One reason why I love Tarot reading so much is all the amazing Tarot artwork that is out there. From the traditional Rider-Waite deck to more abstract art, there are so many beautiful Tarot decks in the world.
Because Tarot is a form of art, hanging Tarot tapestries on your wall is a great way to display beautiful artwork as well as bringing spiritual energy into your home.
Having Tarot tapestries in your home allows you to remember the guidance of certain cards and what Tarot means for you. In this article, I want to show you some of my favorite Tarot tapestries that you can buy today to hang up in your home!
Table of Contents
Our favorite Tarot Tapestry for on your wall
Let’s look at some beautiful Tarot tapestries that are available right now to buy. Which one is your favorite?
Tarot Tapestry The Moon
The Moon is a pretty interesting card. Some Tarot readers see it as a negative card as it brings forth questions about our life and illusions we may be under. However, I think it is important to question things around us and the Moon Tarot card is reminding us to do this.
This stunning Moon Tarot tapestry is a wonderful addition to your home as it reminds us of the magic of the moon. I love the designs take on traditional Tarot cards and how it includes the moon cycle and zodiac symbols in the image.
It is a high-quality product and comes with hangers that allow you to put the tapestry on your wall.
Tarot Tapestry The Sun
This is another durable and well-made Tarot tapestry that depicts the Sun Tarot card. This card is a favorite of many and reminds us to look on the bright side of life.
The Sun brightens up our lives and allows us to retain our childlike wonder. This Tarot tapestry is a great way to brighten up your home and remind yourself to maintain positive, whatever is going on in the world!
The tapestry comes in four different sizes so you can find the perfect one for your home. It is lightweight, allowing you to pin it up on your wall or store it easily. I love the peaceful colors of this Tarot tapestry and the positive vibes it brings.
Three Piece Cat Tarot Tapestries
I absolutely love this set of Tarot tapestries! You get three tapestries with this purchase and can choose from pentacles, wands, swords, or cups. All designs involve cats which I think is really cute!
My favorite is the pentacles set which displays the Ace of Pentacles, the Two of Pentacles, and the Three of Pentacles. They depict a super cute black cat with a very smug smile on its face!
If you are a cat-loving Tarot reader, these tapestries are definitely for you!
Tarot Tapestry The Star Traditional
This traditional depiction of the Star Tarot card is really beautiful and would look great in any home. I love its calm, pastel colors and the serene look on the woman’s face. The Star Tarot card asks us to hope and heal, and to follow the shining star towards our destiny.
It is a lightweight product that is easy to hang up on your wall.
Tarot Tapestry The Moon Gothic Cat
I really love this Gothic take on the Moon Tarot card. If you are wanting a darker Tarot tapestry for your home, this is a great addition. It is made out of a soft, sturdy material that is long-lasting and durable.
The Moon asks us to acknowledge the darker things in life, so this Tarot tapestry is a great way of reminding us of this. I love the cat’s expression and how it reflects our animalistic side. It comes in two different sizes and both are pretty big!
Tarot Tapestry The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man Tarot card asks us to pause and reflect on the situation that is at hand. With meditation and thought, we can gain new perspectives on life, therefore allowing us to grow emotionally and spiritually.
I absolutely love this unique depiction of the Hanged Man! The Hanged Man is now an astronaut, suspended in space. He is distant from the rest of the world and is allowed to reflect on his situation. Its bright colors are truly breathtaking and I love the cartoonish design of the tapestry.
Tarot Tapestry The Lovers
The Lovers Tarot card represents love and partnerships, but it also suggests that there are choices to be made in life. It is a beautiful card that tells you that you must contemplate decisions wisely and listen to your inner wisdom when making these choices.
I love this Tarot tapestry and how it depicts The Lovers. The beautiful back and white setting remind us of how close to nature we are, and how important love is to us as humans. I really like how the tapestry includes the Serpent from the Garden of Eden, reminding us of how temptation can affect our choices.
It is a pretty big tapestry, so make sure you measure where you want to put it before you buy it!
Tarot Tapestry Death
This is a simplistic and darker portrayal of the Death Tarot card, but I really like it! The Death card reminds us how transitions and changes are part of our lives and how life is a cycle. We are so many people in our lives, and with death comes birth.
This beautiful Tarot tapestry reminds us that death is always here, and will always be a part of life. The moon cycle depicted around the character of death reminds us of the ever-changing nature of the world and how everything is a cycle.
It is a lightweight and strong product that can be used as a wall hanging, a throw, or as a bedspread. It is a simple and minimalist design which I really love!
The Sun, The World and The Magician Tarot Tapestries
This set of three small tarot Tapestries are super fun! I love their pastel colors and unique designs, they really remind me of old-school, vintage fortune-telling posters. They depict three beautiful major arcana cards, the Sun, the World, and the Magician. These all serve as a reminder of the wonders of the world and the magic of our souls.
They are all made out of 100% cotton, meaning they are strong, sturdy, and can be washed. I things these are really unique Tarot tapestries that look fab!
Tarot Tapestry The Hermit
I absolutely love this stunning depiction of the Hermit Tarot card. The Hermit card asks us to look inward and listen to our inner wisdom. It is a card of spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery. It is asking us to retreat into our own minds and learn about our soul and its connection with the universe.
The Hermit is a very special Tarot card, and therefore I always love seeing the different depictions of it. I really love this illustration of the Hermit and how the lantern is gold. The nature that the Hermit is sat in really shows the character’s solitude, and how journeys into the wilderness can feed our souls.
Tarot Tapestry The Star
This is a really interesting depiction of the Star Tarot card. I love the vintage, homemade style of the tapestry, and how the character is holding the star in her hands. It reminds us of how we have the power of hope and creativity within us. I love seeing all the different constellations behind the woman and just how many stars there are in the universe!
This is a high-quality, large Tarot tapestry that would make a great wallhanging. It is made out of a polyester blend so is a strong product.
Frequently Asked Questions on Tarot Tapestry
I absolutely love these stunning Tarot tapestries. There are so many unique designs to choose from! Let’s look at some FAQs about Tarot tapestries.
Is it okay to get a tarot tapestry?
It is perfectly okay to get a Tarot tapestry! Some people might worry that hanging a Tarot tapestry might be disprespectful or bring bad luck to your home. However, this is not the case! A Tarot tapestry is a great way of connecting with the cards and promoting a spiritual environment in your home.
What Do Tarot Tapestries Mean?
Each Tarot tapestry is unique and what they mean will depend on what is depicted. All cards bring their own energy and meaning, so research into the different cards before you buy your Tarot tapestry!
Where Can I Buy Tarot Tapestries?
There are so many wonderful Tarot tapestries that are available to buy from Amazon. You may also want to look at other online stores, or spiritualist stores that are near you. Loads of places will stock Tarot tapestries!
Are Tarot Tapestries Expensive?
Not really! There are Tarot tapestries on sale for as little as seven dollars. Some are more expensive, but a Tarot tapestry is bound to be perfect for you and your budget.
What Does The Star Tapestry Mean?
The Star Tarot Tapestry is asking you to remember the hope that you have within. Times can be tough, but things will get better. The Star is guiding you forward and towards your destiny.
Which Tarot Tapestry Is Your Favorite?
There are so many beautiful Tarot tapestries available to buy from Amazon right now, and these are some of my favorites!
There is such a great variety of designs, with some Tarot tapestries having bold out-there colors and some with more simple black and white artwork. I love seeing how different tapestries depict the different Tarot cards and their meanings and imagery.
I would love to find out which Tarot tapestry is your favorite, so do let me know! I hope you find the perfect one to bring spirituality and positive energy into your home.