Throughout human history, rainbows have held a special place in our collective consciousness. The word “rainbow” instantly evokes images of seven colors stretching across the sky, a symbol of hope, promise, and unity. In recent times, the rainbow flag has emerged as a powerful emblem of the LGBTQ+ community, standing for acceptance, love, and the diverse spectrum of human experiences and identities.
There is nothing as beautiful as the clouds clearing on a rainy day to reveal a rainbow. A rainbow is probably the most inspiring natural phenomenon, and it sometimes feels as if it is placed there in the sky just for us to see. How can something so beautiful and awe-inspiring even exist?!
Well, there are actually a number of amazing reasons why you might be seeing a rainbow. In this article, we will explore rainbow symbolism & spiritual meanings and discuss what seeing a rainbow might mean to you.
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rainbow meaning: at a glance
Here is what seeing a rainbow means:
- When a rainbow appears in a dream, it could be a sign of the universe bringing good omens to you. Think of it like a rainbow bridge marking an everlasting covenant between god and humanity.
- Seeing double rainbows is a sign of abundance and prosperity. The universe is telling you that you have more than what you need, and it might be a time when you start sharing your prized gifts with others.
- In love, a rainbow signifies embracing love or moving into a new stage of a relationship.
- Seeing a rainbow also represents good luck, new beginnings, divine encouragement, and connection to God and other beings from higher realms.
spiritual meaning of rainbows + what it means if you keep seeing a rainbow
Because of the fascinating beauty of a rainbow, they have always had spiritual connections. Our ancestors would look up at these miraculous arches and feel connected to gods, deities, and higher realms of existence.

However, our spiritual connection to rainbows has never been left in the past, even though our scientific understanding of the phenomena has grown and developed. Rainbows still provide us with spiritual guidance and understanding and may even contain messages from higher powers.
Let’s look at what rainbows mean spiritually.
divine encouragement and messages
Did you know that you have spirit guides that are there throughout your life, helping you on your journey? There are different kinds of spirit guides, such as spirit animals and guardian angels.
Our spirit guides exist in different realms of existence and, therefore, will rarely come to us directly. Instead, they scatter signs and messages in the universe around us for us to see.
A rainbow is often put in the universe by our spirit guides and is a sign of encouragement. Do you typically see a rainbow when you have had a hard day and are feeling sad and deflated? Perhaps one appears when you feel disconnected from your own personal power.
Our spirit guides are always watching us and know when we are suffering. They will place a rainbow in the sky for us to see and give us hope to move forward and carry on.
good luck is coming your way

A rainbow always appears when the dark clouds are dispersing. The storm is over, but there are still a few clouds scattered about. The sunshine, however, has broken through the clouds and is shining down on us.
Because of this, seeing a rainbow is often a spiritual sign that good luck is coming your way. Perhaps you have been through your own personal storm, with a run of bad luck marring your journey in life. But, with the rainbow appearing, you are given a message of hope and faith.
The rainbow reminds you that the universe is on your side and you have the strength to carry on. You just need to have that faith, and the rainbow will guide you toward happiness and peace.
new beginnings
When we see a rainbow, it may be because a change is occurring, with new beginnings on their way. If you see a rainbow, reflect on your journey right now. Where have you come from, and where are you going? What is on the horizon for you?
A rainbow suggests that a new phase of your life is about to start. It is important to embrace this change, allowing yourself to grow and develop.
hope and promise
Because of the beautiful colors of a rainbow and its glowing positivity, many people believe they reflect a time of hope and peace. When seeing a rainbow, consider if the universe is wanting to send you the energy of peace and happiness.
Do you feel peaceful? Are you at peace with yourself and those around you? A rainbow may be a sign that you need to reach out to those who you have disharmony with, giving them an olive branch.
It is important to fix any unresolved issues, as they will harm your emotional and spiritual health if not acknowledged.

A rainbow meaning regarding peace may also be about your own inner peace. Inner peace can be hard to curate in the hectic modern world. However, it is super important to be at peace with yourself.
So, if you are seeing a rainbow and believe it to be a message of peace, have a think about what you can do to maintain your inner peace. I am a big fan of meditation, and I truly believe it can help us on our spiritual journey. Meditation allows us to connect with our mind and soul, bringing forth inner peace and tranquility.
connect with your spirituality

Alongside my spirituality, I have a keen interest in philosophy. I love to read up on different arguments and ideas, as they allow me to explore my own understanding of the world we live in.
This next rainbow meaning reminds me of a theological view called the argument from beauty. This argument suggests that, because of the aesthetic wonders in the world, there must be a higher force.
Science cannot explain why we find things beautiful and awe-inspiring. Thus, we must be more than mere robots or organisms; there must be something causing us to experience beauty.
Rainbows always make me think of this argument. They are so beautiful and so amazing; they do make me wonder about why they exist.
So, I believe that the spiritual meaning of a rainbow is the universe sending you a message of reflection and encouragement. It is a reminder to us to explore and connect with our spiritual side, allowing us to find meaning and enlightenment in the universe.
spiritual awakening
If you are seeing rainbows regularly, it may be a sign that you are going through a spiritual awakening.
A spiritual awakening is an amazing experience that allows us to discover ourselves, our souls, and the higher realms of existence. It can be scary at times, but ultimately, it leads to peace and enlightenment.
It is important to embrace your spiritual awakening, channeling it into forms you can understand and manage. Tarot reading, automatic writing, and journaling your dreams can help you connect with your spiritual side and really explore the awakening you are experiencing.
rainbow meaning and significance in love
Seeing a rainbow may contain messages regarding love. Your spirit guides can place the rainbow in the world for you to see and send you messages about love.
So, what is the rainbow meaning regarding love?
Seeing a rainbow often occurs when the universe and spirits want you to accept love into your life. Perhaps you have been hurt in the past and keep everyone around you at arm’s length. However, the rainbow symbolizes hope for love. It is time to let go of your past and embrace the love that may come into your life.
If you are in a relationship, seeing a rainbow suggests that you and your partner are coming to a completion.
Now, this doesn’t mean the end of your relationship. Rather, a rainbow suggests that you and your partner are entering the next stage of your relationship, with the previous stage completed.
double rainbow meaning
Have you ever seen a double rainbow? These are amazing sights and bring me so much joy when I see them. I am not going to lie; every time I see a double rainbow, I think of that viral video from 2010 where a man gets overwhelmed at seeing a double rainbow from his yard in Yosemite.
In this video, the person recording is extremely emotional at the sight of the double rainbow, and I totally get this! I said before that there is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow, but perhaps there is: a double rainbow.
But what does it actually mean for us when we see a double rainbow?
A double rainbow amplifies the spiritual meaning of a rainbow. Because rainbows often symbolize change and new beginnings, a double rainbow reflects a time of total transformation.
In a double rainbow, both our spiritual soul and our physical body are represented in each arc. The sight of this phenomenon is a message from the universe to embrace change and growth, turning to spirituality for self-discovery.
double rainbow meaning in love
When it comes to love, a double rainbow is strongly associated with twin flames. We all have a twin flame, as our soul was split in two before we were born. One half of our soul was put in our body, with the other put in a different body.
If you have not met your twin flame, seeing a double rainbow could be a sign that you will soon reconnect with them. One rainbow represents you, with the other representing your twin flame. The universe is telling you that your meeting is close, and soon, you will be with your twin flame.
cultural and modern rainbow meanings
Humans have always had a deep connection with the rainbow, and therefore, their significance has existed in many religions and cultures around the world.
Let’s look at a range of cultural rainbow meanings to understand the importance of this amazing symbol.
rainbow meaning in irish beliefs
For many people, seeing a rainbow is a sign of good luck, and this belief can be found in Irish folklore. I am sure you have probably heard of leprechauns before.
This Irish mythical creature has many stories and tales told about them. However, one of their more prominent stories is the one about their pot of rainbow. According to the myth, leprechauns hide their pots of gold at the ends of rainbows.

I love this tale and all the surrounding folklore about leprechauns. They are mischievous characters and know more about the world than we do. Fortune and luck are associated with leprechauns, and so are the rainbows that hide their gold.
rainbow meaning in viking mythology
This is yet another fascinating way that rainbows have influenced cultures for centuries. The Vikings believed that a fiery rainbow called Bifrost connected the realms of men with the realms of Gods.
This myth really shows us the spiritual force that rainbows hold. For so many cultures and communities, rainbows are an important part of their mythology and religion.
rainbow meaning in Hinduism
In Hindu beliefs, a rainbow represents a connection between the gods and humans. The vivid colors symbolize the multifaceted nature of divinity and the myriad ways in which it manifests in the world. Furthermore, the seven colors of the rainbow (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red) align closely with the seven chakras of the human body in Hindu spiritual practices. The chakras are energy points, each associated with different attributes:
- Red (Muladhara): Root chakra, grounding.
- Orange (Svadhisthana): Sacral chakra, creativity.
- Yellow (Manipura): Solar plexus chakra, self-will.
- Green (Anahata): Heart chakra, love.
- Blue (Vishuddha): Throat chakra, communication.
- Indigo (Ajna): Third eye chakra, intuition.
- Violet (Sahasrara): Crown chakra, divine connection
Lastly, as per ancient mythology, Indra, the ruler of all gods, wilds a bow known as a Vajra, similar to a rainbow. When it appears in the sky, it is seen as a positive sign of protection, authority, blessed sun’s rays, and power.
rainbow meaning in Christianity and judaism
For Christians, the rainbow not only recalls the story of Noah but also represents hope and the mercy of God.
“I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”
Here, the rainbow is a symbol of God’s promise to Noah (and, by extension, to all of humanity) that He would never again destroy the world with a flood. It serves as a reminder of God’s mercy, promise, and enduring relationship with mankind.
In Jewish thought, while the rainbow does remind believers of God’s promise, it also serves as a reminder of human responsibility. The appearance of the rainbow is a gentle nudge, urging humanity to remember its covenant with God and to live righteously.
rainbow meaning in Celtic mythology
While more commonly associated with Norse mythology, the idea of a bridge or pathway to another world or realm can be found in Celtic lore as well. The rainbow was sometimes seen as a shimmering bridge that connected the mortal realm to the realm of the gods or to the Otherworld, a place of deities, spirits, and ancestors.
the lgbt community
In modern culture, the rainbow is often used as a sign of pride for the LGBT community. The rainbow signifies hope for many people who have gone through hard times because of homophobia, transphobia, and ignorance.
The rainbow also acts as a celebration of diversity. Just like the colors of the rainbow, there are so many different kinds of people, and we must accept and celebrate this. For many people across the globe, the rainbow symbolizes inclusivity and acceptance.
history of rainbow flag
The rainbow flag is commonly used at LGBTQIA+ rights events worldwide. The original pride flag was designed by Gilbert Baker and made its debut at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade in 1978.
The original flag consisted of eight colors, each with a distinct meaning: pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for magic, blue for serenity, and violet for spirit.
Over time, due to factors like fabric availability, the design evolved, leading to the six-stripe version (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple) that’s prevalent today. It serves as a bold and colorful declaration of visibility, acceptance, and the ongoing fight for rights and recognition.
rainbow mythology and folklore
Rainbows often appeared in tales after torrential rains or tumultuous events as symbols of hope, signaling a return to peace or the benevolence of the gods.
- Maori Myth: According to the Maori of New Zealand, the rainbow is the reflection of the colorful hulls of the war canoes of the gods.
- Navajo Tradition: In Navajo tales, the rainbow is the path of the Yei, or holy ones, spirits that intercede between humans and the Creator.
- Chinese Culture: The rainbow is a slit in the sky sealed by a goddess using colored stones. It’s a tale of love, sacrifice, and duty.
- Amazon Tribes: Some tribes believe that the rainbow is the multicolored boa, a serpent that devours any unfortunate enough to gaze upon it during daylight.
- Africa’s Lunda People: The rainbow is a formidable bow used by the god Nzambi to shoot arrows, which are the lightning.
- Estonian Folklore: It’s believed that the rainbow is the belt of the sky goddess. At times, it is also a bow used by her to shoot arrows of lightning!
what does a rainbow mean for you?
Rainbows have always been a huge part of culture and spirituality. There are so many different rainbow meanings, and we can connect with them in the way we wish to.
What does a rainbow mean for you? Perhaps when you see one, you will always be reminded of hope and peace. Or maybe, like the Vikings, you view rainbows as a connection to this world and the next.
Whichever way you connect with rainbows, it is obvious that their symbolism and meaning will always have a huge effect on society. Next time you see a rainbow, take a moment to feel grateful for this amazing world we live in.