In astrology, two sets of nodes are commonly referred to: Lunar or Moon’s Nodes and Planetary Nodes.
While all planets have Nodes, in this article, we’re going to talk about the most commonly used Nodes, the Moon’s Nodes, which have recently ingressed (moved into) the signs of Libra (the South Node) and Aries (the North Node).
We’ll first look at what the Moon’s Nodes represent generally and then explore the significance of the South Node in Libra and the North Node in Aries from July 17, 2023, to January 11, 2025.
Then, we’ll explore the North Node and South Node in astrological signs and much more, so let’s dive right in!
Table of Contents
North Node and South Node Explained

The Lunar Nodes, also known as the North Node and South Node, are the two points where the orbit of the Moon intersects the ecliptic, the Sun’s apparent path across the sky.
The North Node is the point where the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic from south to north, and the South Node is the point where it crosses from north to south.
The North Node and South Node hold significant importance in understanding a person’s life path, karmic lessons, and potential for growth and development.
What Does the North Node and South Node Signify?
The North Node symbolizes the direction of growth and evolution. In other words, it’s our soul’s purpose or destiny in this lifetime.
On the other hand, the South Node represents past experiences and habits to be transformed and developed.
In some schools of thought, the South Node, called Ketu in Vedic or Jyotish Astrology, in the natal chart is often said to represent our past lives, providing insights into the lessons and experiences carried over from past lifetimes.
This might include challenges, talents, unresolved issues from previous incarnations, and events and relationships left unresolved in previous incarnations. They may resurface in the current life, offering opportunities for growth and resolution.
The North Node, or Rahu in Vedic or Jyotish Astrology, is crucial in understanding their life’s purpose and spiritual evolution. The North Node is always opposite the South Node in the birth chart, forming the lunar node axis.
The two points are the Tail, South Node or Ketu, and the Head, North Node or Rahu, of the Dragon.
The two work together in astrology and, in essence, represent the path of spiritual or soul growth. The dragon is whole, and we should resist the temptation to cut the tail off the dragon and be devoured by the head.
How to Navigate the North Node and South Node

The North Node and South Node represent our emotions, intuitive instincts, reactions, and development. And there can be a temptation to reject the instinctual soul habits of the South Node and to see it as ‘bad.’
Instead, we should accept that it’s an integral part of the self and lessen the attachment to those responses through awareness and conscious growth.
There can also be a tendency to hunger for and crave the energy of the North Node to the extent that we may be tempted to pursue the qualities of that sign to excess.
The key is to find a balance rather than focusing on either one.
Remember that the South Node is the soul’s habit and innate talents, and those habits can be useful to help us move toward the North Node’s potential.
What is the North Node and South Node in Astrology?

The North Node represents the soul’s evolutionary path and life’s purpose in the current incarnation. It signifies the qualities, experiences, and lessons you should embrace and develop to fulfill your highest potential. The North Node also represents progress and forward movement. It signifies the new experiences we’re encouraged to seek.
Moreover, the North Node’s placement in the birth chart indicates areas of life that may be unfamiliar or uncomfortable for the individual.
This also applies collectively when the Nodes pass through signs by transit. Embracing these challenges and stepping into the unknown can lead to significant personal growth and self-discovery.
For example, if your North Node is in Aries, you’re likely learning to be more assertive and independent. If your South Node is in Taurus, you’re probably learning to lessen your attachment to material possessions (you can learn more about the traits of signs in both North and South Nodes below).
The North Node and South Node moved into the signs of Libra and Aries on July 17, 2023, and will transit through those signs until January 11, 2025. This is an approximately 18.6-month journey that repeats around every 18.6 years.
The last transits of the South Node through Libra and the North Node through Aries were on the following dates:
- December 26th 2004 to June 26th 2005
- May 9, 1986, to December 2, 1987
Think back to those periods, and if you know your natal chart, look at where Libra and Aries are in the chart to get an idea of what areas of life will be affected by the current journey through Libra and Aries.
This period will also relate to the Eclipses over the next 18 months.
Eclipses are New and Full Moons that occur close to the North Node and South Node. These periods are usually times of big resets and change in the areas of life represented by the signs that the Nodes are in. And also the houses that contain those signs in your natal chart.
When the South Node is in the zodiac sign of Libra, the energies of harmony, relationships, and balance are emphasized.
The South Node in Libra may desire peace and equilibrium in all aspects of life. There is a tendency to focus on nurturing connections with others, maintaining harmony, and avoiding conflicts.
While these traits can be valuable, this 18-month transit can reveal where there is a propensity to prioritize others’ needs over your own, which might lead to a lack of self-assertion and indecisiveness.
The transit of the South Node through Libra can also reveal debilitating niceness and where we allow social mores and manners to stop us from standing up courageously for ourselves and our values.
Libra also represents justice, so imbalances in justice scales are often revealed.
The North Node signifies the path we must explore in this lifetime to achieve personal growth and fulfillment. With the North Node in Aries in 2023, the emphasis is on developing traits associated with this bold and assertive zodiac sign.
During the next 18 months, the Universe will push individuals toward being more decisive, independent, and self-reliant. This might involve overcoming the fear of failure, asserting oneself, and pursuing personal goals with determination.
Embracing spontaneity and prioritizing personal needs without neglecting others will be essential lessons during this time.
The Aries North Node also pulls us towards standing up for ourselves to embrace our truest selves.
Carpe Deum (seize the day) could become your motto for this transit as you’re pulled to grab the Ram (Aries symbol) by the horns with boldness and bravery.
This is a time to be more audacious and to face challenges head-on with passion and zeal.
Before we continue…have you checked out our course Astrology Unveiled? It’s made to help demystify astrology including the impact of Venus in your chart!

North Node and South Node: Integration and Balance

It’s important to remember that the North Node and South Node reflect a path of soul development or personal growth. Furthermore, the tail and head of the dragon, Rahu and Ketu, are connected and are part of a whole.
The South Node is as much a part of us as the North Node is what we long to be more of. The North Node is something we hunger for; like anything, the balance can be tipped too far.
The North Node helps you shift outdated patterns, beliefs, and comfort zones and invites you to face the shadows within, to confront the aspects of yourself hiding in the depths.
However, the North Node can also be too much; the key is integration.
Practice a little less attachment to Libra patterns of codependency and attachment to fairness and justice to the extreme. Focus more on taking a stand, assertiveness, and audacity without hurting those around you.
The juxtaposition of the South Node in Libra and the North Node in Aries in 2023 encourages you to find the balance between diplomacy and self-assertion.
It’s essential to acknowledge the strengths of Libran qualities, such as cooperation and diplomacy, while actively incorporating the courage and initiative of Aries.
For those born with the North Node in Aries in their natal chart, you’re experiencing your Nodal Return when the transiting Nodes return to their position in your natal birth chart.
This happens around ages 18, 37, and 56. This indicates a significant point of personal growth and transformation.
If you were born with the North Node in Libra, you’re experiencing a Reverse Nodal Return over the next 18 months, when the Nodes return to the same degree or point in your natal chart but with the transiting North Node conjunct with your South Node.
This typically occurs around age 9, 27, 46, and 64/5. This means you will be experiencing a reevaluation of how you’re integrating your life’s purpose, emphasizing how you’re balancing your evolutionary path of soul development.
Before we wrap up, let’s look at the common personality traits of the North Node and South Nodes in different astrological signs.
Astrological Signs in North Node: Common Traits

Here’s a quick overview of different astrological signs in North Node placement:
- Aries North Node: Be brave and independent—start new things fearlessly.
- Taurus North Node: Stay stable and patient—find comfort in simple things.
- Gemini North Node: Stay curious and talkative—make friends easily.
- Cancer North Node: Be caring and protective—love family and friends.
- Leo North Node: Express yourself with confidence—be a natural leader.
- Virgo North Node: Be helpful and organized—solve problems carefully.
- Libra North Node: Create harmony and make friends—be a peacemaker.
- Scorpio North Node: Explore deeply and transform—embrace intense feelings.
- Sagittarius North Node: Seek adventure and learn—stay positive and curious.
- Capricorn North Node: Be responsible and disciplined—reach your goals.
- Aquarius North Node: Innovate and be unique—think forward, be open.
- Pisces North Node: Care for others and trust your feelings—imagine and dream.
Astrological Signs in South Node: Common Traits
Now that we know the common traits of astrological signs in North Node placement, let’s look at their placement in South Node.
- Aries South Node: Likes doing things alone—try teamwork, too.
- Taurus South Node: Enjoys stability—change can be good, too.
- Gemini South Node: Talks a lot—listen deeply as well.
- Cancer South Node: Takes care of others—remember to let go.
- Leo South Node: Seeks attention—practice humility, too.
- Virgo South Node: Helps out—remember self-care too.
- Libra South Node: Loves harmony—decisions matter, too.
- Scorpio South Node: Loves change—forgiveness is important.
- Sagittarius South Node: Adventurous spirit—commitments matter.
- Capricorn South Node: Responsible worker—you should enjoy life beyond work.
- Aquarius South Node: Creative thinker—emotions are valuable.
- Pisces South Node: Spiritual soul—stay grounded in reality.
How to Identify the North Node and South Node?
You need your birth date, time, and location to identify the North Node and South Node. Use these steps:
- Get your birth chart: Go to a free astrology website and enter your birth details.
- Find the Nodes: Look for symbols ☊ (North Node) and ☋ (South Node) on the chart wheel.
- Note the signs: The symbols show your North and South Node signs.
- Observe the houses: Numbers near the symbols indicate houses, revealing life areas.
Now you know your Nodes and their influence on your path.
North Node and South Node: Closing Thoughts

Understanding the significance of the North Node and South Node can provide profound insights into our life’s purpose and the areas that require growth and development.
During the 18-month transit from July 17, 2023, until January 11, 2025, the South Node in Libra and the North Node in Aries present a dynamic opportunity for self-discovery, personal evolution, and the harmonization of relationships.
It’s all about integrating the ‘I’ or ‘me’ with the ‘we.’ Embrace the energy of the North Node and South Node.
Want to master the basics of astrology? Sign up for our course Astrology Unveiled to finally align your life with your highest purpose.