Are you having experiences that you cannot fully explain? Perhaps you are receiving psychic impressions, seeing colors, or hearing sounds that are coming from the spirits. Maybe you have the ability to communicate with others without actually talking to them.
So many of us have psychic abilities. There are seven core Clair senses that many people have, but sometimes refuse to acknowledge or accept.
This is because society has always been a bit afraid of psychic abilities! It can be spooky when you are discovering and learning about your psychic abilities, but I am always here to help.
In this article, I hope you begin to understand what might be going on with you and learn how you can make these psychic abilities work for you.
Read on to learn about all the different core psychic abilities and what they mean.
Table of Contents
All Psychic Abilities Explained
Psychic abilities or Clair senses allow us to connect and communicate on a much deeper level. There are many different Clair gifts, some of which are just now being discovered!

Seven of these tend to be more common, and when developed, can take your psychic abilities to new heights.
Which is your strongest Clair power?
Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond. It is often used as a catch-all phrase that sums up the psychic ability to predict the future, but clairvoyance is much more than that.
Translating to ‘clear sight,’ this spiritual gift allows one to gather information and actually see things like flashes of light and color that aren’t easily visualized to those without it.
Clairvoyants also have the ability to gain info from visions/dreams and visualize orbs/spirits from other realms. Like Jonah from the Giver, clairvoyants see beyond. Want to know if you’re a natural clairvoyant? Take our quiz to find out.
If you are able to hear messages being transmitted from outside of the physical world, you have the gift of clairaudience. Clairaudience, or ‘clear hearing’, allows us to receive messages from angels, spirit guides, and those who have passed on in the form of voices or sounds.
This can happen through ringing, high-pitched noises, and ‘thoughts’ that come through from the spiritual world but sound like your own voice.

One common example of clairaudience is hearing a word over and over again in everyday conversation or on the tv. Warnings also come through audibly, so a part of developing this clairsense is being on the lookout for sounds that are trying to send a protective message.
Clairsentience, or clear sensation, allows you to physically and emotionally pick up on environmental stimuli and energy being generated from those around you. A lot of this comes through the senses.
Can you smell things and pick up on a situation? Does touching an object allow you to know things about its owner? Are you able to ‘feel’ out any situation and know when things aren’t quite right?

Those who naturally possess clairsentience are better known as ‘empaths,’ are able to feel this energy more easily than the average person. Imagine yourself having ‘Spidey senses’ that allow you to feel people and situations out more easily.
Similar to claircognizance, clairsentience is a natural gift, but it is also a skill that can be improved upon. There are lots of ways to develop and strengthen your clairsentient powers. Many people who are considered ‘highly sensitive’ are actually gifted with claircognizance.
That just feeling that you get when something just doesn’t feel right–it’s a metaphysical gift! Often feeling like human lie detectors, those who are claircognizant just ‘know’ things without having to see, hear, touch, smell, or even taste.
Other unmistakable signs of claircognizance include knowing the outcome of a situation before it happens and frequently experiencing Deja vu.
I believe this is the most common of psychic abilities and one that every single person possesses. We just have to hone our skills and open our minds to the wonderful things that we can achieve with claircognizance.
Automatic writing and meditation are two of the best ways to accomplish this. One can also practice using ‘gut instinct’ to make decisions instead of reasoning.
An offshoot of the clairsentience gift, those with clairalience can smell their way into a situation. Defined as ‘clear smelling,’ this Clair sense allows one to invoke memory, emotion, and even see the future based on a smell that one takes in through the senses.

This is especially common of smells that are deeply rooted in an experience in one’s subconscious mind. For example, the smell of fresh pine might instantly take one back to a childhood experience on Christmas morning.
But what about future experiences? Clairalience can bring those about too! Just one whiff and a person with clairalience might know about an event based in the future that is going to involve the same smell.
Like the sweet scent of cotton candy bringing up a visualization of a trip to the circus one year in the future or the smell of salt predicting a beach vacation.
Imagine being able to taste something before it ever hits your taste buds. This is the gift of clairgustance. A paranormal ability indeed, psychic tasting is a unique capability that few people possess.
How does it work? Well, it all goes back to energy. Those blessed with clairgustance are able to experience the physical sensation of taste quite randomly without anything entering into their mouth.
The weird part: the thing that’s being tasted isn’t always food! It can be a tree, a place, or even a dirty sock!
One of the most overused and misunderstood spiritual terms of recent years, ‘empath’ describes someone who seems to have a higher degree of empathy than most people and is extremely sensitive to both the emotions and energy of others.

Other indicators are being an animal/nature lover, struggling with fluctuating moods, feeling anxious around lots of people, and a busy mind.
Most spiritually inclined people are at least somewhat empathetic. Truthfully, not everyone is an empath, but those of us who are can learn to fine-tune this gift. Want to find out if you’re an empath? Look no further. This quiz will help you figure out which Clair gifts you possess once and for all.
Develop Your Intuition and Improve Your Psychic Abilities
Are you relating to any of these amazing psychic abilities? Perhaps you are discovering things about yourself that you have never before realized!
For years I never had heard of other Clairs apart from clairvoyance, but once I learned about the other psychic abilities I began to understand the universe and the power of the mind much more.
If you are gifted with any of these psychic abilities there are things that you can do to develop them. You firstly need to fully embrace your gift, realizing the great things that you can achieve by having it. But what else can we do to improve our psychic abilities?
Learn How To Recognize Your Powers
In the words of Catherine Carrigan, “One of the most useful and important ways to be able to use your psychic gifts is to learn how to read what’s happening in your very own body.”
In regards to psychic abilities, understanding the process and what is going on in your mind is really important. Even though these gifts allow us to connect with spirits and souls that exist in different realms of existence, to access them we first need to look inwards.
Learn to recognize any thoughts, beliefs, or sensations that might occur because of your psychic abilities. Free your mind of preconceived ideas and be open to what is happening in your body.
Meditation is really important when it comes to learning about the processes and powers of the mind. It allows you to focus on the senses and how they are connected to the spirits.
If you are having sensations of taste and believe that you are clairgustant, meditate on tastes and different tastes that you associate with certain things. Whilst meditating, see if you can taste certain things in your mouth and what they might mean for you.
Using crystals in your meditation can enhance the process, allowing your body and mind to connect with the vibrations from the crystals. Plus, if you are feeling overwhelmed and a bit anxious in regards to your psychic abilities, crystals can really help calm and center yourself.
Work With Your Intuition
If you are trying to develop your psychic abilities, a great way of doing this is working with your intuition. Perhaps you might learn about astrology or auras and discover how your intuitions interact with these things.
Learning about tarot cards is a great way of working with your intuition. Because you have these psychic powers you will be able to develop your tarot skills more easily than others, connecting with the energies of the cards.

Palm reading is another amazing tool to learn and allows you to use your psychic abilities to help and assist others in your life.
By learning these new skills you are able to work with your intuition and develop it in a more accessible and comprehendible way.
Be Present
An easy exercise that you can do in order to strengthen and develop your psychic abilities is to scan the room and be aware of all the things that surround you.
It is great to practice this every day and it only takes ten or twenty minutes. However, it really allows you to connect with your senses and perceptions.

Sit down in a room, be it your bedroom or a café, and scan it with your eyes. Go through your five senses.
What do you smell? Does it remind you of anything? How about what you are hearing? What emotions do the noises and sounds conjure up?
Examine your sense of taste, seeing if there is something there and what it might mean for you. What do you feel?
When looking around the room, notice the colors and light. See if there are any shifts in what you are experiencing, try to be aware of anything otherworldly that you might be experiencing.
Practice this every day and you will become in tune with your surroundings and your senses, therefore allowing for the senses to open up to things from different realms of existence.
Study Your Dreams
In sleep, we open ourselves up to our subconsciousness. We let go of the constraints of society and embrace new possibilities. In dreaming our spirits are open to new worlds and go on amazing adventures.
A great way of developing your psychic abilities is to deepen your connection with the dream world. Start a dream diary, noticing what senses and emotions you feel in your dreams.
If you wish, learning how to lucid dream will unlock new experiences that will deepen your knowledge of the spiritual world. Lucid dreaming is where you can actively change the course of your dreams and can provide you with so many amazing journeys.
Practice Self Care
Psychic abilities are amazing, however, they can be overwhelming and can cause stress. Being able to communicate with other worlds and other souls, and being able to see the future can make us anxious and worried.
Because of this, it is super important that you practice self-care when developing your psychic abilities. This can be as simple as taking time out to be creative, have a bath, or watch your favorite film. Always check in on yourself to see if you are burnt out or drained.

There are so many great ways to manage the anxiety that might occur during the emotional journey of developing your psychic abilities.
Embrace Your Psychic Abilities!
Discovering that you have psychic abilities is wonderful. It opens your soul up to a load of new experiences and allows you to connect with souls across time and across the universe.
Psychic abilities mean that you are able to help yourself be who you truly are. It allows you to understand yourself more and what your soul’s true calling is. It also means that you can help others and this is a wonderful gift.
Embrace your psychic abilities and use them to make the world a better place!