If you are exploring spirituality, you have probably heard about manifesting. The idea of manifesting has become extremely popular recently, with guides and techniques all over Tiktok and other social media sites. I love seeing spirituality become more mainstream, as I believe that spirituality is for everyone and works in so many amazing ways.
But, to really get everything you want out of manifesting, it is helpful to know why it works. In this article, we will look at the manifestation definition, the theory behind manifestation, and the best ways you can manifest your dreams.
Let’s get to it!
Manifestation Definition
We can define manifestation as the act of creating an idea into reality. It is the act of using our minds to alter our lives, sending our intentions into the world to create our own reality.
Manifestation was made popular by the 2006 book The Secret, which states that our thoughts are connected with our reality, and we can change reality with our thoughts. But, the idea of manifestation has been around for a long time. If you have ever practiced witchcraft, you will know that a big part of casting spells is the mind and sending intentions out into the universe.
How Manifestation Works
The manifestation definition we have just explored is interesting, but it doesn’t fully explain why it works. Perhaps you are reading this and thinking, ‘Sure, it would be great if I could just magic up anything I want with manifestation.’ I won’t lie, I was a bit dubious about it at first! It seemed too good to be true.
The thing is, manifestation isn’t like the magic you see on TV or in films. You can’t just visualize a chocolate cake for one to appear immediately (although that would be nice). Instead, it is all about changing the energy within to slowly change the energy outside of you. It takes time, but it works if you are willing to put in the effort and change your mindset.

Manifestation works with the Law of Attraction, which states that what we put into the world will return to us. We are all full of energy, and we send both positive and negative energy out into the universe. Everything has vibrations, from the trees in the forests to the shoes we wear. The Law of Attraction states that connecting with these vibrations and aligning our energy with positive energy in the world will promote change and transformation.
With the power of positive thinking, you can send positive energy into the world and receive them back. But, the power is within you. You need to believe it to gain it. Have you heard of the phrase ‘fake it till you make it‘? Well, I think manifestation is kind of like this. You must believe that you have the ability to achieve your dreams, and this belief will be sent out into the universe.
Does Manifestation Work?
Many people shrug off manifestation and believe that it is no more than wishful thinking. However, these people usually don’t really understand manifestation. I mentioned before that, at first, I was dubious about it. I felt that it made people blame themselves for not doing as well as others when socio-economic factors were to blame.
But, I began to look into manifestation and realized it was not about blame but about empowerment. We all have the potential to achieve our goals, and manifestation supports us.
Manifestation works because YOU are powerful, and YOU can achieve whatever you set your mind to. YOU make manifestation work.
Manifestation works because:
- Your positive attitude attracts other positive people, bringing new opportunities into your life.
- You feel more able to go after your goals after manifestation practices.
- Manifestation helps you learn what you really want from life and what you can do to get there.
- Your energy connects with the universe and aligns you with it.
Tips for Manifestation
Manifestation takes time, and you won’t see the results of it straight away. I want to go through different manifestation methods that will help you. But first, let’s look at some tips for manifestation. It is essential to know what you are doing with manifestation and do it correctly, as this will make your work more successful.
Know What You Want
My first tip when it comes to manifestation is that you need to know what you want. Okay, this sounds pretty simple, right? Perhaps you want to get a promotion or want to get a boyfriend.
But knowing what we really want takes work. Before you begin manifesting, I recommend sitting down and working out your true wants and desires in life. Of course, we all want to be richer, prettier, funnier, or more successful. But these are wants that have been given to us by society. They are not our actual wants.
So, how do you work out what you really want? I recommend using shadow work. Shadow work helps us connect with our subconsciousness and discover repressed fears and desires. By using shadow work prompts, you can explore this side of you and find your truth.
It also helps to question your wants. Let’s say you want a boyfriend. Ask yourself, ‘Why?’. Why do you want a boyfriend? Do you think you need one because your friends have one? Do you want one because you crave love? Do you feel lonely?
Questioning your wants helps you discern whether they will add to your happiness.
Address Negative Thoughts
An important part of the manifesting process is addressing negative thoughts and overcoming fears holding you back. This will ensure you are sending positive energy into the world.
Overcoming negative thoughts can be difficult. But once you begin, you will be able to do it naturally.
I have suffered from anxiety and spent years telling myself I was not good enough. I would worry about everything and always focus on the negative aspects of my life! Thankfully, I was lucky enough to get therapy, specifically CBT. This therapy helps you figure out how to address and overcome negative thoughts.
When you have a negative thought, you must work through it by questioning the thought. Ask yourself:
- Is there any empirical evidence that backs up this thought?
- Is there any empirical evidence that contradicts this thought?
- Does thinking this thought help me in any way?
- How can I make this thought positive?
- Is this the only way I can think about this situation?
- If this thought is true, does it really matter?
I incorporate this thinking into my daily routine. I may have negative thoughts about my career or relationship. But, instead of dwelling on them, I work through them by asking myself these questions. This allows me to let go of negative thinking and stay positive.
Practice Gratitude
Manifestation works with positive energy, meaning we must be grateful for what we already have to manifest what we want.
Before you begin manifesting, work on your gratitude. If you begin to manifest because you think you don’t have enough, you send negative energy into the world. Gratitude means that you are maintaining positive thinking and sending out those good vibes.
Gratitude changed my life, I won’t lie. I have been through difficulties, but my ability to count my blessings has made me stronger and allowed me to overcome pain and trauma. When I am going through a tough time, I will remind myself of the love that surrounds me and what I should be thankful for.

If you find it hard to practice gratitude, here are some ideas:
- Your body – Isn’t it amazing that you are here right now? You have a beating heart that makes you live, lungs that make you breathe, and senses that make you experience the world.
- Your mind – Your thoughts, abilities, skills, and traits make you who you are. Remind yourself of your caring nature or your brilliant humor!
- Your loved ones – Your family and friends are there for you and always will be. There is so much love in your life.
- The world – Go out in nature and experience the world. Look at the sky. How wonderful is the planet we live on? Hear the birds, smell the air, and look at the flowers and plants.
5 Ways to Manifest Your Dreams
Now you know the manifestation definition and the best ways to begin manifesting, it is time to begin! There are various ways to manifest, and one may work better for you than another. Try different practices out to see what suits you.
Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations and manifestation mantras are probably my favorite ways to spread positive vibes and move forward with my goals. I practice them every day. But, instead of speaking them out loud, I sing them! Whatever works, right?! It is very fun, although my cat does look at me kind of strangely as I am dancing around my living room singing, ‘I am loved, I am successful, I can achieve anything I set my mind to,’
Positive affirmations are great if you suffer from self-doubt and low self-esteem, as they are a fun and powerful boost to your spirit. You are speaking things into existence and aligning yourself with the universe.
Check out our list of manifestation mantras for inspiration!
Writing your wants and desires down in a manifestation journal allows you to express them succinctly and focus on your goals. It also means you have a physical thing that you can turn to daily to boost your positive energy.
Starting a manifestation journal is simple, you just need a pen and a notebook! But what do you write in it?

Many people use a manifestation journal to write down a diary entry as if they have achieved what they wanted to achieve. Perhaps you want to launch a business selling your art. Your manifestation journal may read, ‘Today I got two new sales for my art! I will send them in the post later, and I am really happy about selling them.’ When writing, focus on your feelings and thoughts and pay attention to the details. What were the paintings of? How did you sell them?
Visualization is a fantastic way to connect with your goals and send them out into the universe. To do this, it is important to clear your mind first. Use meditation techniques to free your mind of worry and focus on your future.
Then, visualize what your life will be like in a year. Imagine what job you will be doing, where you will be, and the people that will be with you. Focus on your positive feelings and what is making your life so great!
Vision Boards
I love getting creative and expressing myself in different ways, especially if they help me manifest my goals! Vision boards are a super fun way of relaxing the mind, setting intentions, and making something tangible to express your wishes.
Vision boards remind us of our goals and allow us to work out what we want from life. It helps us to put our dreams into the world. Check out our guide to vision boards to get inspiration for what to put on your vision board!
The 369 Method
The 369 method works with numerology and the Law of Attraction. It is super simple to do and connects with the energy of the numbers 3, 6, and 9. Many people believe that these numbers have special powers regarding manifestation as they promote harmony and growth.
This manifestation method involves speaking or writing down your goals at three specific times every day. You do it three times every morning, six times every afternoon, and nine times every evening.
Begin Manifesting Today
I hope this article on manifestation has inspired you to begin practicing. Manifestation is for everyone, and it totally works! Remember to stay positive and remember that manifestation takes time. You will get to your dream life in the end, though.