Are you having dreams about bees? Bees are pretty fascinating creatures and do amazing things for nature. However, dreams about bees can be pretty scary! Bees can sting and harm humans, and sometimes we will dream about bees attacking or chasing us.
So, what do these dreams mean? Are you having scary dreams about bees and are wanting to know why you are having them? Or, perhaps bees are constantly appearing in your dreams, and you want to know the spiritual significance.
Let’s look at why you might be dreaming about bees, what bees mean spiritually, and common bee dreams and their interpretation.
Why Might We Dream About Bees
Before we go into common dreams about bees and their interpretations, I thought it would be helpful to take a moment to consider the different dream interpretation theories in regard to dreams about bees.
There are a number of different theories for why we dream, from psychological to spiritual. This is because, ever since the dawn of humanity, we have dreamt and been amazed by our dreams. However, nobody actually has a definitive answer for why we dream.
This may be because a number of different psychological and spiritual reasons are right in their own way, with dreams having an important role in spirituality and psychology.
Dreams About Bees – Psychological Theories
When it comes to dreams about bees, an interesting psychological theory we can consider is one put forward by the Finnish psychologist Antti Revonsuo. He suggested that our dreams are an evolutionary defense mechanism. In our dreams, we simulate threatening situations in order to figure out how we might deal with them in the waking world.
When we consider dreams about bees, especially ones where the insects are chasing us, this dream theory kind of does make sense! We dream about bees chasing us in order to be prepared and know what to do if bees begin to chase us in real life.

However, I do think that this theory might not fully explain our dreams about bees. A lot of dreams about bees are not where we are in imminent danger, so I think there may be other reasons for our dreams about bees.
A lot of psychological theories behind dreams, such as Freud’s theory, suggest that dreams shed light on our subconsciousness. These theories suggest that our dreams show us our desires and fears, but use symbolism.
So, dreams about bees, snakes, dogs, or cats don’t necessarily mean we are scared of these animals! Rather, our subconsciousness is using them as a metaphor for our inner subconsciousness.
Dreams About Bees – Spiritual Theories
It is also necessary to consider spiritual theories about dreams when we are looking at dreams about animals and nature. This is because many spiritualists believe that we have a connection with certain animals, and these might appear in our dreams.
According to the spirit animal tradition, we all have a specific spirit animal throughout our lives. These are always the same animal, and we will have a deep connection with them. They might appear to us our in nature, on TV and film, and in our dreams. When we see them, we typically feel a deep connection with them.
So, what does it mean if the bee is your spirit animal?
If the bee is your spirit animal, you are hardworking and loyal. You have a huge amount of focus on where you want to be and who you want to be, and work well with those around you in order to bring everyone ahead. You are a generous person, valuing teamwork and deep, meaningful connections.
You may also have dreams about bees when they are not your spirit animal, but they want to give you some spiritual advice.
If you are dreaming about bees and don’t understand why, consider the spiritual significance of bees and what you can learn from these amazing animals.
Perhaps you need to be more open to connecting with those in your workplace. Perhaps you need to open up and listen to the advice of others.
Bees also turn up in your dreams when you are not balancing your responsibilities well. You may be working too much, or working too little. Consider what you might need to do in order to balance your workload, and never forget to take time out from work to do the things that you love!
Dreams About Bees – Common Dreams and Their Meanings
You may be dreaming about bees because of a spiritual or psychological reason. Maybe they are your spirit animal, appearing in your dreams in order to remind you that they are there, guiding you throughout life.
But, sometimes we have dreams about bees because our psyche wants to tell us something. In order to understand the true message from your subconsciousness, take a moment to consider the details of your dreams.
How many bees are in your dream? Do you feel threatened by them? Or, are they peaceful?
Because bees are social insects who rely on teamwork, dreams about bees will typically reveal things about your social life and your issues with those close to you.
So, what are some common dreams about bees and their usual meanings?
Dreams About Bees Attacking
A common (and pretty scary!) dream involving bees is when there is a load of bees attacking you. Swarms of bees or wasps have appeared in TV and film a lot over the last century, serving as a frightening plotline in horror and action. There is something pretty terrifying about being stung by a whole load of bees!
But, do we dream about bees attacking and stinging us just because we are scared of them? Or is there a deeper meaning?

Because bees represent community and teamwork, dreams about bees attacking you will usually signify a deep fear or anxiety within you of certain people in your life.
You may be feeling burnt out and overwhelmed in your friendship or workgroup, taking on everyone’s responsibilities for your own. Perhaps the load of work is not fairly shared out, and you are taking on too much.
You may be having dreams about bees chasing you because you are worried that someone close to you will turn around and ‘sting’ you. You may be having a hard time trusting people, or a specific person.
Are these worries based on reality? Or, is your distrust of people unnecessary? Only you can work that out.
Dreams About a Swarm of Bees
If you are having dreams about a swarm of bees, its true meaning really depends on how you are feeling in the dream. The swarm of bees represents your social circles, perhaps your family and friends, or your coworkers.
If you are feeling scared and uncomfortable in this dream, your subconsciousness is telling you that there are things in your social circles that you need to address.
There are issues bubbling away between friends or colleagues. You may be involved, or, it may be a situation between others around you. However, their behavior affects you.
Your subconsciousness is telling you to address any problems before they get out of hand! It is time to sit down with those you are having issues with and be honest with them. Tell them how you feel, and be constructive when airing disagreements.
If you are dreaming about a swarm of bees, and you are feeling pretty positive, your subconsciousness is telling you that you are in a really good place right now in regard to interpersonal relationships. Never forget the importance of teamwork and friendship!
Dreams About Being Stung by a Bee
Are you having dreams about bees where they sting you? Perhaps it is just one bee that flies down and… ouch! Or, maybe you have a few bees buzzing around you, waiting to go in for the sting!
Because we know that dreaming about bees normally represents our interpersonal relationships, dreams about being stung by a bee are pretty interesting!
It often suggests that something will soon turn around and ‘sting’ you. Have you been unkind to someone in your life recently? Perhaps you have thrown someone under the bus at work, putting your needs above theirs.
Your subconsciousness is pretty preoccupied with it all, and you need to make amends. Of course, people say horrible things in the heat of the moment. It doesn’t mean that you are a bad person, as long as you apologize and mend those broken bridges!
Dreams About Bees Stuck in Hair
Dreaming about our hair will typically represent our personality and sensitivity. It can also represent our health and wellbeing.
Having dreams about bees stuck in your hair can be pretty frightening! But, when we consider what dreams about bees mean alongside the meaning of dreams about hair, we can work out what having these dreams represent.

We will often have this dream when we are worried that our social life is harming who we are as a person. Perhaps you are putting on a persona with your friends and coworkers, and not being your true self.
You may not be taking time out for yourself and your own hobbies and interests. You may also be ignoring your spirituality for your social life, and this is making you feel burnt out and anxious about your health and wellbeing.
If you are having dreams about bees being stuck in your hair, take some time out from your social life to do what you really want to do!
Explore hobbies that you have been neglecting, and explore spiritual practices, such as tarot or crystal healing. You will soon be feeling yourself in no time!
Dreaming About Killing Bees
Any dream that involves acts of violence can be pretty disturbing, especially when it is you that is committing this act. However, dreams about killing bees don’t mean that you are wanting to harm a living animal. In fact, these dreams will usually signify a need to cut off certain people in your social life.
Do you feel uncomfortable around certain people in your life? Perhaps someone at work is giving you bad vibes, but you can’t really pinpoint why. Well, it is super important to listen to your intuition!
Being around people with negative energy can be really draining, and can affect your spiritual growth and well-being. If you are dreaming about killing bees, have a think about what this might mean for you and what you need to do in order to put negative people in your past.
Dreams About Beehives
Bees are an amazing part of nature, and it is wonderful to learn about how they work together in a hive and navigate the flowers of a bee garden. Bees use caves and hollow trees in nature to nest in, however, humans have created beehives for centuries.
In fact, beekeeping has been around since Ancient Egypt! I think that it is pretty cool how humans have had such a long connection with this wonderful creature.
But, what does it mean if we dream about beehives?
These dreams are usually about our home life and our emotions toward where we live and who we live with.
If you are feeling upset in the dream, this signifies issues in your home life that need to be resolved. You may not be feeling as comfortable as you should be, and it is time to think about what needs to be changed.
If you are feeling positive in the dream, this is a nice sign from your psyche that you are happy with your home life. There is balance and harmony, and everyone is pulling their weight for the greater goal of the home.
Dreams About Bees Chasing You
Although similar, dreams about bees chasing you differ from dreams about bees attacking you. This is because, in these dreams, you are running away.
So, what is it that you are running away from in your waking life?
Because dreams about bees are all about our social life, these dreams suggest that you are turning away from support and harmony because of a deep fear within you. It is time to address those fears and work out what is holding you back from fully opening up to your loved ones.
If you have been betrayed or hurt in the past, you may find it helpful to speak to a therapist or counselor. These professionals can really help you understand your fears and realize the reasons behind your reluctance to open up to support and love.
Dreams About Bees Landing On You
In these dreams, you normally feel pretty calm and serene. You may feel connected to the bee that has landed on you, and you enjoy its company.
You may be having this dream because bees are your spirit animal. However, there may be other psychological reasons behind dreams about bees landing on you!

Because bees signify communication and teamwork in dreams, this dream has a pretty lovely message. It serves as a reminder of those around you who love and support you, and who are always there when you need them.
Friends, family, and workmates are all important in our life. They are there to pick us up when we are down, and congratulate us when we are flying high.
If you are dreaming about bees landing on you, your subconsciousness has a simple message: you are loved and supported.
Are You Having Dreams About Bees?
Dreams about bees usually occur when there are things in our social lives that need attention. Our subconsciousness may be telling us that we need to resolve interpersonal conflicts, or may be reminding us of all the love and support we have from those around us!
You may also be dreaming about bees because they are your spirit animal, which is super cool! If you think this is the case, check out our article on spirit animals to fully understand their importance to our mental and spiritual wellbeing.
Oh, and if dreams fascinate you, we have loads of dream articles here at A Little Spark of Joy, such as this one about lucid dreaming, an incredible and powerful spiritual practice.
Have fun exploring the dream world, and never forget that our dreams are super important!