Yes or No Tarot readings are excellent for beginners because they are so simple. They involve a focused question and usually one card that represents the answer “yes,” “no,” or “maybe.”
Because these readings are stripped down, experienced Tarot readers may find this approach to be reductive. Tarot has the power to add layers and nuance to a life story. Sometimes, asking a single question with a single answer limits that power. Despite this, it’s a great way to practice card interpretation and read the energy of a specific situation.
Below, we’ll teach you how to do a Yes or No Tarot reading and get instant answers, so let’s dive right in!
Preparation is Key!
“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.” This saying goes even for a simple reading like this one. Therefore, please keep in mind the following steps before you start with your reading.
When to Use This Type of Reading
A Yes or No Tarot reading can be helpful if you’re making a vital decision in the near future. For example, you might consult the cards to see if you should do something, like accept a promotion or initiate a conversation with a loved one.
Some people also use a Yes/No Tarot reading to determine a likely outcome for a specific upcoming situation. “Will I receive the promotion?” or “Will the conversation with my partner help our relationship grow together?” would be suitable questions to ask.
Remember that no Tarot card represents your absolute fate. When reading outcomes, think of the card as an indication of favorable or unfavorable conditions, not necessarily what will definitely happen.
The Precise the Yes or No Question, the Better
The particular question must be answered with a “yes” or a “no.”
If you’re asking about your love life, avoid questions like, “Why doesn’t my lover want to move in with me?” There’s no yes or no answer to this question. It’s too complex and requires a more complex Tarot spread.
Extra tip: You can also find free Tarot readings online for a more complex and instant answer or straightforward advice.
Here’s a list of tips on how to refine your question:
- Focus! Narrow the question to a single subject so that the information you receive will feel relevant. This question, “Will I have a good life?” is too broad. Instead, you could refine this: “Will I meet my career goals in this new job?” It would also help to define those goals for yourself before you start.
- Avoid asking two questions hidden in one. Take the following specific questions, for example, “Does my partner actually want to move in with me, or does she secretly want to break up?” If you were to pull a “yes” card in response to this, you would not know if the card addressed the first or second part of the question.
- Stay neutral. If you frame the question in an overly negative or positive way, you risk being biased in the interpretation. The question, “Does my lover hate the idea of moving in with me?” is less neutral than, “Does my partner want to move in with me?” Removing the emotional judgment from the phrasing allows you to receive more precise answers.
Draw With Your Dominant Hand
Using your dominant hand is more common in readings. It’s believed that the dominant hand is more connected to your conscious mind and can better convey your intentions and energy.
However, some people suggest that using the non-dominant hand can tap into the subconscious and intuitive aspects more effectively. Ultimately, it’s a matter of personal preference, so feel free to experiment and go with what feels right for you!
Optional: Pull a Significator
A “significator” is a card from a Tarot deck chosen to represent you in a Tarot card reading. You may pull a significator for your yes/no Tarot reading to ground you in your question topic.
For instance, a significator for a relationship question may be the Lovers, while a question about a new business investment may call for the Ace of Pentacles, etc.
Ready for a Yes or No Tarot Reading?
Here’s a list of things to consider during your session:
Do Reversals Matter?
Generally, you don’t need to consider whether the Tarot card is upright or reversed when you pull for a reading. Just turn any reversed Tarot card the right way up and check out their yes or no answer for your yes or no question.
However, you might develop a personal system that accounts for reversals. For example, reversed Tarot cards mean “no.” You do you!
‘Yes’ Cards in a Yes or No Tarot Reading
Here’s a list of the Tarot cards that generally mean “yes”:
- Major Arcana: The Fool, The Magician, The Empress, The Emperor, The Lovers, Strength, The Star, The Sun, The World
- Suit of Wands: Ace, Three, Four, Six, Seven, Eight, Page, Knight, Queen, King
- Suit of Cups: Ace, Two, Three, Six, Nine, Ten, Page, Knight, Queen, King
- Suit of Swords: Ace, Six, Page
- Suit of Pentacles: Ace, Three, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Page, Knight, Queen, King
‘No’ Cards in a Yes or No Tarot Reading
Here’s a list of the Tarot cards that generally mean “no”:
- Major Arcana: The Hermit, Death, The Devil, The Tower, The Moon
- Suit of Wands: Five, Ten
- Suit of Cups: Five, Eight
- Suit of Swords: Three, Five, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
- Suit of Pentacles: Five
‘Maybe’ Cards in a Yes or No Tarot Reading
Welcome to the gray area! Depending on your feelings, these can be fascinating or frustrating Tarot cards to receive. Their uncertainty usually means more work for you. In other words, you should tap into your intuition or gather more information.
Major Arcana
The following cards lean toward “yes,” with warnings: High Priestess, Wheel of Fortune, and Judgement. The High Priestess is only a “yes” if it’s for the greater good, not just your own.
On the other hand, the Wheel of Fortune is “yes” when you’re wondering if something will change, but your adaptability determines how positive the change will be.
Judgment means your actions will transform you, but the card doesn’t tell you how.
Meanwhile, Temperance, the Hanged Man, and Justice all ask you to do a little more soul-searching before you make your move.
Temperance wants you to be guided by your intuition and proceed with caution, while the Hanged Man asks you to wait a little while longer.
Justice usually calls you out for asking the wrong question. Reflect on whether your question was fair to you and others.
The remaining two, the Hierophant and the Chariot, require specific action before you make a choice.
The Hierophant encourages you to seek advice from a mentor, while the Chariot asks you to have a plan and be ready to put forth ALL of your efforts.
Suit of Wands
The Two of Wands does encourage you to take a chance on something, but the outcome remains uncertain. The Nine of Wands can mean “yes” if the question is about standing your ground. Whether you decide it means “yes” or “no,” it usually brings an anxious period.
Suit of Cups
The Four of Cups and Seven of Cups can shift toward “yes” or “no” once you’ve spent time getting to know yourself and the situation better. The Seven, in particular, indicates several options, so consider doing more research and listing the pros and cons.
Suit of Swords
Swords often require extensive thought or meditation. So, a Sword may mean you need to approach the situation systematically or innovatively.
This is true for the Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, and King of Swords. The Knight and King encourage you to consider multiple facets of the situation, while the Queen wants you to explore inner feelings.
The Two of Swords usually means you’re choosing between two clear options and must resolve your issues with each one before you proceed. However, the Four of Swords asks you to rest before you decide.
Suit of Pentacles
If you receive the Two of Pentacles, this answer is more precisely a “not yet,” but not a “never.” Take care of what you’re juggling now, then return to the question.
The Four of Pentacles counsels caution. If you go forward, you risk something. Make sure your action is worth the risk.
What to do After a Yes or No Tarot Reading?
Here’s what you can do after your session:
Pull a Second Card
Be wary of the temptation to pull too many Tarot cards for more information. Before long, you could end up with the entire Tarot deck!
However, pulling a second card can sometimes add clarity to a maybe Tarot card in a yes/no reading. Think of the card as additional information to shed light on the source of uncertainty or guide action you can take to resolve a problem.
A second card can also add context to a yes or no Tarot card. Depending on the card, it can complete a sentence starter like “Yes, if…” or “No, but…,” etc.
Reflect on the Reading
For the biggest impact in your life, reflect on your reading by journaling, meditating, or discussing with trusted friends. This can help you see blind spots in your interpretation. It can also help refine your question to address the more important issue.
If you received a maybe initially, return to the question after a few days or weeks of personal reflection. The answer may be clearer to you the second time around.
That’s all I wanted to share about yes or no readings and Tarot card meanings. We hope this article gave you all the information you needed to know before conducting or receiving your own yes or no Tarot reading.
If you still have questions or want to share your own experience with Tarot readings, please feel free to reach out to me or leave a comment below!
Rajesh Kadian says
want to learn, can you please tell me about the modalities to join the upcoming course
Wille says
If you want to sign up for my mini-course, press the start here button and go to the bottom of the page.
Wille xxxx
Alexandra says
I asked if it my lover was cheating
I got
Six of swords in reverse
The three of pentacles in reverse
Eight of pentacles upright
Wille says
Hey, I don’t think these cards are able to give you the answer to your question.
Wille xxxx
Lolli says
But what if you have a yes, judgment, and no?
Wille says
It will depend on what the question is. Maybe there is no right answer at this point?
Wille xxxx
Hope says
I asked if the norse pagan diety Loki had been reaching out to me.
This is what I got:
1. The emperor (reversed)
2. 3 of pentacles (reversed)
3. The magician (reversed)
It sounded like a yes but not at this time, but I’m open to your advice. I was also wondering what reversals in a yes or no reading ment?
Thank you for your help and clarity.
Wille says
In regards to reversals in yes or no cards, it really depends on the specific cards. I agree, I don’t think these cards suggest that Loki is reaching out to you right now. I think it sounds like you need to work on your own magic and power, first!
Wille xxxx
Ananna says
I asked if this person has been trying to contact me (yes or no) and got The Magician (left) Pentacles (middle) and Queen of swords (right side card).
What does that mean??
Wille says
I think these are positive signs!
Wille xxxx
Hope says
But they’re all reversed. I’m confused.
jana says
hi so i aksed my deck if this person has feelings for me i got queen of swords on the left 10 of cups in the center and 6 of cups in the right what does it mean>
Wille says
Hey Jana, these cards are really nice and mostly suggest yes. They are all about celebration, family, and connection.
Ariane Jones says
Greetings! I found your website to be very informative! I recently conducted yes or no reading to the following question: Should I try to contact X friend? For context, myself and this person were really good friends but had a falling out several years ago and have not spoken since.
I’ve been looking but haven’t really found a site that speaks to the scenario that I pulled which was the Hermit,Strength, and The Hanged Man. So two neutral or maybe cards and a yes card. I’m not sure what to make of this. Does this mean I should do it over? I don’t want to keep asking the question but am wondering if that’s what I should do? If I should do it again how often? Until I get a clearer answer? Obviously I would like to reach out to my friend, but now I’m not sure if it’s in the cards?…ha ha ha!!! Sorry, I had to say that!! Thank you for any guidance you can provide.
Wille says
Hey Ariane, thanks for your question and I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed my website????! The Hermit tarot card generally means a “no”, while the Strength tarot card is a “yes”. Lastly, the Hanged Man tarot card is a “maybe” and asks you to wait a little longer. I can imagine that with these cards you are a bit confused and honestly, I don’t have a clear yes or no answer to this question either. I would suggest waiting a bit longer as based on these three cards I believe it’s a “maybe”.
Sending you lots of sparks of joy✨
jana says
hi so i aksed my deck if this person has feelings for me i got queen of swords on the left 10 of cups in the center and 6 of cups in the right what does it mean>