Relationships are hard.
But even harder than that…. Finding someone you actually want to BE in a relationship with.
As post-pandemic effects reverberate, meeting new people has become an increasingly intricate task. However, the online world, despite its popularity, doesn’t necessarily hold the answer for everyone.
Imagine finding the person destined to share your life with you, your soulmate. It may seem like a daunting task, scouring through profiles, filtering through potential partners to find that perfect individual who brings joy and completes your life.
Except it’s really not.
In fact, we’ve developed a straightforward, efficient method for how to manifest someone special within seven easy steps.
Does that sound good? Let’s go!
Table of Contents
Deconstructing Misconceptions: What Manifesting Your Soulmate is NOT!
Before we venture into the journey of the 7 simple steps to manifest your soulmate, it is crucial to debunk some prevalent misconceptions about soulmate search.
We have been groomed to believe the biggest load of codswallop and assume it as fact. As just the way things work.

Misconception #1: it requires an exhaustive search for a partner who ticks all boxes on your ideal mate checklist. This list often includes physical attractiveness, shared interests, lifestyle compatibility, and even their affinity for pets.
Misconception #2: You get to know them and see if you can love and accept them and if they can love and accept you. Do they make you happy, are they easy to be with, do they have any major flaws?
Misconception #3: If it turns out that you get along pretty alright, you find a good groove with them and you MAKE. THINGS. WORK. You give up things that you want. They give up things that they want.
And you settle.
You build a life together where you KIND of get what you want. A life that you KIND of like. And you get to work convincing yourselves and each other that this is the best it’s going to get because they know all your flaws and they’re STILL okay being with you.
Misconception #4: You resign to living an unfulfilled life, under the mistaken belief that this is a universal experience, leading to a mediocre existence with a just ‘good enough’ relationship.
This may surprise you because this is how we’ve been taught it works since the dawn of time. And at times you’ve probably thought that you’re the crazy one because everyone else seems to be totally peachy with the way relationships go!
Don’t worry, darling, you’re COMPLETELY sane and I don’t blame you for not buying that BS. I don’t either!
So what then, are we supposed to do? Read on…
These are missteps that can lead you away from your goal. I assure you, rejecting these misconceptions doesn’t make you an odd one out. Rather, it makes you a realist, seeking a genuine, fulfilling connection.
So, how should you embark on your soulmate quest?
Preparation Before Your Soulmate Quest
There are essential elements to consider before beginning your journey towards manifesting your soulmate:

Attain Emotional Independence
Strive to be content in your life before inviting a relationship. Seeking a partner to rescue you from dissatisfaction places an unfair burden on them and creates a foundation of unhealthy expectations.
Get to an emotional place where you don’t need a relationship to feel fulfilled.
You may really want a partnership, and that’s great… but invite a relationship when you are already feeling happy and joyful in your life, in your friendships, in your solitude, in your financial health, in your work etc.
Only then will the relationship have the capacity to be completely healthy.
You are not looking for someone to save you from a boring, dull or sad life. That’s no one’s job except yours.
To expect someone to do that for you is to create a foundation of unhealthy expectations and burden for someone else.
No bueno. This creates a lot of chaos and dependency because you need them to feel okay. And probably vice versa.
Heal Emotional Wounds
Learn to address your emotional triggers internally, instead of projecting onto your partner. Understand that managing your emotions is your responsibility.
Heal your wounds to the level that when something triggers you, you turn inwards and reflect on why that thing triggered you, rather than vomit your words and feelings outwards.
So many people have the tendency to use their partners as a punching bag for the emotions they don’t feel comfortable being with, so they want to make the other person hold them. This is actually abuse.
When you can hold yourself within your own emotions, this means that you understand that every single thing you feel is your own responsibility to manage.
Resolve Past Resentment
Releasing bitterness and disappointment from past relationships is crucial. You must take responsibility for the role you played in those relationships to break the cycle of attracting similar partners.
When you are still carrying around heaviness from your past relationships, no matter how valid it is, it means you are not taking responsibility for the part you played in creating that relationship.
Whatever patterns existed within you to attract those partners in, WILL STILL BE THERE which means you will simply attract in other partners that have similar, if not, identical characteristics.
Address Codependency
Recognize if you exhibit codependent traits such as low self-esteem, over-giving without asking for reciprocation, relying on external validation, or having trouble with emotional intimacy and trust. Addressing these can prevent you from attracting narcissistic partners.
Heal any codependent patterns that you have as best as you can.
- If you expect someone to be responsible for your happiness
- If you are an overgiver who doesn’t know how to ask for your needs to be met
- If you have low self esteem
- If you need external validation to feel good about yourself
- If you are hyper independent and don’t feel like you need help from anyone
- If you have trouble with emotional intimacy
- If you have trouble trusting yourself and others
- If you find yourself particularly judgmental or blaming others
- If you feel like the world is against you or bad things always happen to you
- If you find you try to save people, especially from themselves
- If you find yourself controlling, and prefer that people did things your way (because your way is best, anyway!)
- If you like to be right, and even prefer to be right at all costs
- If you use gifts or favors as a way to make yourself valuable to someone (so they won’t leave you) …
- If you relate to any of the above, you have some codependent tendencies present.
You will take these into a relationship if you don’t heal them, and usually that will result in attracting a narcissistic partner.
Remember, the quality of the relationship you attract reflects your emotional awareness and responsibility level. The higher your awareness, the more fulfilling your relationship will be.
Now, with these misconceptions debunked and preparation steps in mind, let’s proceed towards the steps to manifest your soulmate.
HOW TO Manifest Your Soulmate: A Step-by-Step Guide to Attract Your Perfect Partner

Step #1: Allow Your Intuition to Guide You
Let intuition guide you to where you’re meant to be and who you’re meant to talk to. Your gut is connected to a higher source of information (many call it Universal Consciousness), and this information knows EXACTLY what you need to do and who you need to talk to in order to meet your person.
You may have to learn some more lessons. You may need a few more tools. Whatever you need, intuition will guide you to it.
Step #2: Follow Magnetic Pulls
Allow yourself to follow magnetic pulls to people. You let intuition guide the extent of the connection. For example, you may be magnetized (attracted) to someone for a specific reason, and it may not be meant to go beyond friendship.
Or it may not be meant to go beyond a kiss. They may be there to teach you something, or to introduce you to an idea, a book, a website, an event, a person… anything. Follow the magnetic pull, but don’t automatically assume that it’s because you are supposed to be in a relationship with that person.
Pay attention to those who attract you, but remember that attraction doesn’t necessarily mean you’re meant for a romantic relationship.
It might be a friendship,or a lesson. If you’re attracting people who mirror your traumas or issues, see it as an opportunity for growth and healing.
Lessons to learn. Habits to practice. Learning how to relate healthily & respectfully to people in relationships.
This will be a period of growth and learning. These relationships will usually end, because they were only destined to be there for you until you learned your lesson or had your experience. Try to hold these lightly.
Step #3: Decide Your Desired Feeling in Your Soulmate Relationship
You get to decide how you want to feel in your soul mate partnership.
As you navigate through the practice relationship scenarios, you will start to learn how you want to feel, and what you want to contribute to and receive from your soul mate partnership.
Once you have a pretty clear idea of what that is, then you make your request to the Universe. You tell it what you want to experience and you let the Universe take care of the rest!
Step #4: Trust Your Intuition to Meet Your Soulmate
You follow intuition again (and always) to meet this person. You may not recognize them right away. And you may. (I didn’t).
They may not recognize you right away. And they may. You may have to go through a couple more practice relationships to refine a few more things before you meet your person. Follow the flow. Surrender to what your intuition tells you to do. Learn, grow, practice, practice, practice.
Step #5: Develop the Connection
You feel a magnetic pull to a person, and intuition keeps guiding you to take the connection further and further as you get to know each other, and yourself more deeply. You may not know it’s them right away.
Just trust your intuition and keep following the prompts. Once you know it’s them who is your soulmate, hang back and witness if they have noticed that you are theirs also.
Try not to smother them with the information (which will be tricky since you’ll be very excited about it!).
Let them come to the realization in their own time. Give them as much space as they need, and if the time feels right and you are intuitively called to mention it, follow that nudge.
My friend Penny was friends with her soulmate for 2.5 years before she got the intuitive nudge to say something to him!
Step # 6: Savor the Dance
Once you spot each other, and you know you’ve spotted each other, then begins the dance. The savoring of each of the connecting moments. The enjoyment of each of the firsts.
Because this will be the last set of firsts in a relationship in this lifetime. There’s no rush. There’s no hurry. There’s just what now is.
Step # 7: Embrace Growth Together
The more evolved of a soulmate match they are, the more they will trigger some of your deeper wounds that haven’t been healed yet.
That is what these soulmate relationships are FOR. To help each other grow in a way that you simply cannot grow by yourself. Keep doing your work, and keep nurturing the relationship and it will continue to flourish.
Positive Affirmations FOR HOW TO Manifest SOMEONE
Manifesting a specific person in your life isn’t as daunting as it may sound. Utilizing positive thinking can dramatically enhance the manifestation process, eventually leading you towards your dream romantic partner.
The key to successful manifestation lies in harnessing the power of positive affirmations and a positive mindset. Visualizing your dream job, romantic interests, or any specific life goal in the present tense helps bring these aspirations closer to reality.
Similarly, even things like journaling about what you want to happen, or mumbling positive things that you want to happen could elevate your overall ability to manifest it.
Creating a vision board can be a great way to further materialize your desires. Include all aspects of the life you wish to share with your desired partner, from romantic dinners and travel destinations to your shared dream home.
Visualization is another potent tool for manifestation. Regularly visualize your ideal life with the special person, investing positive emotions into each scene. This makes your dream life feel more tangible and achievable and helps your brain get on board with attracting this life.
Manifesting a specific person requires not just the belief in the process but also the belief that you deserve to manifest this person. Reflect on any limiting beliefs that may exist and work to clear them, enhancing your positive energy and receptivity.
Lastly, it’s crucial to take action towards manifesting the relationship you desire. This could include attending social events, or pursuing interests where you might meet like-minded individuals. Remember, free will is an essential component of manifestation, and taking actionable steps demonstrates your readiness to receive what the universe has for you. Trust your intuition on all actions you are supposed to take. Your intuition will guide you every step of the way.
As you actively work towards manifesting your special person, continue to focus on self-improvement and fostering positive emotions. Release any negative energy or doubts, trust the manifestation energy, and be ready to receive your heart’s desires.
– Abi Levine