Are you dreaming of horses? Perhaps you are riding a horse, feeling free and alive. Or, maybe horses are running at you. Dreams of horses are actually quite common, but their meaning really depends on the context of your dream. Most dreams have hidden meanings to them, so it is useful to figure them out in order to really understand what your subconscious is trying to tell you.
In this article, we will look at different dreams about horses and what they may mean for you.
Why Are Dreams Important?
Before we dive into the different dreams about horses, I want to first briefly discuss the importance of dreams. Now, we don’t actually know why we dream, and there are loads of different theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon.
Most psychologists and spiritualists agree that dreams reflect our subconsciousness. Freud, the Austrian neurologist and founding father of psychoanalysis, believed that dreams were a window into our unconsciousness. He argued that dreams use symbolism to express hidden desires and fears. When we are sleeping, our rules and inhibitions of the day are left behind, allowing us to explore our hidden depths.
Dreams are important to many spiritualists, too. There are different spiritual explanations for dreaming, with some theories suggesting that we can connect with higher realms of existence through dreaming, with our souls open to new experiences.
Dreams About Horses: Spirit Animals
You probably have heard of spirit animals before. The idea of spirit animals is actually one of the oldest traditions on the planet and suggests that we all have a specific animal guide that helps us on our journey.
Our spirit animals can be anything, and they are usually animals that we feel close to. We may have grown up with our spirit animals in our lives, or seen them on TV, and felt a strong connection.

Our spirit animals communicate with us in a variety of ways. One of the ways they communicate with us is by appearing in our dreams. So, if you are regularly having dreams about horses, they may be your spirit animal.
If the horse is your spirit animal, you are driven by freedom and exploration. You are a passionate individual who values being true to yourself.
The horse spirit animal reminds us to explore our individuality and work out what our true dreams and desires are.
Dreams About Horses Meaning
You may be having dreams about horses because they are your spirit animal. Or, they may be a symbol of something else. Your subconscious may be wanting to tell you something!
When you are wanting to understand your dreams, it is important to consider the context of the dream. Are you riding the horse? Where are you riding it? Or, are the horses running free? Perhaps they are even running at you!
It is also helpful to recall your emotions in your dream. If you are feeling excited and happy, these emotions will allow you to really understand your dreams about horses. Similarly, negative emotions and feelings of unease will shed light on what your dreams are trying to tell you.
Most dreams about horses hold a pretty positive meaning, and this is because of the energy that horses have. For many of us, horses symbolize freedom and personal power. This means that these ideas are often expressed in our dreams about horses.
Let’s look at different dreams and what they may mean for you.
Dreaming About Riding a Horse
If you are dreaming about riding a horse, this is usually your subconsciousness reflecting your control and power. You are in a strong position right now, and you have the confidence to move forward on your journey.
There is a feeling of liberation with this dream, and it is like you have the whole world in your hands. You are going after your goals, with your inner strength leading you forward.
Dreaming About An Uncontrollable Horse
Perhaps you are riding a horse in your dream, but you feel as if you cannot really control it. You have the reigns in your hands, but the horse is going in the completely wrong direction!
As horses usually represent our drive and freedom, an uncontrollable horse suggests that you are losing control of your future. Outside influences are impacting your ability to go after your goals, and you are starting to feel as if you are not able to truly be yourself.
If you are having these dreams, it is time to reflect on where you are on your journey and what you really want from life. It may be a time for introspection, exploring meditation and journaling to help you get back on track.
If your plans are affected by outside forces, think about why these forces are affecting you so much. Is there anything you can do to untangle yourself from these influences, so you can focus solely on your own path?
Dreaming About Horses Running Toward You
Dreaming about horses running toward you can be pretty scary! However, this dream does not necessarily mean anything negative. In fact, this dream usually suggests that big changes are coming your way.
Changes are important in life. Without change, we cannot grow and experience life to the fullest. However, it can be hard to really embrace these changes.

If you are dreaming about horses running toward you, know that you have the power to accept and embrace the changes that are coming your way. It may be difficult at first, but change is important. This change may actually be something that you really need in life.
Dreaming About Falling Off a Horse
As horses usually represent power, control, and freedom, dreaming about falling off a horse suggests that you have had a setback in life. You have lost a bit of control in an aspect of your life and things are feeling pretty chaotic for you.
But remember, when you fall off a horse, get right back in the saddle! Setbacks are a part of life. Nothing ever goes as planned, and outside forces are always impacting our journey forward. It is important to dust yourself off, get back on the (metaphorical) horse, and set your gaze on the future.
Dreaming About a Horse Attacking You
If you are having dreams about horses attacking or biting you, your subconsciousness feels as if there is a part of you that is being repressed. Horses represent freedom, but in this dream, the horse is not happy. So, we can understand this dream serving as a bit of a wake-up call for you!
There is something deep within you that has a desire for freedom. Are you suppressing a part of your personality that you believe should not be shown? Are you ignoring your goals because you think that they are silly?
What this dream is referring to may be obvious to you. However, you may need to work out what the horse is representing. If so, you may gain from shadow work. With shadow work, we connect with different aspects of our personality that are hidden or repressed. By journaling and using shadow work prompts, you can explore your shadow side and work out what this dream about horses really means.
Dreaming About Wild Horses
Are you having dreams about horses running wild? Perhaps in the dream, you are watching a herd of wild horses as they race through the countryside.
In order to understand this dream, it is useful to reflect on your feelings in the dream. The wild horses in this dream represent freedom, but what are your emotions toward them?
If you are watching the wild horses and feel sad and disappointed, your subconsciousness may be telling you that you are not truly free. Perhaps you are not expressing yourself, lacking an outlet for your true feelings.
If you are feeling excited and happy when watching the wild horses, the dream usually suggests that you feel connected to their freedom. Like the horses, you are strong-minded and not afraid to go where you want.
Dreaming About Dead Horses
It is always pretty horrible to dream about dead animals, especially when they are as magnificent as the horse!
When we dream about death, it usually signifies a change in our life. Like the Death card in Tarot, death in dreams reflects rebirth and renewal.
If you are having dreams about horses dying, reflect on your journey in life and what may be coming to a close. Perhaps there are new opportunities and experiences on the horizon for you, with a personal transformation about to occur. You are at the end of one life and the beginning of the next, and it is important to embrace the next stage. You may need to leave things in the past to completely move forward on your journey.
Dreaming About Horses: Specific Colors and Their Meanings
Sometimes, the color of the horse we are dreaming about is significant. This is because we associate different colors with different emotions and themes, and thus our subconsciousness uses these associations when we dream.
Let’s have a look at the different colors of horses and what they might mean for you.
White Horses
The color white is usually associated with peace and purity. Because of this, dreaming of white horses usually reflects your own sense of peace regarding your freedom and strength.
You are in a positive place right now, with the right mindset to overcome obstacles. You know you have the inner power and smarts to move forward in life. Furthermore, you know in the end that everything will be alright.
Brown Horses
The color brown is associated with the earth and material goods. If you are dreaming about brown horses, you are grounded and centered and able to use your common sense to figure out your goals and go after them.

If you are dreaming about brown horses, your freedom is something that is extremely important to you. You view your freedom in a practical way, knowing that it is important to be yourself in order to achieve your goals. Success is on the horizon if you keep dreaming about brown horses, as the pragmatic side of you is pushing you toward your true self.
Black Horses
If you are dreaming about black horses, your subconsciousness is revealing that there are mysteries of your own personal power that you have not yet tapped into. It may suggest that a change of views and beliefs is coming your way.
If you are having a lot of dreams about black horses, it may be a good time to explore your spirituality. Working with Tarot, learning about auras, and connecting with your spirit guides are all great ways to tap into this personal power being reflected in your dream.
Red Horses
The color red is associated with passion and desire. Because of this, dreaming about red horses suggests that you may not be going after your true passions.
Are you being honest with yourself regarding your goals and dreams? Are you in touch with your passions?
It may be time to reflect on who you are and explore the different sides of your personality. By doing so, you will be able to discover what your true path in life is, allowing your passions to flourish and grow.
Are You Having Dreams About Horses?
Dreaming about horses are actually pretty common and usually have positive meanings. If you are having dreams abut horses, it is time to reflect on freedom and strength, working out what these words mean for you.
If you are wanting to learn more about the hidden meanings behind your dreams, check out my in-depth guide to dream interpretation. This guide has everything you need to know abut dreams and what they mean!