Starting your journey into Tarot reading can be pretty overwhelming! There are so many cards, all with their special meanings and it is not unusual to feel nervous when you first begin reading Tarot.
I believe that the Tarot is for everyone, and we should all feel comfortable with learning and connecting with the cards.
This is why I made this website and created my Tarot mini-course. I want to make the Tarot accessible and understandable!
Because of this, I decided to contact my favorite Tarot readers to ask them for their best Tarot tips for beginners.
The responses were amazing and I truly was touched by the insight that they shared with me. With this expert advice, you will be mastering the Tarot cards in no time!
Table of Contents
Best Tarot Tips for Beginners
I am really excited to be sharing the wisdom of these experts with you. Here are amazing responses I got to the question ‘What would your top tip be for people starting out with Tarot Reading?‘.
Patti Woods – Expert Tarot Reader
Make friends with your cards. Really look at each one as if it’s a person and ask, “What would you like to tell me?”
Before reaching for the book to tell you what a card means, dive into the card yourself. What feelings does it bring up? Does a particular color or symbol stand out? What’s the overall vibe?
Each card has its own unique message and you’ll want to connect with it on your own terms. The cards are your partner in a new, fascinating journey.
Learn more about Patti Woods.
Theresa Reed – Expert Tarot Reader and Author
Pick a card for the day every morning and journal what you think it means. At the end of your day, come back to it. How did your interpretation play out? This is one of the best ways to get started – and to get familiar with a new deck.
If you want to really push yourself, post your card of the day with interpretations on social media! This will get you out of your tarot shell and build confidence!
Learn more about Theresa Reed.
Sasha Graham – Expert Tarot Reader and Author
Believe it or not, you already know everything there is to know about tarot because it is a reflection of your psyche and human experience.
No one sees the world like you and no one will ever read the cards like you. Throw out your fear, toss aside the tarot books, and focus on what you see in the card.
What is the story? What is your message? Listen to the voice inside of you. That voice is your High Priestess. And when you know yourself, you’ll be your own best psychic, witch or sorceress, and magic will unfold… Trust me.
Learn more about Sasha Graham.
Abigail Vasquez – Expert Tarot Reader
Learning Tarot can seem daunting at first. Knowing in advance that Tarot can take a lifetime to master can help you be kind to yourself as you learn your skillset and grow as a reader.
You will see so many different ways to read, different styles of divination, and even different levels of reverence towards the art.
The best advice I can give to a new soul just starting out in the practice is to go out of their way to figure out what works FOR THEM. There will be so much ‘wisdom’ and ‘advice’ on how and what to do and in the end, the only thing that matters is the relationship that you develop with Tarot and the art itself.
By any means necessary, do what works for you. Pick a deck or two that work for you. Shuffle in a way that works for you, read with or without spreads in a way that works for you. Give readings in a way that works for you. Take questions that work for you. Study in any way that works for you.
All of it. Do all of it in a manner that works best for you, makes you feel comfortable, and that you enjoy.
Learn more about Abigail Vasquez.
Alejandra Luisa León – Expert Tarot Reader
Be patient with yourself while you learn. The art of reading the Tarot takes practice. Have fun with your process, and trust your intuition. You know more than you think.
Pay attention to what the titles and images bring to mind. Read books on the subject! You will always be learning, even when you are an “expert”.
Learn more about Alejandra Luisa León.
Barbara Moore – Expert Tarot Reader
One very important and often overlooked aspect when beginning Tarot is knowing what you believe. A Tarot deck is a tool and there are so many different ways to use it.
How it is used, how the cards are interpreted, and the types of questions asked in a reading. What results are expected vary from reader to reader and will affect how you study and work with the cards.
Knowing yourself and your beliefs (as well as what you hope to accomplish with the cards) will also help you find the right teacher or book. If you believe that the cards tell the future, then you will want to learn from a teacher or book that shares your beliefs.
If you believe the cards work because they are a special set of symbols, then you will want to study the symbolism and system.
If you believe the future is not set in stone and the cards are used only for advice, then you don’t want a book that teaches how to tell fortunes.
If you want to use the cards to aid your psychic abilities, then you will probably want to study improving psychic abilities more than the structure of the deck and the symbol system of cards themselves.
People often ask me what is the best book for beginners and I always answer, it depends on the beginner. So, as is almost always true, before jumping into tarot, “know thyself” first.
Learn more about Barbara Moore.
Liz Dean – Expert Tarot Reader and Author
When you’re starting out, it’s worth spending time to find the deck that’s right for you. Many beginners wrongly assume Tarot isn’t for them because they don’t naturally connect with the images on the deck they have.
When you look at cards online, pay attention to your first impression and how an image makes you feel. You need to love what you see: cards act as creative and intuitive pathways that open you up to the insights the cards bring.
Armed with a deck that’s perfect for you, you’ll soon grow in confidence as you begin to trust their messages. And when you have one deck, you’ll naturally want more!
Over time, you may find that you have one or two ‘working’ decks that you use for readings, and others that you prefer for self-reflection, for example, and even some that align to particular situations – for example, a deck for love questions, a deck for tough decisions.
Learn more about Liz Dean.
Stella Nerrit – Expert Tarot Reader, Author and Tarot Youtube Creator
My #1 tip for tarot beginners would be to have a Tarot journal of some sort!
Whether it’s a printable journal template, a blank piece of paper, or a digital notebook, tarot journaling is by far the quickest way to learn Tarot because it helps with the daunting task of memorizing tarot card meanings and interpreting messages in a spread.
Learning tarot is all about practice, practice, practice! Writing down what each card means to you, what the traditional meanings or keywords are, what symbols or imagery stick out to you, and the message(s) you receive will help with a few things:
- Developing your ability to interpret the cards more quickly;
- Helping you become more attuned to your deck; and
- Strengthen your intuition.
To me, it’s a win-win!
Learn more about Stella Nerrit or check out her Youtube here for her upcoming Tarot for Beginners series!
Courtney Weber – Expert Tarot Reader and Author
Look at the pictures and let them tell a story. Pretend each card is a children’s picture book and tell the story that you see. The message often lies in the picture, itself.
Read regularly for yourself and others. Read as many books as you can, but don’t try to memorize the meanings of 78 cards.
Learn more about Courtney Weber.
Embrace Your Tarot Journey
I love these Tarot tips for beginners. They come from experts in reading Tarot and sources you can trust. I have really been touched by the responses of the experts and their undeniable passion and love for the art.
Like me, these experts wish to enhance other people’s lives with Tarot. They know how incredible it can be, and how it can really change lives.
If you are starting out on your Tarot reading journey, follow these amazing Tarot tips for beginners and you will soon become connected with the cards.
Good luck, and embrace the wonders of Tarot!