Triumph! Victory! Following the Five of Wands, which illustrates a battle of wills, the Six of Wands shows us what it looks like to come out on top.
If you have been knee-deep in a struggle of any kind, do not fret! The end is near, and not only will you be the winner, but others will also recognize your success.
This Minor Arcana card often predicts achievement on a large scale so this gain will be a big one. You’ve endured and fought the good fight, now prepare for the rewards of your conquest.
Table of Contents
Before diving deeper into the Wands’ upright- and reversed six of Wands tarot card meanings, and their connection to love, work, and life, let us have a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Wands card.
Upright | Victory, triumph, recognition |
Reversed | Failure, losing, broken promises, fame-hungry |
Yes or No | Yes |
Numerology | 6 |
Element | Fire |
Planet | Sun |
Sign | Leo |
To fully understand the Six of Wands tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the illustration, colors, and symbolism.

At the center, a figure rides confidently on horseback through a jubilant crowd. This figure, their face turned away, leaves their gender a mystery, enhancing the universality of the card’s message: triumph is not exclusive but inclusive, respecting actions and intent more than identity.
The rider’s crown, a laurel wreath, is an enduring symbol of victory and triumph. In the firm grasp of the rider, a wand is proudly held aloft. The Wand’s depiction in this scene is vital, and the top of this Wand, adorned with a ring of flourishing flowers, reiterates the laurel’s promise of triumph, embodying the tenets of self-confidence and ambition.
A sky of pure and tranquil blue stretches above, heralding a new day, unmarred by physical or emotional storms. This serene azure backdrop brings a sense of calm and clarity, underscoring the positive aspects of the card. When the Six of Wands appears in a reading, it is often interpreted as a very good omen, indicative of impending success and achievement.
The crowd of spectators plays a critical role in the Six of Wands description. Triumph is not an isolated experience but a shared spectacle, allowing the rider’s achievement to shine brighter as it is reflected in the eyes of those who bear witness.
Exuding self-confidence and pride, the rider’s demeanor is robust and assured. Their elevated head is an unspoken declaration of pride. But, is this necessarily beneficial? The perception here is key. Pride can signify a healthy sense of self-esteem and accomplishment, yet it also carries the risk of veering into arrogance if not tempered with humility.
Upright Six of Wands Meaning
The Six of Wands depicts the following outcome: Public praise, awards, recognition for success, applause for a job well done, and being given a pat on the back.
Many times, it may feel like others don’t notice our hard work. Maybe your significant other or children seem unappreciative.
Perhaps your boss acts like the effort you give is meaningless or you have family members who take you for granted. If so, things are about to change for the better.
The Upright Six of Wands predicts success in the presence of onlookers. Get ready to receive your gold star and strut your stuff. You deserve it.
Money and Career
Get ready to level up! The Six of Wands is a good omen for every area of life. If you are in a career that puts you in the public eye, you will soon see an increase in public acknowledgment. If you aren’t, maybe you should be.
Regardless of what field you are in, promotions, educational achievements, financial stability, and money are sure to multiply if the Six of Wands represents you in a reading.
If this Victor presents himself as someone else, the same sentiment rings true. Connecting yourself with people who are going in the right direction is one of the best ways of solidifying your own success.
The Six of Wands suggests success in financial matters, as well. This would be a great time to make a new investment in a company or product that you trust.
Of course, you should complete your due process and make sure the deal is sound, but don’t be hesitant to jump right in. The return that you receive as a result won’t be disappointing.
Love and Relationships
The Six of Wands in a spread is a testament to the success and stability of your relationship. You and your partner will both be in high spirits, and you will share wealth and accomplishments with one another.
You will support and care for each other through all obstacles, and you will always come out on top.
If you have been experiencing relationship issues in the past, that is all about to change. The time and attention that you have poured into resolving these issues are going to make a difference.
If you are single, the Six of Cards suggests your soulmate may be on the horizon. This person will be strong, confident, and ready to lift you and help you to reach your full potential.
You are ready to love and be loved in a new relationship that is sure to be everything you ever imagined. Make sure you are ready so that you don’t miss this amazing opportunity.
Health and Spirituality
If you are battling depression, anxiety, or a physical ailment of any kind, you are about to come out on top. The Six of Wands can represent miracles, especially health-related ones. Not only will you overcome whatever it is you are struggling with, but people will also begin to look to you for guidance.
For example, someone in an abusive relationship might receive this card as an indication that not only will he or she escape the circumstances; they will be able to encourage and support others in doing the same.
In this paragraph, we will talk a bit more about what it means if you’ve pulled the Six of Wands tarot card in the reversed position (upside down).

There’s no way to sugarcoat it. The reversed Six of Wands is a manifestation of disappointment and failure.
It could be that someone you looked up to has, or is about to, let you down. If this is the case, you can’t quit now.
Success and failure are both a part of life, and the latter can be a game-changer. As Shah Rukh Khan puts it, “Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble.”
This quote fits well with the Reversed Six of Wands since the card can also predict an excess of confidence and the need to humble one’s self.
It is essential to live a life of gratitude and not let success go to our heads. There is a fine line between believing in your abilities and becoming so self-important that you value achievement over all else. In what way can you find balance?
When upright, the Six of Wands in a yes or no spread is yes. You will triumph in whatever you set out to achieve, and success is inevitable.
However, if the reversed Six of Wands is pulled, the answer is usually no–or at least at this time.
If this is the case, you should take a step back to look at whether your wants are realistic.
If you are confident that what you desire is best, look for an alternative route to achieving your goal.
The Six of Wands is connected to the zodiac sign Leo. Consider this sign as the Patriarch who is generous but also loves to be admired.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and shows our ability to shine and express our true gifts and confidence.
The Six of Wands is all about victory, triumph, and recognition. Also in combination with other cards, success is the main theme. Look for the other cards surrounding the Six of Wands to learn more about what kind of success and what to look out for.
When the Six of Wands connect with the Fool, the possibilities for success are endless. Whatever venture you select, is sure to end successfully. What does your heart desire the most? Make the answer to this question your focus.
You’ve found the one–or you will soon. The Lovers card, when paired with the Six of Wands, predicts a romance like no other.
Sure, every relationship has its challenges, but like the man riding through the streets on this sixth card, your love will endure any battle.
When the Six of Wands and the Devil appear alongside one another, success in business is in your future.
If you are holding a position at your job, you are bound to accomplish all you seek. Channel all your positive energy into your accomplishments, and you will not fail.
For the entrepreneur, now is a great time to jump into a new business venture. If you find the right project, your financial success could be astounding
Jump in with both feet and trust yourself – you are destined for greatness.
This duo promises success in educational matters. If you are a student, you will score well on tests and maybe even receive new scholarships.
If you are not in school at the moment, now is a great time to get enrolled in a new class or to explore a convention to sharpen the skills that you already possess.
The combination with the World card tells that the ventures that you have in education will be successful and your career will benefit greatly as a result.
Be prepared to humble yourself. If the Six of Wands is matched with either the Tower or the Five of Cups, defeat or the loss of a relationship may be in your future.
As with any setback, we may not be able to control every outcome, but we can control our reactions to current and future events.
By accepting a loss gracefully and then getting right back in the game, you increase your chances of being successful in the future.
Are you too hard on yourself? The Six of Wands, when connected to the Five of Swords, suggests that you are your own worst enemy.
Self-deprecating talk, negative thoughts, and giving into unhealthy vices won’t fix your situation. In fact, it will only make it worse.
You can achieve whatever you desire, but this can’t happen unless you find ways to increase feelings of self-worth and self-esteem.
It is your time to shine! Not only will you be victorious, where the Chariot is all about, in whatever you’ve set out to achieve, but others are also going to take notice.
Are you prepared for the acclaim (and possibly fame) that will come with having your day in the sun?
Get ready to hold your head up high. The Six of Wands is preparing you to go out with a bang!
The Six of Wands and the Knight of Pentacles encompass a successful career change.
Have you been considering changing jobs or careers completely? This is a good indication that now is a perfect time to do that.
If you have been sitting on your hands waiting around for a sign, this is it! Update your resume and get out there – you will be grateful that you did!
If you see the Six of Wands and the Ace of Wands together in a reading, it reassures you of successful new beginnings.
Perhaps you have been considering moving to a new town or getting into a new social circle. The cards are telling you that the move is a good one, should you choose to pursue these endeavors.
Although this may be a scary decision for you to make, if you have examined all the angles and you still want to move forward, you should do it.
The description of the Six of Wands in this article is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. This doesn’t mean that I use other decks too. And there are so many stunning decks out there! Therefore, I’ve added some of my favorite Six of Wands cards to this article.

That’s all for the Six of Wands Tarot card meaning! If you have pulled this card in your tarot spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!
Wille says
When the six of wands is reversed, it signifies someone close to you letting you down. I don’t think this is a good sign, but only you will truly know what it means!
Wille xxxx
Wille says
Hi Amber, thank you for your question. As I’ve written in the Six of Wands article, there’s no way to sugarcoat the meaning of the reversed Six of Wands: the manifestation of disappointment and failure, combined with the Five of Wands, I would also lean more towards a no instead of a yes. But remember that the cards are just giving you guidance and insights, but deep down inside you can answer this question best???? So don’t forget to listen to your intuition.
Hope this was helpful! ????
Wille ????
Wille says
Hey Heidy, thanks for your comment! The Six of Wands Card, when we talk about romantic relationships, is a good sign and can indicate that the partner of your dreams is going to realize soon that you are a perfect match for him/her. If you have been experiencing relationship issues in the past, that is all about to change. The time and attention that you have poured into resolving these issues are going to make a difference.
Hope this helps ????
Wille says
Hi Abril, thanks for your question! The Six of Wands tarot card means victory, triumph, and being in the spotlight. As an answer to your question of how you can tune into a higher frequency, I would interpret it like this: be open, share your experiences with others, and don’t be afraid to be in the spotlight. I’m a big believer in the Law of Attraction, so I think if you’re in a good space, being friendly and open to meet new people, you will attract people that vibrate on the same frequency or even manage to tune into higher frequencies. Hope this answered your question:)
Love, Wille ✨
Wille says
Hi Theresa, Thank you for your comment! The six of wands reversed either means someone lets you down, or an excess of confidence and the need to humble one’s self.
The Lovers card is about (pretty obvious) love, romantic relationships, getting clear about your own values and finding harmony within yourself. If these two cards are paired together, this probably indicates that you’re in a romantic relationship with someone who is too dominant or letting you down. It’s time to think about your own values and align your relationship with these values. If you’re still single, the Six of Wands reversed combined with the Lovers card can indicate that someone disappointed you and that you first need to find harmony within yourself before moving on to the next relationship or date.
Does this make sense in your situation?
All the best, Wille
Wille says
Hi Chris, thanks for your comment. For me it’s not completely clear what kind of spread you used and if it’s about you or another person (as you’re mentioning “his ego”). I would say that the Six of Wands indicates that this other person sees you as someone who is young, accomplishes your goals, and lives in fulfillment. Hope this makes sense to your situation. Love✨ Wille