There is a saying in New Orleans: Laissez Le Bons Temps Rouler (let the good times roll). The Three of Cups tarot card is the perfect representation of this phrase as it symbolizes a cause for celebration and reunions.
Whether it be a wedding, a family reunion, a baby shower, an engagement shower, or another similar event, when this card arrives, a party is soon to ensue.
The overall mood of the Three of Cups is exciting and fun, so you’ll likely be in high spirits and ready to have a good time when it appears.
If you are planning a party or other social event, this is an excellent omen as it predicts that things will go well. It will surely be a night to remember!
Table of Contents
Three of Cups Key Facts
Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Three of Cups card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, below a brisk outline of this Minor Cups card.
Upright | Celebrations, good conversation, happiness |
Reversed | Neglected social life, cheating, gossip, frustration |
Yes or No | Yes |
Number | 3 |
Element | Water |
Planet | Mercury |
Astrological sign | Cancer |
Three of Cups Tarot Card Description
To fully understand the Three of Cups tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the illustration, colors, and symbolism of this Cups card.

The Three of Cups tarot card depicts three young women holding golden cups in the air in a toast of celebration. Their expressions are joyful, and they seem to be dancing around one another in a circle of sorts.
They are enjoying their moment of happiness and success while they can.
The flower wreaths around each celebrator’s head are also a symbol of success and victory. At their feet are flowers and fruit, also symbolizing their current state of wealth and abundance.
The colors of the dresses remind us of the women/angels in the major arcana cards Strength (white), Justice (red), and Temperance (white/orange). These three cards together give us parts of the meaning of the three women: compassion, integrity, and balance.
When the Three of Cups appears upright in a reading, it is a positive sign that points to celebrations and wins on many different levels. Overall, the card foresees good times to come and a cause for celebration is in your future.
This could be in the form of a birthday, engagement, wedding, or happy reunion. In general, this card is about spending quality time with people you love and appreciate in your life.
Three is also the number of creations, so the Three of Cups can indicate a creative period. During this period new ideas will come to life and will be well received by others. Especially when you join forces with others, you can reach new creative heights.
No matter what, this victory is a sure reason to get excited! Good times are ahead for you. Are you ready to celebrate?
Money and Career Meaning
In a career reading, the Three of Cups tells us that you will work towards gains that warrant a pat on the back. Perhaps you will land a big contract, increase sales, ace an evaluation, or get a promotion.
The hard work that you have put in is finally going to pay off. This card could also signify that there will be a positive atmosphere surrounding you at work.
Your dedication and productivity will be recognized by your superiors and co-workers. Be proud of your work and bask in your success.
In a financial spread, the Three of Cups denotes commercial success. Although it will take partnership from others, an investment or project you’ve been working on will soon become fruitful.
Have you been struggling to make ends meet lately? There is no need to worry because all your money worries are about to be over!
Just be careful not to spend too much on the celebrations! You don’t want to party yourself into debt.
Love and Relationships Meaning
In a love spread, the Three of Cups usually predicts an engagement or wedding. It also suggests that it is time to take your relationship to the next level, even if you are already committed.
For example, you might consider renewing your vows or making a big purchase together. You might have had your doubts about your future in the past, but now you should be confident in your relationship. There is no better time than the present to progress.
If you are single, someone from your past might come back into your life. Maybe this is “the one that got away,” or perhaps it was a “right person, wrong time” type of situation. Regardless of the circumstances, this relationship is bound to be full of happiness and laughter.
The same is true of friendships. Connect with those who uplift you and celebrate your accomplishments. Although there is a time for solitude, this isn’t it. Be social and enjoy time with others!
Health and Spirituality Meaning
If you have been struggling with health problems, you will soon gain your health and vitality back. This is a cause for celebration!
Many people who are looking for a good doctor’s report receive it soon after the Three of Cups appears in their reading. Three is the number of completion. This negative chapter in your life is soon to close.
Because it is the card of ‘reunions’ spiritual readings featuring the Three of Cups has to do with joining every part of yourself in perfect harmony: body, spirit, and mind.
Take some time to think about what areas might be disjointed and then work on piecing them back together one at a time.
Three of Cups Reversed
In this paragraph, we will talk a bit more about what it means if you’ve pulled the Three of Cups tarot card in the reversed position (upside down).

The Three of Cups reversed represents negativity, failed occasions, cheating, and a neglected social life. Events that you plan or attend might be lackluster and tiring. As a result, it can be easy to get knocked down.
Even when it seems like you are being met with failure at every corner, you must continue to push forward.
No matter how bad things get, there is always a chance to turn things around. Like the tides, there is an ebb and flow.
Relax and find your rhythm. Plan a new event, or take the time to make new friends. The negative things in your life are only as permanent as you allow them to be.
Three of Cups: Yes or No
The Three of Cups stands for togetherness, joy, fun events, and celebrations. The emotions it brings about are happiness, triumph, and euphoria. For all these reasons, the answer to your yes or no question is a definite yes, with one exception.
If you’re thinking about ‘going at’ something alone with no support, think again. Decisions surrounding the Three of Cups work best when working with others.
Three of Cups and Astrology
The Three of Cups is all about celebration and having a good time and is connected to the Zodiac sign Cancer. Cancers have a reputation for being hyper-emotional and temperamental. They are also extremely fond of their loved ones and place a high value on family and close friends. Cancer is ruled by Mercury, the planet of day-to-day expression and relationships.
Important Card Combinations
The Three of Cups is a card that is all about celebrations and having a good time. Also in combination with other cards, these themes dominate.
Yet, regardless of all the celebrations and parties, some combinations tell you that it is important to be mindful of your role in others’ lives and make sure that you keep your relationships balanced.
Below you can find the most important card combinations of the Three of Cups.
Three of Cups and The Magician
When the Three of Cups and the Magician appear in a spread together, get ready to meet your soulmate! More specifically, you are bound to meet this person at a party. Perhaps he is a mutual friend or a handsome stranger at the bar.
The best thing you can do to attract this person is to be yourself! It is in your destiny to meet and fall in love with him. All you must do now is trust your intuition and go with the flow – in other words, enjoy the ride!
Three of Cups and Strength
If the Three of Cups and Strength arrive in your reading alongside one another, it is telling something about your role in your social group.
The combination confirms that you are the heart of your social circle. The people you surround yourself with might look to you for guidance or wisdom when they have a problem.
Consequently, you will need to be mindful of your role in others’ lives. Of course, you can’t be expected to be perfect all of the time, but you are a trusted companion.
Make sure that you are using your head to give your friends advice. The last thing you want to do is steer them wrong based on emotions!
Three of Cups and Ace of Pentacles
The Three of Cups and the Ace of Pentacles points to new business friends or partners. This duo encourages you to get out there and network! You are destined to meet someone who will push your career to the next level.
This business relationship will be mutually beneficial as it will bring both of you financial success and stability. You will become very close with this person, and your connection will be long-lasting and fruitful for years to come.
Put your trust in this person, but be careful not to give him or her too much power. It is always best to be equal in business and personal affairs!
Three of Cups and Knight of Cups
The Three of Cups and Knight of Cups call attention to a significant celebration! The most common interpretation of this combination is a celebration of love.
If you get this combination in a spread, a romantic gesture is in your future. Perhaps an engagement or a romantic getaway?
The best part is the Three of Cups promises that whatever it is will be successful and memorable for all parties involved. Buckle in and get ready for the time of your life with your partner!
Three of Cups Cards
Although I think that the Rider-Waite Tarot deck is the best deck for beginners, it doesn’t mean that I love other decks too. And the good news is that there are so many beautiful decks nowadays.
Below you can find a small selection of awesome Three of Cups tarot cards. Have you created your own tarot deck or just a Three of Cups card? I would love to hear from you!

Three of Cups in a reading
Did you receive the Three of Cups in the past position? This indicates a period of dedication and productivity that shortly will be recognized by your superiors and co-workers. Be proud of your work and enjoy your success.
In the present position, this card indicates a time to celebrate! From weddings, anniversaries, and christenings to accomplishments or a job promotion, this is a time for a reward, celebration, and just having fun.
So spend time with friends who make you feel good and dance the night away
If the Three of Cups appeared in the future position in a reading, be ready for good times to come. This card is all about celebration, abundance, and friendships, hence it predicts that you will soon be rewarded for your hard work.
If you’re single the Three of Cups in the future foretells someone from your past might come back into your life.
That’s all for the Three of Cups tarot card meaning. The overall mood of the Three of Cups is exciting and fun, so after reading all of the above, I hope you’re in high spirits and ready to have a good time!
Have you pulled the Three of Cups tarot card in your spread? If so, I’m really curious whether the meaning made sense to your situation in life!
Frankie says
What deck is the Card with the 3 fish from?
Wille says
Hello Frankie, thank you for your question! This card is from my own deck. Soon it will be available for purchase as a digital deck, so keep an eye on my newsletter✨
Wille ????
Peris says
Thank so much my angles for my readings with my partner it really teaches us alot and am happy we are united together we appreciate so much your readings
Wille says
Thank you for the feedback! ✨
Geniece says
Hey. I would like to know about the three of cups Reversed for the question: Why isn’t my friend putting in effort to maintain a friendship with me?
Wille says
Hi Geniece, thanks for your question ✨ The Three of Cups Reversed, when we talk about friendship, sometimes can indicate that it is time to look for new friends and that you don’t have that much in common with some of your old friends anymore. So it can serve as a sign to look at your friendships and question yourself if these friendships still bring you mainly joy and positivity.
Wille ????
Amanda says
I got the three of cups reversed next to the devil and seven of pentacles.. how should I interpret that?
Wille says
Hi Amanda, Thank you for your comment! This three-card combination can be interpreted in different ways and it is very important that you trust your own intuition but this is how I would interpret these tarot cards together:
The Three of Cups reversed together with the devil tells me that you might have been going or going through an important, eventful, or hard period in your life where you have been on your own or are struggling with unhealthy bonds. If you use this period wisely and stay mindful, you will grow, achieve your goals, or will be rewarded in some other way (Seven of Pentacles). Learn how you can benefit from being on your own or deal with your unhealthy relationships. I hope this helps ????
Ellen says
Hey. I would like to know more about the three of cups in conjunction with the king of cups and the lovers in a reading. It does not seem to list those combos ????
Wille says
Hi Ellen! The Three of Cups is all about celebration, having a good time, and reunions.
The King of Cups tarot card represents maturity, creative thinking, and wisdom. You might think this card has a strong masculine energy, but it has a lot to do with emotions, as well. When this card comes up in a tarot reading, it speaks of compassion and kindness. The King is strong and powerful, but he is aware of his feelings and the feelings of those around him. In friendships, he is sociable but also sensitive.
Lastly, the Lovers tarot card predicts a person coming into your orbit now has a positive influence and offers true love.
I don’t know if you used a specific spread, but if not, my initial idea about these three cards combined is that there will be a festive event or a reunion of some sorts (three of cups), where you meet somebody with the qualities of the king. With this person, you’ll start a relationship or friendship that will have significant impact on your future. This person will offer true love according to the lovers card.
Sending you lots of sparks of joy✨