The number 641. This was one of the first angel numbers ever communicated to me. It happened during a game night with some of my girlfriends.
I won’t bore you by explaining how the game works in detail, but just know that it involves rolling three dice in hopes of getting a particular set of numbers (i.e., 111, 222, 333.) The game lasts several rounds, and by the 6th or 7th, I noticed something interesting.
Not only was I losing terribly, but I kept rolling the same number over and over again. I jotted ‘641′ down on a napkin, and after the game was over, I did a quick Google search.

What I found was an important message connected with this number. This message was exactly what I needed at the time, communicated by my guardian angels as a way to help steer me in the right direction and finally start my journey toward spiritual awareness.
Since then, I’ve been keenly aware of angel numbers and their meanings. I’ve even made it part of my mission to learn as much about them as possible.
My hope is that I can share this same knowledge with you in this beginner’s guide so that you can also communicate with assisting spirits more easily and explore divine messages at the deepest level.
Table of Contents
What are Angel Numbers?
Before we can truly understand the concept of angel numbers, we must have a clear understanding of what an angel is.
In the simplest terms: angels are celestial beings, that live at a much higher vibrational frequency than humans planted in the physical world. Think of it like us being on two different stations on the same radio.

Angels are unique and serve an important purpose: they are messengers of God, the universe, and our higher selves. Because part of the human experience is having free will, angels cannot directly interfere with our lives.
They can, however, provide us with meaningful signs and symbolic messages to steer us toward a good path or a new beginning.
Now that we have that covered let’s talk about these messages. Angel numbers are just that–numerical representations being communicated to us from our guardian angels.

Most people think of angel numbers are short, sequenced numbers. Common examples are 1111, 444, 3333, and even 666.
Still, there’s a second part of determining if something is an angel number: you’ll usually see it over and over again or at interesting times. So, even a number like ‘641′ can be an angel number if you see it enough.
A little further down, I’ll cover the meanings of some of the most common angel numbers. But first–let’s talk about how angel numbers work.
How do Angel Numbers Work?
A couple of years ago, I received an interesting phone call from my dad. He isn’t a very spiritual guy, nor is he superstitious.
So, imagine my surprise when he told me that he had been waking up at 4:44 am every day for a week.

“I wake up randomly, and when I look at the clock, it’s always 4:44,” he said. I explained that this is one of the most common ways that angel numbers work.
Each number has a particular meaning associated with it based on the mystical properties of numbers.
For example, the number 4 is connected with both strength and efficiency. It’s also associated with practicality, loyalty, rational energy, and leading with the head–not the heart. It can also be interpreted as being too rigid. After all, there are times when we need to loosen up, right?

Well, the number ‘444′ builds off of this original meaning. Although there are many interpretations of what the triple ‘4′ represents, in general, it is connected to passionate ambition and hard work.
When my dad received this message from his angels, he was going through a tough time health-wise. After we talked a bit, the message was clear to him.
He had to lift his determination and stay the course, building healthy foundations for a life that was different from the one he lived in the path.
Can you think back to a time in your own life when something similar happened? Have you ever gone to a store counter and paid for something that costs $3.33 only to realize that it’s 3:33 in the afternoon?
Although they fall within the tenets of Numerology, the ‘noticing’ is what is most important. If seeing repeating numbers doesn’t seem more than coincidental, the message won’t be received.
Other ways that angels communicate via numbers through:
- Special birth dates
- Lucky numbers
- Phone numbers
- Addresses
- Letters and signs
- License plate
- Price tags
- Numbers in dreams
There are many reasons why angels communicate with us symbolically with numbers instead of directly through words.
Although religious books like the Bible point to experiences in which angels talked to people directly, this is the exception, not the norm.
For one, they probably realize that direct communication would scare most of us to death.
Even someone like me who understands that angels truly exist would be a little taken aback by in-your-face contact. So, they use subtle ways instead.
Numbers and Numerology have been around for a very long time. They are both vibration and frequency. So, it makes sense that most angels would use this tried and true method to get their point across.
How to Find Your Angel Number?
There are actually two concepts of angel numbers. One is what we’ve been discussing so far–messages through numbers that are sent directly through angels.
If decoding these messages isn’t difficult enough, there is a second concept of an ‘angel number’ that is personal to you and based on the day you were born and will travel with you throughout your lifetime.

I believe that the strong message hidden within this number is an overarching one that you should keep in mind as you live and make daily decisions. Here’s how you find yours:
- Break your date of birth down in numerical terms. For example, January 4th, 1987, would be 01041987.
- Separate the numbers out and prepare to reduce for the first time. Ex. 0 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 30
- Reduce for a second time. Ex. 3 + 0 = 3
- Your angel single number would be three.
If you have the time, calculate your number now. Then, you can look at the list of angel numbers below and determine your personal message communicated by angels on the day of your birth.
If you want to dive deeper into your unique numerology meaning? Check out this free Personalized Numerology Reading that takes you on a fully personalized and multi-sensory journey into your unique numerology by examining the 3 core numbers in your chart, almost as if a master numerologist was sitting with you in your living room, conducting a personal one-on-one reading.
Everyone has a single angel number (see the section above for info on how to calculate.) These are actually better known as ‘life path numbers,’ but regardless of what label they carry, the concept is still the same.
Angel Number 1

One is representative of the individualist or the natural-born leader. If you were born on a date that breaks down to angel number 1, two of your life focuses would be securing independence and staying confident in your ability to be unapologetically you.
Because one is the number of both self and progress, those with this life path number are usually ambitious and attracted to action.
The one’s pace is so fast that others may have a hard time keeping up. If you’re one, embrace having the courage to march to your own beat while also keeping your ego in check.
Although we must focus on self first, life is about connection, and it’s possible to keep your individuality while flowing with others.
Angel Number 2

Whereas the focus of number 1 is disconnection, angel number 2 is all about staying peacefully aligned with others.
Often known as ‘the peacemaker,’ those journeying down a life path two will find themselves drawn toward (or struggling with) cooperation, healing, and ultimate balance.
Number 2 is often connected with femininity and sensitivity. But if you’re a man, you shouldn’t take this as a negative thing. All of our souls have both masculine and feminine energies. The key is figuring out how to align the two.
Because twos are extremely perceptive and tactful, they are master networkers and diplomats. Twos are also the creatives: poets, musicians, and the like. The downfall of being a two usually has to do with being easily bruised emotionally and unable to take criticism.
I know a ‘two’ who told me after reading all about two’s, she didn’t feel like a two at all! My response: well, that is the message your angels sent the day you were born. Work on communication, empathy, and being sensitive to the needs of others. This is your life’s work.
Angel Number 3

Do you have a gift for gab? Angel number 3 equals expression. This makes it no surprise that those who are traveling down a life path three are natural-born communicators.
”Well, isn’t everyone,” you might be asking. No. If you ever find yourself in a relationship with a life path one who doesn’t feel like they owe anyone an explanation.
But it’s not just words where you find your purpose.
Threes are the creative child in every sense and are usually great writers, painters, poets, and even comedians. Many threes become teachers, spiritual, and otherwise because their unique talents lend well to this profession.
The most interesting thing about number 3 is that those who were born as three have the same strength and weaknesses. Threes need to be liked by others and usually feel emotions very strongly.
The misuse of your preferred weapon of choice (words), especially in anger, can lead to discord and disconnect in relationships. So, always remember to speak wisely.
Angel Number 4

Those who received angel number 4 are often described as ‘the salt of the earth.’ Controlled and committed fours work on a strong foundation as they journey down a path of least resistance.
If I had to describe a four in just a few words, they would be: dependable, realistic, honest, and disciplined. Those with a four-life path know how to persevere. Cue Destiny’s Child hit song “Survivor,” a four will never surrender.
But that doesn’t mean that a four enjoys the battle. In fact, fours crave security in every part of life, especially financially. They often hold very traditional values, as well.
This is part of what makes a four the most loyal of all angel types. It can also lend itself to being a bit judgemental.
If your number is 4, just remember that learning to accept others exactly as they are is a part of your life lesson. Your strong intellect and ability to make a situation work no matter what will assist in this process.
Angel Number 5

My path is a five. So, if you received angel number 5 on the day you were born, we are in sync and focused on two things: discoveries and experiences.
Known as ‘freedom fighters,’ fives are a dynamic force. We are not to be tied down, nor are we prone to predictability.
Free spirits and gypsies at heart, fives are travelers who need to roam. We value diversity and being able to do what we want, even if that requires serious risk.
Number 5 sends a clear message: embrace change and chaos–find a way to use it to your advantage. How you accomplish this is solely up to you.
For me, it’s been a combination of focusing on authenticity, not being afraid to do things that go ‘against the grain’, and living my life on my own terms.
I also try to keep in mind that as someone blessed with the number 5, my restlessness can sometimes be off-putting to others. I try to be impeccable with my word and do what I say I will.
In this way, I’m able to be true to myself while also honoring the people I’m in connection with.
Angel Number 6

If you’re a six, then you are probably a parent or desire to be one in the future as path number six is all about service.
Angel number 6 represents the caretaker, one who thrives by being in connection with others. And you do it oh so well—a people magnet.
You’re the shoulder people lean on, the one that provides encouragement and comfort, and probably feel that the responsibilities of others seem to fall into your lap. Thankfully, you’re in control and can choose when to connect and disconnect.
You’re also a magnet for the law of attraction, and you shouldn’t take this gift lightly. Whatever you focus on, good or bad, you will bring more of into your experience.
You are a superstar, and people will be drawn to you know matter what. Just make sure that you’re focusing on the positive during your interactions and taking a break from others to focus on self-care when necessary.
And above all else, develop a clear vision for yourself so that you can have the life of your own dreams and not a compilation of everyone else’s goals.
Angel Number 7

Seven is considered by many to be the number of good fortune and luck. In Numerology, it represents the need for spiritual connection and a quest for the meaning of life.
If you have been given angel number 7, your life path journey is focused on knowledge and deep learning.
Attainment of wisdom for your soul is your overarching purpose, one that is usually coupled with a strive for perfection (even in an imperfect world.)
Intellectual and independent, many sevens are introverts who prefer to be alone. However, we shouldn’t mistake this as lacking social skills. Sevens can be playful and charming when they choose.
However, if you’re a seven, you may find that your pursuit of perfection stops you from taking leaps of faith from time to time. It’s important that you come out of your analytical shell and really go for the things of which you dream.
Angel Number 8

Money, money, money! If you were gifted with angel number 8 on the day that you arrived on this earth, you are destined for wealth and overall success.
Many entrepreneurs are eights, and because of their birth dates, understand the material world much better than others they share the planet with.
Eights are known to be good judges of character, have fun spirits, and tend to have a strong desire for comfort and the finer things in life. Pop the champagne!
But as with all life angel numbers, the message brought by number 8 also comes with a warning.
If you’re an eight, your life’s purpose will involve figuring out how to embrace power and success while also bouncing back from failures as they occur.
Bankruptcy, business failures, and monetary setbacks (if they appear) don’t have to be the end of the road. In the words of fellow eight Elvis Presley, “When things go wrong, don’t go with them.”
Angel Number 9

Because the angel number 9 includes aspects of all other angel numbers, it is the most evolved. Nines are old souls that have lived many lifetimes and learned many lessons on Earth.
They are open, loving, warm, and compassionate. Nines are usually humanitarians who care deeply for others and desire to make the world a better place.
The superpower of a nine is intuition. If you were gifted with number 9 on the day you were born, you must learn to trust yourself and make decisions based on what is best for your higher good. Doing so will help you gain higher spiritual principles.
The goal of anyone who has landed on the number nine life path is to surrender and let go.
This might seem strange at first, but most ancient philosophers and even some religions agree that the way to live a fully happy and enlightened life is to let go of any attachment to anything. Here are some tips for how to detach
Angel Number Sequences
Now that you know more about the number you’ll carry with you throughout your life let’s dive into the number sequences that we discussed above.
Below are some of the most common messages sent by angels to help us through our challenges.
In this free repeating number handbook, you will find more information about number sequences.
Angel Number 11
Angel number 11 is one of the most well-known numbers in numerology and is one of great prophetic and spiritual power. It relates to karma, and spiritual awakening, and is also sometimes called the teacher number. Having this number sent to you by your angels is a call to align your spiritual self with your daily actions. It’s time to take up the mantle of your life’s purpose and protect and support others.
Angel Number 22
Angel number 22 signifies that you are about to enter a particularly spiritual phase of your life where you will attain a new level of spiritual wisdom. It is also a number that has the power to transform your dreams and goals into reality.
Angel Number 33
Angel number 33 is considered to be one of the master numbers or master builders and it signifies that things are possible on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level like never before. It tells you that the doors of possibility are open to you if only you are brave enough to grasp the creative opportunities that present themselves to you.
Angel Number 44
Angel number 44, also known as the master healer, is a number that brings messages of abundance, hard work, stability, and hope for the future. Your angels want you to know they recognize your hard work and patience and that financial abundance is heading your way.
Angel Number 55
Angel number 55 symbolizes a massive shift in your life. This could manifest itself in any area of your life. From love, and relationship, to your career or even your spiritual journey.
Angel Number 77
Associated with wisdom, spiritual awakening, and psychic energy, angel number 77 can be a sign that you have some intense psychic experiences coming your way. Therefore you can consider this number as an encouragement from your angels to refocus more of your energy on your spiritual growth and understanding.
Number 88 is one of great success, abundance, and prosperity. If you have been seeing angel number 88 you can be sure that incredibly exciting times are ahead and your angels want you to be ready for all the good that is finally going to happen for you.
Angel Number 99
Angel number 99 signifies your path in life and the spiritual journey you are on. When you see this number, you are reminded of your own personal power and how your soul has its own mission. It is also a sign that your angels are supporting you, and know that you have what it takes to succeed in life.
Angel Number 000
Angel number 000 is a sacred number with messages of safety, rest, introspection, strength, and opportunities. This number can also symbolize new beginnings. You’ve completed a cycle and made space for a new phase in your life to start.
Angel Number 111
Your thoughts are manifesting your reality. Be more aware of what is happening around you and the thoughts that are playing over and over again in your mind.
Wherever your focus is, so will your results. Angel number 111 urges you to study the law of attraction and learn how you can influence your own destiny.
Angel Number 1111
If you are constantly seeing angel number 1111, now is the time to work on your spiritual side. You are a spiritual being and should keep this in mind as you move through life.
This number also advises you to pay special attention to the thoughts you entertain and the beliefs held in your subconscious mind. They are affecting your current state.
Angel Number 222
Focus on finding balance. Does your life or your vibration seem a bit off-kilter? Angel number 222 wants you to shift your energy to harmony in all aspects of your life.
It’s also a number of faith: meaning your guardian angel wants you to embrace the belief that regardless of circumstance, all will work out exactly as it is meant to be.
What can you do to bring yourself to a state of peace?
Angel Number 2222
Angel number 2222 is a clear sign that you’re reaching or going through a very important milestone in your human experience. Your spiritual team and spirit guides bring up this synchronicity to point out just how important this moment or these choices are.
It’s also very likely you’ll see a lot of synchronicities revolving around number 2222 when you have a spiritual connection that is coming online or manifesting in the 3D.
Angel Number 333
Angel number 333 is the most common to be seen on a clock in the middle of the night.
Number 333 is meant to let you know that your angels are all around you, providing you with unlimited love and support.
Not only has God (Source, Creator, the Universe, etc.) heard your prayers, assistance has arrived. Simply relax and let go. You are not walking your path alone.
Angel Number 3333
Angel number 3333 has much to do with communication, expression, and joy. It is a number that needs others and recognizes the needs of those around us. This number is not a sign of self-isolation or confinement. It is a number that understands the joy of communicating.
Angel Number 444
Trust practical inner wisdom and be honest with yourself and others. This is the message of angel number 444
Listening to your intuition is very important if you see this number sequence. Your higher self already knows what is best for you. Your angels are here for your comfort and protection as you learn to trust yourself more.
Angel Number 4444
Seeing angel number 4444 many times throughout the day is a sign that your hard work will pay off. You may be tackling a large project at the moment, or perhaps you aren’t sure what needs to be done in your life right now.
The number 4444 is telling you to roll up your sleeves, work hard, and get things done. You will prosper during this time of productivity and success, so long as you plow through the hard work that needs to be done.
Angel Number 555
Get ready for some serious change. Angel number 555 comes in like a whirlwind warning, asking you to prepare yourself for what is yet to come. Although this might seem a bit ominous, this is actually good news.
You have angels that will walk beside you, guiding and protecting you as you let go of the old and embrace the new. Open your mind; open your heart.
Angel Number 5555
Given its social connotations and overall adventurous nature, seeing the number five repeated four times in a row has much to do with our own unique sense of self. You may be seeing angel number 5555 because it is time to embrace your uniqueness, rather than try to conform.
Number 5555 is also a sign of change, and your angels are sending you this number to alert you to the many changes on the horizon. You may be surprised just how many changes are coming, but this is not meant to scare you!
Angel Number 666
Although triple six has a bad rap, angel number 666 is designed to help you move toward a more positive place. It’s a wake-up call that things are out of balance, and our angels want to help.
If you see this number frequently, don’t fear. Instead, get a piece of paper and write down anything that comes to mind. Go back a little later and reread what was written. What insights can you learn?
Angel Number 6666
Angel number 6666 tells you that now is the time to further expand your scope and healing abilities. Perhaps you can bring your healing aura and skills to those in your community, or offer your healing hands to your home and family.
Your capabilities are expanding during this time. Your angels believe in you and your inner power. Your peaceful aura and healing hands can do great work right now, should you choose to pursue it!
Angel Number 777
According to angel number 777, now is a time for new beginnings and advanced spiritual growth. A spiritual guide or healer will soon enter into your life. Move forward on this path toward whatever is next for you.
As you do, dive into learning all you can about spiritual truths and universal laws. Your journey is one of both knowledge and wisdom. Take this time to expand your mind.
Angel Number 7777
While many angel numbers ask for you to spend time with others, angel number 7777 has quite the opposite meaning. Your angels are asking you to take some time away so that you can properly meditate and focus on yourself.
Angel Number 888
Hip, hip, hooray! Financial and material abundance are on the way. If you’ve been struggling with debt or worried about finances, angel number 888 will be a welcome message.
Your angels want you to know that all is well, and soon, your problems will be solved. That’s if you focus on the positive.
It’s so easy for us to sink into present-day realities, especially when it comes to money. But you must remember that you can have all of the desires of your heart—even the material ones.
Angel Number 8888
Seeing angel number 8888 means that you should expect infinite possibilities coming your way during this time. In fact, you may manifest possibilities of your own as well as have many opportunities to greet you in kind!
Angel Number 999
Angel number 999 is the number of completion. So if you’re seeing this number, a phase in your life will soon be coming to an end. Your angels might also be trying to tell you that you shouldn’t let a ‘no’ or a closed door be the end-all, be-all.
Look for a window or another opportunity. The completion of one chapter doesn’t signify the ending of the story.
Angel Number 9999
Seeing angel number 9999 is a sign from your angels that there are things in your life that need changing. Whether it be a bad habit, a job, or even a partner, now is the time to make room in your life for bigger and better things to come.
Angel Number 0000
Angel number 0000 is a symbol of great success. It is an encouragement from your angels to plow ahead with projects you deemed too risky or restart creative endeavors that you struggled with before. You are destined for great success in whatever you choose to do.
Angel Number Combinations
So in the intro, I mentioned that the first number I noticed didn’t contain a repetition. Some are mixed. Others are just random numbers.

Here are a few of the most common and important combinations communicated by our angels above:
- Angel number 123, Angel number 1234, or any other numbers continuing in a sequence are like thumbs up from the angels. They suggest that you keep moving the way that you are, and soon, your efforts will pay off. The same is true of angel numbers made up of lots of 1s and 2s.
- Combinations of 2s and 3s represent creativity and unique solutions to your problems. Your co-creators will be working with you on any new undertaking you set your heart and mind on. You just have to embrace the faith and the process.
- Angel number 911 may represent an emergency on our telephone lines, but when sent by the angels, it means your protectors have arrived. Whatever struggle you’re going through will soon pass as an aura of protection is now surrounding you.
- Combos that include 5s and 6s ask you to draw meanings from all of the changes happening around you. Are you actually learning from the process or simply weathering the storm?
- 7s and 1s say that good luck is on the way. Fame, fortune, whatever you desire, now is your time. Of course, you’ll need to put the work in. Although your pot of gold could fall from the sky, it’s likely that you’ll have to add some effort as well.
Angel Number 69
Angel number 69 is all about finding balance and stability in your life. This number tells you that a long-term sense of security requires sustainable practices, not extremes. Therefore, number 69 invites you to release unsupportive patterns, find harmony, and nurture your spiritual and humanitarian efforts.
Angel Number 101
A huge reason why angel number 101 is showing up is that it is super important to focus on your path in life right now. There is a whole load of potential energy surrounding you right now, and it is time to act. Therefore this number serves as a reminder to go after your dreams.
Angel Number 144
Angel number 144 brings a divine message that to prepare for future security you must focus on building a solid foundation today. By taking a disciplined approach to your goals and dreams and accepting the importance your thoughts and actions have on your reality, you can manifest your heart’s desires.
Angel Number 202
Angel number 202 is all about trusting and keeping the faith. Your current situation may feel a little grim but don’t worry goodness, joy, and fulfillment are right around the corner. You just need to stay the course and trust that the universe has you taken care of.
Angel Number 211
The number one begins our numeric alphabet, so it is only natural to think that angel number 211 has much to do with beginnings. Your angels are sending you this number because it is time for another step in your life, whatever that might be.
Angel Number 212
Angel number 212 is asking you to pay attention to the world around you, and how you relate to it. It serves as a reminder of your own personal power, and what you can achieve by working with the universe.
Angel Number 234
Angel number 234 is a soft yet important number to receive from your angels that symbolizes creativity, abundance, faith, and increase. They are wanting you to try out new things and feed your creative soul.
Angel Number 303
Angel number 303 tells you that now is the time for you to seek out peace in your life, both inside and out, with the help of your angels. You have the power inside you, and your guardian angels are there to help you through this process.
Angel Number 311
Angel number 311 is all about pursuing your life’s mission with a smile on your face that is infectious to those around you. Whether or not your goal is to find love and embrace it, this is a number of positive light and affection.
Angel Number 313
One of the most important meanings behind angel number 313 is confirmation that the breakthrough you have been working so hard to overcome will reach you very soon. If you are seeing this number it could be a sign that you are finally entering a stage of your life full of positive growth.
Angel Number 404
Angel number 404 is that your angels are trying to tell you your hard work is about to pay off. Whether you have been striving for a goal for some time or simply dedicating yourself to your daily work, the time has almost come for you to be recognized for your struggles and dedication.
Angel Number 411
Angel number 411 speaks about wonderful growth and abundance coming into your life. Your angels are rewarding your constant and focused efforts to evolve. You are manifesting this synchronicity because you’ve been steadily raising your frequency and your high vibe is attracting wonderful opportunities and abundance.
Angel Number 414
When you receive angel number 414 your angels are asking you to remain vigilant when it comes to watching out for new thoughts and ideas. These thoughts may just well be the framework you have been craving to help you to follow your life purpose. This number can also be a sign to look for practical solutions.
Angel Number 505
Angel number 505 shows up if your angels want you to know that now is a time for adaptation and change. You may want to implement this change yourself rather than have it happen to you, given that change of something that you are comfortable with. You can control your future and destiny, and your angels believe in your abilities.
Angel Number 511
If you are constantly seeing angel number 511, it is your angels telling you that change is coming your way. But only if you’re proactive in this change in order for it to go your way. It is no use just sitting back and waiting for your life to take off, you must go out there and make it happen!
Angel Number 515
One big reason why you might be seeing angel number 515 is that your spirit guides are wanting you to know that now is the time to make the changes in your life that you want to see. You are on the right path in life right now, but you need to act to make the changes you need to fully become your best self.
Angel Number 606
If you’re seeing angel number 606 a lot lately, it can be a sign that you have been neglecting your own spirituality. The number 6 twice in the angel number 606 means that your guardian angel may be worried that you spend too much of your energy on things outside the home and are not giving your spiritual and personal space the attention it needs.
Angel Number 611
Because both the number six and the master number eleven appear in angel number 611, angel number 611 is often a sign that you must make sure you are balancing your spiritual needs with your material needs. It can be really easy to forget about your spiritual needs, getting sucked into politics, celebrity news, and technology. Learning about tarot, balancing your chakras, or meditating are all things you can do to focus on your spiritual side.
Angel Number 616
With the number 6 appears twice in the angel number 616, it is a number that is all about our home lives. Your spirit guides are reminding you that your home should be your safe space. Our home is really important to us, as it is a place where we go to rest and recuperate from our day-to-day lives.
Angel Number 707
Your angels are sending you number 707 to let you know that you are going or are about to go through a major spiritual awakening. This term might seem a bit vague to you, especially if you are new to spirituality. But, it basically means that you are having realizations about your truth and the truth of the universe. You are literally ‘waking up’ to the facts.
Angel Number 711
If you are seeing angel number 711 a lot recently, this may be a sign from your angels that you will soon get a fresh start. If things have been difficult for you recently, with circumstances out of your control affecting your happiness, see this number as a hopeful sign! The number 711 suggests that you will soon enter the next phase of your life, with new opportunities coming your way.
Angel Number 717
Seeing angel number 717 is a message from your angels that you are indeed on the right path. You are making the right choices, following your intuition and soul’s purpose. This number can also be a sign that new opportunities are coming your way. Therefore your angels are encouraging you to keep your mind open and grab hold of the opportunities when they come your way.
Angel Number 737
Number 737 is a sign from your angels that you are exiting a challenging phase of your life and stepping into one full of reward, joy, and abundance. This number signifies personal spiritual growth, commitment, healing, renewal, communication, and patience.
Angel Number 747
If angel number 747 pops up, this can be a sign of an exciting career change. One that will bring happiness, joy, and satisfaction. New opportunities will reveal themselves to you and you have all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in your career and spiritual growth.
Angel Number 757
Angel number 757 tells you to shed old habits, welcome new beginnings, and expansive spiritual growth. It is a sign from your angels to keep your eyes open to the synchronicities that appear in your life. You are being asked to draw upon your instincts and rise to the challenge of every opportunity that crosses your path.
Angel Number 808
One of the main reasons behind angel number 808 is that financial stability is possible for you and that this change is coming soon. The number eight has much to do with money and material possessions, even though this does not seem very spiritual.
Angel Number 811
Given that number one often heralds new beginnings, it is safe to assume that seeing angel number 811 has a lot to do with a new phase of life coming your way. Seeing the number one twice is a call to action, one that is usually self-generated and powerful. Your angels are telling you that change is on the horizon, but it is up to you to ensure this happens!
Angel Number 818
Angel number 818 will typically appear when it is time for a change. This change might be something that you have been putting off, and your spirit guides are reminding you of the importance of acting and taking control of your own future.
Angel Number 828
Angel number 828 is a number of trust, faith, and self-belief. Your angels are telling you that new opportunities are arising, and you need to follow your instincts and truly know what you want in your life for those to manifest, whether in love, career, or personal goals.
Angel Number 838
Angel number 838 s a sign that your mind will become clear in situations where you need to understand the link between your personal cause and effect. It also tells you that you have the support of your angels, whatever path you choose.
Angel Number 848
Angel number 848 brings messages from your angels of abundance, stability, reliability, focus, practicality, and inner strength. It can also serve as an encouragement to discover our true soul’s purpose.
Angel Number 858
Angel number 858 is a sign that you are doing the right thing when it comes to caring for those around you. It also symbolizes prosperity, good health, abundance, manifestation, self-expression, reliability, and adventure.
Angel Number 909
Angel number 909 serves as a reminder to be present in your purpose on this earth. Use your life purpose to be a role model to those who may look up to you.
Angel Number 911
Angel number 911 may represent an emergency on our telephone lines, but when sent by the angels, it means your protectors have arrived. Whatever struggle you’re going through will soon pass as an aura of protection is now surrounding you.
Angel Number 919
If you’re seeing angel number 919, this is an omen of good things to come. This number is full of hope, with the possibility of new opportunities and the chance to embark on even bigger goals than ever before.
Angel Number 939
If angel number 939 is appearing to you, your message is an uncommon call to recognize that your life’s purpose involves healing the world. To do so, you must also work to heal yourself.
Angel Number 959
Angel number 959 is an important message from your angels that tells you to connect with your need to help others. It symbolizes the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new phase that you are entering.
Angel Number 0808
The primary meaning behind angel number 0808 has everything to do with your financial stability. You may be surprised to hear that your spirit guides are looking after your financial well-being, but they are! You are always watched over, even from a monetary perspective.
Angel Number 1001
Seeing angel number 1001 means you should keep doing all the spiritual work you’ve been doing so far. In fact, you might want to increase your efforts in the same directions you’ve been exploring so far because they’re helping you make progress on your life mission and supporting your twin flame journey and yourself as well during the process.
Angel Number 1010
Angel number 1010 is a sign that you are going through a great spiritual awakening. Consciousness is unfolding, and your spiritual and emotional gifts are multiplying. It encourages you to put your energy into your soul’s calling.
Life is an incredible journey and there is a path that is destined for you. Now is the time to focus on this path and become the best possible you!
Angel Number 1122
Not only does angel number 1122 have so much to do with inner transformation and self-assessment, but it also has a lot to do with those closest to you and your life. The number two has everything to do with partnerships, harmony, and close relationships. Your angels want you to pay special attention to those relationships at this time.
Angel Number 1133
While the number 3 is associated very strongly with many religious symbols, it also has to do with your own personal community and those in your life. Your angels may be sending you angel number 1133 in an effort to share this potential community mindset with you.
Angel Number 1144
Seeing angel number 1144 has a lot to do with hard work and being rewarded for that hard work. While it is important to never work for selfish reasons or to expect a huge reward in return, your angels know that dedicating yourself to your work is key to a fulfilling life.
Angel Number 1155
Your angels are no doubt sending you angel number 1155 because they admire your bright inner self and want you to share this person with those you love and care about. You have the opportunity to express yourself socially, creatively, as well as physically through hard work and dedication.
Angel Number 1211
Angel number 1211 often symbolizes hope and support. Your angels are telling you that you are infinitely guided by them at every step of your life’s journey.
Angel Number 1212
Angel number 1212 suggests a conflict in yourself and how you interact with others. Your angels might be worried that there is an imbalance in your life. They want you to know that you have what it takes to make the positive changes in your life that you need to succeed in whatever you choose.
Angel Number 1221
While any number is a sign that you are not alone, angel number 1221 is particularly powerful in such a meaning. Your angels are watching out for you, and they want you to know that hope is not lost. Archangel Raphael’s presence is also with you, another strength and shields against loneliness.
Angel Number 1222
Angel number 1222 is an incredibly powerful, positive, and comforting message to receive from your angels. It symbolizes fresh starts but only if you’re willing to take a look inward and work on your bad habits. Get rid of negative thoughts, behaviors, and connections that will only hinder your progress.
Angel Number 1313
Angel number 1313 tells you to embrace love from all sides. Whether it be romantic love, friendship, or family, it’s important to keep relationships close at this time. You have much more support than you realize, as this number shows.
Angel Number 1331
One of the main and unexpected meanings behind angel number 1331 is that you are loved, cared for, and taken care of, both by those closest to you in your life and your angels or loved ones in heaven above. Whether you believe it or not, someone is watching out for you!
Angel Number 1414
Avoid any negative temptations that come your way if a number 1414 shows up. Making good choices is of utmost importance right now. Asking yourself, “Is this helpful or harmful?” before from the very beginning is one way to stay on the right track.
Angel Number 1441
Just like the solitude of the number one might conflict with the teamwork and cooperative nature of the number four, angel number 1441 begs you to get out of your comfort zone! The numbers one and four can clash much easier than you think, leading to either internal or external conflict. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing- so long as you don’t resist it.
Angel Number 1515
Angel number 1515 is a sign that you are manifesting a joyous and harmonious life. Look at the good around you and make a decision to live in gratitude. Appreciation is a key ingredient of contentment, and complete spiritual achievement is yours for the taking.
Angel Number 1551
Angel Number 1551 tells you that now is the time to pursue your goals, especially if they may be misunderstood by certain people in your life. Stay strong in your uniqueness, whether it be a project, an opinion, or simply a way of being. No one is like you; don’t be afraid to be yourself.
Angel Number 1616
Let go of all financial and material concerns when you’re seeing repeating number sequences, including angel number 1616. Instead of focusing on your worries, embrace the positive only. That, combined with personal willpower and determination, will allow you to achieve whatever you desire.
Angel Number 1717
The angels are applauding your efforts and urging you to continue down the path of independence by showing you angel number 1717. As you embrace self-reliance, you’ll be better equipped to grow spiritually and emotionally. This is part of your unique purpose.
Angel Number 1818
Is angel number 1818 showing up a lot lately? If you’re seeing this repeating sequence, it means that abundance is headed your way. Some changes will be necessary for a positive end result but don’t fear. Every experience is for your greater good.
Angel Number 1919
A difficult time in your life is coming to an end when angel number 1919 is making its presence, and you should be ready to make way for the new. You don’t have to do anything special. Just let go and detach from the past. Choose to live in the present moment.
Angel Number 2020
The main message that angel number 2020 brings you is that what you’ve been doing so far has been precisely what you should have been doing. As a result, the message here is going to be that you need to keep doing that. You’ve reached a great point in your personal and spiritual path and have harmonized with the frequency of abundance. It’s only a matter of time before you’ll reap the rewards of all your hard work.
Angel Number 2121
If you are seeing angel number 2121 frequently, you may be experiencing some turmoil or trials involving others. Whether it is members of your home, friend group, or work environment, your angels are telling you that now is the time to be cooperative with others.
Angel Number 2244
Angel number 2244 is all about letting you know that you are on the right path. That what you do will bring your dreams to fruition but you must work hard at it. Don’t be shy about reaching out to people from who you can learn new skills, or who can aid you in your current tasks. Go the extra mile, and do it with all the joy, happiness, and grace you can muster.
Angel Number 2255
Angel number 2255 serves as an encouragement from your angels to make some positive changes in your life. So, if you are seeing this number frequently, take a moment to reflect on where you are in life and if you are fulfilled or not.
Angel Number 2323
Angel number 2323 talks about your power to learn from past mistakes and incorporate those lessons into your future. The warning that comes with that is that if you don’t learn from your mistakes, you are bound to repeat them.
Here we’ll answer some of the questions our readers so that you might find the answers to your questions as well!
What does it mean when you see multiple different angel numbers?
Because every set of numbers has a separate message, it’s possible for you to see different angel numbers in a short period of time. Pay attention to each set. It seems that your angels have a great deal of advice for you right now, and big changes are likely!
What Does it mean when you stop seeing Angel Numbers?
I have two answers to this question:
- You’re on the right path and assistance isn’t needed
- Your angels are communicating in a different way
Angels also communicate and send messages through:
- Sights, sounds, and smells
- Feathers on the ground
- Cloud shapes in the sky
- Butterflies and dragonflies
- Flickering lamps and lights
- Goosebumps or feeling touched
- Directly or symbolically in dreams
Even if you stop seeing angel numbers for a short period of time, it’s important to stay aware and listen to your intuition. As long as you are in tune with yourself, you’ll notice the messages that are being sent your way.
It’s not something that you’ll have to force or look for. In the words of Buddha, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
Hopefully, now that you’ve finished reading my angel numbers beginners guide, you feel empowered and ready to interpret angel numbers properly.
As your spiritual teacher, I hope that you know your personal angel number meaning, have a lot more knowledge about combinations, and will use this guide as a reference as you receive divine guidance from your guardian angel in the near future.
And if you need help deciphering a certain number, don’t hesitate to comment below. I’d love to hear your personal number!
P.s. I also wrote a guide about Angel Cards, that might be interesting for you, and if you haven’t yet, make sure to download this free repeating numbers handbook.
Ranishia Vann says
Thank you so much. This guide helps tremendously and is simplistic, it isn’t long and drawn out. Straight to the point and flows.
Wille says
Hi Ranishia, thanks a lot for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ????????