The Two of Cups Tarot card is one of the most positive relationship cards in the deck. When you pull this card in a Tarot reading, it stands for harmony, togetherness, and working as a team to build a strong partnership.
Soon, you will be feeling happy and empowered; nothing will be able to get you down.
Have you recently started a new relationship, formed a business partnership, or made a new friend? This card tells us that this relationship will be a powerful one, and it’ll bring positivity to your life.
In this article, I’ll share the Two of Cups Tarot card meanings along with the most important combinations of this Major Arcana card with other Tarot cards, so let’s dive right in!
Table of Contents
Two of Cups Tarot Keywords
Upright | Happiness, relationships, love, mutual respect |
Reversed | Arguments, strained relations, anguish |
Yes or No | Yes |
Number | 2 |
Element | Water |
Planet | Venus |
Astrological sign | Cancer |
What Does the Two of Cups Mean in Tarot?
The Two of Cups in Tarot is often associated with partnerships, connection, and harmony. It usually signifies a strong and balanced relationship between two individuals. This card can represent the beginning of a romantic partnership, a deepening of emotional bonds, or the reconciliation of differences.
It’s a positive card that emphasizes mutual respect, understanding, and the potential for growth within the relationship.
Two of Cups Tarot Card Description
The Two of Cups Tarot card depicts a man and a woman facing each other with a loving look in their eyes. Both hold their cup as they gaze into each other’s eyes confidently.
The couple’s hands also reach out to one another in love and harmony. It shows that the relationship between them is undoubtedly a deep and meaningful one.
In the background, you can see the symbol of Hermes’ caduceus hanging in the sky. This symbol embodies negotiation, cosmic energy, trade, proper conduct, and duality. Above this symbol, there’s a delusion, which stands for fire and passion.
These symbols confirm that the relationships linked to this Minor Arcana card have a strong connection and solid foundation.
Upright Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
When the Two of Cups Tarot card appears upright in a reading, it’s an indication of a healthy and meaningful relationship/partnership.
This could be in your career, in love, or in friendship. The image of exchanging two cups shows us that the emotions of two people involved in a partnership will be intertwined.
The ultimate vision of this card is two becoming one. It encourages you to understand that now is the time to embrace the connections that you have and continue to strengthen them.
After all, our bodies are wired for human connection, and when we don’t feel close to others, it’s hard to find purpose.
Upright Two of Cups Tarot Card Love Meaning
In a love Tarot reading, this card stands for passion and intimacy. In a relationship blessed by the duo of this card, the person you’re with is supportive, loving, and knows how to make you feel special.
The bond you share is something unique and might even be one of those once-in-a-lifetime kinds of love. Have you been considering taking the next step, like moving in together or getting married?
This card encourages you to foster your relationship and maintain mutual respect. The appearance of this card is a confirmation that you’re in a perfect union!
But if you’re single, this card foretells that your days alone are numbered. You will soon meet someone sure to light a fire in your soul. You will soon experience a blossoming romance that will uplift you and remind you what love is all about.
Upright Two of Cups Tarot Card Career and Money Meaning
In the career reading, the Two of Cups Tarot card foretells a meeting with someone who is on the same wavelength as you.
This person will have the same objectives as yours. You will find that you get along well with this person, and you will push each other toward success. The best part? This connection will eventually end up in a business partnership.
The close relationship you share will overflow into everything that you do. Keep your eyes open for a business partner, mentor, or investor who is willing to help you move to the next level.
When it comes to money, this card denotes a mutually beneficial investment. It indicates that someone may approach you with an idea that is sure to be a profitable one.
This person will be trustworthy and have intentions of using teamwork to elevate both of your positions. However, you’ll still need to do your research and make sure that the deal is a reliable one. But if all your boxes are checked off, moving forward is recommended.
Upright Two of Cups Tarot Card Health Meaning
In a health reading, the Two of Cups is a good omen. If you have health issues, you should feel better soon. So, don’t stress too much, and fill yourself with positive energy.
This card confirms that you will overcome any health issues. Whether it is high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, or other physical symptoms, your body will re-balance.
If you’re pregnant and this card appears, it can be an indication of twin pregnancy. We recommend you look at confirming cards to support or deny this possibility.
Suppose you’re more concerned about spirituality than you’re about physical health. In that case, this Tarot card is a good sign. It represents aligning your conscious and subconscious mind so that you can live a life of authenticity.
This can be accomplished through inner child work as well as meditation or energy work. Once the two parts of you are married, so many other parts of your life will come together seamlessly.
Reversed Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
The Two of Cups reversed (upside down) isn’t a welcome sight as it represents chaos in your life. Since this Minor Arcana card relates to relationships, it could mean that you’re headed toward a falling out with a friend or the end of a romantic relationship.
Sometimes, it could be as simple as an argument with friends, family members, lovers, business partners, or colleagues.
No matter what the case is, there is no need to dwell on this prediction. The relationships that you have in your life probably have a strong foundation. And sometimes, losing friendships is a good thing if they’re toxic, overwhelming, or one-sided.
Reversed Two of Cups Tarot Card Love Meaning
When Two of Cups reversed appears in matters of romantic relationships, it signifies potential mismatches and unsuitability if you’re single.
This card in a reversed position suggests that the other party may display inconsistent and fluctuating emotions, alternating between moments of charm and neglect. In other words, they give you the cold shoulder for no apparent reason.
Instead of obsessing over this person, focus on yourself. If they care about you, they will put in the necessary effort to stay in your life. If you don’t practice self-love and self-respect, others won’t love or respect you either.
Alternatively, this card reversed in Tarot readings isn’t a positive omen for couples. It indicates potential disagreements, controlling behavior, broken engagements, separations, or even a lack of mutual respect, effort, and complacency within the relationship.
To address these issues, you’ll need to work on actively restoring the connection by talking to your partner. This card encourages open communication in Tarot love readings.
Reversed Two of Cups Tarot Card Career and Money Meaning
Two of Cups reversed brings forth an unsettling energy in matters of money and career. It could indicate the upcoming dissolution of a business partnership that has turned sour.
If you don’t have a business partner, you might experience conflicts with colleagues or face issues like bad behavior or inequality in your workplace.
Additionally, this Minor Arcana card reversed indicates an imbalance in your finances, so it’s advisable to be mindful of your spending habits when it appears in a reading.
Reversed Two of Cups Tarot Card Health Meaning
The reversed Two of Cups Tarot card in matters of health suggests that disharmony and stress in your life affect your physical well-being negatively. To address this issue, you’ll need to identify and address the underlying imbalances in your life.
In a spiritual context, this reversed card can indicate a disconnection from the positive energy of the universe. It can lead to feelings of being off-balance.
To realign yourself with your spiritual path, you can start meditating to connect with your inner self and regain a sense of harmony.
Important Two of Cups Tarot Card Combinations
Harmony, togetherness, and working as a team to build a strong partnership is what the Two of Cups is all about. Also, in combination with other cards, building healthy relationships is the main theme. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most important Two of Cups combinations.
Two of Cups and the Fool
When the Two of Cups and the Fool appear in a Tarot spread together, you’re about to fall head-over-heels in love. This chemistry that you feel will be strong and instantaneous: it will be love at first sight.
The connection may come as a surprise to you, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. Trust in your emotions while also ‘looking before you leap.’ You’ll only want to move forward if this person’s character and values are really in sync with your own.
Two of Cups and the High Priestess
The High Priestess represents hidden knowledge, intuition, and a time for privacy and turning inward. When she turns up together with the Two of Cups in a Tarot reading, consider it a sign of insecurities within your relationship or towards a loved one.
The combination advises you to be alone for a while, to connect with your higher self and inner knowing. This will help you to feel more confident and secure in your relationship again.
Two of Cups and Strength
This card combination embodies gaining confidence in a relationship. Have you recently started a new romance? Any time we trust our hearts to someone new, there is a reasonable amount of doubt in our minds.
The Two of Cups and Strength is a prediction that you will soon have what you need to calm these doubts once and for all. The relationship you’re in is positive and good for your heart and soul. You can let your guard down and trust this person.
Two of Cups and Ace of Wands
The duo of the Two of Cups and the Ace of Wands denotes a fertile relationship. If you have been trying to have a baby with your partner, the wait is almost over!
Pregnancy is undoubtedly on the horizon for you. If you don’t want children at this time, put precautions in place. Otherwise, a bundle of joy will be headed your way.
Two of Cups and Two of Swords
If you get the Two of Cups and the Two of Swords in a Tarot reading, it calls attention to yourself. This combination shows that you’re holding back.
Are you afraid to fall in love because you have been hurt in the past? You must remember that the transgressions of someone who didn’t value you don’t define all relationships.
The only way that you can feel the love of someone who genuinely cares for you is to let your walls down.
In Tarot readings, the Two of Cups in the past position indicates a relationship or partnership that has had a big influence on what you’ve become today or the point where you’re right now in life.
The Two of Cups in the present position tells you to embrace the connections that you have and continue to strengthen them. It can also signify a new relationship that will flourish without a lot of effort.
In the future position, be ready for a new partnership, romance, or even a mentor. Just like in the present position, this relationship will bring you both joy, inspiration, and motivation.
That’s all for these Tarot card meanings! Can’t get enough? Learn how to read Tarot in this Tarot Beginner’s Guide. If you have pulled the Two of Cups Tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings, so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!
Wille says
Hey. These are interesting three cards to get for past, present, and future, and definitely tell a story. Things may not go the way that you want, and you might feel pretty upset right now. But, whatever will happen is for the best, and you just have to let the universe guide you.
Wille xxxx
Wille says
Wow! Well, the two of cups is definitely a good card to appear in regards to that question! Plus, the world is all about fulfillment and contentment.
Wille xxxx
Wille says
Hi John,
Thank you for your question! In the YES or NO spread, the Two of Cups Card usually means YES. So if your question was “if I should contact person X”, the answer is yes, you should.
Hipe this answers your question!
Wille says
Hi Bev, thank you for your question! The Two of Cups tarot card indicates a meaningful and healthy partnership. It could be in love, career, business, friendship, etc. So this is, by all means, is a positive card for you ????
Hope this helped!
Wille ????