The Seven of Cups tarot card is all about choices. When this card comes up in a reading, it means that you have a big decision to make in your future.
This card is your celestial signpost, hinting at crucial decisions that loom in your imminent future, often sought during a tarot reading for its guiding light.
The number seven-card of this suit can also represent having your head in the clouds or being unrealistic when it comes to making moves in life.
This tarot card unlocks a treasure trove of alternatives, each demanding careful consideration and a keen instinct. It urges us to master the art of discernment, sifting through a plethora of possibilities to identify the most promising path.
In the transcendent journey of tarot card reading, the Seven of Cups serves as your compass, guiding you towards wisdom and clarity.
Table of Contents
Before we dive deeper into the upright and reversed Seven of Cups tarot card meanings, and their connection to love, work, and life, given below is a quick overview of the most important facts that are represented by this 7 of Cups card.
Upright | An abundance of options, choices, opportunities |
Reversed | Bad decisions, returning to reality, feeling trapped |
Yes or No | Maybe |
Number | 7 |
Element | Water |
Planet | Neptune |
Astrological Sign | Pisces |
To fully understand the Seven of Cups tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the illustration, colors, and symbolism of this Cups card.

The card depicts a person with his back turned away, contemplating seven cups filled with treasure pictured behind him.
His hand is extended as if in distress over which option to choose. The cups before him float atop clouds and are each filled with something different.
Jewels and gems with castles and snakes, each cup represents an outcome of a choice made.
The clouds illustrated on the card represent our dreams, aspirations, and imaginations. The items that fill the cups are representative of temptations, but also of gifts that are not gifted at all; like the snake or dragon
The main message of the card is not only about the choices that we have to make, but it also communicates the need to base our decisions on reality, not wishes.
The Seven of Cups card represents new opportunities and has lots of options to choose from. But it’s also a warning to be careful and don’t be seduced by things that look too good to be true.
Seven of Cups upright meaning: You need to pay close attention to the decisions that you are making.
Have you been considering making a big move or changing careers? Are you wanting to start a business or jump into a relationship?
The opportunity to do so is about to present itself, but you will have many more options than expected.
Go through all the options and consider if you’re not only benefitting from these options in the short term but also in the future. Gather all the information you need and check in with your higher self before choosing the option that feels right. Ensure that you are doing what you can to make the most informed decision possible.
The minor arcana card can also be a sign of fantasy , multiple choices, and wishful thinking and not being grounded in reality.
Therefore, when this card appears in your reading, check-in with yourself, and question if you have unrealistic plans or ideas for the future. If you realize that your plans or ideas are impossible to achieve, it will save you a lot of time, energy, and disappointment.
In a career spread, the Seven of Cups foresees a possibility of changing positions or careers completely. You will not see this coming and the ways things unfold might be quite overwhelming.
There is no need to decide overnight. Take all the time you need to gather needed information and determine the outcome that will bring you the most joy.
What are the pros and cons? Are there risks involved? Is it too good to be true or a well-deserved opportunity? You might even consider asking for a trial run before your answer is set in stone.
In a love tarot reading, the Seven of Cups tells us that a new love interest may appear in your life. If you’re already in a relationship, this will cause problems or make you question your current relationship.
You will need to take a step back and evaluate what you are looking to get out of a partnership. Ask yourself which person will bring you the most joy in the long run.
Are you just being misled by desire rather than staying in the course of a good relationship? Or did you find true love?
You must make this decision with an open heart, but don’t take it lightly. Whatever you choose has the potential of leaving someone hurt, so consider the costs.
If you are single, the Seven of Cups in a love reading foretells that you will have many suitors present themselves to you. Each of these people will have positive qualities about them that attract you.
You will find yourself in a position where you feel as if it is impossible to choose, but you ultimately will need to make a decision. If you balance trusting your intuition with practicality, you can be confident in whichever option you move forward with.
The Seven of Cups in a health reading warns that you may be taking on more than you can handle, thus leading to mental health problems. Even if you feel capable of completing all the tasks you have before you, exhaustion is sure to follow.
If you begin to feel overwhelmed or burned out, you will need to lighten your load. Focus on balancing life a little better and improving your diet and sleep routine. Doing so will help you feel better all around.
In this paragraph, we will talk a bit more about what it means if you’ve pulled the Seven of Cups tarot card in the reversed position (upside down).

The Seven of Cups reversed indicates seeing things more clearly after living in a fantasy world for some time. You have spent enough time with your unrealistic expectations or plans and are now ready to rejoin the world.
You are wiser for the journies that you have traveled, and you are prepared to take on whatever comes your way. In other words, you are ready to apply what you have learned in life to elevate your experience.
In the reversed position, the Seven of Cups also represent multiple opportunities and options. But contrary to the upright meaning, you can rely on your inner wisdom and experience to choose what’s best for you. Just check in with your inner self and trust your gut!
In a love context, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you know what you want and need in a relationship and that you’re ready to take the next step.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re single or in a relationship, just make clear what you feel about someone you like. The result may surprise you (in a good way)!
The Seven of Cups represents having several possibilities before you. In addition to this, it is telling of having difficulty deciding what route to take in this situation. Also, it warns for disillusion and things that seem too good to be true.
Because of the uncertainty embodied in this card, there is no clear answer to your yes or no question. The best response you can glean is “maybe.” Spend time mulling over various options before taking a leap.
The Seven of Cups is about dreams and wish fulfillment, which matches the Pisces’ energy. Pisces is all about spirituality and mysticism, as well as fantasy and imagination. Pisces may be deeply psychically perceptive or also may fall into illusions and wishful thinking. Pisces is ruled by Neptune.
Choices, decisions, opportunities are the keywords that describe the Seven of Cups. Yet, combined with other cards of the tarot deck, the meaning can slightly change.
Especially when this minor cups card appears together with some major arcana cards, like the Star, High Priestess, or the Emperor.
Below you can find the most important card combinations of the Seven of Cups.
When the Seven of Cups and the Fool appear in a spread together, it signifies searching for a new beginning.
Have you recently left a relationship, city, or job? This reading confirms that you will be able to start with a clean slate.
There is no need to worry; you will get through this. When it is all over, you will come out the other side a better person than before.
If the Seven of Cups and the High Priestess appear in a spread together, it means that you will become more independent.
Perhaps you have been struggling financially, and it has forced you to rely on your support system more than you would like.
This combination suggests that you will soon be free of this financial burden. Several enticing job offers are on the horizon and you will have your pick!
Together with the Emperor, the Seven of Cups encourages you to simplify your life. Many of us allow ourselves to get stuck in the daily routine of adult life.
When groceries, dishes, errands, and work get in the way, time for yourself often gets shifted to the back burner. Now is the time to spend more time on yourself and recharge.
The Seven of Cups and the Emperor tarot cards suggest you will be much better equipped to handle your day-to-day activities when you feel rested and relaxed. A mental health day might be in order.
The Seven of Cups and the Star denote a fear of abandonment. When you are in a relationship, you may struggle to fully trust your partner as a result.
It is important to remember that your past experiences don’t define your future. You deserve to have a happy relationship where you feel safe and cared for.
Try opening up your heart to someone new and trust your partner until they give you a reason not to. You might be surprised at where the relationship leads when self-sabotage is avoided.
The combination of the Seven of Cups and the Three of Swords encourages you to be mindful of your actions.
Are you in the process of making a decision that affects other people? Even if you have the best of intentions, you may hurt someone without knowing it.
This may be a time where you want to consider the opinions of anyone close to the situation and try to balance your own desires with the greater good. Is there a middle ground?
That’s all for the Seven of Cups card meaning! If you have pulled this card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life? If so, I hope you consider all the options before making a choice.
Just remember that short-term gains not always will be the best option in the long term. Check-in with yourself and gain the information needed and I’m sure you will make a wise decision!
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below or rate this post by clicking on the stars.
Trinity says
I was wondering what I could do to strengthen my confidence/courage and pulled this card. I’m a bit confused on the meaning ????
Wille says
I understand why you might be confused! Perhaps there are opportunities in your life to build your confidence that you might not be seeing?
Wille xxxx
Manisha jain says
I m beginner,i dont get D meaning of seven of cups with d emperor.will u pls help me to get it why is so .i love to learn on your site after searching so you
Wille says
The seven of cups is all about choices. I am wondering if one of the options is linked to authority and rule? It suggests that following the theme of the Emperor is the best thing to do right now.
Wille xxxx
Lchmstic says
11/15/21. 3:33 am
I recently came out of a narcissistic relationship full of constant arguments, gaslighting, selfishness and even violence and threats of violence. Just got before this reading, I literally had just completed the background screening for a new job I’m considering to take, in the short term, and a possible future offer for a second job in a couple of months from now. The interpretation that is given here is spot on in the sense that it appears that at this point, I have multiple choices on both the love and career fronts.
In addition, I have a Pisces moon and a life path of 7. At this point in time, in my zodiac chart, there is an active influence of Uranus Opposition Neptune, Neptune being the ruler of Pisces. The opposition giving me a connection to higher dimensions for an extended period.of time being characterized by flashes of deep insight and lucid dreams.
In the reading there are several court cards as well as several Major Arcana cards: the court cards included The King and Queen of Wands, as well as the Knight of Cups. In the Major Arcana, were the Justice card, The Hierophant, and the Sun (in the long term potential position).
It would be interesting to know what those unique combinations mean alongside the Seven of Cups. Finally, I think it is also interesting to note, that the 7 of Cups appears in the Self position ie. it was literally the first card I pulled..
Thanks and I hope sharing this reading is helpful to someone else.
Wille says
Hey. First of all, sending you love and support right now! I hope you are in a much better place (or getting there). These cards definitely suggest a positive and hopeful future. You are in control and have power right now, and the ability to do whatever you want!
Wille xxxx