The Ace of Pentacles and Two of Pentacles are focused on accomplishing things alone. But the Three of Pentacles reminds us that there is a particular strength in a shared vision and teamwork.
John C. Maxwell, a successful American author says that “teamwork makes dream work” in his book of the same name. The three individuals depicted in the Three of Pentacles tarot card would certainly agree with this sentiment.
Generally speaking, it’s a positive card to get in a Tarot spread. If this card has presented itself as part of your spread, be ready to embrace your inner circle and work together to make the most of what is on the horizon.
Table of Contents
Three of Pentacles Key: At a Glance
Before we dive deeper into the upright- and reversed Three of Pentacles meaning, let’s discuss the most important words represented by this Minor Arcana card.
Upright | Teamwork, focused effort, growth and learning, mastery, recognition |
Reversed | Lack of collaboration, no motivation, few goals, misalignment |
Yes or No | Yes |
Numerology | 3 |
Element | Earth |
Planet | Saturn |
Astrological Sign | Capricorn |
Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Description
To fully understand the Three of Pentacles tarot card meaning, we’ll take a look at the illustration, its colors, and its symbolism.

The number three is considered holy in many religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Wicca. Biblically, it also represents wholeness, perfection, and completion. The trio shown in the Three of Pentacles embodies these symbols and conveys the power of collaboration.
The archway in the center of the scene includes three disk-shaped pentacles that are linked. These emblems embody the meaning of the Three of Pentacles and represent integration and partnership.
The card depicts a young apprentice working on something in a cathedral. He’s standing on a bench and looking back at the two men, a priest, and a nobleman, who are guiding him. Some tarot decks also show these two men holding plans, characterizing them as architects of the building.
Regardless of their roles, the elders and the stonemason are an obvious team. At the moment the duo is listening to the stonemason. It looks like he’s discussing his progress, and even though he’s less experienced, the body language of the two-man shows us that they value his opinion because of his specialist expertise and skills.
This representation suggests that working on projects with others as a team is essential to bringing things to completion and it’s the key to a fulfilling life. I’m sure our stonemason and the two elders on the card would agree with that.
Three of Pentacles Upright Meaning
If you are familiar with pentacles, then you would already know that this suit is usually associated with security and growth in many different areas. Because the pentacles look like coins and are often illustrated this way in tarot sets, we often assume they are always associated with finances.
Yet, the upright Three of Pentacles is less about money and more about mastery. It represents studying and apprenticeship and provides you with encouragement that you are on the right track. It reminds you that you’re competent at what you do and that you are making progress.
However, just like the Stoneman and the architects couldn’t build the cathedral on their own, the Three of Pentacles card can also be a sign to collaborate with others.
The card advises you not to ignore the talents of the others that surround you and encourage you to create synergies to accomplish even greater results.
Money and Career Meaning
When it comes to the Three of Pentacles, some ‘r’ words abound. If you have drawn this card in a tarot reading, reward, and recognition are on the horizon. However, this is only true if you are willing to put in the hard work.
This card in a career Tarot spread denotes dedication and a strong work ethic. As you can see in the illustration, the apprentice is not standing on the sidelines watching. He is focused on the task at hand, as are the others in the cathedral.
If the Three of Pentacles appears to you, you should consider it a sign that now is the time to jump into a new team project or financial venture. This could be a business idea, a possible promotion, going back to school, or something else you are passionate about.
Just keep in mind that this is not something to tackle in solitude. You’ll need to collaborate with others to see improvement in your financial status. It means that dedication and teamwork are essential for expecting a financial reward.
Love and Relationships Meaning
The collective spirit of the Three of Pentacles makes it a welcome card for relationship and love tarot reading. In general, it represents love and acceptance from those around you. Friendships, family connections, and romantic relationships will flourish under the pentacle trio’s guidance.
If you are single and looking for that special someone, the appearance of the Three of Pentacles suggests seeking help from others such as a trusted friend or even a matchmaker to fulfill your desire. Once you have a guide of sorts, a new partner is likely to come forward to make your life more colorful.
By the same token, if you are already in a relationship, the outlook is a good one. If you focus on laying a solid foundation of trust, respect, and communication, your union will flourish. The card suggests that your bond with your partner will become even stronger and you’ll lead a happy life.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
When it comes to health and spirituality, the Three of PentaclesTarot card tells you that all of your hard work, dedication, and determination will be starting to pay off and the results will soon be visible. You just need to make sure that you don’t give up!
Additionally, if you are in need of healing or improvement when it comes to specific issues or overall wellness, now is the time for action. Whether it is spiritual or physical, you shouldn’t deal with it on your own.
You need to collaborate with a skilled person, such as a doctor, therapist, personal trainer, or religious leader, to figure out the right solution. Doing so will allow this pentacle’s essence of collaboration to lead to increased motivation and positive results.
Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

Now, we will talk a bit more about what it means if you’ve pulled the Three of Pentacles tarot card in the reversed position.
When reversed, the Three of Pentacles represents the undesirable effects of lack of focus and collaboration. It often presents itself, not in a judgmental way, but as a reminder that the African proverb “it takes a village” holds true.
For the most part, people consider the words that represent this reversal to be unfavorable. After all, phrases like lack of collaboration, no motivation, poor quality workmanship, few goals, not learning from mistakes, and little growth aren’t exactly positive.
But you shouldn’t think of the Three of Pentacles’ message as a character attack. Instead, consider it a reminder, a wake-up call, to figure out what might be holding you back.
Have you been struggling with a specific relationship or friendship? Do issues with coworkers abound? If the answer to these questions is yes and the Three of Pentacles appears to you, it means that now it’s the time to reconcile.
Instead of focusing on the negative, honing in on realigning goals, strengthening relationships, and working on communication are much needed. While it might sound a bit challenging, it is not something that’s out of your reach.
All things considered, sitting down and taking a personal inventory of every area of your life where more collaboration and motivation are needed is the first step. By doing so, you can rid yourself of the reversed Three of Pentacles warning.
Just keep in mind that there’s always a possibility of growth. New opportunities and recognition are within your reach. You only need to be willing to commit.
Three of Pentacles: Yes or No
The Three of Pentacles in a Yes or No reading is a card of ‘yesses’ especially when it comes to career and education.
Have you been thinking about going to school to learn a skill or trade? Are you looking for a mentor to help you go to the next level? Is there a different career path you’ve been considering? If so, now it’s the time.
Three of Pentacles and Astrology
In astrology, the “Three of Pentacles” symbolizes the value of cooperation and teamwork. It serves as a reminder that combining individual talents and working harmoniously can lead to remarkable accomplishments.
When you look at the Three of Pentacles in most decks, you will see three figures assembled in what appears to be a workshop, associating this card with expanding skills or gaining recognition in a trade.
This could easily fit the bill for any of the Earth Signs, so you can go with your gut instinct. However, some will look at the solid pillars portrayed in some versions of this card and associate this detailed craftsmanship with Capricorn.
Capricorn is diligent and hardworking and can persevere in even the most tedious of work settings. This sign is also associated with structures, foundations, and frameworks.
Additionally, the Three of Pentacles aligns with Taurus, another Earth Sign is known for its practicality and determination. Taurus individuals possess a strong work ethic and a steadfast commitment to honing their skills, making them ideal candidates for the achievements depicted in this card.
Regardless of the specific Earth Sign association, the card emphasizes the significance of discipline, dedication, and the pursuit of mastery within a chosen field or trade.
Important Card Combinations
The Three of Pentacles is all about teamwork, focused effort, growth, and learning. Depending on the surrounding cards, this can be in the field of love, work, or travel. Below you can find the most important card combinations of the Three of Pentacles.
Three of Pentacles and Temperance
The Three of Pentacles is all about getting the job done. The day has come when you must join forces with someone else for the greater good.
Is there a big project that you’ve been hoping to accomplish but can’t seem to complete? Is there some goal you’ve always dreamed of but aren’t sure where to begin?
If yes, then you need to recognize the importance of teamwork and collaboration and unite your talents with someone else who shares your vision and aspirations.
Temperance suggests finding a balance with someone else who can become your ‘partner in crime’.
Three of Pentacles and the Lovers
Are you seeking a new romance? If so, you won’t need to look very far. When matched with the Lovers card, the Three of Pentacles suggests your mate is at your workplace
Although most people frown upon mixing business with pleasure, it might not be such a bad idea. You just need to approach the situation with caution and maintain a professional mindset while exploring the potential for romance with your workplace mate.
Establish clear boundaries, communicate openly, and ensure that your personal and professional lives remain balanced and separate.
Three of Pentacles and the World
Are you ready to travel? This card combination says it is time–with a twist. When the World and the Three of Pentacles unite a job overseas is something to consider.
Are there opportunities in your field or perhaps a different one that would allow you to shine in a new place? If so, it might be time to take a leap of faith.
Three of Pentacles and the Three of Wands
If you don’t have future plans in motion, what are you waiting for? When these three fall in the same reading, they have a clear message: stop thinking about the past and prepare for what is yet to come.
Three of Pentacles and the Eight of Swords
Do you need a boost of inspiration? The Three of Pentacles and the Eight of Swords suggest that your confidence is running low. Perhaps you lack direction or simply don’t feel up to the job.
Since the Three of Pentacles is the card of cooperation, look for a mentor who can help you through this tough time.
Three of Pentacles in other decks

You probably already have noticed that I write all my descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. But this doesn’t mean that I don’t use other decks too.
And there are so many beautiful decks out there! Below you find a small selection of beautiful Three of Pentacles cards.
Three of Pentacles in a Reading
That’s all for the Three of Pentacles tarot card meaning! If you have pulled this card in your reading, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
I love to hear about spot-on readings so please take a minute to let me know in the comments below!
Are you a Tarot beginner? Learn how to read the tarot in this Tarot Beginners Guide.
JaNet says
I got a lot from my reading. I can see where most of it is relating to my very situation. Now I know what I need to do to start turning things around.
Willemijn says
Thanks for your comment and super happy to hear that you got a lot from your reading:)