Crystals and gemstones have been used for centuries, utilized for their healing properties by ancient cultures like the Egyptians, and by jewelers today in watches, rings, and other bling.
Birthstones refer to the specific gemstone relating to each of the Zodiac signs. Each star sign corresponds -roughly- to a month, so the crystal or gemstone with the best matching energy is known to aid in the healing, self-awareness, removal of blocks and imbalances, and self-development of the individual sign.
In this article, we explore the basics of Birthstones, how they work, how to connect with them, and which birthstones relate to each Zodiac sign.
Birthstones by Month
Before we jump into the magical world of crystal healing, we start with an overview of the birthstones per month.

Each month has its own crystal and each crystal type embodies its own energy and therefore healing vibration (frequency).
Below you can find a list of the Birthstones per Month:
- January: Garnet
- February: Amethyst
- March: Aquamarine, Bloodstone
- April: Diamond
- May: Emerald
- June: Pearl, Moonstone
- July: Ruby
- August: Peridot, Spinel
- September: Sapphire
- October: Opal, Tourmaline
- November: Topaz, Citrine
- December: Turquoise, Zircon, Tanzanite
Please note. We ourselves are the deciders of whether we wish to be open to the magical benefits of the crystal queen and kingdom.
Just like a current which requires a full circuit to work, the mind holds great power to open and receive all the various wonders of crystals, or to close oneself off, either through, fear, disbelief, or unwillingness to heal and evolve.
How Do Birthstones Work?
If you aren’t already aware of how birthstones and chrystals in general work, let’s explain it briefly! Birthstones, like any other Crystals, are conscious entities emitting subtle energy. Just like we humans have an electromagnetic energy field, so do birthstones.

Crystals have been around for thousands of years formed directly from the earth and mother earth’s energies. They begin their life as a microcrystalline collective- the microcrystal structures grow to create the larger crystals we see today.
Larger crystals not formed from microcrystalline layers are formed from hot laver on the earth’s surface, which is also known as pegmatite.
Charge Birthstones with Your Thoughts
All life on earth has a spiritual-energetic element. Everything in the universe can also be seen to work on a law of vibration and frequency. In other words, everything is interconnected, intrinsically connected through time and space.
And there are so many factors which can influence this time and space, the mind for one is a powerful tool. It can create, destroy, affect, and influence. The mind can re-shape, re-structure, and on some level alter subatomic particles through your thoughts and intentions emitted.

Now, this has some fascinating implications, especially when wishing to start harnessing the healing benefits of crystals and birthstones.
If the mind has such a powerful effect to influence physical reality, then imagine what we can do with crystals and birthstones already pre-programmed and metaphysically charged!
As we will explore in more detail later, we can harness the power of our minds through the natural law of vibration and frequency to enhance the qualities of the crystals and birthstones, which then further amplifies its healing effect on us.
Essentially, we can charge birthstones and other crystals with the power of our thoughts and intentions.
The Law of Frequency and Vibration
Scientists and quantum physicists have discovered some amazing things regarding the law of frequency and vibration, and the power of our minds.
Not only are our thoughts powerful influencers and shapers and creators of reality, but they can also be used to change the course of an action and future goals.

There was an experiment conducted called ‘the double-slit experiment,’ whereby scientists recorded the effect of an observer on subatomic particles traveling towards a screen.
Without going into too much detail, they found that the presence of an observer, i.e. the human eye (observation), actively changed the course and direction of the subatomic particles.
Let that sink in.
Furthermore, there has been much research discovering that we can change the molecular structures of plants, water, and our own cells from the thoughts we project.
Experiments done by various researchers throughout the 20th and 21st centuries have come to the conclusion that reality itself is ultimately an illusion; it’s our thoughts, emotions, and subtle intentions that create the world we see.
So, how does this relate to birthstones and other crystals? Before going into this further, I suggest you research Dr. Emoto and lookup kirlian photography.
This man alone, Dr. Emoto, will shed some light on the power you hold to shape and influence reality. Kirlian photography will help you understand how you interact with your environment and all conscious entities within it.
Birthstones are Conscious Entities
Birthstones and other crystals have been formed through vast amounts of energetic pressure and astrological influence from the elements and planets.
You know how the Sun influences you and makes you feel full of life, gives you passion, and aids in your vitality?
And, you’re surely aware of the Moon’s influence through its link to the subconscious realms, how the Moon rules emotions and can connect you to powerful symbolism & imagery in dreams? Well, the other planets are also constantly interacting with us.

There is an energetic and subtle element to life. Scientists call it electromagnetism, or an electromagnetic energy field.
Spiritualists and metaphysicians call it an aura, the “energetic bubble” surrounding us, and interacting with the auras of other people, animals, planets, and plants.
Whatever the terminology, there is a subtle and invisible spiritual energy flowing through everything and the universe.
Crystals (and thus birthstones) are formed directly from the earth, but they’re also formed from the ethereal and astral energies of the planets. This means that they absorb the energetic frequencies associated with each planet; once formed they emit subtle vibrations.
And these vibrations can have a very profound effect on our health, level of consciousness, and mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Connecting to Birthstones: How to Cleanse, Charge & Ground
The important thing to know about your birthstone is that it needs to be cleansed and charged before use.
This means, before connecting to its healing properties through meditation, intention setting, or any other technique you need to make sure the gemstone is of a pure and clean energetic vibration; free from negative energy and external influence.
Cleansing and charging are the two main forms for crystal healing or any crystal work, however, grounding is something you can also do.
This guide can be applied to all birthstones – January to December.
Birthstones Cleansing
Cleansing is essential. To cleanse your birthstone, rest it under gentle cold running water. There is no set rule, some people say it needs to be rinsed in water for just a few minutes, whilst others say 10 – 15.
You can also leave your garnet gemstone in a bowl of cold water for a few hours, although it’s advised to still rinse it first.

What’s the purpose of cleansing?~ Cleansing with water is clearing, clearing the gemstone of all negative energy and psychic impurities.
Crystals pick up our thoughts, feelings, emotions and overall energy- they absorb frequencies on a subtle level.
This signifies that they need to be cleansed (and charged) before you can best make use of their healing effects.

You should also cleanse your gemstone after you’ve been wearing it, say as a pendant or protection stone, for a long period of time. After meditation it should be cleansed and recharged too.
Birthstones Charging
There are two main methods of charging. The first is in sunlight. Your birthstone will absorb the power and light of the sun’s rays, therefore leave it in direct sunlight for a couple of hours up until 12 hours.
If you want balanced energy, you can further place the garnet in moonlight, specifically during a New or full moon or lunar eclipse. An even better time to charge your Birthstones is during your own personal Moon Phase!
Secondly, you can charge crystals through the power of your intention. It sounds simple, yet is highly effective! Place your cleansed and charged stone in your left hand with your palm flat. Then place our right palm over the top a few inches away….

Make sure you feel peaceful within and relaxed, and meditation is strongly advised. Getting into a meditative state will allow you to feel more deeply, connect to your heart space and higher self- your higher mind, and access your subconscious.
It is in the subconscious realms where transformation begins and where crystal healing really works. Remember that everything is subtle energy, the universal laws of frequency and vibration apply significantly here.
Once you feel centered and connected to both your internal world (you can feel your heart beating, oxygen circulating through your body and your blood pumping) and whilst you’re aware of the healing powers and metaphysical properties of the gemstone, set some intentions.

These intentions can be for anything you desire, such as healing, growth, transformation, wisdom, grounding, inspiration, creative spark, protection… Ultimately, you can charge your stone with specific intent.
Birthstones Grounding
If you wish to connect to the grounding quality of the crystal and be mindful that this particularly applies to gemstones for the root or base chakra; you can bury them in some compost.

Make sure the earth is fresh and it feels “clean.” Imagine that the earth, soil, or compost you choose is encompassing your gemstone in loving and healing embrace, purifying it of any and all impurities and negativity.
You can leave it there for up to 12 hours. Grounding should be done as the final stage, after cleansing & charging. It doesn’t have to be done either!
Divination: Working with Your Birthstones
Divination is an integral aspect of healing and working with crystals. Divination is also known as the divinatory arts. It’s essentially using the elements of nature to cleanse and purify crystals before they are used for healing.
Divination methods can include some of the methods shared earlier such as cleansing, charging, and grounding, however, it can also extend to ceremony and ritual.

Just like life itself, there is an aspect of sacredness to gemstones. All of life is sacred and those who work with crystals and special gems intently recognize the sacred aspect of self and life.
Daily or cyclic ceremonies can keep both your crystals fully charged, and your own self in a high vibration frequency. Divination is connecting with the divine, either through working with the elements as mentioned or introducing other healing modalities; such as sound, incense, palo santo, sage, and sacred resins like frankincense.

When starting a journey to integrate crystals into your life, having a shrine or altar, no matter how small, can really help in developing and strengthening your connection to your birthstone. It is therefore highly advised.
As we have already explored cleansing, charging, grounding, let’s have a look at the energetic qualities of the elements. This will help you to understand the true meaning and value of working with your birthstone.
After exploring elemental energy we will view other forms of divination and the best ways to harness your crystals’ healing energies and qualities.
Elemental Energies and Birthstones
Just like astrological influences and the planets that relate to each specific gemstone, the elements of nature have intrinsic effects on the formation and healing qualities of crystals.
It is important when exploring the influence of the elements that you take into account its effect on crystals. Crystals usually embody the qualities of an element, either earth, air, fire, water, or ether.
There are metaphysical and energetic properties associated with the elements.
Earth Energy
Earth energy is grounding. Crystals that embody a strong earth energy bring stability, security, comfort, and protection. They enhance a sense of grounding, organization, and structure. These gemstones relate primarily to the earth or root chakra, the first chakra.
The associated color for the root chakra is red, with brown and black being the primary colors. This means that red, brown, and black gemstones correspond with the root chakra (as a general rule).

Crystals with a strong earth energy contribute to increased feelings of duty, responsibility, practicality, and physical strength.
Crystals strong in earth energy can be connected to and harnessed to balance out any of the other elements.
For example, if you are strong in water and a bit too over-sensitive, over-emotional, or dreamy, connecting to an earth stone will really help ground you and bring some needed structure back into your life.
The same is true for if you are particularly fiery. Fire is great, it is passionate, expressive and can bring great joy, excitement, and creative passion and ambition into your life.
Yet too much of this may prevent you from living your dreams and achieving success. An earth gemstone, therefore, would bring the practicality, grounding, and foundational stability you require.
You receive earth energy from the food you eat. Foods containing minerals, vitamins and trace elements that are essential to the body can enhance your connection to earth stones.
Gemstones with a lot of earth energy include: Cornelian, chrysoprase, lapis lazuli (earth/fire), jade (earth/air), smoky quartz, bloodstone (earth/fire), garnet, and all red, brown, and black stones.
Air Energy
Air energy is purifying and uplifting. It brings feelings of lightness and being connected to spirit and subtle perception.
Crystals strong in air energy often relate to communication, expression, and speech. If you’re struggling with writing and communication, or if you wish to enhance your voice in any way, using air strong gemstones would aid greatly.

In addition to its link to communication, air energy is closely linked to intuition and the higher self & mind.
All forms of intellect, cognitive thinking and processes, and mental stimulation is associated with air, therefore air elemental crystals are often popular with deep thinkers, writers, those engaged in study and learning, scholars, poets, and philosophers.
Some air strong crystals can also bring great creative expression, imaginative enhancements, and inspiration!

Air energy raises one’s vibrations to the spirit. Air uplifts and is purifying. We all know how we take in prana or life-force energy through our breath, and how we can breathe in these cosmic forces. Air energy assists in spiritual growth when an individual feels out of touch with their intuition or higher self.
Gemstones with a lot of air energy: amber, amazonite, amethyst, citrine, topaz, turquoise (earth/air), moss agate, moldavite, purple fluorite, emerald, and diamond (air/fire).
Fire Energy
Fire is passion, excitement, and inspiration. Crystals with fire energy are uplifting, purifying, expansive, and stimulating. They bring creative expression and inspiration- fire is essentially your life force, the universal energy responsible for vitality, energy, and will (action).

Fire can be used to balance the sensitive and emotional nature of water, bring inspiration and optimism to the intellect and intuition of air, and add an extra “oomph” to the detailed and structured plans of earth.
People strong in fire energy often have great passion and zest for life, however, may not be so in tune with the emotional, intuitive, and spiritual realms; such as those strong in water. Being knowledgeable of the healing powers of crystals will help with this.

By merging with the fire energy of a stone, one learns to focus on the life-force energy. This gives you a power that is purifying, stimulating, expansive, and action-oriented.
Gemstones with a lot of fire energy: ruby, obsidian, opal, peridot, rutilated quartz, sapphire, tiger’s eye, pyrite, and fire agate.
Water Energy
Water energy is intuitive, emotional, and yin in nature. Yin essentially represents flow, adaptability, emotional connection and wisdom, and the ability to navigate life with ease, calm, and grace.
Crystals strong in water energy can aid intuition, develop heightened sensitivity, and bring emotional calm, balance, and inner peace/ serenity.

Due to its strong link to intuition, water stones can be used for any activity related to creative, artistic, or imaginative expression and can also be connected with to enhance spiritual and psychic qualities. This is due to water’s association with the subconscious.
Water as an element connects us to the subconscious, further allowing us to explore the shadow aspects of life, the hidden emotions, feelings, impressions, and internal energy currents. This is essentially where it gets its intuition from.
People strong in water are often emotional, sensitive, adaptable, and artistically or imaginatively gifted; they usually have a direct connection to intuitive, psychic, and spiritual levels of subtle perception.

Water gemstones can fine-tune these sensitivities.
Our body is made up of over 70% water, so water energy has a strong effect on our energy fields. Herbal baths and swimming strengthen these fields, while water also cleanses and purges our emotions. Water qualities are flowing, surrendering, harmonizing, and accepting.
Gemstones with a lot of water energy: aventurine, aquamarine, calcite, moonstones, pearl, opal, coral, tourmaline, sugilite, rhodochrosite, and rose quartz (water/earth).
Birthstones and Sound
Crystals can be charged, programmed, and purified through sound frequencies. Just as our thoughts and the power of our minds can be harnessed to program and set up our crystals for success, sound essentially activates crystals in a unique way. Everything in the universe essentially exists in a state of vibration and frequency.

Scientists have discovered that objects can be moved with high-frequency acoustic vibrations (sound waves) and have already learned how to make things levitate!
As gemstones have been formed through high-vibrational frequencies projected and emitted from space, they are no different.
Below are some examples of sound therapy for your birthstone. These can be performed after your stone is cleansed and charged.
- Nature sounds. These are specifically beneficial for grounding and earth connecting stones. Nature sounds can include birds signing, rainforest sounds, and gently running water. The latter and whale and dolphin sounds can be played to influence the healing properties of water stones, such as Aquamarine.
- Binaural beats. Binaural beats are unique sound waves embodying a range of different effects. You can research binaural beats and radiate the appropriate sound frequencies to the related crystals! For example, 30- 100 Hz (Gamma) induces transcendental awareness and can aid in processing information from the higher mind and cognitive functioning. This could, therefore, be used to enhance the qualities of lapis lazuli or amethyst.
- Cymbals, singing bowls, bells, and tuning forks. These instruments can be purchased to supercharge your crystals. Playing clear quartz in a singing bowl, for example, would amplify and energize the already present metaphysical properties. The healing energy, therefore, would get a ‘boost.’
Birthstones and Salt (Earth), Air and Ether tools
Himalayan rock crystals, rock salt, and sea salt crystals can all be used to cleanse and release any etheric and astral impurities.
You can simply leave your crystal in a small bowl of these salts for 12- 24 hours, and the earth energy will have acted as a form of neutraliser, grounding charger, and activator!

Cleansing your crystal with sage, frankincense resin, pure incense, or palo santo will purify the auric field of your crystals, remove any negative or unwanted lingering energies, and have a general clearing and healing effect.
This method is ideally performed last, after cleansing, charging, and grounding (and either before or after sound).
ready to work with your Birthstone and its meaning!?
I hope this article gave you new insights on how crystals, and more specific birthstones, work and what they can do for you. They aren’t just exquisite pieces of jewelry, they also contain an abundance of healing powers.
So I’m super curious if, after reading this article, you are ready to work with your Birthstone? I’d love to hear more about it and assist with your journey, if possible.
P.s. If you’re looking for gemstones that can help you to unblock a specific chakra, also check out this article about chakra stones!
Amelia Lopez says
What if your birthstone is a diamond? Its almost impossible to get unless in jewlery
Wille says
Hi Amelia,
Thanks for your comment! It is better when you have a piece of your birthstone, but if you cannot find one, you can as well get jewelry with your stone. This will work too✨
Wille ????