You have probably heard of astral projection. The name itself conjures up psychedelic imagery and intrigue. Associated with dreams and meditation, it is a phenomenon that has been around for centuries. But what exactly is it? Plus, can anyone astral project?
In this article, I will provide you with a guide to astral projection for beginners, and explain what astral travel really is and how it works.
Read on to discover if this amazing out-of-body experience is for you!
Astral Projection Meaning
According to Healthline, the definition of astral projection is an out-of-body experience where your consciousness leaves your body and explores new planes of existence. However, it differs from most out-of-body experiences as it is planned and intentional.
Astral travel is an ability that we can learn and work on. It is a spiritual journey involving the belief that we have an astral body.
This astral body links our physical body to our soul and is a vehicle for experiencing higher consciousness.
The astral body, also referred to as the light body, can move from the physical body and visit astral planes and worlds. With astral dreaming and astral travel, you can visit the astral planes. This is a home to angels, spirits, and souls.
Astral travel can also take you to different places and times throughout history. There is a whole load of amazing things that we can experience with astral projection!
Astral Projection vs Lucid Dreaming
Astral projection and lucid dreaming are similar. However, they are two distinct phenomena. Lucid dreaming is the ability to control your dreams when you are sleeping, whereas astral projection is usually accessed during meditation.
When you are lucid dreaming, you are not leaving your body. With astral projection, your astral body does leave your physical body.
Yet, both phenomena are spiritual. They both allow us to experience new things, see things in a different light, and discover our soul’s true purpose.
When we are wanting to develop our psychic abilities, working on both will enhance these powers. Because both work outside our physical body, developing both skills can enhance each other.
Is Astral Projection Dangerous?
A lot of astral projection experiences are incredible. They allow us to go outside of our physical world and see things that we never thought were possible.
Through astral travel, we can develop our spirituality, seeking out help from souls and angels on the astral planes. We are able to use these experiences to grow and find our life’s purpose.
However, a lot of beginners are concerned about the dangers of astral projection. Of course, when you are working with your psychic powers and spiritual abilities, there is always a risk of things becoming a bit too much and overwhelm you.
Astral projection is usually safe, and there no chance of physical harm when practicing it. However, there may be emotional and mental risks involved with astral travel.
Psychological Vulnerabiltiy
If you are suffering from psychological issues, do not try to astral project. Focus on finding your balance in the physical world. Self-care is super important for everybody!
In order to stabilize yourself in the physical world, make sure your chakras are balanced. Working with chakra stones can improve your mood and help you find the peace you are needing.
Affirmations are also a great way of boosting your self-love and finding balance and meaning in the physical world. If you are feeling vulnerable, do not astral project, work on yourself and your happiness!
Astral Projection as a Way of Escapism
Visiting the astral plane and going on these adventures are truly amazing and can really help us find out who we are as a spirit.
However, when you have learned how to astral project, there is a risk of overdoing it and relying solely on astral projection for happiness and meaning.
This creates an imbalance and means that you will become detached from the physical world. This can really harm your personal growth and might mean that you are avoiding issues that you need to face.
If you seem to only be happy when you are astral traveling, you really need to assess why this is and what you can do to enhance the other parts of your life so you are completely fulfilled.
Unwanted Visuals
When visiting the astral realm you will see things that you have never seen before. This is why astral travel is so wonderful, but it can also cause stress.
When you are astral traveling, there is always a risk that you will see something scary or unwelcoming. If you are not prepared for this, astral projection is not for you.
Just remember, you cannot be physically harmed in the astral planes.
Astral Projection: How to Astral Project
Now that we know what astral projection is and what the benefits and dangers are, let me explain astral projection techniques that allow you to travel to new planes of existence. While it does take time to master, everybody has the ability to learn how to astral project.
When you are working on these techniques, stick to a specific one for at least a month. During this time you will connect to your astral body.
If, after the month, that technique does not seem to be working, focus on a different one.
Astral Projection Meditation Step-by-Step
Astral projection is most likely to be accessed via meditation and visualization. This is where you are consciously accessing the astral planes by focusing on the intent of astral travel.
Meditation is different for everybody and sometimes you need to develop your meditation techniques before you attempt to astral project. However, here is my step-by-step guide for astral projection for beginners.
- Set yourself a time to astral project. Perhaps you pick 6 PM, and so in the hours up to 6 PM you should keep reminding yourself that you are going to astral project at this time.
- When it comes to the time, lie down on your back on the floor with your eyes closed. Stretch out your legs, back, and arms. Focus on unraveling your physical body, letting go of the stressors and feelings of the day.
- Relax your muscles and focus on breathing. Inhale through your nose for four counts, and exhale through your mouth for six counts. Count along in your head. Do this until you can feel your body and mind relaxing and getting lighter.
- Now, take your awareness away from your physical body and onto your intention of astral traveling.
- Repeat your intention in your mind, telling yourself that you will astral travel.
- Now, select somewhere in your home and imagine you walking to it. Perhaps you pick the chest of drawers in your spare room. Imagine yourself getting up out of your body, leaving the room that you are in, entering the spare room, and walking up to the chest of drawers.
- Keep this vision, and your intention, in your mind. Soon your astral body will begin to leave your physical body.
Keep practicing this technique every day and hopefully soon you will see results!
How to Astral Project: The Between Sleep Technique
One way to access astral projection is to use your hypnagogic state in order to enhance your connection to the astral realm.
The hypnagogic state is where you are half-awake and half-asleep. This is where our consciousness is open to new ideas and sensations, and our minds tend to float freely.
- The first step to this technique is to relax in bed as if you were going to sleep. Make sure it is dark and try to empty your mind. Allow it to wander freely, and allow yourself to receive the flow of ideas from your mind.
- You will soon enter the hypnagogic state. When you have, keep relaxed and maintain your eyes closed.
- When you are in this state, you may see patterns, colors, or visualizations. Let them into your mind, and when you are ready, focus solely on one. Let it float through your mind. Allow it to go if it wants to go. Deepen your relaxation.
- At this point, you might feel your body vibrate. This is not actually your physical body, but your astral body. The vibration is your astral body trying to leave the physical realm.
- Now, visualize a rope. Visualize your astral body grabbing the rope and pulling you up out of your bed. Climb the rope.
This is another technique that does take time, but once you become familiar with it, the process will become easier.
Remember to embrace the vibrations from your body. If you start to feel dizzy when you are climbing the rope, do not worry!
It is completely normal. It occurs because your astral body is moving out from your physical body.
Guided Meditation and Astral Projection Music
If you are finding meditation and between sleep techniques difficult to master, there are things that you can do to enhance the process. There are so many amazing resources out there for astral projection that are perfect for beginners.
Putting on astral projection music when you are meditating will help in focusing the mind and the soul on what you are about to do. Here is a four-hour long astral projection music video for meditation that will see you through your practice!
There are also so many guided meditation audiobooks and videos online that you can either get for free or for a small cost. These talk you through different meditative processes that will help you access the astral planes.
Are Your Ready To Astral Project?
Astral projection is an intense, life-changing experience. It opens you up to new thoughts, feelings, and ideas. There are so many adventures that you can go on when you astral project!
However, remember to only try out these techniques if you are feeling stable and secure in your emotional and spiritual life right now.
If you are ready to astral project, try out these techniques and be sure to practice them regularly.
Soon, you will be able to visit the astral realms! Here, you can discover so much about yourself and your place in the world, including checking out the Akashic records.
Enjoy and embrace this journey!