The Judgement tarot card is the number twenty of the Major Arcana cards. The card appearing in a reading tells you that it’s time for some reflection and evaluation of yourself and your actions.
This self-reflection will help you to have a clearer and better understanding of where you are in life, and which steps you need to take in order to move forward in a positive direction.
Table of Contents
Judgement Tarot Card Key Words
Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Judgement card meaning, and its connection to love, work and life, below a quick overview of the most important words connected to the Judgement card.
Upright | Reflection, inner calling, reckoning, awakening, rebirth, absolution |
Reversed | Feeling down, self-doubt, missing the call fearlessness |
Yes or No | Neutral/Yes |
Judgement Tarot Card Description
The Judgement card depicts a scene that is very similar to the famous last judgement – a chapter from the Book of Revelation.
The card shows archangel Gabriel – the Messenger of God and a representation of authority – blowing his trumpet.

Naked women, men, and children rise from their graves to respond to his call. They have their arms outspread and looking up into the sky, showing that they’re ready to be judged for their actions and will accept their fate.
They want to know where they will spend the remainder of eternity: either in heaven or in hell.
The extensive mountain range covered in snow in the background indicates that judgement is unavoidable and no one can escape it.
Upright Judgement Tarot Card Meaning
An upright Judgement card in a reading often suggests introspection and self-assessment of your past and current behavior.
Now is the perfect time to weigh your actions and see to it that they are in line with your values and beliefs.

The things that you did in the past or are doing today – do they reflect your core values and belief? Do they direct you to your goals and purpose?
Without having the clarity of knowing who you truly are, you cannot answer these questions. Take time to ponder on things before going on with your life. In the end, this will be worth it.
Another possible indication is to remind you that there may be choices and vital changes that you will face and you cannot avoid them.
If you have made some in the past, there will be an effect on where you are right now. Moreover, you should face the consequences with an open mind. You cannot do anything about the past – of what is done – and moving forward is your best bet.
Money and Career Meaning
In a career tarot reading, Judgement indicates that you are being watched and evaluated. So now is the perfect time to run the extra mile and to be conscious of how to present yourself.
The outcome is most likely to be positive. If you’ve been working your ass off, your efforts will very likely be acknowledged.
Have you been letting projects slide or didn’t perform to the best of your ability lately? If so, now is the time to pick up the slack before any damage is done to your career.
Financially speaking, the Judgement card foretells new contracts and positive cash flow. However, it also warns you about impulse shopping and not to make fast judgments. Make sure that you do your research before you decide to buy that new car or laptop.
Lastly, the card advises you to comply with laws and regulations. Even minor violations can negatively impact your financial growth with hefty fines.
Love and Relationships Meaning
The Judgment card in a tarot love reading hints that it’s time to consider what you really need in a relationship.
If you’re in a relationship, the Judgement card indicates that this relationship is important for you but also speaks of the danger of not fully appreciating each other.
Maybe you and your partner are judging each other too harshly? Or maybe you keep reminiscing about old times and can’t value your relationship as it is at the moment?
Sit down and take the time to truly connect with your partner. Listen to each other’s view, feelings, and needs and figure out what’s best for you both.
Communication is the name of the game, and will probably help you to breathe new life into your relationship.
If you’re single, Judgement advises you to not just throw yourself willy-nilly into the first relationship that comes down the pike. Instead, take time for some reflection and think of what you should look for in your next relationship. I know this can be a bit of a head-scratcher.
Sure, it would be nice if he likes cooking as much as you do. But what if you meet this really funny person who is terrible in the kitchen? Would that be a dealbreaker for you?
The Judgement card advises you to not judge potential partners too hasty and also try dating someone outside your usual preferences. Maybe something beautiful will flourish when you open up to someone with a completely different view or background that you would have otherwise missed out on.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
In a health context, the Judgement card is definitely a good sign. It indicates a period of recovery and wholeness. You’re finally ready to take the necessary steps to help you heal from a long-term illness. Or maybe you’re finally strong enough to get rid of bad habits that affect your health.
In a spiritual context, the Judgement card tells you that it’s time for some self-reflection. This is also interpreted as a call for enlightenment and self-awareness.
After you have evaluated yourself, you will now get a clearer picture of who you are and what else you need to do in order to better yourself to a greater level of consciousness. Because of this growth, this can also cultivate your spiritual strength.
Once you achieve such a process of realizing who you really are, you can take little steps to become the person you want and need to be. You can also let go of your past actions and just focus on improving your current state.
Judgement Reversed
A reversed Judgement card in a reading can mean that you doubt yourself too much. This self-doubt not only affects your current state of mind but also withholds you from making decisions that can lead to great opportunities.

As a result, you are stuck in a rut and you’ll stay in a position where you cannot make your next move. To turn things around, you need to regain your strength and confidence. Now is the time to take action!
It can also indicate that you are too hard on yourself and filled with the thought that you are incapable of doing what you need to. This thought can be caused because you are clinging to the opportunities that you have lost in the past or mistakes that you have made. You see them as weaknesses instead of lessons learned that just made you stronger.
Try to get rid of these kinds of negative thoughts. Allow yourself to have a fresh start and a clean slate. But don’t forget the lessons you’ve learned so far!
Judgement Yes or No
In most tarot yes or no readings, the Judgement card is a neutral card but sways more towards a yes, if the other cards in your spread look promising.
Also, keep in mind that the Judgement card stands for change and transformation. And that your acts will have consequences and things will change.
Therefore, if you’re having a reading on a fundamental, life-changing matter, then Judgement is a: “Yes, you are being called forward. Step up to the plate and do what you must do. But be prepared to put the past firmly where it belongs… in the past!”
Important Card Combinations
The Judgement represents reflection, inner calling, and rebirth. However, when paired with other cards, this meaning can slightly change. Below you can find the most important Judgement card combinations.
Judgement and the Lovers
Don’t be surprised if an old love shows up if the Judgement partners with the Lovers card. Although you’ve only got one shot to make a first impression, you’ll get a second chance to make this thing work!

If you’re already in a relationship, this combination can also indicate the next step. Think of moving in or marriage. Things are getting serious!
Judgement and Justice Card Combination
Are you involved in a legal conflict or trial? If so, this combination tells you that this battle will be resolved soon!

When the Judgement and Justice card are both upright, the outcome will be in your favor.
Judgement Card Art
Although I write all the descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, I use other decks too. Below you can find a small selection of stunning Judgement tarot cards. If you drew a tarot card yourself and want to share this, I would love to hear from you.

Judgement Card Questions Answered
The response and questions I received from my readers (you!) are overwhelming. I am extremely grateful to have this interaction and while I try to respond to every message I get, I’ll also answer the most frequently asked tarot questions about the Judgement card meanings and general tarot card questions here.
What does the Judgement card mean in tarot?
The Judgement tarot card is the number twenty of the Major Arcana cards. The card appearing in a reading tells you that it’s time for some reflection and evaluation of yourself and your actions. This self-reflection will help you to have a clearer and better understanding of where you are in life, and which steps you need to take in order to move forward in a positive direction.
What does the Judgement card mean in a love reading?
In a tarot love reading, the Judgement card indicates that it’s time to consider what you really need in a relationship. If you’re in a relationship the card speaks of the danger of not fully appreciating each other or judging too harshly. Sit down and take the time to truly connect with your partner. Listen to his or her feelings, and needs and figure out what’s best for you both.
Still single? The Judgement card advises you to take time for some reflection and think of what you should look for in your next relationship. Also, it suggests not judging potential partners too hasty and also trying dating someone outside your usual preferences.
What is the meaning of the reversed Judgement card?
The reversed Judgement card often shows up in a tarot reading when you doubt yourself too much. This self-doubt does not only affect your current state of mind but can also withhold you from making decisions that can lead to great opportunities. To turn things around, the Judgement card encourages you to regain your strength and confidence. Now is the time to take action!
Is Judgement a Yes or No card?
In most tarot readings the Judgement card is a neutral card but sways more towards a yes. However, this also depends on the other cards in your spread. Here you can find the most important Judgement card combinations.
The Judgement card: some final words
That’s all for the Judgement Tarot card meaning! Can’t get enough? Learn how to read the tarot in this Tarot Beginners Guide or read more about the other major arcana cards here.
If you have pulled the Judgement tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings! Please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!
Dee says
hope this finds you well!,
i was reading for a situation and the question asked was how do they feel towards me/see me and the first card to fall out was judgment in reverse (and then the next two cards came out together which was queen of cups and five of cups for some background) but i was wondering if you could help elaborate on the reversed judgement as feelings?
thank youuu and love the site <3
Wille says
Hey! I always think that when Judgement is reversed, it is telling you that self-doubt might be a problem! Perhaps in regards to this, you may think this person thinks negatively about you when they don’t at all? I hope this makes sense.
dee says
i think i was slowly coming to that conclusion too, i just needed a more experienced reader to help a bit especially since i’m so biased in the situation i didn’t want to be reading something that’s not there so thank you for clarification! blessings to you ????????
Gmk says
I drew the judgment card tonight, by itself, after just making a major decision to move in with my mother and take care of her while her memory declines. I had been resisting this outcome for years, convincing myself that I need to live on my own and that I’d lose it living with my mother again. But, something has changed in me these last few days. When I finally made the decision today and told my mother, her joy and excitement was so healing for me and the decision feels right in my body. I’ve also been dealing with other personal issues and going to school full-time. I just pray I’m doing the right thing and trusting my intuition which always shows up physically in my body. So, yeah, everything I’ve read about the Judgement card is right on target.
Wille says
Wow, that is a really massive decision that you made, but I am so glad that you feel like you are doing the right thing. As long as you listen to your intuition, everything will work out. Good luck!
Wille xxx
Nice says
I find the Judgment reversed so hard to interprete.
I asked if a person’s friendship or love is happening (I wouldn’t mind just the friendship). The person is nice when I’m around but it doesn’t seem to grow. The result for a simple cross was Sun Reversed (Me), Devil (him or external circumstances(, Strenght (current situation or vibe), Judgment reversed (outcome, reply to question). The culmination (cards added together) gives Strenght, which is the advice. Some people see Judgment as a NO or “you refuse to see that it won’t work”, and others see it as “you doubt or you both doubt too much and the decision or work that should happen won’t happen. I do not know what to think. My intuition tells me “wait a minute, why shouldn’t it work? This person has said nice things about me.” but the devil’s advocate tells me “he is popular and knows many people, you are just one in a crowd.”
Wille says
Hi, thanks for your question! Yes, sometimes the meanings of the tarot cards might be tricky, especially in some spreads or when we are worried about the outcome, so we cannot always think objectively. The Judgement card in your spread probably means that you should not doubt the possibility of a relationship for you two.
Hope this helped ????
Wille ✨
Nice says
An update to let you now that I think you were spot on. There was a strange group challenge of Have You Ever Or Never which was about answering daring question, often of a sexual nature. The person in question seemed to like my answers and gave me VIP status in a certain group. It doesn’t imply a relationship or anything like that, but I was definitely surprised by this and how swiftly the dynamic seems to change, as if this invitation is a detour to say “I want to know you more”. Thanks!!
Wille says
Thanks for your update and I’m happy to hear that the Judgement card was spot on✨
Amber J. Breland says
What I love most about your site is the fact that you not only do the upright and reversed versions of the card. But you also demonstrate and bring to light how they can potentially play off of the other cards.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your take on these interpretations of tarot.
Wille says
Thank you so much! If you ever have suggestions or questions, feel free to reach out to me!! Sending you lots of sparks of joy ✨