Are you dreaming about your ex? This can be a pretty confusing and upsetting dream. Perhaps you are in a new relationship and feel happy and content. Or, maybe you are trying hard to get over your ex, and then they appear in the dream world to remind you of the love you shared!
So, why is your ex appearing in your dreams? Is there a spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex?
Regardless of why or how you broke up, it is pretty common for an ex to appear in a dream. I know I have dreamed of my exes, even when I haven’t seen them for years!
There are a few different reasons why you may be dreaming about your ex, and it all depends on how you are feeling both in your dreams and the waking world.
The Spiritual Meaning of Dreams
Before we look at the spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex, we should examine the link between the dream world and spirituality.
Many spiritualists believe that our dreams hold messages from the universe and our spirit guides. When we are asleep, the constraints of the waking world are left behind, and we are much more open to spiritual guidance and understanding. This means that our souls will connect with higher realms of existence and explore the messages that we may be ignoring when we are awake.
Have you ever heard of the witching hour? This old folk belief suggests that there is a specific time of night when the realm between this world and others is at its thinnest. Traditionally, the witching hour is when witches and spirits may appear in the physical world! But the veil is open both ways. This means we can connect with other worlds and receive guidance from higher powers at this time.
When we consider this magical time and how, when we are asleep, our souls are more awake, it makes sense that our dreams hold spiritual messages of guidance and support.
The Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming About Your Ex
If you are dreaming about your ex and want to know why, you may find reflecting on your emotions in the dream helpful. Are you happy to see your ex? Do you feel anger and sadness when meeting them in the dream world?
Exploring your emotions and thoughts regarding your ex will help you figure out why you are having these dreams.
How do you feel when you wake up from dreaming about your ex? Do you wake up wanting to contact them? Or, maybe you wake up and feel as if you never want to talk to them again!
There may be significant spiritual reasons for dreaming about your ex. Let’s take a look at them now.
They Are Your Twin Flame
We all have a twin flame that we were connected with before we were born. At birth, our soul was split in two, with one half placed in our body and the other in our twin flames body.
A twin flame connection is not easy. It can be incredibly intense and overwhelming. This is because when we reunite with our twin flame, we discover so much about ourselves and our true path in life.
There are eight distinct stages of a twin flame relationship. All are equally important for our spiritual growth, and one significant stage is the runner and chaser stage. This is when we are disconnected from our twin flame and are not talking. However, we yearn for them.
You may be dreaming about your ex because they are your twin flame, and you want to reconnect with them. To work out if this is the case, reflect on your feelings towards your ex and your emotions in the dream. Are you happy to see them? Do you wake up and miss them?
You Have a Spiritual Connection With Them
You may be dreaming about your ex because you have a strong spiritual tie to them. They may not be your twin flame, but you still share a spiritual connection.
Your soul may be linked with your ex’s soul because you are in the same soul family, or they are your soulmate. Our souls are tied to others in many ways, and all provide us with spiritual growth and guidance.
This doesn’t mean that you need or want to get back with them. Perhaps they have already fulfilled their purpose in your life, and you have learned from your relationship. However, you are dreaming about your ex because your soul is still connected with them.
Your Ex Misses You
I have always been told that if you dream about someone, it is because they are thinking about you. This idea has been around for years, but there is actually a reason people say this!
Remember how I said that our souls are more awake when we are asleep? This means they can send messages to other souls they are connected to. When you are asleep, your ex may also be asleep, and their soul is sending yours a message. They are missing you and want you to know this.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have to contact them if you don’t want to. It is completely natural to miss someone, even if you know that it won’t work out. Take time to work out what you want to do.
The Universe Wants You To Be Reunited
A spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex is that your spirit guides want you to reach out to them and reunite. Our spirit guides send us messages in our dreams and provide us with hints and guidance in the dream world.
To work out if this is why you are dreaming about your ex, reflect on your relationship and why you split up. Was the reason for breaking up serious, or did it seem a bit silly? Did you break up because you were scared of commitment?
Sometimes, we break up because we are scared to let someone else in. However, our spirit guides will see us do this and send us guidance and messages, helping us get back with that person if they are right for us.
You Need To Let Go
You may be dreaming about your ex because the universe is telling you that it is time to let go and move on. Perhaps you are not over your ex and are constantly thinking about them. Maybe it is stopping you from meeting someone new and moving forward on your romantic journey in life.
If you feel upset and hurt in your dream, it may be because you are letting go of the emotions the breakup brought you and working through it in your subconsciousness.
You Need Closure
Breakups can be incredibly difficult, leaving you with questions and pain. You may be dreaming about your ex because you need closure.
This can be particularly difficult, as you may not want to hit your ex up and ask them the questions you want to know the answers to! Plus, they may not be cooperating with you, which means that you cannot get the answers.
If you cannot contact your ex for closure, it is time to accept that you may not know everything regarding your breakup and try to move forward. Focus on you, your friends, your hobbies, and your work. Soon, you will start thinking about your ex less and less.
A New Romance Is Coming Into Your Life
You may be dreaming about your ex because a new love is coming into your life, and the universe is preparing you for it.
I know this sounds kind of counterintuitive. But, here me out!
You and your ex didn’t work out for a reason. Perhaps they treat you badly, or you made some bad decisions. Your spirit guides are reminding you of what went wrong in previous relationships to make sure you don’t find yourself in the same position again.
Every breakup provides us with a chance to learn about ourselves and how we connect with others. The universe wants you to reflect on your old relationship to prepare yourself for the new romance coming your way.
Dreaming About Your Ex — Other Meanings
Many of our dreams are symbols and metaphors for the worries we have. This means that sometimes, dreaming about your ex isn’t actually about your ex. In the dream, your ex is a symbol of something else in your life.
Reflect on what your ex represents for you and what you admire or dislike about them. Perhaps your ex was materialistic and cared too much about status and money. Could these traits be bubbling away in you? Have you been acting in a materialistic way?
If you are dreaming about your ex, have a think about what they represent to you and what they could be a symbol of.
How To Stop Dreaming About Your Ex
We often don’t like to dream about past relationships. So, what can you do to stop dreaming about your ex and move forward in life?
Contact Them
If you think you are dreaming about your ex because you shouldn’t have broken up and the universe wants you to get back together, consider contacting them. However, do not be pushy, and remember to give them the space they need.
Sadly, your ex may not be in a place to talk to you. Gently reach out and ask them if they want to talk. If not, it may be time to forgive and forget.
Forgive Them (And Yourself)
A huge part of moving on from a past relationship is forgiveness. It may be time to work on forgiving your ex for the pain they cause and forgiving yourself for the relationship not working out.
Remind yourself that you and your ex are people, and people make mistakes. Nobody is perfect, but we can learn from any mistakes we have made.
Embrace a positive mindset and work to release those negative emotions from your body.
Work On Yourself
Dreaming about your ex may suggest that you are stuck in the past and are not finding happiness in yourself. Working on yourself and connecting with your inner voice will help you find strength and power in who you are.
There are loads of ways you can develop your connection with yourself and boost your personal power. Here are some of my favorite practices:
- Self-love affirmations help you to treat yourself with love and kindness. Practicing these daily boosts your relationship with yourself and paves the way for positive thinking.
- Use a gratitude journal to remind yourself of all the good that is in your life right now.
- Journal with shadow work prompts to overcome the negative feelings you have regarding your ex and past relationships.
Are You Dreaming About Your Ex?
Dreaming about your ex can be very confusing! I hope this article has helped you understand why you may be having these dreams and the spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex.
If you love to learn about dreams, A Little Spark of Joy is the perfect place for you! Check our our other dream related content here:
- Learn how to start a dream journal and the benefits of dream journaling.
- Discover the most common dreams and what they mean.
- Are you dreaming about a wedding? Find out what it means!
- Learn what dreams about birthdays mean.
- Find out how you can use Tarot to decode the messages within your dreams with our dream interpretation Tarot spreads.