Have you been having dreams about pregnancy? This dream is pretty bizarre if you aren’t pregnant and have no plans to be. However, after talking to a few of my friends, I discovered that these dreams are actually super common!
Pregnancy is such a big part of life: it is how every life begins. So, it makes sense that dreams about pregnancy are relevant. However, dreams about pregnancy aren’t usually about actually being pregnant with a child. In fact, there is a range of reasons why you might be having dreams about pregnancy, and it normally represents something that is changing in your life.
Let’s look at common dreams about pregnancy and what they mean for you.
The Importance of Dreams
Dreams are super interesting, and it is always good to know the meaning of dreams, as they will typically represent something in your life that your subconsciousness is preoccupied with.
According to Freud, our psyche uses images and symbolism in our dream to shed light on our deep desires and fears. We may not be aware of these things in our waking lives, but they leak into our dream world. This is because, when we are asleep, our minds are free to explore.
However, our subconsciousness uses things we experience or are aware of in the waking world to signify our fears and wants. So, we may dream of spiders because we experience these things when we are awake, but, they are actually a symbol in our dreams.
Because our dreams tell us so much about our subconsciousness, we can use them to learn more about ourselves and grow both emotionally and spiritually.
Dreams About Pregnancy When You Are Trying to Conceive
If you are trying to conceive, and you are dreaming about pregnancy, the meaning is pretty straightforward.
Planning to have a child is a huge journey, and it is something that is constantly on our minds when we are trying to conceive. We are thinking a lot about the future and what will happen when we have a child.
A popular theory about why we dream suggests that our dreams help us process what happens during our waking life. Because thinking and living can be pretty overwhelming sometimes, our brains use sleep to process our thoughts, memories, and feelings.
So, when we are trying to conceive, we may have dreams about pregnancy. This is just our minds distilling and clarifying all the emotions and memories that we have during our waking life!
Dreams About Pregnancy – Common dreams and Their Meanings
Perhaps you are dreaming about pregnancy, but you aren’t planning to have a child. What might this mean?
When wanting to understand why you are having these dreams, take time to recall your emotions and attitudes in the dream. Are you scared? Or, perhaps you are excited about your pregnancy?
Identifying the feelings you have in the dream allows you to interpret what your subconsciousness is trying to tell you. By doing this, you are able to learn from your dreams.
Now, let’s look at some common dreams about pregnancy and what they might mean for you!
Dreaming About Your Own Pregnancy
In order to work out why you are having dreams about pregnancy, you need to figure out what the pregnancy could be a symbol for.
Pregnancy is the beginning of a new life. It is daunting and pretty scary, but very exciting too! If you are dreaming about pregnancy, your subconsciousness is probably telling you that you are at the beginning of a new adventure.
Perhaps you have begun a new project or a new job, or are wanting to. This new chapter of your life is symbolized by the pregnancy in your dreams. There is fresh responsibility with this new part of your life, and you might be a bit anxious about this. These dreams can also signify that a project you have been working on for a while, whether it is to do with home or work, will soon come to a head and be completed.
Because of this, dreams about pregnancy can be really encouraging, as they are letting you know that your goals and wishes are coming to fruition. You are working hard to get to where you are wanting to be, and it will soon pay off!
If you are feeling stressed about your new circumstances, try out some spiritual practices such as crystal healing or yoga. This can really help to calm and center yourself, ready for your new journey!
Dreams About Pregnancy and Anxiety
Sometimes our dreams about pregnancy can be pretty stressful, and we may not feel ready to bring a new person into our lives.
If your dreams about pregnancy are defined by anxiety, it normally reflects a feeling of overwhelm in your waking life. You may be struggling a lot with current responsibilities, and you feel as if you don’t have complete control of your life.
If you are having these anxious dreams about pregnancy, take a step back and look at what might be causing these. Are you overworked in your career? Is someone in your friendship group causing issues?
Having anxiety in your pregnancy dreams will often suggest that you are in a caregiving role that is really hard on you. You are going above and beyond for someone in your life, and sometimes it feels as if they are giving you nothing in return.
Have a think about your interpersonal relationships. Is there a friend or family member relying too much on you? Do you feel as if you are being their parent when you aren’t?
It is important to have boundaries in both friendships and relationships, and for these connections to be equal and respectful. If you are a kind and caring person, it is easy to take on other people’s burdens for yourself. However, this may start to really affect your happiness and mental wellbeing.
Dreams About a Positive Pregnancy Test
Dreaming about a positive pregnancy test has a similar meaning to other dreams about pregnancy. It does suggest that you are beginning a new journey in life, however, you have not got a fully thought-out plan about where you are going and where you want to be.
Perhaps you have an idea about your goals and dreams. You may want to change careers, or try out a new hobby.
Because our dreams are messages from our subconsciousness, dreams about a positive pregnancy test might happen when you are in need of a change and a fresh start but haven’t actually identified what you want to do yet. You may be feeling a little bit stuck, but can’t put your finger on why this is.
This dream is a message from your psyche that you have a lot of exciting opportunities coming up, but you need to make a few changes in order to get there!
Dreams About a Negative Pregnancy Test
A dream about a negative pregnancy test suggests that you are worried about losing something or someone from your waking life.
You may have a close friend or family member that you are drifting away from. Perhaps you haven’t properly noticed as you are both busy with work and your own lives. However, your subconsciousness is telling you that you need to reach out and reconnect with the person you haven’t seen for a while!
You may also dream about a negative pregnancy test if you are going through a big change in your life that you don’t feel ready for. We go through so many changes in life, and some can be really daunting.
Moving house, hitting a significant age, and getting a new job might all cause dreams about a negative pregnancy test. You are feeling pretty vulnerable and scared about the future, and don’t know if you are ready to take the next step.
If you relate to this, it is important to remember that changes are a part of life, and we must always be moving forward on our true path. Sometimes we may sometimes feel like The Fool, not knowing the true direction in which we are going.
Listen to your heart and allow your soul to guide you. These big changes have to happen, and it is okay! You will feel more positive about it soon, you just need a bit of time to adjust.
Dreaming About Being Pregnant With Twins
Dreaming about being pregnant with twins will typically reflect a decision that you have to make in the waking world. You are perhaps feeling torn. Two paths are in front of you, and you don’t know which one to take.
Because this choice that you have to make is a pretty big one, your subconscious is preoccupied with it when you sleep. Dreaming about being pregnant with twins is because you have two opposing views inside of you, and the twins are a symbol of your two different mindsets.
This may seem a bit scary for you, but whatever you choose will be right! Listen to your intuition and work out what you truly wish to do. Because dreams about pregnancy are normally a good sign, reflecting a project that will come to fruition, it suggests that both the options in front of you are positive.
Dreaming of Someone Being Pregnant
Dreaming about a friend or someone you know being pregnant will typically be because you are craving a bit of emotional support right now.
When someone is pregnant, they must nurture their body and the life that is growing. This is the aspect of pregnancy that is important when we look at why we might be dreaming of someone being pregnant. You may be needing to be nurtured a little bit by someone in your life!
It is okay to feel vulnerable from time to time, and it is really important to reach out for help when you need it. Your friends and family are there to support you and will want to do all that they can to help you on your path in life.
Who is it that is pregnant in your dream? Is it a close friend or family member? You may wish to reach out to this person and ask for their support.
You may also be dreaming of someone being pregnant if you are wanting to nurture a certain quality within you. If it is someone you don’t really know that is pregnant in your dream, think of their qualities and what you like about them. Is there something that you wish to work on in your own personality?
Dreams About Pregnancy and Your Ex
Sometimes, we might have dreams about pregnancy that involve our exes. In these dreams, you are somehow aware that you are pregnant with their child.
You might feel pretty weird about this dream, both when you are asleep and when you wake up. You may even feel pretty guilty if you currently have a partner!
However, dreams about pregnancy that involve an ex don’t mean that your subconscious is telling you that you have a deep desire to get back with them and have a child together!
In fact, these dreams are pretty positive. They are your psyche learning and growing from your past relationships. You may have a positive or negative view of your ex, but your relationship with them taught you a lot about love and life. You are in the process of letting go of the past and creating a new life with the knowledge that you learned by having a relationship with this person.
Do You Keep Having Dreams About Pregnancy?
I hope this article has helped you work out why you keep having dreams about pregnancy! This common dream is normally a really hopeful sign of new and exciting changes.
These changes might be a bit scary, but they are an important part of your life. We must always be moving forward and continuing down our true path in life!
If you are dreaming about pregnancy and giving birth, check out my article here on what it means to dream about giving birth in order to fully understand what your subconsciousness is trying to tell you.