Is the sensation of taste important to you? Do you often remember what you tasted in dreams? When thinking of late loved ones do tastes appear in your mouth?
If so, you may have the psychic ability of clairgustance.
How does it work? Well, it all goes back to energy. If you’re blessed with clairgustance, you’re able to experience the physical sensation of taste quite randomly without anything entering into their mouth.
Read on to learn more about this psychic ability and what you can do to develop your clairgustant skills!
Clairgustance And Psychic Abilities 101
So many of us have psychic abilities and the knowledge that we gain through our physical senses is only a small part of what we perceive of the world.
There are many ways in which we can connect to the spiritual realm, and some of these ways are connected to our five physical senses!
You probably have heard of clairvoyance. This is the ability to see more than the physical world. It is having connections with the spiritual realms through visions.
However, there are more types of clairs and they are linked to the senses, feelings, and thoughts we have in the waking, material world. There is clairaudience which is the ability to hear spirits and pick up messages from angels and the dead.
There is also claircognizance which is having clear knowledge. Other people are clairsentient, which means that they connect well with different emotional states and perceive emotions clearly.
Lastly, there is clairalience, a psychically linked sense of smell. This psychic ability often works together with Clairgustance to heighten your senses and allow you to notice certain smells you may not have noticed before.
So what about if we feel connected to the spiritual world via the sense of taste? Let’s have a look at the meaning of clairgustance and how you can develop your clairgustant skills.
Clairgustance Meaning
Clairgustance is the psychic ability to experience the physical sensation of taste quite randomly without anything entering into their mouth.
The weird part: the thing that’s being tasted isn’t always food! It can be a tree, a place, or even a dirty sock!
The sense of taste is a powerful tool and can bring forth such strong emotions. It has the ability to make you feel nostalgic, sad, happy, or homesick.

Do you remember that holiday in Spain every time you taste a certain type of red wine? Does the taste of chocolate cake make you think of your grandmother? I am sure that I am not the only one who has eaten a meal while ill and not been able to eat the same food ever again.
Taste is so strongly linked to emotions and feelings, it isn’t a surprise that we can use this sense in a psychic way.
Should I Develop My Clairgustance Ability?
Certain psychic abilities are easier to develop than others, and it all depends on who you are. There are certain signs that you might have strong clairgustance abilities and therefore should concentrate on developing your amazing skills!
Think about your relationship with taste. When you are remembering a certain situation or place, can you sense the taste in your mouth of the food you ate there?
Perhaps certain tastes appear in your mouth when you are meditating or relaxing. This might be a spirit trying to communicate with you. It can be a weird feeling, but it may mean that you have clairgustance skills!

Think about your dreams. Perhaps when you wake up you remember the sense of taste in the dream more clearly than the other aspects. This shows that you have a strong connection with your sense of taste and the way it can transcend the material world.
You may be ready to develop your clairgustance skills if food and taste are important to you. Perhaps you are a good cook or love eating out at exotic and interesting restaurants. This means you have a strong sense of taste and can develop it in a spiritual way.
How to Develop Your Clairgustance Ability?
This psychic ability can be extremely helpful when we are wanting to connect to the spiritual world and so if you find yourself being drawn to this, it is time to develop your clairgustance ability!
Let’s look at different ways we can do this.
When we are developing our psychic abilities, we need to make sure that we are fully connected and at peace with our consciousness first. Then, we can open the door to higher consciousness.
Take time to sit and meditate, using breathing exercises to connect your mind and body. This connection is really important when it comes to clairgustance as we are using physical sensations in the spiritual world.
By meditating, we can open the bridge between the spiritual and physical world.

When you are calm and relaxed, imagine different flavors. Think about a strong and powerful taste that you love and visualize it. You will probably feel the sensation in your mouth. Concentrate on the link between your mind and body.
Ask Spirits
Another exercise to do when you are meditating is to ask spirits for help. Your spirit team and deceased loved ones are always there with you, you just need to ask for help!
Ask for them to bring forward a taste that they loved or a taste that was important to them. If you can, think about foods and tastes which reminds you of them. Use this as a way of connecting to the spirits.
Remember, do not feel frustrated or disheartened if you do not taste anything straight away! Like any other skill, clairgustance needs practice and patience in order to master. You will get there in time!
Taste New Things
Another great way to develop your clairgustance skills is to develop your palate! Go out into the world and try new things!

Try food that you haven’t had before and savor each bite. This will help you strengthen your sense of taste and therefore will affect your clairgustance abilities.
By knowing more flavors, you are able to connect with more spirits!
Pay Attention to Smells
Taste and smells are inextricably linked. When you are remembering a taste from your childhood, you are more than likely to remember the smell too. In dreams, is the smell just as strong as the taste?
Interestingly, a lot of scientists think that the majority of our sense of taste is actually our sense of smell!
So, in order to develop our clairgustance, we must not just develop our sense of taste, but also our sense of smell (so developing your clairalient skills).
When you are eating, pay attention to the smells that the food brings. Recall smells and the emotions that they bring, and what taste they go hand in hand with.

Connecting with all your different senses is a great way to use them spiritually and allow yourself to open up to spirits and angels who are wanting to contact you.
All our senses are important when we are wanting to open up to spirits as they can communicate in so many different ways!
Test Your Abilities
One brilliant way of developing your clairgustance ability is to test yourself! Get a friend to tell you when they are eating, but not to tell you what they are eating.
When they have informed you they are eating, sit down and close your eyes and focus on your friend. Imagine them in your mind, see them eating, open up the psychic bridge between you and them.
Can you tune into your friends’ experiences? Can you sense a distinct taste in your mouth? What do you think they are eating?
When you think you know, ask them what they were eating. Did you get it right?
Don’t worry if you keep getting it wrong. This takes time and sometimes you need to work at it to be able to connect with your friend’s sense of taste!

Plus, it is sometimes more difficult to connect with living spirits than those that are dead. So, don’t be disheartened and keep practicing!
Do You Have Clairgustance Abilites?
Do you have a strong sense of taste? Are you a food lover and is cooking and eating things very important in your life?
Now is the time to develop your clairgustance abilities! In doing so, you are opening up a new world of psychic abilities and getting amazing messages from spirits! You never know, you might be a natural.