We often say that “life is a balancing act” and the Two of Pentacles is the proper embodiment of this statement. People who are juggling multiple responsibilities, priorities, or otherwise living their lives as ‘busy bees’ often see this card appear in readings.
This card is more of a gentle reminder than a warning, and it encourages you to manage your time wisely and delegate when possible. It also aims to foster renewed self-confidence.
The Two of Pentacles reminds you that you are fully capable of succeeding at anything. All you need to do is to fully focus on the matter at hand.
Table of Contents
Two of Pentacles Tarot Card: Key Terms
The following are some of the most important key terms that are connected to the Two of Pentacles tarot card. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these terms if you want to fully understand the meaning of this card.
Upright | Finding balance, multi-tasking, perseverance |
Reversed | Imbalance, lack of organization, overextending |
Yes or No | Maybe |
Numerology | 2 |
Element | Earth |
Planet | Saturn |
Astrological Sign | Capricorn |
Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Description
The art that covers the surface of each tarot card has profound spiritual meaning. Most include people, which allows us to connect on a deeper level.
The images also assist with insightful reflection. That’s why we will first take a look at the illustration of the Two of Pentacles. It’ll help you understand the symbolism and meaning of this tarot card properly.

The scene drawn on the Two of Pentacles symbolizes what life can feel like when chaos is around us. Especially, when we are still expected to carry on with life, as usual.
- Man: In the front center of the card is a man with two large coins, one in each hand. Tilted to the side, one of the coins appears heavy, yet the man juggles them with grace. It symbolizes the ups and downs of life but the carefree nature of the man reminds us to approach these fluctuations with grace and joy.
- Hat: The man’s oversized hat, represents the importance of incorporating fun into our lives.
- Two Pentacles: The pentacles themselves represent the varying levels of scarcity and abundance we may experience in our life. They remind us that we must embrace both prosperity and challenges equally throughout our journey.
- Green band: A green band encircles the pentacles and creates the infinity sign. It shows the infinite range of experiences between the lowest and highest points of our lives.
- Ships: In the background, two ships sail on a perilous sea. They also symbolize the ups and downs in life. However, the man seems to be carefree of the chaos as he walks away from his troubles. It reminds us of our resilience and ability to overcome hardships.
Some decks even depict this juggler balancing on one of the coins with his foot or walking on a tightrope.
Solely focusing on his balancing act, the infinity symbol around the coins suggests that he is in control, and can handle unlimited obstacles, so long as he stays focused and finds balance.
Upright Two of Pentacles Meaning
Although it is not a ‘rainbows and sunshine’ card, the Two of Pentacles shouldn’t be viewed negatively. In fact, this card is actually a reminder to be both persevering and adaptable when dealing with life’s challenges.
The Two of Pentacles advises you to be balanced and indicates that you’re a master in multitasking. At the same time, it also warns you that there is a thin line between completing the tasks at hand, meeting your obligations, and losing control.
Make sure that you divide your energy, time, and resources wisely.
Money and Career Meaning
Most often, when the Two of Pentacles appears, money and finances are involved. Fluctuating wealth, decisions about large sums of money, and serious investment choices usually follow the drawing of this card.
Are you going through a period where you seem to have more money going out than you have coming in? Do you have lots of bills that need to be paid and feel as if you are “robbing Peter to pay Paul”? Don’t fret.
At the end of the day, staying focused and productive while walking forward toward a more stable future is the key to a fulfilling and successful life.
If this card appears in finance and career tarot reading, consider looking into how you can better handle your priorities and your time. Also, make sure to meet important deadlines and work obligations.
Think wisely before making any major career changes or starting a business that requires a lot of capital. Likewise, stay on top of your finances and cut back on excess spending. It’ll help you maintain equilibrium and avoid losses.
Love and Relationships Meaning
As mentioned above, the Two of Pentacles is usually about money. However, it can also represent the balancing act that must take place in a romantic partnership. Number two represents sharing and partnership. As a result, a love reading involving the juggler is not uncommon.
Are you and your spouse saving for a big purchase? Do you have debt that you are trying to pay down? Is your relationship draining you financially or in some other way? More than anything, the Two of Pentacles wants you to focus on finding a sense of steadiness.
In a relationship and love Tarot reading, the card reminds you that the balancing act can also revolve around energy rather than money. Maybe you are having trouble putting enough effort into your relationship because of other responsibilities.
Perhaps, things have become stagnant or a bit boring as you focus more on other parts of life. In most cases, the Two of Pentacles wants to draw your attention to this imbalance and encourage you to nurse these wounds. A little quality time or a vacation can do wonders.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
Think about this question for a moment. What does your body need for ultimate balance and equilibrium? Every person would answer this a bit differently.
For example, some common responses might be a balanced diet, daily exercise, and a good sleep routine. On the other hand, some might say more prayer, meditation, or time to focus on self-care.
Whatever it is that you need to keep yourself at your best, make it a priority. The Two of Pentacles urges you to maintain stability for the body and mind.
Reversed Two of Pentacles Meaning
Now, we’ll discuss the Two of Pentacles reversed meanings in detail. But first, let’s take a quick look at the reversed illustration of this card.

When in reversed position, the negative aspects of the Two of Pentacles are personified. The juggler is starting to feel overwhelmed with the constant imbalance and fumbles the coins. Do you have too many things on your plate? Have you overcommitted to too many things?
When in an upside-down position, the Two of Pentacles encourages you to look for areas of imbalance in your own life and map out ways to steady them. To do so, find ways to reduce stress while easing your body and mind.
Like the man juggling the coins, you too will be successful. You already have everything you need to walk away from your troubles. You just need to find creative ways to bring all areas of your life back into alignment.
Money and Career Meaning
If the Two of Pentacles is reversed in a career tarot spread, it suggests that you are taking on too much and spreading yourself too thin. Juggling too many tasks can lead to failure, so it is important to prioritize and delegate your workload.
Look for ways to reduce your workload and make your job more manageable. If you are already suffering the consequences of taking on too much, learn from your mistakes and move forward with a better organization.
In a financial tarot reading, the Two of Pentacles reversed is not a good sign as well. It implies financial losses and poor decision-making. You may have overspent or taken on too many loans or investments that are now causing problems.
Rather than dwelling on past mistakes, seek professional advice and create a plan to get out of debt and make better choices in the future.
Love and Relationships Meaning
In a love and relationships context, the Two of Pentacles reversed suggests that you are struggling to find balance and harmony in your romantic life.
If you are in a relationship, you may be neglecting your partner due to other demands in your life such as work or financial stress, causing tension and potentially pushing your relationship to breaking point.
But if you are single, you may be too overwhelmed with other commitments to focus on finding a new partner.
Regardless of the case, you need to make love and relationships a priority in your life and find ways to create balance. It’ll help you nurture and grow your romantic connections.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
When the Two of Pentacles appears reversed in a spiritual context, it suggests that you may be struggling to find balance in your life.
Perhaps you are too focused on material possessions and neglecting your spiritual growth. Or maybe you are taking on too much and not leaving enough time for self-care and spiritual practice.
Take a step back and assess your priorities. It’s important to make time for spiritual activities that nourish your soul and help you find inner peace. Don’t let the chaos of everyday life distract you from your spiritual journey.
Two of Pentacles: Yes or No
The Two of Pentacles in a yes or no reading doesn’t represent a definite ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Instead, it represents a ‘not just yet’. It could be that you are juggling too much already.
Having too many irons in the fire can make matters worse. So, before you make any big changes or rash decisions, take care of what you have going on right now.
Two of Pentacles and Astrology
The Two of Pentacles is aligned with the zodiac sign Capricorn. This sign is associated with the element of Earth and is ruled by Saturn. In ancient times, Saturn symbolized time, often viewed as humanity’s ultimate adversary.
Capricorn individuals are known for their diligent and hardworking nature, capable of persevering through even the most monotonous work environments.
As an earth sign, Capricorn emphasizes practicality and material needs, highlighting the importance of stability and responsibility in one’s pursuits.
The Two of Pentacles draws on these qualities, urging you to find balance, manage your resources wisely, and navigate the ups and downs of life with perseverance and discipline.
Important Card Combinations
The meaning of the Two of Pentacles can be influenced by the other cards in your spread. Especially Major Arcana cards and Court Cards can change the meaning. Below you can find the most important Two of Pentacles card combinations.
Two of Pentacles and Death
You’re going through a period of growth, and during this time you will outgrow people, places, and things. When the Two of Pentacles and Death fall together in a reading, change is imminent.
Typically, this pairing means that you have outgrown your career and will need to look for something more fulfilling.
Two of Pentacles and the Queen of Wands
The combination of Queen of Wands and Two of Pentacles suggests that you need freedom, financial freedom in particular. Think creatively about ways you can change your reality.
Do you have skills you could make a profit on? Is there a passion you’ve always wanted to monetize? Now might be the time.
Two of Pentacles and the Hanged Man
When the Hanged Man and Two of Pentacles are side by side, they predict financial setbacks. Although this isn’t considered a ‘good thing,’ nothing is permanent. It can also be used as a catalyst to look at your situation and see what can be done better in the future.
Two of Pentacles and the Four of Swords
When together, the Two of Pentacles and the Four of Swords urge you to slow down and take time to rest. You have been working so hard lately that stress has probably become an integral part of your existence.
Two of Pentacles and Temperance
The Two of Pentacles combined with the Temperance tarot card tells you that now is a time for ultimate balance.
If you have been neglecting any part of your life in any way, a shift of focus is not only needed but required.
By finding equilibrium, you’ll be able to think and make life decisions more clearly.
Two of Pentacles Tarot Art
I have to confess something: I’m kind of a hoarder when it comes to Tarot decks. And there are so many beautiful decks out there! Below you can find a selection of some of my favorite Two of Pentacles drawings.

Two of Pentacles in a Reading
That’s all for the Two of Pentacles tarot card meaning! If you have pulled this minor arcana card in your reading, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
I love to hear about spot-on readings so please take a minute to let me know in the comments below!
Wille says
Hi VR,
Thank you for your comment! For me, all these 3 Tarot Cards are about finding balance, finding a way out, as well as about acceptance. It is indeed a promising reading, and I hope it gave you some answers ????
Eva says
Dear Willemijn,
I asked my cards about a very fresh job possibility- what if I accept it? (It was a compulsion, because I’ve just lost my previous job, and It’ sounded very well first.)
And I got: 1. Ace of cups upright 2. Two of Pents reversed 3. Ten of wands reversed.
I’m here, in the new place, and it’s horrible… Lonely, boring, and there is nothing to do, and nobody to talk to-the colleagues don’t want me to be here… I want to go out of here.
It’s hard to interpret these cards(especially the 2 pents rev.)
under such circumstances.
Could you help me?
What can I expect in such circumstances?
Thank you very much in advance!
Willemijn says
Hi Eva, I interpret these three cards as follows: Ace of Cups is your past, Two of Pentacles is your present situation, Ten of Wands is your future. This combination tells me that you were feeling free and happy with a focus on your social life (past: Ace of Cups). Because of the new job, you’re starting to feel overwhelmed and imbalanced. The reversed Two of Pentacles advises you to look for these imbalances in your own life and map out ways to steady them. To do so, find ways to reduce stress while easing your body and mind. The Reversed Ten of Wands (future) warns you that if you can’t find the balance you will feel so overwhelmed that you’ll buckle under pressure. If you are in ‘overload mode’ and have lost your motivation or drive, don’t be hard on yourself. Instead, accept where you are and take some time to ‘reset.’ You’ll feel much better once you let go of having to do it all and focus on what is most important to you.
Does this make sense to you?
Eva says
Hello Willemijn,
Thank’s a lot for your answer, it’s very interesting and thoughtful!
I’ve just lost my previous job, what i liked( against all confounding factor)and immediately dropped into a new job, what is not friendly, promising, motivating. This place does not need my work at all, they employe me only because they had to fill a status … 🙁 I’m really sad. But I try to do something to fill the days.
My previous boss planes to take me back,when he will be financially able. And when I asked my cards about this possibility, I got 7 of swords reversed, The Chariot upright, and King of Swords reversed… Hmmm, i don’t know, what to think about this…
So, my present and future are really misty.
Willemijn says
I would say that the chariot is a sign of encouragement. The card is all about overcoming obstacles and achieving your goal through determination, focus, and willpower. You will feel motivated, ambitious, and in control. This will help you to get a stagnant situation moving again and overcome all the challenges that may be in your path.
The King of Swords reversed warns you to watch out for a male that will wreak havoc upon your life as this person will be careless and hurtful to you and your life.
Have a great day!