.
Energy Healing
Seek help from energy healers like Reiki practitioners or other holistic therapists who can work on unblocking and balancing your chakras.
Emotional Release
Sometimes, emotional baggage can contribute to chakra blockages. Allow yourself to feel and release suppressed emotions through journaling, talking to someone you trust, or engaging in therapies like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
Using crystals associated with each chakra can be beneficial. Place the crystal on or near the blocked chakra to help dissolve the blockage.
Remember, unblocking chakras isn’t a one-time thing; it’s recurring.
Be patient with yourself and practice these techniques regularly to keep your energy flowing smoothly and maintain balance in your life.
With time and dedication, you’ll likely feel more energized, emotionally stable, and in harmony with yourself!
Related Questions
According to many belief systems, we have seven main chakras. However, some traditions mention nine chakras. The additional ones include the Soul Star chakra above our head, connecting us to spiritual realms, and the Earth Star chakra below our feet, grounding us to the Earth.
The 8th chakra is the Soul Star chakra, positioned above the head. It’s considered the gateway to our higher self and spiritual connection. It assists in understanding our life’s purpose and accessing divine wisdom.
The most widely recognized chakra system includes seven primary chakras, but some belief systems acknowledge the Soul Star, extending beyond the traditional seven.
The seven main chakras include the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Each one corresponds to specific aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
The 9th chakra is sometimes referred to as the Earth Star chakra. Situated beneath our feet, it connects us with the Earth’s energy and serves as a grounding point. It helps maintain our balance and stability in the physical world.
The Earth Star chakra is crucial in grounding our spiritual energies into our physical existence. It fosters a sense of belonging, security, and stability. By connecting us to the Earth, this chakra enables us to stay rooted and centered.
Yes, chakras can become overly open or excessive, leading to imbalances. This can result in energy depletion, emotional overwhelm, or physical discomfort. So, practice balance and moderation for optimal chakra health.
Some people claim to see chakras as colorful or glowing energy centers. However, not everyone has this ability, which remains a topic of personal experience and belief.
Can Chakras Be Measured?
Unfortunately, we can’t measure chakras with a scientific instrument; they’re part of the subtle energy system, and their measurement is more commonly done through intuitive or energy-healing methods.
The concept of chakras and their functioning isn’t widely accepted in mainstream science. While many people experience benefits from chakra practices, scientific evidence supporting their existence is limited.
Chakras can’t be physically stolen, but negative energies or unhealthy connections may affect the chakras, leading to imbalances or discomfort.
Imbalanced or blocked chakras can cause emotional or physical distress. It’s essential to work on balancing them for overall well-being.
Chakras aren’t physically tangible. However, they can be affected by emotional trauma or negative experiences, leading to blockages or imbalances.
Chakras can’t be removed because they’re fundamental energy centers within us. They play a crucial role in our overall energy system and well-being.
Well, it’s not fully proven by science, but many people believe in it. Basically, when they try to clear their chakras, they focus on being aware of their thoughts and feelings, and they try to relax and be mindful.
This can help reduce stress and make people feel good overall, even though there’s not a lot of solid scientific evidence for it. It’s all about being in tune with yourself and finding inner peace!
How Many Chakras Are There In The Body: Conclusion
To sum it up, the number of chakras can differ depending on people’s beliefs. The most common system has seven main chakras: the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.
But you know what’s interesting? Some traditions talk about even more chakras, up to nine or beyond! Exploring chakras is so cool, right? It’s like a journey of understanding our inner energy and spirituality.
What do you think about chakras? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences! Let’s chat about these fascinating energy centers!