It is always interesting to look at our dreams and work out what they mean. They normally reflect our subconsciousness and our deep desires and fears. So, what does it mean if you dream about cats?!
Most people have a pretty positive view of cats. These little fluffy creatures are loved by many, and loads of us have a very special cat in our lives! So, we may have a dream about cats because we love them. However, there may be a deeper meaning to this dream.
In this article, I want to look at reasons why you might be dreaming about cats, and the meanings of specific dreams.
So, why is Garfield appearing in your dream world?!
Table of Contents
Why We Dream
In order to really understand why we might be dreaming about cats, it is helpful to look at why we dream.
Dreaming is fascinating, and this is mainly because we just don’t know why we dream.
Since the dawn of time, humanity has tried to understand the reasons for the images and feelings that occur when we sleep. Ancient cultures have super interesting theories in regard to dreams, and there has always been a spiritual aspect to the dream world.
For Ancient Egyptians, dreams were a way of receiving messages and guidance from the Gods. This is called Oneiromancy, and is the idea that dreams have a spiritual quality to them.

The idea that dreams teach us something has never been forgotten, and even the psychological theories in regard to dreaming suggest that dreams are a way of learning and growing both emotionally and spiritually. Modern psychological theories on dreaming suggest that our dreams reflect our subconsciousness, and by analyzing them we can learn about ourselves.
Dream About Cats – Spirit Animals
When we dream about animals, we should consider the spirit animal tradition. This ancient belief system suggests that we all have spirit animals that exist to guide and help us. These animals are a part of the spirit of the universe, and we can learn about ourselves from them.
The theory of spirit animals is linked to animism, a beautiful belief system that reminds us that animals and plants have souls that we can connect with. Animism promotes respect and love for the natural world, and sees it as super important in regard to our spiritual path.

So, when we dream about cats, this may be a link between us and our spirit animal. This is because our spirit animals will often appear to us in our dreams.
If your spirit animal is a cat, it is because you are an independent and thoughtful individual. You take risks and crave enlightenment.
The cat as a spirit animal reminds us of the importance of courage and patience. It also teaches us that we must always be curious about the world around us, and give ourselves time to explore new things.
Dream About Cats Meaning
You may be dreaming about cats because they are your spirit animal. However, this isn’t always the case.
In order to really understand your dream about cats, you need to pay attention to the details. Who is the cat in your dream? Is it a cat you know, or a stranger?
Is the cat nice or aggressive to you? Are there any other animals in the dream alongside the cat?

As things in our dreams are often symbols of emotions, fears, and desires, it is important to pay attention to how you feel in the dream. Your attitude towards the cat is a great way of understanding what your subconsciousness is trying to tell you.
Let’s look at some common dreams about cats and what they might mean for you.
Dream About Cats Attacking You
If you are dreaming about an aggressive cat attacking you, it is time to examine your life and any issues that you have with your loved ones.
A dream about cats attacking you suggests that you are afraid of something in your waking life harming you. Because cats are usually seen as loving companions, dreaming about them attacking you suggests that you are worried about someone close to you hurting you.
There may be underlying issues with a friend or family member that have not been addressed. You are worried that these issues will become greater, and that you and them will have a big fall out.
It is time to raise any issues that you might have with your loved ones. Talk with them in a constructive manner and listen to their point of view. Soon, these issues will be a thing of the past!
Dream About Cats in The House
It is pretty bizarre to dream about cats in your house, especially if you don’t own one! If you are dreaming about cats that you don’t know in your house, this is a strong message from your psyche that you need to address something.
When you dream about cats in the house and you don’t know where they came from, it suggests that you are trying to ignore a certain aspect of yourself. In dreams, buildings will often represent our subconsciousness and mental world. So, to dream about strange cats in the house suggests that there are things in your psyche that you are not facing.

You may be ignoring certain emotions or feelings, pretending that they don’t exist. But, just like if random cats begin hanging around your house, you can’t carry on ignoring it!
You may not be truly feeling your emotions, becoming a bit distant from who you really are. This might be because of past trauma and pain. But, when we ignore feelings we are not able to deal with them.
This means that you are ultimately living a lie and getting stuck in a rut. In order to grow emotionally and spiritually, you must address your emotions and all aspects of your personality.
Dream About Cats and Kittens
If you are dreaming about cats and kittens, your subconscious is wanting you to know that it is okay to be vulnerable!
Kittens will typically represent vulnerability and helplessness. When you dream about them alongside other adult cats, your dreams are representing a battle within you. You may have pressure on you to be independent and headstrong like the adult cats.
However, from time to time you feel helpless like a little kitten. Responsibilities that come with work and family can sometimes get on top of you, and you may be struggling to cope.
Having a dream about cats and kittens is a reminder from your psyche that it is okay to feel helpless from time to time, and that you can be both an independent cat and a vulnerable kitten!
It is time to look at what you can do in order to help you feel better. Are there friends or family members you can talk to about how you are feeling? Everyone needs support, no matter how strong they appear to be!
Using natural remedies can really help with stress. Plus, practicing spirituality such as Tarot or Chakras affirmations can really boost your mental state.
Remember, a problem shared is a problem halved, and it is okay not to be okay all the time!
Dream About Cats and Dogs
When you dream about cats and dogs, your subconsciousness is reminding you of all the different qualities of your personality and how you must keep a balance of them.
In society, dogs and cats are typically seen as opposites. They are the yin and yang of the animal world! Because of this, we should learn from both these creatures in order to live a balanced and happy life.
Cats are typically seen as independent, whilst dogs are seen as loyal. Furthermore, dogs are seen as extremely trustworthy, however, cats are more aloof and cautious.

If you are dreaming about dogs and cats, it is a message from your psyche that you need to embrace these opposing qualities within you and find balance in your life.
Are you too trustworthy? Are you completely loyal to those in your life? These are great characteristics of you, but you must be able to balance this with a more rational and cautious approach. Your psyche is telling you to be more like a cat!
Similarly, if you are too independent and rarely let romance happen because of a general distrust, dreaming about cats and dogs suggests that you should be more balanced in your approach. Like the dog, you should try to find comfort and love from other people.
Dreaming About A Playful Cat
If you dream about a cat playing with you, it is often a sign that you are becoming a bit too serious in life, and you need to loosen up a bit!
Because a lot of humans love cats and see them as significant in our lives, we will sometimes dream about cats behaving in a way that is important to us.
If we are dreaming about a playful cat, our subconsciousness is reminding us of the importance of having fun! When we are young, playing and using our imagination is a huge part of our life. However, as we get older and have to deal with the real world, these things tend to take a backseat.
I believe that playfulness and imagination are really important to our spirituality and emotional health. Creativity and play-pretend are ways we can safely express ourselves and our emotions.
Of course, it can be hard when we have careers and responsibilities. However, a dream about a cat behaving playfully reflects your own desires to be more carefree in your waking life.
Have a think about all the crafty and creative things that you enjoyed when you were younger. Can you begin to paint, draw, craft, and have fun again?
Dream About a Black Cat
For a lot of cultures, black cats are a symbol of bad luck and negative energy. Of course, this isn’t true, and seeing a black cat doesn’t mean that bad things will happen!
However, because of what we have been taught about black cats in society and all the folklore that comes with them, it is no surprise that our subconsciousness uses them in dreams.

Black cats in our dreams will represent anxiety and fear. There is something troubling you in your waking life, and you are worried about your future.
However, the black cat appearing isn’t an omen. It is not saying that bad things will happen. Instead, it is telling you that there are things that you need to work on in order to become happy in your current circumstances.
If you are particularly anxious, spiritual tools such as healing crystals will help. Try out different things and see what works for you!
Dream About Cats – Spiritual Meaning
If you have a dream about cats and the meaning isn’t clear like the dreams mentioned above, it can be helpful to look at the spiritual meaning of the animal.
Now, this differs from spirit animals. This is because we may see animals in our dreams that are not our spirit guides, but are still giving us spiritual guidance.
If you are dreaming a lot about cats and don’t understand why, consider the spiritual meaning of cats.
These wonderful creatures are seen as independent and curious. Are you needing to manifest these qualities in your waking world?
Cats are also viewed as feminine, and dreaming of cats might suggest that you need to reconnect with your feminine side. Are you properly caring for yourself and those around you? Are you listening to your intuition?
Have You Had a Dream About Cats?
Cats are amazing animals, and humanity has had a long relationship with this creature. Because of this, it is not surprising that they will pop up in our dreams!
Cats represent spirituality, independence, and curiosity. We can learn so much from these animals, discovering what we need to do in order to live a fulfilling and balanced life.
Have you had a dream about cats? I hope this article has helped you understand the messages from your subconsciousness!