The Hierophant Tarot card serves as the masculine counterpart of the High Priestess and is the number five of the Major Arcana cards in the Tarot deck.
This card, also known as the High Priest or the Pope, is governed by Taurus and ruled by the planet Venus. But what does this intriguing card mean when it appears in a reading? Let’s dive into the Hierophant card to figure it all out!
Table of Contents
Hierophant Tarot KeyWords
Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Hierophant card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, below is a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Major Arcana card.
Upright | Reversed | Yes or No |
Spiritual wisdom, tradition, conformity, morality, ethics | Rebellion, subversiveness, freedom, personal beliefs | Neutral |
What Does the Hierophant Mean in Tarot?
The Hierophant is a symbol of traditional values and acknowledges the deep importance of spirituality and religion in life. It reveals a time of spiritual wisdom and development, asking us to explore spiritual paths and religious beliefs.
As a Major Arcana card, it represents deep, life-altering decisions and changes. When appearing in Tarot readings, it suggests that you must take it upon yourself to delve into your inner sacred knowledge and expand your belief systems through learning and teachings.
Hierophant Tarot Card Description
The Hierophant Tarot card is also called the Teacher of Wisdom. The symbols in this card are twin pillars, a staff, a throne, the triple crown of a pope, a hand raised in blessing, and two followers.

The Hierophant card depicts a figure sitting in the middle of two pillars. He shows the sanctity characteristic of a holy temple or a church; however, this temple is different from the one where the High Priestess sits.
He is positioned on a throne on an elevated podium, which demonstrates authority and superiority. He wears three robes- red, blue, and white – and a three-tiered crown. They both signify the three realms that he dominates (the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious).
In his left hand, he carries a Papal Cross that shows his religious position. The horizontal bars in the cross represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. His right hand raised in a religious manner is a symbol of blessing (it’s similar to the hand that the Magician has raised).
There are two followers who kneel before him. This represents his duty to transfer his spiritual knowledge to others.
The crossed keys at the Hierophant’s feet denote the stability between the conscious and subconscious minds and the revealing ambiguities that only he can demonstrate.

Hierophant Upright Meaning
When the Hierophant card is upright in a reading, it represents a necessity to follow existing conventions, rules, or a well-established procedure.
It advises you to maintain conventional boundaries that are considered a standard method. Rather than being inventive and following your own path, you will be familiarized with certain traditional beliefs and systems that have existed already for quite a long time.
The Hierophant card embodies a customary set of spiritual beliefs and is frequently associated with religion and other formal ideologies. Thus, this card suggests that you learn the necessary values from a trusted source, such as a religious figure or a spiritual counselor.
It may be time to ask for guidance and cooperate with a teacher, mentor, or leader to discover more about spiritual values and beliefs. They can give you wisdom and advice. These people can be experts that will help you awaken and nurture your core values.
The Hierophant Tarot card can also be a sign that you need to bring back family customs that are being neglected – instead of innovation and breaking the old ways.

Upright Hierophant Love Life Meaning
The Hierophant means full commitment. Therefore, it is a very good sign in a love context. It is associated with traditional and solid relationships and indicates that you and your partner are on the same page about pretty much everything. This is not just a normal relationship, but one that feels “meant to be” and almost sacred.
If you’re single, the Hierophant in a Tarot love reading indicates that someone in your inner circle has an eye on you! This might be a friend you’ve been interested in for a while but seemed way out of reach. Get ready for one of your friendships to turn into a romance full of romance and fidelity!
If you’re building up relationships, the advice of the Hierophant is to inform others about your background and family traditions. What are your values, and what is important to you?
By being vulnerable and honest, you’ll gain respect from others! Even if they are from a totally different background or disagree with your values.
Hierophant Upright Health and Spirituality
Are you having health issues or feeling any ailment coming on? As a symbol of existing conventions and well-established procedures, the Hierophant in a health context tells you to visit your doctor and follow his advice. Don’t try to find a solution online; instead, listen to the wisdom of a professional.
The Hierophant is a symbol of traditional values and stretches the deep importance of spirituality and religion in life.
Therefore, if this card shows up in a spiritual context, this is a sign that you should include some traditional values or type of religion into your spiritual practices. See it as an invitation to sometimes visit a church, mosque, or temple. Connect with your spiritual or religious heritage and traditional institutions that will help you further your wisdom.
Hierophant Upright Career Meaning
In a career context, the Hierophant indicates that new things are coming your way. This can be in the form of a promotion, moving to another department, or changing companies. While working with a lot of new colleagues, one of them will act as a mentor.
This person will guide you through the values and traditions of the company and provide you with inside information. Because of this, your career path will soon feel clear.
Moneywise, the Hierophant Tarot card advises you to be very conservative. Do you really need that new pair of shoes? Is your old television still working, and if so, why should you buy a new one?
This card tells you to think twice when it comes to spending your money. Try to put some money aside for days when you really need it. You definitely won’t regret that!
Hierophant Reversed Meaning
When the Hierophant reversed shows up in a reading, it symbolizes non-conformity, rebellion, and personal freedom.

It can also indicate that you are feeling the desire to bend existing rules. Or that you’re experiencing limitations from too many structures and established beliefs. Is it time for you to challenge the status quo?
It is time for you to question things to ensure the truth and morality of your actions and beliefs. While some people might not understand your will to make changes, it might be needed. Release the certain traditions that no longer serve you and pave your own way forward.
The card suggests that you no longer need the approval of external sources and that you are your own teacher. Now is the time to trust your inner strength and see things from a different perspective.
Do you feel like questioning old ideas and traditions that have been taught to you? Do certain beliefs, structures, and systems go against what you want to do and believe?
Now is the time to listen to yourself. Learn to trust your instincts and break free from old ways.
Hierophant Reversed Love Life Meaning
When cropping up reversed in a love Tarot reading, the Hierophant Tarot card reflects unconventional relationships and an alternative lifestyle. It is time to make your own rules regarding love and explore who you are and how you love others in your own way.
If you are in a relationship, ensure you are not sacrificing who you are and staying within conventional bounds for the sake of harmony.
If you are single, a new approach to love may soon come your way. Perhaps you will meet someone who is totally not your type but is still perfect for you. Or, maybe unconventional methods will lead you to your perfect match. Keep your mind open!
Hierophant Reversed Health and Spirituality
When reversed in a health and spirituality Tarot reading, the Hierophant Tarot card meaning is one of individuality and personal growth. It is time to look inside yourself and explore your subconscious to push you forward on your spiritual path.
Perhaps you have been following one religion with an orthodox approach to spirituality. But this may not feel right for you. By exploring other ideas and mixing and matching beliefs and practices, you will find the perfect way of expressing your spirituality.
Hierophant Reversed Career and Money Meaning
When this card appears reversed in a career reading, it suggests that rules and regulations in the workplace are getting you down. Perhaps you are creative, but your job is not letting you express this side of yourself. Or maybe your boss is forcing you to conform in a certain way.
It is time to reflect on what is important to you. Perhaps a change of career may be needed. Or, can you be yourself while also following the rules of your workplace?
Regarding finances, the reversed meaning of the Hierophant reveals a dissatisfaction with money. It may be time to explore side hustles and non-conventional ways of making money.
The Hierophant Tarot Card Combinations
When performing Tarot readings, it is useful to reflect on the combination of the cards you receive and their meanings put together. So, let’s look at some important Hierophant Tarot card combinations.
The Hierophant and Justice
Justice often represents legal matters, and when linked with the Hierophant Tarot card, this meaning is intensified. Aren’t you in a legal battle at the moment? One could be looming.

The Hierophant + Justice
Therefore, this combination tells you to proceed with caution when it comes to matters of law or regulation. Do you want to settle a dispute? This combination indicates that there will be a solution that is fair for all parties.
The Hierophant and the Lovers
Do you hear the wedding bells ringing? The Hierophant Tarot card with the Lovers card just indicates one surefire thing: a wedding is coming up! Are you ready to fully commit yourself? If so, this wedding might even be yours.

The Hierophant + The Lovers
The Hierophant and the Moon
The Hierophant, together with the Moon card, symbolizes a psychological breakthrough and analysis. Are you undergoing therapy at the moment?

The Hierophant + The Moon
This combination tells you that the treatment will change your life! You will get a deeper understanding of your inner self and old emotions. This newly gained wisdom will help you to solve an ongoing issue.
The Hierophant and the Eight of Pentacles
The Suit of Pentacles is considered career and money-based. The Eight of Pentacles is usually a work focused card, but not when paired with the Hierophant Tarot card. Instead of focusing on the end goal, this combination advocates making education and spiritual practice a priority.
What Does the Hierophant Tarot Card Mean?
The Hierophant represents traditional values and stretches the deep importance of spiritual wisdom and religion in life. He serves as the masculine counterpart of the High Priestess and is the number five of the Major Arcana cards in the Tarot deck.
What Does the Hierophant Mean in Love?
The Hierophant in a love reading symbolizes traditional relationships full of commitment. If you’re still single, it’s a sign that somebody in your inner circle has an eye on you. A friendship will maybe turn into a romantic relationship!
What is the Meaning of the Hierophant Reversed?
The reversed Hierophant is a symbol of nonconformity, openness, and freedom. The card tells you that it’s time to explore beyond what you already know. You no longer need the approval of external sources anymore – you are your own teacher now. Trust your inner strength and see things from a different perspective.
What Does the Hierophant Tarot Card Mean Yes or No?
In a Yes or No tarot spread, the Hierophant isn’t explicitly a yes or no. Instead, it’s neutral and gives advice to seek guidance from a mentor, a spiritual counselor, or someone else you trust.
Dive Into Your Spiritual Wisdom With the Hierophant Tarot Card
That’s all for the Hierophant Tarot card meaning! Can’t get enough? Learn how to read the Tarot in this Tarot Beginners Guide, or read more about the other Major Arcana cards here.
If you have pulled this card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life? Did it challenge your personal beliefs?
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings, so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below what you think of the Hierophant.
Merc says
I get the heirophant a lot especially when asking what I should be doing for work? Does this point towards working in the spiritual realms? Thanks
Wille says
Wow! Yes, it definitely suggests that you would be good at a teaching role, perhaps in spirituality.
Wille xxx
Ana says
Hi hun ! Got 10of swords and death +4of cups and two of pentacles in a future reading and I’m absolutely in bits … the most awful cards about my marriage ????
Wille says
Hi Ana, thanks for your comment ????. As you have already mentioned, it is indeed not a promising combination of the cards. Unfortunately, I don’t see any silver lining in these cards. But remember that cards may represent both the temporary situation and something that is long term. So the spread might try to make you aware of something that is temporary and might be solved with good communication and willingness to make things right ????
I wish love and harmony to you and your family!
jaid says
hi Jen,
I asked cards how long will I stay in this job and drew the hierophant. in my mind I told myself 1 and half years – am I correct?
thank you jaid
Wille says
Hi Jaid, thanks for your question. Living our lives, we can change our future by taking certain decisions. So it doesn’t have to be necessarily 1,5 years. It will depend on the circumstances and decisions you make. But more generally, in a career context, the Hierophant tarot card indicates that new things are coming your way. This can be in the form of a promotion, moving to another department, or changing companies. So change will come:)
Hope this makes sense ????
Wille ✨
Francisco says
Good nigth Wille!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I love the way you write about arcana! I speak from Brazil! I really appreciate your site!
Wille says
Thank you????
Jen says
Perfectly explained! I got the same description but yours added a tad more detail and basically confirmed my interpretations. Thanks 🙂
Willemijn says
Thanks Jen!