The Knight of Pentacles, like all knights, wants a little less talk and a lot more action.
When he appears in a reading, commitment to a cause or relationship is in question. A step up from the Page of Pentacles, this cavalryman is just as dedicated but much more mature and experienced.
As with all cards, there are two sides to the Knight of Pentacles. Determined and consistent, he can also be stubborn and pessimistic. Don’t give in to this feeling.
If you are growing tired or overwhelmed by the daily grind, keep pushing. Improved prosperity is near.
Table of Contents
Knight of Pentacles Key Words
Before we dive deeper into the upright- and reversed Knight of Pentacles tarot card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, below a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Pentacles card.
Upright | Consistency, strong will, improvement |
Reversed | Complacency, stubbornness, laziness |
Yes or No | Yes |
Element | Earth |
Planet | Mercury |
Astrological Sign | Virgo |
Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Description
To fully understand the Knight of Pentacles tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the illustration, its colors, and symbolism.

Sitting on top of a black stallion, the Knight of Pentacles is holding the same coin that the Page of Pentacles held in the card before this one. Underneath his saddle, draped over his horse is a blood-red blanket colored just like the Page of Pentacle’s head wrap.
Although there is a clear connection between these two court cards, it is obvious that the Knight is in a much greater position of power.
The determined, yet pessimistic look on his face shows that he is a lot more cynical as well. As he gazes into the pentacle, he appears to be considering his next move. As strong as he is, this defender definitely isn’t in a rush.
His standstill represents the importance of both patience and caution when making big decisions. It also suggests that not everything has to be rushed. It is okay to weigh the pros and cons before ‘jumping in.’
Knight of Pentacles Meaning
The Knight of Pentacles may represent, an influential person, or a feeling that is ruling your life. If the first is true for your reading, the Knight symbolizes a man between the ages of 20 to 40 who is loyal, consistent, and dedicated to a cause.
This Minor Arcana card can also serve as a ‘wish card’, representing the goals you hope to accomplish with hard work.
He symbolizes the recognition and responsibility that you will earn through your commitment to your work and the accomplishment of your given duties.
You are loyal, hard-working, and always completing your tasks properly. Although this sense of duty is being valued by others, make sure that you will not become a perfectionist.
The Knight of Pentacles can also represent daily tasks and routines. In this context, the Knight of Pentacles advises you to continue to do exactly what you’re doing. Just remember, that the secret of your success is hidden in your daily routine.
Money and Career Meaning
In financial, education, or career readings, the pentacle held by our valiant knight is a gift. Money is coming soon, so are investment opportunities. If you are in search of financial or work security, the possibility of locating what you seek is a good one.
You’ll want to be practical with all endeavors though, taking the time to work through things slowly and methodically. Rushing will only ruin your chances of success.
Here’s a common example: someone seeking a reading wants to know if he or she should start a new business venture. The Knight of Pentacle is pulled as a representation of the person looking for answers.
Depending upon the other cards in the reading, the answer would probably be ‘yes’, however, this doesn’t mean to dive in blind. A business plan would need to be written and lots of ‘behind the scenes’ effort would have to take place.
The Knight of Pentacles can also represent a trustworthy man who will help you succeed. He probably won’t be a benefactor, but he will be a person of support and encouragement. Heeding his practical advice will help you succeed. Remember, there are no quick fixes! Consistent effort is key.
Love and Relationships Meaning
In a love context, the upright Knight of Pentacles represents a new partner. This won’t be a whirl-wind relationship, though. Be prepared to take things slow.
It could be that you’re not even ready for a relationship, that’s okay. It’s important to take your time to date, get to know one another, and ‘feel things out.’ The Knight of Pentacles upright represents a steady, stable love–one that needs time and consistent effort to grow.
In relationships where there are concerns about commitment, this knight’s presence can represent someone who is loyal and focused but may have trouble opening up.
If you are wanting to increase intimacy, take things to the next level, have a baby, or make a big purchase but your partner seems less than willing, the Knight of Pentacles suggests taking a step back.
If your significant other loves you and wants to be with you, he or she will make the next move when the time is right.
However, a knight never likes to be rushed, and pressuring him will only cause him to retreat even more. Instead, focus on the positive things that you have going for you. Providing consistent and steady love will allow you two to blossom when the time is right for both of you.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
Are you sleeping enough? Are you taking part in things that you love? The Knight of Pentacles does not typically show in health and spiritual readings, but when he does, his presence can be a gentle urging to focus on more than the daily grind.
Your own health and well-being should take as much priority as your work life, but is this true of your life as it is today?
If you don’t have a routine, now it’s time to put one in place. Implement a skincare routine, start meal prepping, and attend an art class once a week—any activity is fine to start with as long as it helps you feel more stable and balanced.
Doing so will help improve any chronic physical or mental health issues you might be struggling with.
Knight of Pentacles Reversed Meaning
In this paragraph, we will talk a bit more about what it means if you’ve pulled the Knight of Pentacles tarot card in the reversed position.

When a knight is pulled into a reading, it often represents an excess of some kind. The reversed Knight of Pentacles symbolizes putting too much into something, yet seeing little return.
Are you in a period of complacency where life seems to be at a standstill? Has past failure caused you (or someone in your life) to put commitment and dedication to the side and embrace the opposite?
The reversed Knight of Pentacles as a person represents someone who is out of balance. He might be unreliable, unstable, and lazy. He could also swing to the other end of the pendulum and represent someone in your life who is a workaholic.
Maybe there is an issue of being unable to commit to anything other than money and material things. It may be that he is obsessive, overly critical, or even jealous–all traits that make for a miserable existence.
Regardless of the reading focus, the reversed Knight of Pentacles is a warning that changes need to be made if you are to achieve your goals. This isn’t to say that you should give up.
In fact, it’s time to do the opposite. Focus only on your true desires and cut ties with anything or anyone who isn’t willing to help you go the distance.
Knight of Pentacles: Yes or No
Yes. As long as you are prepared to be consistent. Whether it is a relationship, new job, car, or something else you seek, the Knight of Pentacles in a yes or no reading is a good omen. However, to get what it is you desire, you must take on some of this knight’s traits. Dependability, strong will, and consistency will see you through.
Knight of Pentacles and Astrology
The Knight of the Suit of Pentacles is traditionally linked to the zodiac sign Virgo. A Virgo is a self-sufficient, independent, and dedicated sign. Virgos are an Earth sign, making them analytical, detailed, and focused on the now.
As a hard-working sign, Virgo is quiet and reserved, happy to be working and assisting others in the background, not so much being a fan of the spotlight.
Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury.
The Knight of Pentacles is a card that urges you to think things through and take action. This meaning doesn’t change when this card is paired with other cards from the tarot deck. Below you can find the most important Knight of Pentacles card combinations.
It is not only time to show action, but to do so quickly. Things may be fast-paced, but that’s okay. You will soon reap the benefits of all the time and effort you’re putting into the things that are important to you.
Don’t let the immaturity of others stop you from succeeding in meeting your goals. There is a time for fun and a time for work. It is important to know the difference. Others’ chaos does not have to have an effect on your well-being. You are in control of your own destiny.
Will you ever let loose and enjoy life a little? The Knight of Pentacles and the Fool combination send a strong message of balance. Although they seem like opposites, the Fool can teach the Knight how to be more adventurous. Have you been wanting to travel? Is there something crazy that you’ve never done (i.e., skydiving)? Now is the time to go for it! YOLO.
The description of the Knight of Pentacles in this article is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any other beautiful versions of the brave knight-in-shining armor. Therefore, I added some of my favorite Knight of Pentacles cards to this article.

If you have pulled the Knight of Pentacles tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
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