With enthusiasm and a sense of adventure, the Page of Wands is a welcome sight to most Tarot card readings. He represents the fun parts of life with child-like happiness.
All Pages are messengers and bring with them good news as well as advice for self-acceptance.
A Peter Pan, if you will, this card desires to trigger something within you that allows you to see yourself as you really are. He also recommends following his lead and jumping into the things you are passionate about wholeheartedly.
Table of Contents
Page of Wands Keywords
Before diving deeper into the upright and reversed Page of Wands card meaning and its connection to love, career, and life, let’s look at a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Minor Arcana card.
Upright | Outgoing, child-like cheerfulness, creative confidence |
Reversed | Bad news, lacking ideas or intentions, easily tricked, loudmouth, impatient |
Element | Fire |
Yes or no | Yes |
Planet | Mars |
Astrological Sign | Aries |
What Is The Meaning of Page of Wands?
The Page of Wands represents excitement and curiosity. It asks us to tap into our inner, childlike wonder and explore the world around us, opening up our eyes to new adventures and fresh ideas.
When receiving this card in a Tarot reading, the universe is asking us to listen to the fire and passion within us to move forward on our journey in life. Now is a time for creation, new projects, and courage. Yes, you are in the early stages of your journey, but the road ahead is exciting and bountiful.
Page of Wands Tarot Card Description
To fully understand the Page of Wands Tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the symbolism and imagery on the card.

Standing fearlessly in the middle of a barren land, a well-dressed young man faces a staff that he is holding upright.
With his head held high, he exudes confidence and passion. His clothing makes a bold statement. The hat on his head has a feather sticking out of the top. This represents success and honor.
The salamander-like fabric used to design his shirt represents fire and transformation, while the color of his attire (orange) stands for vitality and courage.
Although the setting around him is dry and barren, it is evident that the young man believes in himself and his abilities wholeheartedly. Even in the most unlikely places, like the dry landscape, he’s able to find potential and make things happen.
Upright Page of Wands Meaning
A positive and upbeat card, the upright Page of Wands brings both good news and good vibes. Not only are these things coming you’re way, but they are coming quickly.
This card wants you to take time to connect with your inner self and use your originality and talents to carve a life path that is unique to you and you alone.
It is a card full of hope and ambition, with an aspect of newness to it. Perhaps you are soon to begin a new project or journey! You are moving forward towards good fortune, and you are understanding yourself on a deeper level.
When this Page appears upright in a reading, it is time to look toward the future. Something is calling you, be it a spiritual path or a creative one. It is time to manifest and create.
There may be something that is holding you back, and it is time to face this. Discover what it is that you need to do in order to succeed in life, and work on the future that is in front of you.
Page of Wands Upright Money and Career
This card represents the freedom to do what you love and what you want.
If he shows up during a money or career reading, you are right on the verge of discovering something that will lead to a more secure future.
It could be that you have just started a new job, are in the planning stages of a business, or want to jumpstart a community project.
The Page suggests that you show optimism and are always the first one to volunteer. The things that we are most excited about are the same ventures that lead us to overall success.
Page of Wands Upright Love Life
This card can represent a few different things in a love reading.
If you are single, he reveals a partner with whom you will start a whirlwind romance. Charismatic and charming, you will attract this person like a magnet. They have a fiery personality and will truly sweep you off your feet!
Although this might seem like a good thing, you must be careful not to be carried away by charm alone. Many narcissists practice this ‘fairy tale’ behavior as a way to manipulate, and they may not make for a long-term relationship.
Be optimistic but not naive, and the situation will play out exactly as it should.
If you are already committed, this Page can represent someone who is fun and outgoing but not able to move past his (or her) childish ways.
You might find that even though you are ready to move to the next level, your partner is just not ready to let go of his/her desire for freedom and autonomy.
If this is the case, you will need to really think about what you consider a ‘dealbreaker.’ Then, move on accordingly.
Page of Wands Upright Health and Spirituality
You need to get moving–physically, mentally, and spiritually.
You have been stuck in a rut for a while, and this card has appeared as your ticket out of the situation. If you’ve been sick or depressed, a new exercise regime might be the key.
This card is also an invitation to start or continue your spiritual path or journey.
Be curious and focus on learning as much as you can spiritually in your everyday life. Creative outlets are always a good place to start.
Read, meditate, consult Tarot, paint, fast, pray, practice Reiki, etc. You can also seek advice from a mentor or someone with spiritual wisdom.
Reversed Page of Wands Meaning
Think about all you have learned about the Page of Wands in the upright position and flip it. This is what this Page reveals when reversed.

When reversed, this card suggests that you need to work on yourself. It reflects the negative personality traits that come along with having an outgoing personality like yours.
You (or the person in your life represented by the Page) may be impatient at times, naive, a loud mouth, and too playful to get the job done.
If this Page appears in a flipped position, don’t fret. His good qualities are still present. You’ll just need to make sure that immaturity within yourself doesn’t stop you from accomplishing all you set out to achieve. Find an outlet for your pent-up energy and look at alternative ways for you to explore this side of yourself.
Page of Wands Reversed Money and Career
The reversed Page of Wands shows dissatisfaction and boredom when appearing in a career reading. Perhaps you are lacking ideas in your job, and this is causing your progress to stall. Or, maybe you are easily distracted in the workplace. Whatever it is, you need to ask yourself why it is happening. Is it time for a new venture regarding work?
In terms of money, this card reveals financial instability and childishness. You need to keep your spending in check and make sure you are not being too frivolous.
Page of Wands Reversed Love Life
The reversed Page screams commitment issues when landing in a love reading. It may either reflect your problems with commitment or the issues with someone you are dating. Perhaps your new romantic interest is playing games with you, or maybe you are doubting your long-term relationship.
It is time to work out what you really want from love.
Page of Wands Reversed Health and Spirituality
Your energy levels are off, and the whole world seems overwhelming. Perhaps you are constantly tired, or maybe you just have too much energy. You need to put your health first and feed your body, mind, and soul to bring back some balance.
Regarding spirituality, this card is asking you to explore new realms of thinking and step out of your comfort zone. It is time to examine new ideas in spirituality and philosophy to develop this side of you.
Important Card Combinations
Outgoing, child-like cheerfulness, creative confidence, and fearlessness are all embodied by this Minor Arcana card.
However, when in combination with other cards, this meaning might change. Below, I’ve listed the most important card combinations.
The Page of Wands and the Empress
A long-forgotten dream is getting ready to reappear–and this time, you’ll accomplish it. Is there something that you were passionate about long ago but cast to the side for one reason or another?
If the Page of Wands and the Empress Tarot card fall together, it is time to nurture your most authentic desires and find a way to manifest them into reality. Remember, if the first attempt goes wrong, you can always try again!
The Page of Wands and the World
Get ready to travel abroad! This may be connected to your career, but it is much more likely that this will be a trip of both pleasure and inspiration.
Maybe you’ve always wanted to study overseas, see the ancient Pyramids of Giza, or visit the land of your long-lost ancestors. Whatever your reason for exploration, the opportunity has arrived. This Page and the World are beckoning you to take a bold step.
The Page of Wands and the Seven of Swords
It is time to embrace your independence. The Page of Wands with the Seven of Swords asks you to focus on self-discovery. Commit to new ventures, such as visiting a new place, planning a trip, reading a book, or trying a new recipe.
Just make sure you do these things alone. It might seem strange at first, but boosting your independence will give you the confidence you need to succeed in any lane.
The Page of Wands and the Six of Wands
These two cards together have just one message: you are a champion. That’s right. These two cards suggest you have what it takes to not only succeed but to be on top.
Even when things get tough, embrace your strengths and self-confidence. Nothing is out of your reach. What thing would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Do that!
What Is The Advice of the Page of Wands?
The Page of Wands advises you to explore, create, and start new projects. It suggests that there is a new position for you on the horizon, and is a good sign for success in your future!
Is the Page of Wands a Yes or No Card?
The Page of Wands is a yes card, as it shows you that you have the courage and strength to make the right decision.
What Zodiac Sign is the Page of Wands Linked To?
The Page of Wands is linked to the Aries zodiac sign, reflecting this sign’s fiery nature and headstrong personality.
Page of Wands Tarot Card Meanings: Conclusion
That’s all for the Page of Wands meaning! If you have pulled this card upright or reversed in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings. So please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!
Jennifer ???????????????????????????????????????????????? says
Wondering if you could help interpret this.
First card was Page of Wands.
Second card : Lovers
Third card: King of Wands
Thank you.
Lou says
I can’t fully answer what it means without knowing your situation and what you asked the cards. But, we can see that imagination and ideas are important in your life right now. Listen to that fire within you to guide you forward. As the Lovers has appeared, perhaps the Tarot wants you to use your drive and passion to build connections with others.
A Little Spark of Joy
Jennifer ???????????????????????????????????????????????? says
Here you say Page of wands represents Aries. On a different sit they say it’s Sagittarius. Both are fire signs but which is the correct one?
Lou says
Hey, it connects best with Aries, but it is connected with all Fire signs.
A Little Spark of Joy
Anu says
Hi, your information on page of wands was really insightful. I asked a question whether I should go for a particular designer to get my house done and I got page of wands. I take it a yes and going ahead as I know the person is very creative and resourceful and I will definitely be benefitted from her experience.
Daniela says
Hi dear Wille & team!
Today I did a daily reading with 3 cards, about my thoughts, feelings and what I can do. While I was thinking about the situation with the man I love and got sad since I don’t know what to think and do. I pulled the Knight of Cups, Page of Wands and Two of Cups.
I’m not sure if I’m interpreting the answer correctly as to who or what the cards represent. Could you kindly help further?
Thank you so much in advance! Love your site, it‘s really helping me a lot since I recently started learning the basics 🙂
Greetings from Germany????
Lou says
Hey, these are all pretty positive cards in regard to love, but I cannot really say what they specifically mean in your position. I hope you find the answers you are looking for!
Lou xx
Caren fletcher says
Hi, I asked why drama follows me. I pulled fom deck page of wands and page of coins. What does this mean? As I hate drama. Why does it follow me? Thank you. Any advice I will appreciate.
Lou says
Two Pages is interesting. It may suggest there is naivety or a child-like view of the world.
Lou xxxx