Are you seeing the angel number 23? Is the number 23 appearing on street signs, phone numbers, and receipts? Your angels are sending you a message!
We all have guardian angels that assist us with our journey in life. They like to send us messages by placing sequences of numbers around us. They know that we tend to notice sequences of numbers, so they work with numerology to provide us with guidance and support.
But what does the angel number 23 mean? The angel number 23 asks you to embrace your creativity and talents to bring happiness into your life and the lives of those around you. It is a number of fun and positivity, reminding you of the importance of kicking back and enjoying life!
Let’s take a deeper look at angel number 23 and work out why you might be seeing it.
What is The Meaning of Angel Number 23?
According to numerology, all single-digit numbers hold specific energy. This means that it is helpful to break angel number 23 down according to numerology to get to grips with its different messages.
Angel number 23 holds the energy of 2 and 3.
- Angel number 2 represents balance, harmony, and cooperation. It reflects our connections with other souls and higher powers and reminds us that we must deepen these connections.
- Angel number 3 holds the energy of inspiration, creativity, and expansion. It reflects our power to manifest our dreams and spread positivity into the world.
The mix of 2 and 3 shows us that angel number 23 has incredible messages of positivity, growth, and expansion.
Angel Number 23 and Support
The angel number 23 wants us to know that everything we do has a chain of effect that touches many people. This means that we can positively affect those around us by uplifting them and making their lives easier.
Your angels want you to reflect on how you can help others and bring positivity into their lives. Because the angel number 23 holds the energy of the number 3, your angels want you to know that your creativity and unique personality can bring so much joy to others.

Of course, the message of support within angel number 23 may be one of counseling and deep conversations. But sometimes, a joke and a laugh are precisely what someone needs when they are struggling. The angel number 23 asks you to spread joy and support in your own unique way!
Angel Number 23 and Self-Belief
The angel number 23 will often appear if you are not acknowledging your skills and abilities. Perhaps you are doubting yourself, and this is affecting your social, career, and love life.
The angel number 23 asks you to reflect on your abilities and make sure you are giving yourself the credit you deserve. We will often compare ourselves to others. I know I sometimes do! However, this is really detrimental to our personal growth and happiness.
Everyone is unique, and we all have our own special talents and abilities.
Your guardian angels want you to remind yourself of your abilities and work on believing in yourself. Doing so will bring peace and enlightenment into your life.
When I find myself doubting my skills and talent, I use self-love affirmations to remind myself of all the great things about me. A gratitude journal is also a fantastic way to boost positive thinking!
Angel Number 23 and Creativity
The message of self-expression and creativity is significant in angel number 23. If you are regularly seeing this number, reflect on what creativity means for you and the different ways you can express yourself.
I think that creativity is so important to our well-being and happiness. Whether you love to play your guitar and make up funny little songs or spend hours perfecting an oil portrait, your creative pursuits are an extension of your soul and a way of expressing yourself in the world.
However, giving ourselves the time and space to be creative can be hard. Life can get pretty hectic, with work and home responsibilities taking over. If you are not expressing yourself creatively, have a think about how you can bring it into your routine. Perhaps you can find an hour before bed to write or draw.
Angel Number 23 and Passions
The angel number 23 is a reminder to follow your passions and go after your true dreams. You have loads of natural talents, and you may be ignoring them! Perhaps you worry you are not good enough or up to the hard work that comes with your goals.
But, if we ignore our dreams, our whole life will suffer. Your guardian angels want you to figure out what you want from your life and discover what you need to do to get there. You have the power and passion to achieve your dreams but you need to tap into your talents.
When it comes to dreams and goals, we often worry about failure. I love writing, and one of my goals in life is to get a novel published. However, I do have that niggling thought in the back of my mind, with a voice saying, ‘Why bother? It probably won’t happen.‘
But it is better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all! Maybe I won’t get a novel published, but you know what?! At least I tried! Remind yourself of this when you are working towards your goals and dreams. Releasing the fear of failure will help you move forward on your journey in life.
Angel Number 23 and Optimism
The angel number 23 asks us to look on the bright side of life and embrace positive thinking. If you have been under pressure and stress recently, the angel number 23 has appeared to send you positive energy of happiness and fun.
Now is the time to do what you really love and enjoy life. The things that make us happy are the most important things in the world.
Whether it is baking cookies or going wild swimming, your angels want you to spend time doing what you love. We can get so wrapped up with work or life drama we forget to enjoy the simple things that bring us happiness. But we must do the things we love to find true peace and happiness.
What Does Angel Number 23 Mean Spiritually?
The angel number 23 appears to remind us to connect with higher powers and explore the knowledge that we can discover from doing so. The number 2 holds the energy of communication and connections, whereas the number 3 is associated with Ascended Masters.

Ascended Masters are enlightened spiritual individuals who once existed on Earth. They ascended to the spiritual realms because of their spiritual development and knowledge. They exist to help us on our own spiritual journey and guide us forward to true enlightenment.
The angel number 23 is a sign to connect with Ascended Masters and other spirit guides to move forward on our journey.
There are loads of ways you can do this, such as:
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Watching for signs
- Developing your psychic abilities
Is Angel number 23 a Manifestation Number?
The angel number 23 is strongly linked to manifestation and serves as a reminder of our powers to change the world and our future. By connecting with the universe through the Law of Attraction, you are able to bring positive change and abundance into your life.
However, angel number 23 wants you to know that, in order for manifestation to work, you must believe in yourself. Before we work with the Law of Attraction, we must be sure of ourselves and what we want from life.
What Does Angel Number 23 Mean In Love?
The angel number 23 has a message of growth, communication, and harmony regarding love. Whether you are in a relationship or single and looking for love, the angel number 23 is a really positive sign.
If you are in a relationship, this angel number beckons in a time of balance and harmony. Any issues that you and your partner have been facing will soon ease through open and honest communication. This will allow your love to grow and flourish with the next stage of your relationship coming your way.
If you are looking for love, the angel number 23 tells you that a harmonious and loving relationship is on the horizon. By maintaining a positive and open mindset, you will find the person that is right for you.
Remember how we talked about angel number 23 and self-belief? Well, this message is also important to those who are looking for love. You may have heard that famous RuPaul quote, ‘If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?’.
Well, I think there is some truth to this. Make sure you believe in yourself, your talents, and your abilities when looking for love, as this will attract someone who also believes in you and your amazingness!
Is Angel Number 23 a Twin Flame Number?
We all have a twin flame, who is basically our other half. One half of our soul is in their body, and meeting them allows us to expand our spiritual awareness and growth.
So, what does angel number 23 mean for twin flames?
If you are still looking for your twin flame, this angel number asks you to explore and develop your spiritual side to attract your twin flame into your life. Sometimes, we can get too preoccupied with how we will meet our twin flame that we forget about why we meet our twin flame.
Our twin flame is someone who will bring us enlightenment and understanding regarding our soul’s mission and our connection with the universe. Because of this, expanding our spiritual awareness will attract them into our lives. It is time to work on connecting your soul with the universe and opening your spirit up to higher knowledge.
If you are reunited with your twin flame, the angel number 23 is a message of balance and harmony. Things may have been difficult between you, but angel number 23 asks you to cooperate with them to bring peace to your relationship. This will allow you and your twin flame to move forward onto the next stage of your twin flame connection.
Embrace Positivity and Self-Belief With Angel Number 23
The angel number 23 is an amazing message from your guardian angels. They want you to know that you have the power to support others, follow your dreams, and manifest your goals.
The next time you see the angel number 23, take a moment to remind yourself of your talents and skills. It is time to spread joy and positivity in the world!
If you love to learn all about angel numbers, check out the other content we have here for you:
- Read our angel numbers guide to find out how angel numbers appear to us and what they mean.
- Discover what the angel number 22222 means for love, spirituality, and twin flames.
- Is the angel number 1110 appearing in your life? Find out why!
- Learn what it means if you are seeing the angel number 88.