We all have guardian angels that are with us throughout our lives. They are always there, watching over us and supporting us.
But there might be times that you’re feeling disconnected from your angels. Maybe a specific angel number, like the number 222 isn’t showing up as often as usual, or a specific angel color is suddenly not as visible as always. However, did you know that there are a lot of different angel symbols and signs?
In this article, we will explain all the signs and symbols that our angels place in the universe to get our attention.
Why Do We Recieve Angel Symbols And Signs?
Guardian angels are a type of spirit guide that get assigned to us before we are born. We may associate angels with specific religions, but they are with us regardless of what religion we follow. They are there to guide us on our path in life, from spirituality to our emotional wellbeing.
Our guardian angels exist on a different vibrational plane to us. They can interact with the physical world that we live in, but they know that appearing in front of us in their true form can be a little bit overwhelming.

Because of this, we receive angel symbols and signs in the physical world.
This is because our angels are wanting to send us messages. Now, these messages might be ones of encouragement and support. However, they may also be messages of guidance. They will often send us signs and symbols when we are struggling with hardships.
Angel signs and symbols may also appear when we are going through a spiritual awakening. This is because we are becoming more in tune with higher levels of consciousness and spirit guides. They can feel our energy, and are sending their own back to us!
Common Angel Symbols And Signs
Let’s look at the common angel symbols that mean that our guardian angels are wanting to communicate with us.
Angel Numbers
Our guardian angels love to leave numbers in the world around us in order to get our attention. This is because they know that we tend to notice patterns in numbers.
Are you seeing the number 444 everywhere you look? Perhaps it keeps appearing on receipts or street signs. Or, is it always 11.11 every time you look at the clock?
This is not a coincidence! Your guardian angels are putting these numbers in the physical world in order to send you a message. Thankfully, it is not that difficult to work out what our guardian angels are trying to tell us. This is because angel numbers work alongside numerology, which is the idea that every number has a specific message.
If you are seeing a specific number again and again, take time to research what the number means in regard to numerology.
I have loads of resources on my website about the different angel numbers that you may receive and what they mean. Have a quick search for the angel number you keep seeing to discover what your angels are trying to tell you.
White Feathers
Feathers have long been associated with spirituality, and this is because our guardian angels will use them to get our attention.
The most common feather we will receive from our guardian angels is the white feather. This is a message of hope and love from our angels, and will usually appear if we are feeling a little bit lost.

If you see a white feather in an unexpected place, it is probably because your angels are wanting to send you love and support. They have been listening to your prayers and know that you are in need right now. You are supported, and will always be supported, by your angels.
When I come across a white feather, I will always pick it up and take it home with me. Then, when I am wanting to connect with my angels, I will meditate and pray with the feather in my hand. It provides me with a tangible connection to my guardian angels, and I tend to feel much closer to them with the feather in my hand.
Sitting back on a summer’s day and watching the clouds float by is a wonderful pass time, but it can also reveal angel symbols to us!
Our guardian angels exist on a different vibrational frequency, but they can interact with the physical world around us. They are known to put signs and symbols into the clouds above us to send us messages.
If you have an afternoon spare, go into nature, sit back and watch the clouds above you. Are there any shapes and symbols that you can spot? Love hearts, numbers, and flowers can all appear in the clouds from our angels, and this is normally a sign of support and encouragement.
If any specific shape in the clouds sticks out to you, have a think about what it might mean in your life. Perhaps you are between jobs right now and looking for guidance in regard to your next step. Your angels might put specific shapes and symbols in the clouds that are linked to your career choices in order to give you a helping hand.
Ringing in the Right Ear
Of course, it is important to rule out any health conditions that might be causing ringing in the ears if you are experiencing this phenomenon. However, it has long been understood that our guardian angels send us messages by making ringing occur in our right ear.
This is because ringing in the right ear reveals external messages from our spirit guides. They know that it is a sure-fire way of getting our attention!
If you are receiving a high-pitched ringing sound in your right ear, your angels are wanting to tell you that they are around and are providing you with all the support and guidance that you need.
If the ringing in your right ear is short, sudden, and loud, it can be a warning from your guardian angels. I am going to be honest, our angels do sometimes worry about us! It is their job, after all.
If we are not making the right choices on our path in life, our guardian angels might send us short, sudden, loud ringing in the right ear to get our attention.
Rainbows are one of the most beautiful things in the natural world, so it is no wonder they are linked to angels.
Rainbows are typically seen as an angel symbol of hope and support from our guardian angels. They will usually appear when we are feeling down and out, disconnected from the beauty that surrounds us.

Our angels want us to know that the world is beautiful, and there is so much to enjoy and experience. A rainbow appearing suddenly will always feel striking and uplifting, no matter how despondent we may be feeling. Our guardian angels know this, and will then put a rainbow in the world around us to cheer us up and remind us of the positivity and beauty that surrounds us.
Physical Experiences
When our guardian angels are around, they might cause physical sensations. This is because of their energy surrounding us and impacting our experiences in the world.
Sudden goosebumps, tingling sensations, and experiences of warmth can all be angel symbols that our angels are near. This will occur when our angels are trying to connect with us on our level, and asking us to pay attention to the world around us.
These physical sensations will often happen when we are meditating or praying to our angels. This is because the connection between us and our guardian angels is at its strongest.
Flashes of Light
Do you sometimes see flashes of light in the corner of your eyes? These can be pretty sudden, coming and going really quickly. Or, you may experience subtle shimmers and sparkles in your vision. You may also see floating orbs of light.
These are angel symbols that your angels are around you, sending their positive energy your way.
It isn’t just our guardian angels that send us signs through light, either!
If the light you are seeing is white, it is probably your guardian angels wanting to communicate with you. However, there are archangels that exist in the universe that are there to help everyone and are known to send flashes of light in specific colors in order to get our attention.

Unlike guardian angels, archangels are not with us throughout our journey in life and are not specific to us. They are there to support all souls and will come to us in our time of need. Every archangel is unique and has their own specialties when it comes to assistance and guidance.
If you are experiencing colorful light in your vision, check out my guide to angel colors in order to work out which archangel is trying to connect with you.
Angel symbols can be pretty obvious, such as feathers and angel numbers. However, sometimes our guardian angels can get pretty playful when wanting to communicate with us!
The idea of synchronicity was developed by the psychologist Carl Jung and refers to ‘meaningful coincidences’.
Have you ever had a really bad day at work, got into your car, and your favorite song was playing on the radio? Perhaps you are thinking about a friend that you haven’t seen for a while when suddenly the phone starts to ring, and it is them!
Synchronicities are usually pretty bizarre to experience, and we might just want to shrug them off as coincidences. But, some of these coincidences are actually playful ways our guardian angels are trying to get our attention!
Finding Coins
I am guessing you have probably heard the phrase, ‘find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you will have good luck’. I always think of this funny little saying whenever I see a penny out and about in the world, and of course, I will always pick it up!
But, I recently realized that these pennies come to me as signs from my guardian angels.
If we are worrying about financial needs, or things that are to do with our work or material life, our guardian angels will put pennies in our path to remind us that we are okay, and are always supported.
When coming across a penny, pick it up and have a look at it. Sometimes, there will be symbolism on the coin that our angels have put there. The year of the coin, the detailing, or the type of coin, can be messages from our guardian angels.
Questions on Angels Symbols and Signs
Here you find the questions I was mostly asked by my readers and in the comments.
How To Receive Angel Symbols?
If you are feeling a little bit distant from your guardian angels, you may wonder what you can do in order to receive angel symbols. However, it is actually really simple! Once you know what you are looking for, you will begin to communicate with your guardian angels in this way.
The first step is to acknowledge that angel symbols are everywhere. Yup! Our guardian angels are constantly sending angel symbols into the physical world in order to give us support and encouragement.

It is important to always be mindful and conscious of the things you are experiencing in the world around you. By knowing the common angel symbols, you can be aware of when they crop up in your day-to-day life.
Meditation and prayer can also help you receive messages from your angels. This lets them know that you need them right now, and are looking for guidance.
How Do I Recognize My Guardian Angels Signs?
I know a lot of friends who receive signs from their guardian angels, but always worry, is this just a coincidence?
However, if the sign makes you feel comforted and supported, it is usually because it is a message from your guardian angels. Our angels want to fill us with positivity and hope, and therefore do things in order to achieve this!
Listen to your intuition when it comes to angel symbols. If you feel this message is from your angels, then it probably is!
Allow Your Angels To Connect With You
I really hope that this article on angel symbols has helped you understand how your guardian angels are communicating with you.
Remember – your guardian angels are always there for you, and they will always be sending you messages of support and guidance. Allow your angels to connect with you, helping you on your spiritual journey.