We all have times when we question our purpose for being here.
Is there a special task that we need to complete on earth before being allowed to ascend into Heaven? What’s the ascension process? What part do we play within the divine Universe? How can we, as simple humans know what is required of us? How can we become more spiritual and strengthen our connection with the angelic realm?
The Archangel Metatron has the special ability to connect with those who seek his guidance and protection. In this article, we’ll explain who Archangel Metatron is in detail, share the signs of him being in your life, describe his appearance, and much more, so let’s dive right in!
Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:
- Archangel Metatron is often linked to a special shape called Metatron’s Cube. People think this shape has the secrets of how the Universe is put together, connecting the spiritual and physical worlds.
- Metatron is like a super good communicator between people and the divine. Need advice or have questions? Talking to Archangel Metatron is believed to help you get messages and insights from the divine.
- Metatron, known as the “scribe of God,” is said to keep a special record of everything we think and do. Bringing Metatron into your space might help clear and line up your energy for spiritual growth and change.
Who is Archangel Metatron?
Archangel Metatron is the Archangel of Empowerment. He’s believed to have risen into the angelic kingdom from a human incarnation, along with his spiritual brother, Archangel Sandalphon. Archangel Metatron is revered as one of the most powerful Archangels because he represents our ability to access our spiritual power and achieve ascension into Heaven.
Archangel Metatron sits beside God in Heaven, guiding the cherubs and seraphim. For this reason, he is also known as the “Angel of Divine Presence” and the “Chancellor of Heaven.”
The human incarnation of Metatron is believed to have been Enoch, the biblical scribe and prophet.
Known as one of the only two angels who was first a human, when he ascended into the angelic realm, Metatron was given one of the most important tasks in Heaven – to record the choices made on earth and in Heaven into a universal archive known as the Akashic Record, or the Book of Life.
This is why you will sometimes hear Archangel Metatron mentioned as being the “Heavenly scribe” or the “Heavenly lawyer.”
Archangel Metatron acts as the patron angel of children because he was identified as the angel who directed the Hebrew people through the rough country on their 40-year journey to reach the Promised Land in the Zohar.
His special mission is to assist the earth’s children as they grow into adults. Archangel Metatron watches over all the children on Earth and in Heaven.
We have all been told that knowledge is power. By working with Archangel Metatron to access your records in the Book of Life, you will learn where you came from, where you’re now, and where you’re going.
What an empowering feeling!
How Do You Recognize Archangel Metatron: 7 Signs of Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is one of the strongest heavenly beings in existence. Although he is not as well known as other Archangels such as Gabriel, Michael, or Raphael, he is the leader of all archangels, angels, and all other divine entities.
There’s a wide array of obvious signs of Metatron’s presence if you know what to look for.
1. Bright Flashes of Light or Swirls
Most people see bright flashes of light or swirls of a colorful aura. This is because his aura combines violet spiritual energy and earthly red energy. He may also display rays of white, green, or deep pink.
2. A Unique Smell
An intense and distinctive smell can signify that Archangel Metatron is trying to connect with you. The fragrances are often described as spicy (such as pepper or chilies), sweetly floral, or strong herbal smell.
3. Replacing Negative with Positive Thoughts
An elevation in thoughts, such as the urge to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, is also a sign that Archangel Metatron is near.
4. Crown Chakra
Tingling in the crown chakra is commonly experienced during opening. You may receive support from Metatron in this respect as he helps you to activate your crown chakra, stellar gateway, and soul star.
5. Noticing Geometric Patterns
Repeated geometric patterns you start to notice can be a sign that Metatron is trying to work with you.
7. Seeing Specific Angel Numbers
Archangel Metatron is strongly linked to the number 11.
Whenever you see 11:11, it clearly shows that he supports you. You can see this number in various places, including plates on cars, buses, digital clocks, or clothing such as sports jerseys.
After asking Metatron for help with any area in your life, you must trust that the way forward will be shown. Intuitive nudges, synchronicities, and impulses can signal that you’re being guided.
What Does the Archangel Metatron Look Like?

When you meditate, Archangel Metatron appears as a mighty celestial being surrounded by a bright light. He has multiple sets of beautiful golden wings and is dressed in a bright blue robe with faded magenta layering. Some have described this as the Archangel dressed in dark green and bright pink.
Metatron’s face is a sight to behold. He appears full of life, happy, and eternally youthful. He could easily be compared to an older brother you would look to for guidance. His ultimate goal is to assist you in converting all of your negative thoughts into positive ones.
Archangel Metatron is seen holding something in his hand when he appears. This is a large scroll containing all the secrets of the Universe and divinity. Or you will see him holding the Book of Wisdom.
There are some depictions where you will see Metatron in a human form, standing with the Book of Wisdom lying at his feet. He’s believed to have achieved a supreme level of understanding when he appears this way.
You may also see Archangel Metatron holding a cube in his hands. This large cube is said to be a symbol of the love he has for us and provides support for our evolution as well as spiritual protection. The cube rotates quickly within Metatron’s hands – almost with an unseen speed.
How is Archangel Metatron Able to Help You?

Like all angels, Archangel Metatron can only help you if you ask for his help. When there are dramatic changes in your energetic life to be made, the Archangel you can count on is Metatron.
As you advance on the spiritual path chosen for you, the Archangel helps you by raising your vibrational energy so that you may rise to the challenges you’re sure to encounter along the way.
Archangel Metatron helps you to achieve balance in certain aspects of your life and access spiritual power.
He can also help you by guiding you in the proper direction when you have come to a crossroads in any area of your life where a decision needs to be made.
Metatron can also intercede on our behalf using the unlimited power of the Metatron Cube.
One of Archangel Metatron’s greatest powers is knowing how to influence a person to change their negative thoughts into positive ones.
Metatron is so good at this because he was once human. He has the human experience to draw upon and knows that negative thoughts lead to more bad decisions.
Archangel Metatron helps the dead as well as the living. He is the supreme angel of forgiveness and death.
He is also charged with welcoming those who have died prematurely after birth and welcomes dead children’s souls before they can incarnate. He then teaches them about their next life.
How to Connect With Archangel Metatron?

Now that you know how Archangel Metatron can help you, you must learn how to connect with him. For you to contact Metatron and listen to what he has to say, you must quiet your mind and raise your energy. Any person looking for spiritual wisdom and esoteric knowledge need only call upon Archangel Metatron at any time, wherever you may be.
The quickest way to do this is through meditation, either with or without using a Metatron Cube. When you need to contact Metatron, it’s extremely easy. Either mentally or orally, all you need to do is tell him why you need his help.
Permit your soul to express itself and reach communication with Archangel Metatron. Because Metatron is so in tune with humanity and already knows everything about our lives, there is a good chance he already knows the kind of help you require.
What is a Metatron Cube?

The Metatron Cube is a powerful, sacred geometric shape. It consists of two hexagrams created by a set of 13 spheres. It symbolizes everything that exists in the known Universe, no matter how insignificant or great, and it also represents the energy within the Universe that connects all things.
Because of this, the Cube is believed to be a strong conductor of energy, capable of attracting positive forces and dissipating negative energies. The Metatron Cube also has an extremely high vibrational speed.
The Metatron Cube is listed by many as the most powerful protection against any negative being or energy. It’s also said that the Metatron’s Cube was transferred to humans by Archangel Metatron himself during channeling or teaching.
What is Sacred Geometry?

Sacred geometry is the study of mathematical formulas and shapes which appear in nature. It aims to understand what they can reveal about the Universe. This belief stems from the opinion that the same geometrical numbers and shapes appear repetitively, but seemingly indiscriminately, within nature.
While sacred geometry has many important elements, the most important ones are known as Platonic Solids. Named after the Greek philosopher Plato, the five Platonic Solids are polygons that can be made with the same shape as all their faces.
Each of the Platonic Solids is associated with one of the elements that the ancient Greeks thought comprised the Universe:

- Cube: 6 square faces linked to Water
- Dodecahedron: 12 pentagram faces linked to Fire
- Icosahedron: 20 triangle faces linked to Spirit
- Tetrahedron: 4 triangle faces linked to Earth
- Octahedron: 8 triangle faces linked to Air
This is important to know because the Platonic Solids are the basic components that comprise the Metatron Cube.
To communicate with Metatron, in addition to oral communication and thinking, you can make the Metatron Cube yourself.
How to Draw a Metatron Cube

Begin drawing the symbol by starting with a central sphere. Surround this central sphere with 6 other spheres of the same size. You will notice that it seems to resemble the shape of a flower. Each of these 6 spheres will have another sphere of the same diameter extending from it. You will now have 13 spheres. They will all be the same shape and the same diameter.
This design is known as the Flower of Life, and these 13 spheres are the gates of knowledge and wisdom that one has to pass through to reach enlightenment.
Using a ruler to keep your lines straight, draw a line extending from the center of one sphere to the center of another. This same process must be applied around the entire design. You have Metatron’s Cube once all of the sphere centers are connected.
Uses for the Metatron Cube
Most often, you will find that the Metatron Cube is utilized to aid in meditation. This is because following the lines of energy through the entire pattern relaxes and helps clear the mind. In this tranquil and calm state, you can gain greater self-awareness by going even deeper within yourself.
The symbol of the Metatron Cube can be used to surround ourselves so that we may more easily ask for the protection of the Archangel Metatron. The images can be placed around your home, you can ask for it to be integrated into your aura, and you can visualize it around you. This makes it even easier to call upon Metatron when you need his help.
Within the domain of sacred geometry, the healing cube is believed to channel and fend off energy. Many believe that concentrating on the symbol and imagining it spinning clockwise will allow you to simultaneously pull positive energy from the Universe into yourself and disperse negative energies.
Related Questions
What Did Metatron Do?
People think Metatron is a spiritual guide and messenger in religions like Judaism and Christianity. Some see Metatron as an angel who used to be a regular person but became something more special. In a spiritual sense, Metatron is linked to passing on messages from the divine and acting as a connection between our world and the heavenly one.
They say Metatron keeps track of what people do, like a celestial writer noting the good and bad things in our lives.
What Metatron does is all about divine communication and sharing spiritual wisdom. Many believe reaching out to Metatron can help you understand things better, clarify things, and determine your life’s purpose.
Whether meditating, praying, or just thinking, connecting with Metatron is a way to get closer to higher spiritual truths and get guidance on growing spiritually and becoming more enlightened.
Why is Metatron so Powerful?
Metatron, a powerful archangel in various spiritual traditions, derives strength from divine proximity and cosmic connection. Often depicted as a bridge between the earthly and heavenly realms, Metatron embodies the harmonious balance of celestial energies. The potency lies in profound spiritual wisdom, serving as a conduit for divine messages and guidance.
Metatron’s intricate geometric representation, the “Metatron’s Cube,” symbolizes the interconnectedness of all creation. This sacred geometry magnifies metaphysical energy, amplifying Metatron’s influence.
Metatron channels divine light by resonating with universal frequencies, enabling profound transformation and heightened spiritual awareness.
The true power of Metatron lies in the transcendence of earthly limitations, offering a celestial embrace that transcends the ordinary and ushers in the extraordinary.
Which is the Most Powerful Archangel?
Determining the most powerful Archangel is subjective and varies across spiritual beliefs. However, many consider Archangel Michael as one of the most powerful Archangels. Michael is often depicted as a warrior against darkness, wielding a mighty sword of truth and protection. His name means “Who is like God,” which signifies his unwavering devotion to the divine.
Michael’s power is attributed to his role as a defender of the celestial realms and humanity. Believers seek his assistance for courage, strength, and shielding from negativity.
The perception of the most powerful Archangel can vary, but Michael’s prominence in various traditions highlights his significance in the spiritual hierarchy.
What Did Metatron Want?
Metatron, often portrayed as a celestial scribe and communicator between realms, doesn’t typically express personal desires in a human sense. Instead, Metatron’s purpose revolves around fulfilling divine tasks and maintaining cosmic order. Metatron is associated with transmitting spiritual knowledge and guiding humanity toward higher consciousness.
The desire, if any, lies in facilitating spiritual evolution and helping individuals align with their higher purpose. Metatron’s intentions were aligned with the divine plan, seeking the enlightenment and upliftment of souls.
Is Metatron Good or Bad Supernatural?
Metatron is generally depicted as a complex and ambiguous figure in the supernatural realm rather than strictly good or bad. In some interpretations, Metatron is portrayed as benevolent and wise, as a mediator between humanity and the divine. Metatron is often associated with delivering messages, spiritual guidance, and profound wisdom.
How Was Metatron Defeated?
The concept of Metatron being defeated is not a common theme in traditional spiritual or mystical teachings. Metatron is often portrayed as a powerful and transcendent archangel with a unique connection to divine energies. The focus is more on Metatron’s role as a guide, messenger, and facilitator of spiritual wisdom.
In some fictional or artistic interpretations, creative liberties might be taken to introduce dramatic elements, including the idea of conflict or defeat. However, these depictions don’t reflect traditional or widely accepted beliefs about Metatron.
Is Archangel Metatron in the Bible?
The name “Metatron” isn’t explicitly mentioned in the traditional Christian Bible. The concept of Metatron as an archangel is more commonly found in certain Jewish texts and mystical traditions, specifically in Kabbalah. In these mystical teachings, Metatron is often described as a celestial scribe and mediator between the divine and the human.
The closest reference to an angelic scribe is in the Book of Enoch, which is considered doubtful and not part of the canonical Bible. The biblical prophet Enoch transformed into the angel Metatron, and it is said to have been given a heavenly role, recording the deeds and thoughts of humans.
Where Does Metatron Come From?
The origin of the name and concept of Metatron is rooted in Jewish mysticism, particularly within Kabbalah. The name “Metatron” is believed to be derived from two Greek words: “meta,” meaning beyond or after, and “thronos,” meaning throne. So, Metatron is often interpreted as “beyond the throne” or “beside the throne.”
Metatron is associated with the prophet Enoch, a biblical figure from the Book of Genesis. Enoch transforms into the angel Metatron in some mystical traditions, taking on a transcendent and elevated role.
Metatron is then described as a high-ranking celestial being with unique attributes and responsibilities, such as serving as a scribe and mediator between the divine and human realms.
While the roots of Metatron are in Jewish mysticism, the concept has also influenced various esoteric and spiritual traditions beyond Judaism.
Which Archangel is the Strongest?
The perception of the strongest Archangel varies across different religious and spiritual traditions. In Christianity, Archangel Michael is often regarded as a mighty archangel, described as a warrior who defeats the forces of darkness. Michael means “Who is like God,” signifying his strength and allegiance to the divine.
In other traditions, such as Islam, Archangel Jibreel (Gabriel) is considered a prominent and powerful messenger angel who delivers divine revelations to prophets.
Ready to Connect with Archangel Metatron?

Now that you have had the opportunity to discover all that Archangel Metatron is capable of, it’s time to begin working with him and starting to change your life for the better. He may already have felt your need and attempted to contact you.
Think back to whether or not you may have already seen signs of his presence. If not, know that he is just waiting for your call.
Ali says
Thank you l have experienced it Metatron really loves as
Laura Herman says
Woke up so anxious an hour ago. I was texting my sister. She wrote that she just saw 1111, and suddenly Metatron showed up in my room and calmed me.
I was told to Google Metatron, and found your article! Thank You! It couldn’t be more perfect!
Shapechange Believe says
Today is October 30th. I bought an organite Metatron necklace because I have been drawn to him for a while. Your beautiful article is very helpful, so thank you.
Wille says
I am glad my article has helped you!
Wille xxxx