Have you been having dreams about numbers and now you’re wondering what they could mean. Are your dreams trying to tell you something? Perhaps some sort of message? Or even a warning?
Dreams have long been a source of wonder and curiosity so it’s no surprise if you have been having dreams that leave you with strong feelings that you may wonder if they mean a little bit more.
Dreams about numbers can have a wide and colorful variety of meanings. People often find that dreams that have a strong focus on a specific number are usually their subconscious trying to reach them through the noise of their waking life.
By studying our dreams and deciphering their meanings to us we can find answers, solutions, and even comfort within them.
So, are you ready to find out what your dreams may be trying to tell you? Keep reading to find out what you need to know about your number dreams.
Dreams About Numbers: Places
When we dream about numbers, as important as the actual number is, where they are in our dreams can have a profound effect on their interpretations. You may even find that the placement of the numbers within your dreams is the key to fully unraveling their messages and meanings.
Dreams About Numbers on a Calendar
If you have been having dreams about numbers on a calendar there are a few things this could represent. You may have certain difficulties ahead of you in the future.
If the numbers are on a specific date that has meaning to you it may mean you have been building up other anticipation or fear of the upcoming event.

It may be a warning to stay on your toes, keep your eyes open, and be prepared for challenging circumstances that are in your future.
These challenges can show face with any facet of your life. Your job, your relationships, and even your family. So be prepared to face these challenges with courage.
Dreams About Numbers in the Sky
Dreams about numbers in the sky may be a warning to stop chasing the unattainable. Keep your feet firmly rooted to the ground and focus on the things that are within your grasp right now. However, it may also be a reflection of your commitment to your life goals.
Have you felt as though someone has been holding you back, stopping you from fully realizing your growth? This could be the message for you, it’s time to shed those dead weights so you can reach new heights in your professional and personal life.
Alternatively dreams about numbers in the sky may be a celebration of new beginnings, growth, and fruitfulness. Maybe you have already shed the weights that were holding you back in your life. This is a sign that you are on the right path.
Dreams About Phone Numbers
If you have been feeling worried, you may have been dreaming about phone numbers recently. This is now a message that an important visit will happen in your near future, a visit that will bring with it good news and support your future growth and success.

If you can remember the exact digits of the phone number in your dream this could indicate that there is something you have allowed to pass you by that is unfinished.
You may know what that situation is right away, but if you don’t have patience. Your subconscious will reveal it to you so that you can gain clarity and close the book on whatever was unfinished before.
Dreams About Lottery Numbers
Dreams about lottery numbers may signify that you desire massive change within your life. This could be financial but it could also mean that you need a situational change too. You have a strong desire to be financially stable and secure.
If you have dreamt about winning the lottery, this positive omen signifies that great change, peace, and positivity are headed your way. You may have been experiencing a rather turbulent time in your life up till now. Do not fear, that chaos will end very soon.
However, losing the lottery is a warning that now is not the time to take risks. You need to remain cautious before you make any big life decisions and give yourself time to truly come to a decision you are happy with.
Dreams About House & Apartment Numbers
Dreams about numbers that appear on apartment or house doors usually signify your desire for stability and security. Both in your professional career and your finances. If the house in your dream belongs to you this could be a sign that this security is very close to becoming a reality for you.

However, if the home belongs to someone else this may indicate that you are stuck living in the past. Either comparing your happiness from then to now or regretting certain life choices. You need to let go of whatever the past held for you if you want to move on to greener pastures.
Dreams About Numbers 1-9
Dreams about numbers are a common dream type, more often than not dreams about numbers convey messages to us about the need for more organization within our waking lives. However, each different number has its own significance that can alter your subconscious message.
Experts in the numerology field also tell us that single digits have far more significance than double or triple digits. Unlike, angel numbers, where the appearance of two or three of the same number increases the power of the message, within our dreams single digits are far more powerful.
For example, say the number 32 keeps appearing in your dreams. You should add to gather both the numbers 3 and two (equalling 5) to get the actual number message you are receiving. For this reason, I have stuck to the single-digit numbers, 0 to 9, and their symbolic meanings.
The Number 0
Within numerology, the number zero represents the circle of life, origin, completion, or wholeness. If your dreams about numbers consistently show you the number 0 it may indicate that you are experiencing a feeling of wholeness within your life.
However, the number zero can also signal a feeling of going in circles. This could be a sign that you need to break certain habitual patterns that you keep repeating if you want to experience growth within certain areas of your life.
The circumstances in your life that feel a little groundhog day-like need to be broken to reach a life of complete wholeness.
The Number 1
Dreams about the number one can symbolize new beginnings, individuality, and success but they can also stand for self-doubt and selfishness. The key to unraveling the message from your dreams about numbers is by having a deeper look at your current circumstances.
Dreaming about the number 1 may indicate new opportunities and successes will reveal themselves to you very soon. The number 1 is also the number from where all manifestation begins so this may be a sign that you need to put all your thoughts and focus into the very thing you desire the most. Manifestation is at its highest power for you right now so take advantage.

Dreaming of the number 1 can also be a sign of your desire to exert more indolence in your life. Work on your courage, you will need to make decisions that only you will have the answer for. Set aside your self-doubt and start believing in your skills and possibilities.
However, the number 1 in dreams about numbers can also be a warning. A message that you should start considering how you behave towards others. You may have been allowing your ego to rule your decisions which can create a life revolved solely around yourself.
You need to start paying attention to those around you. A life void of compassion, empathy, and connection will only breed loneliness and negative solitude.
The Number 2
The number two signifies balance, partnership, diversity, and service to others. These number dreams can be a confirmation or a gentle warning of what lies ahead if you don’t change your current path.
Dreams of 2’s, like dreaming of the number 2222, can be a sign that all is well within your life and relationships. You have found the balance and harmony you have craved for and it’s even starting to seep into the deeper recesses of your dreams. However, it can also signify a lack of balance.
It may be a call for you to work on your work/life balance. Perhaps you have been so focused on building a career you are proud of that you have forgotten that your life is also for living.
If you are in a relationship this may indicate that you need to put your partner’s desires before your own for a while, especially if you have been focused only on what you need. This can also be said for a friendship.
If you have been seeing the number two in your dreams you may have a choice ahead of you that needs to be made. Your indecisiveness and lack of independence when it comes to your own thoughts have made this choice hard but there is no avoiding it now and you must stand on your own two feet when it comes to which choice you make.
The Number 3
The number three is associated with creativity, self-expression, and the union of the mind, body, and soul. Dreams about numbers convey all sorts of messages but the number three can be a very exciting one to receive.
Symbolizing growth and abundance, this could be a sign that all your ideas, goals, and ideals are coming to fruition. That all the work you have been doing to connect your inner and outer self to the universe is finally paying off and the life you so greatly desire is within reach.

Creatively, the number three is an omen for free-flowing creativity. If you have been experiencing a block to your method of creativity, this is a sign that whatever was standing in your way has been removed. If you haven’t lived a life of creativity this is a little nudge for you to start creating. Pick up a new hobby that stokes those fires. Whether it be art, music, writing, or even dance.
However, when the number 3 appears in your dreams about numbers this could be an indication of scattered energy and even communication problems. Yet, this dream interpretation is defined by the context of your dream.
The Number 4
The number four in numerology is a number of great strength and support. However, it can also symbolize limitations and a sense of restriction. If fours have been appearing in your dreams about numbers this may be a sign that you need to start thinking outside of the box.
Your waking life may feel very calm, steady, and stable right now. Dreaming of the number four is a reflection of this calm state you are experiencing in your waking life. The number four specifically points towards matters of the home and the strength of your home life.
This number also indicates that everything is working as it should and that to achieve the goals you need to continue on your path of hard work and diligence. Focusing on the strength of the foundations of the work you are doing to create your ultimate dreams is incredibly important.
However, dreams about numbers when they involve the number four may be indicating that your lack of flexibility may be holding you back. If your goals feel forever outside of your reach you may need to let lose a little bit more and allow things the freedom to create themselves.
The Number 5
The number 5’s appearance in your dreams about numbers can symbolize activity, resourcefulness, impulsiveness, and energy. This number may be suggesting that changes may be coming into your life to alter its entire course. Don’t be surprised if you feel a sudden urgency to travel and experience adventure. This urge will shake things up in your life and help you to discover something new.
You may have been feeling a desire to break free from constraints and old ways of thinking in your waking life. The number 5 may be telling you that it’s time to live your life with more passion and align your goals with your greater life purpose.

This appearance of the number 5 may also be a reflection of how you are becoming more intone with your five senses. Stay the course and pursue your personal truths.
Alternatively, a number 5 appearing in your dreams about numbers may suggest you are experiencing a lack of focus, or perhaps your life outlook has become far too materialistic. It may be time to look at your over-indulgent, addictive, and compulsive behaviors and make some changes.
The Number 6
The number six is very focused on love, family, the home, union, and domesticity. The appearance of this number in your dreams about numbers may indicate that you are feeling especially peaceful or relaxed when it comes to your domestic life.
This may be the reminder you needed to spend more time with your loved ones such as your friends, family, and other special people in your life. Our lives can run away with us very quickly, our priorities can slip out of balance. Pull that balance in and focus on the relationships you value.
The number 6 is all about love and if you have felt the lacking that comes from walking this world alone, do not fear. The appearance of this number may indicate that a new love will enter your space very soon. This number can also signify your need for stability across all areas of your life.
However, the appearance of the number 6 may also be a sign that you have unrealistic expectations, difficulty accepting love, and even feelings of being low of energy with nothing left to give. This is a sign that your thoughts and actions are out of balance.
The Number 7
The number 7 is a number of great luck. Symbolizing a higher level of knowledge, birth, re-birth, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment. Dreaming of this number may be a sign that whatever you are struggling with will soon pass and you will find great success.
The wonders of this number can also signify a great spiritual awakening is hurtling its way towards you. Pay attention to your inner growth and intuition to aid your continuing growth.
You may finally experience the healing you have desired although you may need to introduce meditation into your days as a form of contemplation and deep thought to find greater spiritual awareness.
The number 7 could be a message that you are on the right path. That everything is working as it should, all obstacles in your path will either fall away or you will overcome them. Your positive work, both physical and manifestation, will come to fruition very soon.
On the flip side, depending on the circumstances of your dream, the number 7 may reflect your feelings of being misunderstood by others. You may be having difficulty when maintaining relationships and having negative feelings of isolation and separateness.
The Number 8
The number 8 is a rather exciting number to have appear in your dreams. This number stands for infinity, material wealth, power, abundance, karma, and material wealth. This number of abundance can signify a manifestation within any facet of your life. Whether it be your financials, your love life, or your personal happiness.
The number 8 is a suggestion that you need to start trusting your intuition and your instincts if you want to manifest your goals and dreams. However, don’t forget that for your manifestations to work you need to create action. Keep your eyes open for all opportunities that are laid before you and act on them.

In your dreams about numbers, the number 8 is an indicator that financial wealth is on its way to you. Keep the faith and trust that all your financial and material needs will soon be met. Ensure your finance are well managed and keep on top of them to avoid any serious debt.
However, with such a strong reflection on material and financial wealth, there also comes greed and abuse of power. The number 8 can sometimes be a warning that you are overbearing or bossy. These are challenges that you will be faced with and must overcome.
The Number 9
In your dreams about numbers, the number 9 signifies the end of a cycle. Symbolizing completion of endings, leadership, inspiration, closure, and service to others. The number 9 comes before the number ten and this is why it is also viewed as a number of great transitions. You may be right at the beginning of a brand new change in your life, this is a message for you to prepare yourself.
This number appearing in your dreams about numbers may suggest that you are about to enter a brand new phase of your life. However, to enter this new phase you need to be prepared to let go of what you experienced before. Let feelings of anxiety and trepidation go, and trust that your journey is going exactly where it needs to go.
The number 9 is also a great number for a spiritual awakening, it suggests that you are very spiritually advanced. That you are on the right path and that to continue growing and acquiring spiritual knowledge you need to trust your intuition. Use your natural skills to help others and serve your community.
However, the number 9 can be a warning for some of your behaviors. You may be behaving very unsympathetically or even intolerant of other people and their ideas. To keep growing open your heart and mind to others and how they think and see the world.
Dreams About Numbers: Different Types
Your dreams about numbers can take on a wide variety of meanings, not just depending on the actual number you see and where you see it but also on the different types that may reveal themselves within your dreams about numbers.
Below are some of the most common types of numbers that may show up in your dreams and what they may mean for your life both present and future.
Roman Numerals
Roman numerals are an ancient way of writing out numbers. If they begin to show up in your dreams about numbers they may signify a setback you are experiencing within your life that will show up over the next few days. Typically these numerals symbolize a possible financial loss that you may experience soon.

Roman numerals are often bad omens and they reflect negative emotions that you have been harboring. This is a message that you need to control your strong negative emotions like anger and anxiety. Your emotions are causing an imbalance within your life that needs to be corrected.
Dreaming of roman numerals may also denote the initials of someone in your waking life. Meaning that each numeral stands for an actual letter in our alphabet.
Even Numbers
Dreams about numbers that are even can be a strong reflection of your high self-esteem and your happiness with the current state of your life. Dreaming of even numbers may even indicate that you will be blessed with good news very soon.
However, there will also be a need for extra contemplation and concentration over the next few days. Some important yet delicate decisions will need to be made. If you take the time to deliberate your decisions the answers will bear fruitful abundance.
Although you are currently in a joyful time of life, the roller coaster of circumstances we experience is hinged on delicate decisions. Take the time right now to be calm and thoughtful. Don’t make any rash decisions that could alter the course of your life for the worse. Draw upon your own wisdom as you ponder the questions you need to be answered.
Odd Numbers
Dreams about numbers that are odd can be a precursor for lots of luck entering your life over the next few days. You will be presented with opportunities for happiness and prosperity. This is also the mark of a new life cycle that may begin for you.
However, dreaming of odd numbers can signify that you are feeling as though something or someone is missing from your life. You need to take the time for deep introspective thought to work out where this feeling of lack is coming from and how you fill it with joyfulness and happiness.
Use mediation to connect with your inner self. This way you can find the answer to your feelings of longing and decide what your next steps should be.
Repeated Numbers
Dreaming of repeated numbers, like the number 333, is a sign that the universe believes you have something in your past that you have been ignoring for a long time. You may have been hiding from these situations and avoiding bringing them closure. By avoiding them you are limiting your ability to grow and move forward.

Dreams of the numbers that are repeated are not to be ignored. Take the time to look through every aspect of your life. Face these situations with courage so that they can be resolved and you can continue your journey of growth.
Are You Ready to Discover the Meaning of Your Dreams About Numbers?
Dreams about numbers are often reflections of the current state of our lives and our state of mind. They reveal things we have been avoiding or have been unwilling to recognize. However, they can also be great sources of confirmation for things we already know but haven’t been quite sure of. There’s a way of dealing with these fears by looking them right in the eye, and your dreams are just the starting point.
Dreams about numbers are also incredibly personal to whoever is dreaming of them and each interpretation can be different depending on the number type, situation, placement, and even the type of number you are dreaming of.
Have you been having dreams about numbers? What do you think they have been telling you?