Many of us have heard of the Law of Attraction. Its like for like principles have drawn many of us into the power that can be held through positive manifestations. Although there’s a lot more to it than thinking good thoughts.
I have created this article to help you truly understand manifestation methods and how they work. Delving deeply into the method techniques I love and how you can weave them into your days.
What Are Manifestation Methods?
Manifestation methods are simple techniques that help you manifest your desires and needs into your life. These methods can be used to put what you want for your future self into strong focus and make it a reality.
There is no limit to what you can use manifestation to achieve. Whether it’s love, money, or increased personal health. The only limit to what manifestation can give you is your imagination and the strength of your desire.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is built upon the belief that what we put out into the world comes back to us. Whatever you choose to focus your energy on, positive or negative, will be fostered and found within your life.
It’s all about using our internal energy and thoughts to bring what we need or desire to our lives. According to the Law of Vibration, everything in our universe has its own vibrations. Aligning these vibrations is one of the ultimate goals we need to achieve to utilise the power of manifestation.
Manifestation is a massive part of utilising the Law of Attraction. Many people use manifestation methods to guide and aid their journey to a more positive and fruitful life.
Check out my Law of Attraction 101 article to really get into the truth behind the Law of Attraction and how it works.
Powerful Manifestation Methods
Manifestation may sound a bit like witch juju but I bet that you have used at least one of these techniques in your lifetime without even knowing it.
For example, if you’ve ever bought a lottery ticket and spent the evening thinking about what you would do with that money if you won.
Perhaps you dream of visiting some far-flung paradise and you always think about the feeling you would have if you actually got there.
These are many forms of manifestation methods but their power truly lies in your authenticity and commitment. So I have collected my top ten manifestation methods to help you manifest anything you want.
Gratitude and Appreciation
Being grateful for what you already have is a massively underrated manifestation method. In the Law of Attraction, it’s stated that negative emotion and thought always attract the like. This isn’t only true for what you want but what you already possess.
Practicing daily gratitude and appreciation for your life as it currently exists is the very beginning of your journey into the possibilities of positive thought.
Some ways that you can practice these emotions are:
- Gratitude journalling
- Daily thankful affirmations
- Find things you are thankful for, even in the tough moments
- Practice mindfulness
Meditation on its own improves your mental health, your stress levels, and your patience but used as one of your manifestation methods, it can be a very powerful tool.
Using meditation to manifest your desires is very simple. However, You shouldn’t be in a rush if you want to use this method. Take time to focus on your breath and the beat of your heart. You can even use internal affirmations of gratitude to focus your mind on your meditative purpose.
Once you find yourself in a place of relaxation it’s time to visualise your desire. Imagine what it feels like and smells like. Imagine what a day for you would look like if you reached your goal. Immersing yourself in your ultimate goal and its possibilities is key when using meditation as a successful manifestation method.
Once you decide to bring your meditation to a close, take a few moments after you have opened your eyes to reflect on your experience and how it has left you feeling.
Have you ever looked around your home and felt overwhelmed and exhausted by clutter? Well, the same thing happens to your mind. A cluttered mind can be confusing, tiring, and depressing. Having a mind that is free of excess and unwanted thoughts is so important when it comes to manifesting your goals.
I know that this is one thing we all struggle with. Bombarded with too much information daily, plus the stress of our fast-paced lives can leave us with busy negative thoughts. So taking the time to free up some space to make room for new and more peaceful thoughts and ideas is the goal.
Somethings you can do to declutter your mind are:
- Declutter your physical space
- Journalling or writing down the thoughts that occupy your mind
- Accept and let go of the past
- Prioritise the tasks you can do and let go of those you can’t
- Limit your exposure to excess information – social media, news, etc
Live in the present moment
One powerful way of giving strength to your goals and dreams is by living the life you have, right now, in the fullest, most appreciative way. Don’t wait to live your life once you have what you desire. Manifestations need positive energy to work. If you worry, fear, or despise your current life it’ll be impossible for the universe to put anything positive into your path.
Live today and the best of tomorrow will come.
Affirmations with feeling
Affirmations are something that everybody can do. Not only do they transform your mindset and challenge your negative beliefs. They also bring whatever you speak into clear focus.
Many people already use affirmations in their daily lives to improve their confidence. However, they can be used for manifestations as well. There are two ways you can use affirmations:
- Speaking them out loud
- Writing them down
It doesn’t matter which one you decide to use, what matters is the strength of your intent. For affirmations to work you have to mean what you say or write. Speaking your morning affirmations to yourself in your bathroom mirror every morning is a great way of turning this method into a daily habit.
However, if speaking out loud feels uncomfortable you can write your affirmations down in a notebook or even on sticky notes placed around your home.
Live your dreams today
Another popular manifestation method is living your life as though you already have the thing you desire the most. This doesn’t mean you should spend as though you are already rich if money is your goal. What I mean is that you need to start centering your routine around how your life could look.
For example, If you have fitness goals but your health isn’t the best. Start honouring your future self. Eat as though you are of optimum health, carve out fitness time, even if you only use it for gentle yoga or meditation. Live as though you already have what you want.
Focus wheels & vision boards
Focus wheels and vision boards are a great example of how a physical manifestation method can affect your mindset. Both are ways of materialising your goals and desires through visuals.
Vision boards are more about imagery. You can use websites like Pinterest to keep a virtual vision board. Fill your board with beautiful images that speak to your desires and look at them often to remind yourself of what you are working towards.
If you would rather have a more physical vision board, using a large piece of card and printed images or cutouts from magazines you can create a board to place in your home. Putting it in a place that you see often will give power to your manifesting.
Focus wheels are very similar to written affirmations. Some even call it an affirmation wheel. A simple focus wheel consists of one large circle with a smaller circle inside. Inside the smaller circle, you write your ultimate goal or desire.
The space between the inner and outer circle needs to be separated into twelve equal sections. Inside each of those twelves sections, you write an affirmation that relates to your ultimate goal. Then carve out time every day to read through all your affirmations. Take in every word and how every affirmation makes you feel.
Once you have read them all, focus on your goal in the center. Thinking about how it makes you feel and everything that would come with it.
Manifestation Methods That Don’t Work
I’ll be honest with you, I don’t believe there are any manifestation methods that don’t work. All manifestation methods, and there are many of them, draw on the power of positive thinking and intention.
However, you may be doing things that are reducing their chances of working, such as:
- Doing too many manifestations at once
- Not truly believing in the possibility of your goal
- Not feeling appreciation for what you already have
- Manifesting with fear, doubt, or desperation
Manifestation can be a bit of an art and it takes a lot of practice. Patience is key so don’t expect to meditate once and wake up the next day living your dreams.
Are You Ready To Manifest?
Now that you are armed with some powerful manifestation methods it’s time to put them into practice. If you are new to manifesting pick one or two to start with. Meditation and positive affirmations are two of the easiest manifestation methods to begin.
Give yourself time to allow your mindset to alter and become more positive. Just remember that everything you put out into the world will come back to you. So keep your thoughts free from negativity as much as possible and just wait for the opportunities to come knocking at your door.
Carol Deruelle says
great articles. thx
Wille says
Thank you Carol!
DICKO says
Thank you for your advice. About manifestation and meditation. To tell you the truth I don’t know how to do that before. What I am doing is praying every night for 10mins. Before I sleep, talking to Lord God and the Universe. My question is that works?