Are your gut instincts always accurate? Do you frequently anticipate what others are about to say? Are you capable of generating answers to questions effortlessly? Have you ever experienced a strong sense of knowing?
If you resonate with one or more of these experiences, you might possess the psychic ability known as claircognizance.
In this article, we’ll cover the definition of claircognizance and talk about the most common claircognizant signs. It’ll help you identify if you possess this gift and how to use it properly.
Additionally, you’ll also find some tried and true tips to improve your claircognizance in order to unlock the full potential of this psychic ability.
Table of Contents
What Is Claircognizance?
Claircognizance is one of the four psychic abilities and it means “clear knowing”. The rest of the psychic abilities include the following.
- Clairaudience: Clear hearing
- Clairvoyance: Clear sight
- Clairsentience: Clear Feeling
Claircognizance allows you to know something is real or will be, though you have no logical explanation to back up this idea.
People who possess this ability just have an inner knowing or gut feeling that they can’t dismiss even if they try. They just “know” specific things through their own psychic feelings, which are directly manifested as thoughts.
For example, if you have claircognizance, you immediately know when someone is lying and not to be trusted or perhaps you just know that you have to apply for that job. It is just knowing things without any real backing.
It can be frustrating, as people might not believe you have this instinct! But you do, and it can be so helpful and even lifesaving in some cases.

Claircognizant messages often come like a light bulb illuminating suddenly within your head and can be gone in a flash. They appear very random and at times when you are working, watching TV, running, or otherwise, doing something completely unrelated to it.
Although claircognizant messages can be annoying, especially when they warn you about people or tell you to watch out, they provide you with a lot of insights and information. They come to you for a reason and can be very important to your life and its journey.
Signs That You Are Claircognizant
It can be difficult to recognize the difference between having a thought and a claircognizant experience because there is a very fine line between them.
Our minds often have repetitive thoughts and are invested in keeping us safe and hidden. Yet, these thoughts and instincts are not always right, contrary to claircognizant messages.
People with claircognizance can know things consistently without any evidence whatsoever. If you are curious and want to know whether you’re gifted with this psychic ability, read the following most common claircognizant signs.
1. Your Gut Instincts Are Always Right
We all have instincts. They come from the way we were raised, past experiences, genes, and spiritual connections. But these instincts are not always right except if you’re a person with claircognizance.
If you’re claircognizant you have the sixth sense or intuitive ability to predict future events based on a gut feeling that is consistently proven accurate.
This is what makes claircognizance such a gift of truth to those who possess it. But you’ll need to make sure that you carefully listen to your intuition to understand what your inner voice is telling you.

Claircognizant people just know not to go to that party, accept an offer that looks too good to be true, get on that plane, or trust that really nice lady. And as mentioned already, there’s no logical explanation for these feelings.
So, if you’ve just known something that turned out to be extremely accurate, that’s a sign that you’re a claircognizant person!
2. You Are a Human Lie Detector
Do people see you as a human lie detector? Can you easily spot when people are being dishonest, even when others are fooled? These might be signs that you’re gifted with claircognizant skills.
Individuals with claircognizance possess a strong sense of detecting insincerity, rarely allowing anything to slip past them.
Even when someone is simply being insincere with his or her sentiments or expressions of emotion, someone with claircognizance can notice these insincerities.
This makes it easy for the people in your life to trust your suggestions or ideas about people.
3. You Have Random Ideas or Solutions
Do you experience random thoughts that can potentially save you or your loved ones from negative outcomes? If so, you might possess the gift of claircognizance.

Claircognizant individuals are often unaware of when these messages will come to them.
Whether you’re watching a TV show, driving, or exercising, ideas or solutions may suddenly emerge in your mind.
Simply observe these thoughts and try to understand the warning or intuition your gut is trying to communicate.
4. Claircognizants Often Interrupt
Do you often have the urge to interrupt people? Not because of bad manners, but because you know what the person, you’re having a conversation with, is going to say? This also is a sign of claircognizance.
Claircognizant people sometimes respond even before the other person finished a full sentence, just because they already know what’s coming.
4. Claircognizants Often Interrupt
Do you often have the urge to interrupt people? Not because of bad manners, but because you know what the person, you’re having a conversation with, is going to say? This also is a sign of claircognizance.
Claircognizant people sometimes respond even before the other person finished a full sentence, just because they already know what’s coming.
5. You Know What the Outcome of a Situation Will Be
Have you ever been completely convinced that something would happen, and you didn’t have a logical explanation for it? Did you already know the outcome of a certain situation that turned out to be extremely accurate? You might have claircognizance!
You cannot know the future with your five physical senses, but you can if you have psychic abilities. Your deeper inner knowing exceeds logic and reason, and your strong sense of claircognizance allows you to foresee certain situations and/or outcomes.
People with this ability can make inferences based on gut feelings and instincts that more often than not turn out to be true.
6. You Wake Up with Solutions Sometimes
Have you ever been woken up out of a deep sleep with a solution to a problem? This indicates that your gut is working even when your brain is not.

It doesn’t need evidence to find a solution to a problem and can just know the answer. This is a typical quality associated with claircognizance.
This is because, when you are asleep, your subconscious mind is in charge. At this time, you can access your psychic powers and different realms of existence, using spirits to help you.
If you are claircognizant your powers are free from societal restrictions when you are sleeping, appearing more often and therefore being accessible when you wake.
7. You Can Sense Others’ Energy
Are you able to sense the energy of individuals, animals, objects, and places since childhood? Do you have an innate ability to perceive and distinguish different vibes? If so, you are claircognizant.
From an early age, you have been attuned to the energetic frequencies emitting from other people, as well as their surroundings.
This heightened sensitivity to energy grants you a deeper understanding of the world and allows you to navigate it with an intuitive perception.
8. You Spend a Lot of Time Thinking and You Enjoy It
If you enjoy contemplating life’s deeper aspects and often find yourself lost in thought, you might have the gift of claircognizance.
That’s because claircognizant individuals spend a lot of time pondering and analyzing different aspects of life. While their intuitive abilities go beyond mere logic, they also excel at rational thinking.
It means that, as a claircognizant, you can think logically alongside your psychic gifts.
9. You Prefer Self-Learning
Instead of relying on the traditional education system, many claircognizants prefer self-learning. So, if you’re constantly engaged in learning new things by reading books and other resources, you’re most likely claircognizant.
It shows that you like to take your education into your own hands and have a deep desire to constantly enrich yourself with knowledge and information. Not only will it help you improve your understanding of the world but it’ll also lead you to improved personal growth.
10. You’re a Natural Writer
Are you naturally drawn to writing? Do you find joy and fulfillment in expressing yourself through words? If so, you possess the claircognizant trait. Writers, songwriters, and poets often exhibit claircognizance in their creative endeavors.
They have the ability to weave words together effortlessly and communicate effectively. That’s because they possess an innate understanding of language and storytelling, allowing them to convey deep insights and evoke emotions through their written expressions.
If you have chosen writing as a profession or creative outlet, it is likely a reflection of your claircognizant abilities.
How to Improve Claircognizance
Even if you don’t exhibit all the signs of claircognizance, you may still possess psychic abilities. Developing and honing these abilities requires dedicated effort and practice over time. Luckily, there are simple exercises that can help you in strengthening your claircognizance.
Here we’ll discuss some of the easiest ones that you can use to expand your senses to the world beyond normal perception.
From there, you’ll begin to strengthen your intuition and see and know things that the people around you won’t be able to pick up on. And if you’re just starting your journey, these practices can help you develop claircognizance.
1. Set an Intention
You can develop psychic abilities by using positive affirmations. So, if you want to improve your claircognizant abilities, you need to set the intention that you wish for intuitive guidance.
Write your intention down and read it or say it aloud twice a day. By setting the intention and repeating it, the things you’ve wished for will come to you and you will start to strengthen your ability.
2. Automatic writing

Another great way to improve claircognizance is through automatic writing. For this exercise, you only need blank paper and a pen (or a computer).
Try to find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Ask yourself a question and let your pen start writing or just start typing without conscious effort. It may feel silly and fake at first but have trust and faith and let your mind wander.
Observe the words as they flow through your mind, without creating or manipulating them. Sometimes they will make no sense, but there will be answers that for sure surprise you!
3. Meditate
If you want to improve claircognizance or any other psychic ability, meditation is key! It doesn’t matter whether you want to improve your claircognizance, clairaudience, clairvoyance, or your clairsentience, without meditation, your progression will be substantially less.
If you meditate daily, you can enhance your concentration, decrease stress, and even become more connected to your inner self and those around you. With practice, you’ll be able to achieve a sense of tranquility and peace no matter what’s going on around you.
It allows you to be in a relaxed state and raise your energetic vibration. Because Spirit energy vibrates at a higher frequency, it is super important to raise your vibration when improving your psychic abilities.
There are many different ways to meditate, so if one practice doesn’t seem to work for you, consider trying a different type that works better for you before you give up. Are you a total beginner? You can read our detailed guide to learn how to meditate properly.
So, Are You Ready to Trust Your Gut Feelings
In summary, Claircognizance is a psychic ability that allows you to perceive situations or predict events through your gut feeling or intuition
Just like with the other psychic abilities, being claircognizant can be scary and valuable at the same time, especially if you don’t know how to interpret them. It can be hard to distinguish normal thoughts from claircognizant messages.
Just remember that the more you develop your claircognizant abilities, the better you become at identifying what thoughts come from your psychic powers and how you can use them to make specific predictions.
You need to make sure that you keep practicing and someday, you too may “just know” that you know without questioning how.
We also have an in-depth guide on psychic abilities so you can figure out which ones you might have, and how you can work on them.
Wille says
Thank you for your comment, it is fascinating to hear your experiences with the gift!
Wille xxx
Wille says
Hmm, that does sound like you have a very strong sense of intuition! There may be psychic powers going on, too 🙂
Wille xxxxx
Wille says
Hey, thanks for the comment! I love hearing people’s experiences with these cool psychic powers.
Wille xxxx
Wille says
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your sister. I hope she is recovering from the trauma. It is truly amazing how you have these powers and know who to watch out for.
Wille xxxxx
Wille says
Wow, thank you for your comment, it is really interesting to hear people’s experiences. I am glad you are at peace with your powers.
Wille xxxx
Erika says
For me it’s places and people. Ellis island in NY was the first time, It was very scary I didn’t understand what was happening.
I’m a waitress and I can feel exactly what my guest are feeling, most of the times i get so emotional I go to bathroom and cry.
Wille says
Hey, thank you for the comment, it was really interesting to read! Sending you lots of love and hugs. Losing someone close is horrific. In regards to ‘turning it off’, there are things you can do to learn to live with your psychic powers. I know a lot of people with psychic powers use crystals and meditation to deal with how intense they can be.
Wille xxx
Wille says
Wow, it must be really hard to deal with these feelings. Having a psychic ability can be really overwhelming. I hope you get to be at peace with it all.
Wille xxxx
Lan says
Yes. I think I’ve known this is me for years now. Today I choose to embrace it. I know things even year or 2 before it occurs
Yvonne Browne says
People don’t believe me either, I guess they think I’m just mentally ill. I’m over worrying about it but definitely feeling isolated now. Good luck with your journey x
Yvonne Browne says
God Bless you, I’m so sorry for your loss. Please accept my prayers and sending you love and for you to find peace. ????????
Wille says
I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love.
Wille xxxx
Wille says
Wow, that is amazing! I am so glad you are understanding your power 🙂 In regards to more info, I have an in-depth guide to all psychic powers and how you can work with them here
Wille xxx
Wille says
Hey! Have you read my in-depth guide to all psychic abilities here –
This may help you understand what is going on a bit better 🙂
Wille says
Thank you for your kind words and good luck with strengthening your gift????
Wille says
Hi Evan, Thanks for your comment. Please let me know if you have a specific question about your psychic ability. What kind of practices are you referring to? Thanks???? Wille
Wille says
Thank you for sharing this story???? and I’m super happy you found my article that hopefully gave you more insights into your gifts. Sending you lots of sparks of joy ✨
Wille says
Hi Samantha, Thank you for your message and how excited that you’re getting your first niece:) Congratulations! If you ever have questions about the development of your gift, feel free to reach out to me! Have a great day! ✨
Willemijn says
Thank you ?
Willemijn says
Thank you, Sharon, for sharing your story! Based on your description it sounds like you had some psychic experiences and abilities. One thing I want to mention is that if your psychical pain doesn’t feel right, make sure that you see a doctor for that! And if you ever have questions, just let me know! Sending you lots of sparks of joy, Willemijn
Willemijn says
Hi Michelle,
Thank you for sharing this story! Messages of spirits can come in all kinds of forms, and the one you described is one of them. It sounds like you have a mix of different psychic abilities. I don’t know what happens next, because all psychic experiences are personal. If you want to develop them, I would definitely start to meditate. In my ‘clair’-articles you can also find other tips on how to strengthen your psychic abilities. Hope this helped. Sending you lots of sparks of joy!
Willemijn says
Thanks for sharing Mickie, I’m happy you liked my article about this psychic gift!
Catherine says
The gifts that one has, in my personal opinion, should not be blocked. I highly suggest that one learns the techniques and skills, to DEAL and HANDLE them as they would with any life stresses.
Life has many stresses. One does not run away from oneself. You can leave an abusive home, a hard and demanding job that takes away more than it benefits. You can leave people who do not love you and have abused and violated you.
But to run away from a part of yourself?
That is hard. It will come back when you least expect it and are not ready to handle it, in a happy time of your life.
There are many resources on how to meditate, different meditations to try out, yoga, and perhaps learning a martial art so one works body and mind and soul at the same time. To bring all into balance.
One does not “block” out or “ignore” life or one’s gift. I did this for one of my psychic gifts, from age 15 to 28. I had this gift since age 8. I can see the Otherworld and spirits, ghosts, ETs, Faeries, and other beings. It was frightening at the time because I DID NOT HAVE KNOWLEDGE. I did not seek out how to handle and deal with this.
If you research more about your gift, and ask the Higher Power or trust in your own intuition and gifts, to be led to resources that will teach you, guide you, comfort you, educate you, to handle, be in balance with and thrive with your gift.
I too, can see people die in the future. It is a possible future. Sometimes it IS certain and it is not in ways that would make it into the newspaper obituaries, to put it nicely.
It is unsettling at first. I sought comfort from my gods and spirit guides/Guardians, and with support, I was able to get through my gifts and accept them. Some things are very upsetting at first. I built a tolerance to them because these things are REAL, they are happening to people in the world and I cannot live in my bubble forever and ignore reality. And people’s suffering. Death is a part of this world at this time. It is in the West that many do not know how to deal with it as in other cultures and societies.
Do not be weak, be stronger than you are now. Do not push your limits to the breaking point of body, mind or soul, but challenge yourself safely and at your own pace.
Be patient, loving and kind with yourself. Your pace is not everyone’s else’s pace.
One’s personal psychic gifts are not to be blocked, shunned, or being frightened of. It is putting away a part of yourself forever, to wilt away and die.
There is also no guarantee that when you ARE ready to return and nurture your gift, it will still be as accessible as before.
I can hear the spirits, I can see the Otherworld and other beings, I know things that would anger and sadden many who hear it. I simply deal with it on my own, and with the support of those who understand, love and accept me and my gifts.
Best wishes to you.
Willemijn says
Thanks so much!