When we think about communication, we usually refer back to speaking and writing. But what about connection through the mind? Before I knew much about telepathy, just hearing the word brought up mental images of superheroes with mystical powers.
But the truth is, you don’t need a cape to be able to communicate with others mentally.
Telepathy is a gift that we all possess–and telepathic abilities are much more natural than one might think.
Passed down from our ancient ancestors, we all have the innate ability to connect with the consciousness of others.
My personal hope is that through this article, I can help you connect with and strengthen your own telepathic powers.
The practices that I have outlined here have certainly helped me take my own skills to the next level.
Table of Contents
Telepathy is the process of receiving thoughts or feelings from another person. It is a type of Extrasensory Perception (ESP.)
Telepathy usually happens over distance and without the use of other senses like hearing or touch. There are several types of telepathic activities. Here are a few:
- Reading: Hearing or sensing what is going on in the mind of another.
- Communicating: Direct communication with another without speaking.
- Impressing: Planting something into another’s person’s mind. This could be a thought or a word. It might even be an image.
- Control: Influencing or controlling the actions of another person’s thoughts or actions.
To understand telepathy, you have to understand our human makeup on a deeper level. As humans, we all have consciousness–the ability to be aware and to feel. It is everything you experience.
We also have the ability to connect with the consciousness of others. This happens by aligning your own consciousness grid with the grid of another.
Another way of thinking about this is to think about what is underneath the skin as vibrating energy. Like a radio, every one of us contains the ability to transmit a number of frequencies.
When we are able to align our frequency with the vibration of another, we can communicate telepathically. We no longer need the other senses as we have a direct connection.
One common example that we hear of quite often is twins who are able to communicate without speaking. They might finish each other’s sentences or know instantly when the other is sad or hurt.
There have been many studies on twin telepathy, but most of the evidence that such power exists is through personal accounts rather than science.
I remember reading in 2009, an amazing story about a twin who saved her sister after receiving a telepathic message that she was in distress. 15-year-old Gemma Houghten described it as a ‘sixth sense.’
She had been downstairs when she felt a sudden sense of anxiety. She felt that something was wrong with her sister, so she went up to check on her.
What she found was her twin, Leanne, unconscious in the bathtub, having suffered from a seizure. Thankfully, Gemma was able to pull her from the water and perform CPR.
So why do twins seem to be able to connect on a telepathic level more easily?
There are a bunch of different theories, one of the most plausible being this: twins have similar consciousness grids. That’s why they’re telepathically connected.
Because they were born vibrating on the same (or almost) at the same level, they don’t have to fine-tune their radios to connect. They’re already at the same station. But what does that mean for the rest of us?
For one, it means that telepathy is possible, which I think is a very powerful win. Even if that means that we have to work just a little bit harder to connect through the mind than those who shared a womb with another, the fact that it is possible equals we can too.
It also means that telepathy is a lot more intrinsic than once thought. By digging a little deeper, you may find signs that you already have telepathic powers.
If you’re old enough to read this article, you’ve probably had many different telepathic experiences already. There’s a really fine line between what is ‘psychic,’ what is a ‘premonition,’ and what is straight-up use of our telepathic abilities.
When I began writing this article, I started to include a little introduction about how, although I know a great deal about telepathy, it’s not an ability I’ve fine-tuned myself.
But as I began to type, a flood of personal experiences from childhood came back to me. Things that I considered luck at the time that now, I can see were clearly telepathic connections.
One such experience involved a man who I’m sure had very bad intentions. I was around eight or so, and most of my summer days consisted of riding my bike down a gravel road that was across the street from my house.
My friends lived at the end of this street, and playing with them was the highlight of my day.
The night before this particular experience, I had a dream that a man in a white car was planning to kidnap me. It wasn’t uncommon for me to have nightmares, but this dream was rather intense and attached to very strong feelings.
The next morning, still a little uneasy, I walked out of my front door to get on my bike. What do you think was parked at the end of the gravel road directly across from my house?
If you guessed the same white car, you’re right. I didn’t stick around to find out if my dream was right. I high-tailed it back in the house instead.
Now, you might be thinking, how is this telepathy related? For one, I wanted to make the point that children are able to better embrace their telepathic abilities instead of adults because they naturally trust their instincts.
Letting loose and trusting your gut allows you to better connect with the frequencies of others, those that mean you well, and those who don’t.
Also, telepathy often happens when we are dreaming since our sleep time is when our brain waves are at a frequency that really allows for an influx of data to flow in. Although we see time as linear, it’s really not that simple.
If you’ve studied much about the Akashic records, then you know that there is a collection of all human events.
Every thought, word spoken, emotion felt, and intent in the past, present, or future is held here. So when I dreamed of the would-be kidnapper, it was happening in real time.
Here are some other signs that you have telepathic powers.
ou’re Feeling a Sensation In Your Third-eye
Are you prone to headaches or sensations around the center of your forehead? Believe it or not, this can be a sign of telepathic abilities. Your third eye is part of your chakra system and is located between your eyebrows.
Tingling or tension in this area usually has one of two causes: your third eye is expanding, or you’re picking up telepathic energy. If this is happening to you, don’t be afraid. As you hone in on your abilities, these sensations usually subside.
You’re Really Empathetic
Telepathy and empathy are often intertwined. Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to the feelings of others. Telepathy, on the other hand, is more connected to others’ thoughts.
Another difference is that empaths usually receive while those who are telepathic can transmit as well. What starts as empathetic gifts can often be grown into telepathic ones with further development.
You Feel Close To The Spirit World
Those with gifts often feel drawn to spirituality long before they realize the power that they possess. This is because your consciousness knows the truth of your being, even if you haven’t fully awakened.
If you find yourself being drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, connecting with your ancestors, accessing your Akashic Records, or being one with the natural world, there is probably a gift waiting to be discovered.
You Easily Pick Up On Lies
Do you always know when someone is telling you a half-truth? Just like claircognizants, telepathic people can usually sense when those they are communicating with are saying things aren’t accurate. Whether they realize it or not, their inner thoughts are giving them away.
You Receive Direct Thoughts From Others
Once you’ve honed your telepathy skills, you’ll start to pick up on thoughts directly. This can be similar to clairaudience. You may ‘hear’ the thoughts, or you may ‘just know.’ Either way, telepathy will allow you to know what others are thinking.
You’re Able To Send Messages To Others
Telepathy isn’t just about hearing the thoughts of others. It also means being able to implant messages into the minds of others. Some people even take this as far as implanting messages. But of course, that takes a good bit of practice.
Like most psychic abilities, building up your ability to send and receive messages mentally is similar to building muscle. Without a guide, the process can seem overwhelming.
If you’re looking for steps to develop telepathy powers, these are a good place to begin:
Having a solid meditation practice is one of the best ways to tap into telepathic abilities. Contrary to popular belief, meditation is much more than sitting with your legs crossed chanting ‘Om.’
Meditation is the process of training your mind to focus. It is also one of the best ways to learn to redirect your thoughts.
Imagine for a moment that you are standing on one side of a busy highway, and your friend is on the other. You yell across to her, but she can’t hear you because of the cars zooming by.
Every time you open your mouth, a honk or the sound of blaring radio drowns out your voice. This is how it is to try and practice telepathy with cluttered thoughts.
Only with a clear and focused mind are we able to connect with our own consciousness and the consciousness of others.
Some people are better senders, while others, like me, are better receivers. Neither is better or worse. Just like with sports or instruments, some people are more naturally inclined toward a particular activity.
I’ve found it is best to work with what you already possess, and then once you have fine-tuned that skill, move on to the opposite.
Here’s a quick question that can help you figure out which skill you possess. Are you more likely to do the following: Pick up the phone and call a friend who then says, “I’ve been thinking about you.”
Or think of a person and then suddenly, they call. If your answer is the first, you’re probably a receiver; if it is the second, you’re more likely a sender.
When you’re interacting with others, make a conscious effort to pick up on what they’re thinking but not saying. This might come across as a feeling rather than words. You can even try this with a spouse, parent, sibling, or friend.
Have them think of their thoughts and see if they can receive the message. Just make sure you’re not practicing with a skeptic. Otherwise, there might be a vibrational block.
When it comes to mental telepathy, practice makes perfect. There’s no way to know if you’re actually getting your message across unless you’re actively trying to. One simple way to do this is an exercise called hello/goodbye.
When you walk into a room full of people or greet someone on the street, greet them as you normally would. This could be a quick wave, a smile, or even a verbal ‘hello.’ But in your mind, instead of saying hello, say ‘goodbye.’
Now here’s the important part. You must watch their facial expression. If they seem confused or surprised, they’ve probably received your message. They’ll probably never say anything out loud, most people wouldn’t, but they will almost always give a nonverbal reaction.
I’ve mentioned one of my favorite telepathy exercises for the human brain below. However, you should also research and look for other methods of strengthening your telepathic muscle once you’ve mastered this task.
To begin, find a practice partner and take a simple deck of cards, this can be just playing cards, tarot cards, or even an oracle deck.
Have your partner sit in a different location so that you can’t see each other. The ‘transmitter’ should draw four cards from the deck and lay them face down.
After flipping over one card, the transmitter should relax and focus solely on the card’s image and send this mental image to the ‘receiver.’
The receiver’s job is to try and accept the message and then relay it back to the sender. You can also take turns in each role for additional practice.
It’s important to always trust your gut and not to second guess, whether you’re sending telepathic messages or receiving them.
There have been tons of studies conducted on these paranormal phenomena. Even examples are given by people who claim to have sent or intercepted telepathic messages. Here are a few that I’ve found to be the most interesting:
Most of us know the story of Hellen Keller. After becoming deaf and blind at the age of 19 months, Keller also became mute. Unable to communicate with the outside world, she quickly turned into an out-of-control child.
Desperate, her parents brought in Anne Sullivan when Keller was six. Sullivan became her teacher and companion, able to communicate with her in a way that even her own parents could not.
This allowed her to become the first deaf/blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree. She also published 12 books, including an autobiography. Keller co-founded an institute in her name and became a world-renowned speaker and activist.
Although they did come up with a hand-signing system that explains some of Keller’s ability to learn, many people believe the two had a telepathic connection that allowed Sullivan to deliver messages and Keller to receive without traditional senses especially since she learned to speak sounds despite ever recovering her ability to hear.
Telepathy in Love
Telepathy in relationships is common for the same reason it is most seen with twins: vibrations. If you’re deeply connected to a person, you’ll likely function on the same vibrational level.
An amazing example that proves just how possible this is can be found in the car crash of 56-year-old Californian, Tracy Granger.
One freezing night in 2012, Granger was driving on a cliffside road when she suddenly hit an icy patch. This sent her car careening 350 feet down the side of the mountain.
Miraculously, the vehicle landed right-side-up, but with a fractured neck, pelvis, and several broken ribs, she was unable to seek help. This is where the story gets interesting.
Granger, knowing that she was in a place where she wouldn’t easily be found, began to communicate with her husband telepathically.
DailyMail reports that after sitting down in the snow, Granger focused on sending this message to her husband “Lee, I’m overdue. Something has happened. Figure it out.”
Her husband, sensing something was wrong, reported her missing. After 9 hours, rescuers found Granger, unconscious, and suffering from hypothermia.
Thankfully, rescue workers were able to take her to the hospital, where she made a full recovery. Still, she attributes her survival to her telepathic ability and the deep telepathic connection she shares with her husband.
Lots of animals communicate using telepathy, which leads to the question: why would some people believe that humans can’t?
Whales are a great example as they possess a form of communication that allows them to send signals to other whales, even those that are a hundred miles away.
Dolphins, cats, monkeys, and all kinds of animals also show this ability. There are even ‘animal whisperers’ who claim to be able to directly communicate with animals using telepathy.
So, those of us who believe that humans can send and receive telepathic messages might dig into animal research for more clues.
Now that you know that telepathy exists in this conscious universe, I hope that you’re feeling more confident in your own abilities and can benefit from your telepathic ability in everyday life.
You already possess everything you need to tap into consciousness and send and receive telepathic messages. Practice (and a little support) is all that is needed.
Amanda says
Over the summer I discovered that I have a strong telepathic connection to two people and not really anyone else. How I met each one of them is an amazing story. One is a woman who is now one of my best friends and I first met her by calling her name in a time of anxiety and need. She almost immediately came to where I was and I had not even met her before sending her that message. When she showed up that was the first time I ever met her. The second person I have telepathy with is now my boyfriend and I called him to me in the same way I did with my best friend and same with him I hadn’t met him or even talked to him before I called for him and he showed up not long after I sent the message. As soon as I saw him I was very drawn to him like a magnet. He has even said something similar to me. When we first held hands doing an energy transfer he said he instantly felt better and also at complete peace from my touch. The energy transfer drained him quite a bit but when I joined in he regained his strength while I remained unaffected from the energy. I can send and receive messages. When I receive messages it’s more of a feeling than anything else. It also works with me just thinking about something or someone for example just the other day I was staying with my best friend and I had woke up wanting a hot pocket which I only was thinking about and didn’t say anything about it. A bit of time passes maybe 30 minutes or so and she comes back into the room I was in with a hot pocket and says Amanda this hot pocket just jumped right out the freezer. An example with my boyfriend is more of a deeper telepathy connection because when we’re apart we can feel each other’s emotions in a way like some time ago I had broken up and kicked out my ex. My boyfriend messaged me to check on me the day after it happened and he had already known what happened with my ex and he said to me that I must’ve forgotten about our connection. Sadly he’s currently in jail but the night he was arrested I knew something was wrong because I had this sudden feeling of being sick that whole day. Since he’s in jail I’ve been lightly working on my telepathy to send him messages. I haven’t asked him yet if he has gotten the messages yet. I find I’m able to just focus on the person I’m wanting to send a message to and clear my mind then focus on what message I’m sending and I also focus good intent along with it. I’ve always had this ability ever since I was a kid I can remember knowing certain things before they happened or something as simple as a family member calling right when I would have a thought about them. I used to think it was just part of being psychic and now I know the differences. I’m wanting to really expanding my telepathy ability so I’ll be doing a lot more research on it. I’ll also be practicing it to make it stronger. The article was pretty helpful and informative.
Wille says
Thank you for your comment, it is amazing that you have these connections with people!
Wille xxxx
Sonal says
Was eager to know my telepathic abilities and how to master it. Got all my answers here. Keep writing more it really will be very helpful for the beginning of my spiritual journey. Thanks
Shellie says
Everything I just read, clears up a whole lifetime of questions I had within myself. Thank you so much. At this questionable time in my life, I really needed some clarity.
Wille says
I am so glad my article has helped you!
Wille xxxxx
Vito says
Exellent article
Josh says
I know im a very strong tellapath iv know gor years but everyone is all ways lieing to me but yet they dont deny all the things iv predicted or told them i need help
Wille says
Some people find telepathy difficult to understand
K says
Hi! What a great article! I discovered it when searching after being told by a psychic I have a strong telepathic ability and I realised I don’t really know much about it. I’m keen to develop my skills although I’m inherently bad at meditation! My mind is so busy haha! I’m going to look at the book you recommended and start there. Thanks so much
Wille says
That is wonderful, I am glad my article is helping you. Meditation can be really difficult to get the hang of at first, but it won’t be long until you start really gaining the benefits!
Good luck on your journey,
Kiyke says
I usually do not leave comments but I feel as though I should share a little snippet of my telepathic experience. Once upon a time, I had a really bad argument with my mother and before I went to bed I was crying hysterical tears and I just kept saying in my head repeatedly that I wanted my boyfriend to come and save me, just to come and pick me up take me away. At the time we had not spoken for at least a month no text, no phone calls ,no communication.
I heard a knock at my front door, and there he was in tears. He told me he heard me crying calling for him. I just balled in his arms.. What could this mean? Is it love or is he a bad spirit?
Wille says
Thank you for your email, that is super strange but very wonderful! I don’t think he is a bad spirit at all, I think he is a person just like you who can sometimes communicate through higher vibrations and consciousness. When we are angry or upset, we have a lot of energy. When our soul is connected with another soul, they can sometimes feel this energy.
Only you will know if it is love or not. Listen to your heart!
Anthony says
Please I need some kind of help, I have been having what I can only describe as telepathic like experiences.. I feel as if I’m being targeted.. no matter where I go I have 6 sense like premonitions about situations.. I hear multiple people’s spoken and un spoken words and thoughts.. I have dreams that feel so real! I’m not a believer in this kinda stuff either! I’m faithful to my Lord Jesus! I took a leap of faith and went to a local Psychic paid 120$ up front only to walk away an hour later with my cash back and the psychic saying I can’t help you and I feel like I would be wrong for taking your $ , I don’t deal in possessions or spirts and demons.. there is a Catholic Church around the corner I suggest you see the priest.. well I didn’t see the priest cuz I’m scared shitless of what might be going on.. it’s been happy for the 4-5 months and I can’t explain what brought it on.. I’m without reason or explanation.. I apologize for my crappy writing but I’m just throwing it out there as Briefly and precise as possible. Idk if any of this makes sense.. I don’t believe it or want to but I can’t keep ignoring the facts.. not to mention the others that I communicate with are living and knowingly enjoy messing with my head.. I can only hear them and smell what they smell and taste.. they can see everything I see what I’m thinking and they can see ,hear feel and smell what I am doing at all times.. if that helps or not
Wille says
Hello Anthony,
I am sorry you are going through such a rough experience. Your health and your well-being should be in the first place. So I would highly recommend seeking professional help/keep searching for an experienced psychic who can help you. So far, you can try the things that are accessible to you. I would recommend doing house cleansing (you can find different approaches to it on the internet, just pick the one you like). The second thing I would do is practicing the protective bubble, you can search the technic o the internet. For example this one. You might think of different ways to protect yourself that are accessible to you.
I hope this helps!
Love and Light,
Wille ????
Sapfi Tinnin says
I enjoyed your article, I discovered I was telepathic not long ago. Seems my abilities are developing more I have to be careful because it crosses into mind control while it appears as influence you can get someone hurt. I was able to send telepathic instructions to my own sister on what to draw and she did it seconds later. Also I can open up to see things past while in the present and even look into the future though I find sometimes its clear but othertimes you have to decode what you see. I have these in dreams and times my vision cuts away to the mental message. Honestly I have been looking for others to practice with. My eldest son has the abilitiy more naturally when alseep he can slip into anothers mind either up close or from cities away. We share the same zodiac sign but I notice my sister does this as well but his crosses on control and influence and I have been forced to cast him and his influence from my mind. So this abilities and varients are not toys or games. When a child has these they have to be monitored closely. This is just the tip of the ice berg I can do a lot but i want to develop it further so I never hurt any one or place them in danger around me or far away.
Wille says
Hello Sapfi, thank you for sharing your story and for your insights! I agree with you that you should not play around with your gifts. One should use them wisely and watch out not to hurt anyone.
Have a beautiful day ????
sunflowerlady says
I had goosebumps reading your article – thank you. ive discovered a gift from the universe!
Wille says
Thank you for your feedback! ????
Kristin says
I’ve been told that I’m so loud that I can be heard across the country. While I like being able to connect and have that communication, I don’t like that my privacy of thought has been completely lost since learning of this ability. Is there a way to still have inner dialect with only myself or someone in particular while controlling the distance it’s carried, my volume and who is and is not able to receive it? Or is it like a radio and anyone can tune in if they want to? O want to be able to shut others out of certain conversations and thoughts without shutting off my ability in the process.
On your video, my initial reaction wanted to focus on the squiggly lines but I heard a woman’s voice saying “it’s a star.”
Wille says
Hi Kristin, thanks for your question! Basically, it is like you have said: “a radio and anyone can tune in”. If you would like to become aware of your thoughts and if someone is receiving them at a particular moment, you can try practicing meditation and mindfulness. Another thing that will help is developing your psychic abilities.
Hope this answers your question!
Wille ✨
Roy Rodriguez says
I have this same problem I hate that I can’t talk out loud or in my head with out everyone knowing my business I want to use this for good but it’s hard to get ur mind right when ur broadcasting ur thoughts for whoever receives them
Wille says
Hey, Roy, I understand you very well ???? Learning to be mindful and meditation helped me a lot ✨
Savannah says
How do you speak telapathicly?
Wille says
Hi Savannah, thanks for your question. There is not specifically such a thing as “speaking telepathically”. It would be possible only between two strong telepaths, who have developed their skills very well. Nevertheless, “telepathic speaking” may happen involuntarily sometimes. Generally, under “speaking telepathically”, we talk about learning to receive and deliver a message, that I have described in this article.
Hope this helped!
Savannah says
How do you know if you are a telepath?
Wille says
Hi Savannah, the main two signs is that you have a very strong intuition and that you are having prophetic dreams. You can read about other signs, that indicate that you are a telepath in this article under “Other signs of telepathic abilities”.
Wille ✨
Savannah says
I’ve had prophetic dreams but telepathy is very confusing to me. I don’t know how to transmit or read someones mind. I’ve tried but it doesn’t work.
Wille says
Hi Savannah! If you have never been able to read someone’s thoughts before, you need to develop this ability first✨ I would work on developing my telepathic skills in general and would practice different telepathic exercises. By doing so, one becomes a stronger telepath and might notice new telepathic skills appear naturally ✨ Wish you the best of luck!
Wille ????
Savannah says
Joe says
Let’s say I’m practicing and becoming more and more in tune with how telepathy works and I am able to send and or receive messages on a fairly regular basis, would I be able to send to anyone or are there some people to closed off let’s say to receive anything?
Wille says
Hi Joe, thanks for your question! There are people, that are more susceptible than others, sure. So establishing a telepathic link will take more effort with some and less effort with others.
Wille ✨
Cathy says
I actually found your website by searching up telepathy to make sure that it wasn’t just a coincidence. I am able to hear other people’s thoughts, and sometimes project feelings into others. I can see images in people’s heads and describe it to them perfectly. I’ve been practicing with my significant other and I am always guessing what they will say next, and answer their questions before they can ask them. I want to be able to send legitimate messages. Any tips?
Wille says
Hi Cathy, thanks for your question????. Based on your description it sounds like your telepathy skills are already quite developed. To further develop it I think meditation is key. This will help you to focus and concentrate on the person you like to have a telepathic relationship with and this will make it easier to send and receive messages.
Wish you the best of luck!
Wille ✨
Cathy says
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I am learning how to implant emotions on people miles away, and having them report back to me if they felt them. I am going to take your advice and meditate some to work on strengthening myself. Thank you so so so much. Until I found this webpage I was terrified that no-one else was like me, that I was paranoid and being unrealistic. I see now that I am not, and I cannot thank you enough.
Wille says
Hi Cathy, thank you very much for your comment ???? I am happy to hear my articles and comments are helpful ????
Wille ✨
Imani says
Cathy, I am really trying to do telepathy. How did you do it?
Cathy says
Hello Imani! I am not sure how it started honestly, it just began as random thoughts as I passed people or looked at them.. Meditation has really helped me. I see other people’s minds as small tunnels, almost like tethers. I reach out to other people by connecting their tether to my own. Then I can hear them, and lately, they can hear my suggestions. You just have to concentrate while you practice, and eventually, it gets easier and easier. But be careful, as if you get too closely bonded the tether turns into a chain that is very hard to break. That is the best way I know how to put it. I recommend practicing on someone you are close to, relax your mind a bit.
James says
Hi, I’m very curious in finding out more.
I have always felt that I have had some type of telepathic/psychic ability. Since I have been With my wife I have encountered very telepathic examples.
Just yesterday I asked someone from work if I can bring home a piece of their honey cake they baked for the office because my wife loves honey cake, and later that day she came home telling me she wants to bake a honey cake, she’s craving a piece badly .
We have picked each other up the same exact selection of chocolate truffles on the same exact random non celebratory day. As well as several other examples .
What do you suggest I further do strengthen this ability?
Wille says
Hey James, thanks for your question! If you want to further develop your telepathic skills, you can play around with the telepathy tests as mentioned in my article. Another thing that helped me a lot to develop my psychic abilities is meditation. Hope that will help✨
Deep says
Hi! Your articles are informative n really helpful. I don’t know whether it’s telepathy but something of that sort is happening to me wherein i seem to b a sender. Some people who know me at times hear my thoughts n kind of catch my feelings. I hv No idea what’s going on but they seem to know something that i dont. Its like thought broadcasting and as if someone has purposely done this to me, may b thru reiki, i don’t know!. It has been going on for years and i hv observed that some people deliberately focus on me to
hear my thoughts which seem to b reaching them somehow! At times my energy drains..
Can you shed a light on this, what
this can be? How to STOP this and control or block it??
Thank you
Wille says
Hey Deep, thanks for your comment! I am glad you found my website helpful✨???? Regarding your question: it is very important to learn to protect yourself (so you can control your skills). Meditation, controlling your thoughts, and putting a protective bubble around yourself will help. I would try to stay in a state of high awareness as often as possible, so it would be easier to notice if something unwanted is occurring. Trace down and notice where your thoughts are going: do they wander without purpose? are they constructive? Imagining a protective bubble is a very effective technique: imagine yourself inside a bubble, concentrate on this bubble, make it strong and impenetrable. I think it is very helpful to imagine this bubble every time you go out but as well every time you feel you need protection. I hope this could help ✨
Sending you lots of sparks of joy and take care of yourself! ????
Deep says
Thanks a lot for helping me out with my queries. I will definitely follow your advice and work on shielding myself. I appreciate your response.
My good wishes and blessings to you.????
Gabriella says
Both videos, I got the first 2 or 3 answers right. But then my mind wanders. Definitely need to meditate more, for this short attention span…
Weird I didn’t get the star till they stopped talking and started thinking–still not entirely convinced that “real-time” makes no difference! I mean, I can wrap my head around relative time, and the medieval theologian concept of linear vs. sacred time, but not sure they meant this! =)
Erin says
I felt the star prior to knowing the question. 🙂
Riva says
Hey I’m just a beginner and idk that it will work or not , well I’m not that girl who’s positive all the time , I’m trying to me more positive . I’m trying to practice it more and more . I just want you to guide me and show me the correct path of it .
Regards Riva
Wille says
Hi Riva, thank you for your comment! Are you a little bit frustrated or afraid that it will not work out? If you are on my website reading about telepathy, it is already a sign that you’re open to learning about psychic abilities???? What helped me to become more confident and positive is just practicing. No one is born a genius with perfect abilities – even if you have a gift you should practice with it to become better in it.
I believe it really helps to trust in yourself. When you will see the results after some time, this will be what helps you keep positive and feel more confident.
Hope this helps✨
GGadri says
Hi. Please help me understand what is happening to me. I think I have a deep connection with my wife, for example: if I concentrate on her imagine to kiss me, in the next tens of seconds she will kiss me. Another example, just now, I’ve asked her to send me a picture of her from work, she said “no, you will see me later face to face”, I’ve thought a about that picture and “boom” she send me a picture. And many other “coincidences”
What is this? Just some weird coincidences or is there something within me? Can I straighten this ability? Note: I don’t want to influence anyone with anything I just want to understand what is happening.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Wille says
Hi there, Thank you for your comment???? Based on your descriptions, it sounds like you are able to align your frequency with the vibration of your wife. So you can communicate with her telepathically and don’t longer need the other senses as you have a direct connection. In my article, I’ve described some steps to develop your telepathy powers, so if you’d like to strengthen your ability, I would recommend to start with these suggestions. Sending you lots of sparks of joy✨
Sandy says
Is telepathy next in humanity’s evolution? I am connected to my partner, it is more than coincidence, we think the same things at same time. I tested this with asking him, “think a # between 1 and 10” and while thinking the number, he would say it. Half the time. Other times one number off. It sorta freaked me out, but now I want to test this more. This is real. We are vibrating on the same current. We can read each other’s minds, not literally but almost.
Wille says
Thanks for sharing this???? It definitely sounds like you’re on the same frequency:)
Rosemarie Josol says
How about this often happened to me. When I close my eyes, there are words or sentences runnin in my mind. I am not predicting the next word, but i just read it. But i don’t spend much attention to understand what i’ve read in my mind. One time, i wast just starting to read a post or an article and I choose to stop because i have to do some household chores. When i was washing dishes, some phrases pop up in my mind and just ignored it. When I continued to read the article, I was really surprised! When the words I think about while busy is the phrase that I exactly read in the article. Oh, what is this called also? I’m an Empath and I suffer headaches in the middle of my face, and feeling like a cold hole top of my head. I feel sensitive
Wille says
Hi Rosemarie, thank you for your comment. Have you already checked out my articles about claircognizance and clairvoyance? Claircognizance is the psychic gift of just knowing things. One of the signs of this psychic gift is that random ideas and solutions just popping up in their minds. Clairvoyance allows you to tap into the knowledge of your soul, and the collective knowledge of all souls of the universe, including those of the past and those not manifested yet. Might be that one of these psychic gifts causes the things you describe. Please let me know if you have additional questions. Sending you lots of sparks of joy ✨