Have you ever wondered if you’ve truly mastered the art of balance in life? For many of us, it’s a constant pursuit of harmony and equilibrium.
Enter the Temperance Tarot card—a symbol of finding balance even amidst life’s challenges. This card often appears when the universe wants you to recognize your ability to enjoy well-being.
The keys to achieving this include higher learning, persistence, patience, and a clear vision of your desires. Let’s delve into the Temperance Tarot card meanings below.
Temperance Tarot Card Keywords
Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Temperance tarot card meaning and its connection to love, work, and life, first a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Major Arcana card.
Upright | Balance, moderation, good health, cooperating with others, finding solutions |
Reversed | Imbalance, discord, hastiness, overindulgence, risky behavior |
Yes or No | Yes |
What Does the Temperance Tarot Card Mean in Tarot?
The Temperance Tarot card shows balance, harmony, and moderation. It encourages finding a middle ground in various aspects of life, including emotions and actions. This unique card suggests patience and the blending of opposing forces to achieve a harmonious outcome.
Temperance advises against extremes, urging a measured and thoughtful approach to situations. Overall, it symbolizes a need for re-balance and moderation to achieve overall well-being and success.
Temperance Tarot Card Description
One of the most beautiful Tarot cards, Major Arcana number fourteen, features a lovely angel standing over water. Known as Temperance, this angel is dipping one of her feet into the pool of water while the other is positioned on the shore.
The background surrounding the water is lush and contains what represents life’s ‘highs and lows,’ such as treacherous mountains and blossoming flowers.
The overall essence of this card is one of peace and harmony. In the angel’s hands are two cups with water flowing in between. This spiritual being wears a white robe with a triangle in the center, which symbolizes unity as well as healing and the ability to find a middle ground regardless of the situation at hand.
Now, let’s delve into the Temperance Tarot card meanings!
Upright Temperance Tarot Card Meaning
Avoid all extreme situations when the upright Temperance is a focal point in reading. Although there are times to ‘go for the jugular,’ this isn’t the angel’s message.
Some situations are complicated and require patience and special care, even when your emotions are telling you to react. Temperance is actually a skill, and like any other skill, practice makes perfect. Hold back from quick judgment. Resist the temptation to react immediately.
Are there areas of your life in which you need to find balance? Could you benefit from learning to remain calm during moments of distress? Temperance shows you have the strength to do so.
Upright Temperance Tarot Card Love Meaning
The Temperance upright represents harmony, meaning a peaceful and beneficial relationship is on the horizon. If you’re single, prepare to meet someone who is the perfect piece of your puzzle. If you’re already committed, your partnership is getting ready to hit a new wavelength.
The only exception here is when you’re involved in a relationship or marriage where tons of fighting is happening. If this is the case, you’ll need to take a much different approach than what’s happening in the present.
When things aren’t going right, we tend to point fingers at our partner and complain about every fault and flaw. This is useless since we can’t change another person.
Instead of continuing with the battle, the Temperance card in a love Tarot reading suggests putting your pride aside to find a middle path and restore balance.
Fostering cooperation with your spouse, even if you’re the person who has to say ‘sorry,’ can mean the difference between success and failure.
Upright Temperance Tarot Card Career and Money Meaning
Temperance advises against big purchases, lavish vacations, massive career shifts, or risky investments at this time.
Because Temperance is a synonym for balance, it usually shows up in career, business, and financial readings when things need to be better managed.
Do you have a budget? Do you manage your time and resources properly? What goals have you set for yourself? If the answers to these questions aren’t clear, this is a place to start reflecting.
If you already know what you’re working toward, practice patience.
Hard work and dedication are always required in the material world, but so is good timing. Sit back and assess everything that is involved in what you’re trying to do.
Always keep one foot on the ground, and when you see the right moment, close the deal, go for the promotion, or make the investment.
Upright Temperance Tarot Card Health Meaning
In general, the Temperance card is a sign of good health in the present and future. In health and spirituality readings where physical or emotional health is a concern, Temperance points to a problem with moderation.
When it comes to alcohol, drugs, unhealthy food, and other things harmful to our bodies and minds, the Temperance card suggests cutting these things out completely (abstinence) if a sense of balance can’t be found.
Doing so will bring about healing as well as renewed energy. When connected with the Fool, unexpected healing is on the way.
Reversed Temperance Tarot Card Meaning
When the Temperance reversed appears in a reading, it means things will come tumbling down.
Most likely, you’ve felt off-kilter for a while and have been dealing with discord at work, at home, and in your own body. You may even feel a lack of purpose and like you don’t know what you’re supposed to do with your life.
If so, don’t worry too much, as this is the exact opposite of what the angel of Temperance would advise you to do. Instead, take an honest look at things as they are right now.
Are there areas where you’re being too risky or overindulgent? You don’t have to make a sweeping change. Consider your own best interest and start with small modifications if you get the Temperance reversed in a Tarot reading.
Reversed Temperance Tarot Card Love Meaning
If you often see things as all or nothing, the Temperance reversed in a love reading suggests it’s time to embrace the gray areas. Your intensity might be surprising now, but forcing love isn’t always effective. Practice patience and avoid extremes in your emotions and desires.
Instead of instantly rejecting a date for a small issue, consider being more understanding. Don’t set unrealistic expectations; remember, nobody is perfect, and it’s essential to keep your desires reasonable, especially for singles exploring potential partners.
Reversed Temperance Tarot Card Career and Money Meaning
The Temperance reversed meaning regarding is associated with imbalance. If you’re all-in, neglecting other aspects of life, or if you’re slacking off, imbalance could harm your long-term success.
Correct this by finding a balance in your approach, ensuring you don’t rush through projects—quality work matters.
In finances, the reversed Temperance suggests adjusting extremes. Whether you splurge on luxuries or are overly frugal, both approaches may be unsustainable.
Find a middle ground that considers both immediate and future well-being. Balance your financial goals with rewarding yourself for your hard work in a way that ensures comfort in the long term.
Reversed Temperance Tarot Card Health Meaning
Temperance reversed in a health Tarot reading signals a serenity imbalance. This card, in a reversed position, suggests that extremes in your lifestyle, such as overindulgence or strict deprivation, could be impacting your health negatively.
It’s a reminder to find a middle ground, balancing self-care with moderation. Avoid rushing through health-related decisions or making reckless choices; quality choices matter. Overall, this Major Arcana card encourages you to seek harmony and more balance in your approach to health.
Important Temperance Tarot Card Combinations
In a spread, the presence of one card can influence the meaning of other cards. Certain cards match up well and can change each other’s meaning.
Below, we wrote down the most important Temperance combinations.
Temperance and the Charior or the World
Together, the Chariot Tarot card and Temperance personify a move or overseas travel.
If you’ve been considering relocating, this combination gives a thumbs up. Start looking into options for moving, what it will take to make it happen, and prepare a timeline.
The same is true if you want to take a trip somewhere far away. This isn’t something you’ll want to rush into, but a solid plan can make this a beneficial decision for all involved.
Temperance and Judgement
These two cards represent confusion. Temperance embodies balance, while the Judgement Tarot card is about doing what is right. Are you faced with a tough decision?
This duo urges you to make the choice that benefits not only you but also everyone else that the outcome affects. With the greater good in mind, you’re sure to choose the correct path.
Temperance and the Star
When dancing with the Star, the angel of Temperance brings forth life changes. In fact, this is Temperance’s goal when this combination appears – to help you get your life together.
Let’s face it. We all have areas of our lives that we need improvement. Maybe you need better communication with a certain family member or need to focus a little more on eating right.
Perhaps you’ve been spending too much money or haven’t been that productive at work. Now is the time to strengthen these weak points and take a balanced and moderate approach to life.
Temperance and the Wheel of Fortune
Prepare to go on a journey, but not one of physical nature. Temperance and the Wheel of Fortune hold great power, especially when connected, since joining can mean a quest for one’s destiny.
Perhaps you feel you have some great reason for living (we all do) but can’t quite figure out what it is exactly. Now is the time to put your finger on your life force and start making decisions that will catapult you in that direction.
Is Temperance Card Positive?
Yes, the Temperance card is generally considered positive in Tarot readings. It symbolizes balance, harmony, and moderation. When this card appears, it suggests that finding a middle ground and blending opposing forces will lead to positive outcomes. It encourages patience, a measured approach, self-balancing, and the avoidance of extremes.
Overall, the Temperance card in a Tarot reading is a positive sign, bringing balance to various aspects of your life.
What is the Advice of the Temperance Tarot Card?
The Temperance meaning is associated with self-evaluation, balance, harmony, and moderation. It encourages you to blend opposing forces and avoid extremes. Moreover, this unique card suggests taking a measured and patient approach to situations, allowing time for things to unfold naturally.
It advises against rushing decisions and emphasizes the importance of maintaining equilibrium for well-being. Ultimately, the advice of the Temperance card is to re-examine everything and embrace a harmonious and balanced lifestyle.
Temperance Meaning: Closing Thoughts
That’s all for the Temperance Tarot card meanings! If you have pulled the Temperance in your spread, we hope you will find harmony and enjoy well-being, even when faced with challenges.
Did the Temperance meaning make sense in your situation? Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings, so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!
Taja says
Thankyou and yes it makes a lot of sense and gives good advice and direction at this time of my life
Janet Silva says
Thank you I got a lot out of this.
Wille says
Hey Janet, thank you for your feedback! ????
Logan says
I really appreciate reading this at the exact moment I needed to read the message.. I have alot to work on with the wonderful descriptions you have provided .. I know the more I go within and in my heart space the more the spiritual work I continue doing can manifest into reality in positive ways. It’s now reflection time for me and to look at things in a different perspective , like other people’s perspectives and when situations come up that can be intense or chaotic,stop and take notice and not react quickly but think and pace things out to where my energy involved or decisions are for the best or all involved..
Wille says
Hello Logan, thank you for your comment! I am happy to hear my article found you exactly when you needed it ✨ I agree with you that our spiritual work manifests into the material world, affecting our reality in a positive way ????