Rest, relax, and celebrate life! The Four of Wands is an exciting card that symbolizes a time of unity and community success.
One of the most positive cards found in the Tarot, the celebration of a monumental achievement is predicted by this number four.
Numerology connects four with energies and vibrations. The Four of Wands is no exception.
Connecting with others, building on positive vibes, and walking into a new phase of life can flip your being from one of a casualty to a life worth living.
Table of Contents
Four of Wands Key Words
Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Four of Wands card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, first a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Wands card.
Upright | Celebration, excitement, homecoming, family unity |
Reversed | Unhappy family, cancellations, feeling unwelcome |
Yes or No | Yes |
Numerology | 4 |
Element | Fire |
Planet | Mars |
Astrological Sign | Aries |
Four of Wands Tarot Card Description
To fully understand the Four of Wands tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the illustration, its colors, and its symbolism.

The Four of Wands tarot card depicts a wreath of flowers adorning four wands in the foreground.
The wands are topped with crystals and are equally spaced and identical. In the background, we see what appears to be a gathering, with two people with flowers in their hands having a celebration.
Their arms are raised in the air as if they are feeling triumphant. It is obvious that the duo is satisfied with a recent accomplishment or event. They are prepared to celebrate.
Additionally, they are close to one another, which indicates that there is a close relationship between them.
The people in the background also seem to be celebrating their success, solidifying the importance of connecting with others rather than trying to achieve everything alone.
Four of Wands Tarot Meaning
Celebrate good times, come on! It’s a celebration, sings the upright Four of Wands.
Similar to the depiction on the card, you can expect a celebration if you see the Four of Wands in a reading. When you draw this card, it denotes a cause for celebration, a reunion, or a return home.
If you are planning a wedding or a get-together, the card confirms that the event will be a success. Take this opportunity to pull out all the stops and make it an event to remember!
This card also has a more abstract interpretation, as well. It tells us a story of feeling confident and like we are on the right path in life.
Anyone wishing to go on a new adventure in life is in great shape to do it when the Four of Wands appears in their reading.
Do you have a dream that you’ve always wanted to chase after? Take advantage of the lack of self-doubt this card brings and go after it full-force!
Freedom is also represented here. You can have what you want without having to sacrifice all of your independence. It’s all about balance.
Money and Career Meaning
A windfall or an unexpected promotion might be coming your way. The Four of Wands in a career context is all about reward, which sometimes arrives unexpectedly.
If you have been working really hard to move up at work, the outlook is promising. Make sure to build beneficial connections and professional relationships with others.
A big contract, new job, or financial bonus won’t show up at your door on its own. Other people will be there to facilitate and to celebrate your accomplishments with you.
The Four of Wands is also a good omen for your financial situation. Have you put work into improving the state of your bank account? This card promises that all your hard work is about to pay off.
Congratulations! Now is a great time to treat those closest to you to a good meal or a day out, since you are bound to have a great time full of laughter and fellowship.
Love and Relationships Meaning
An engagement, romantic union, anniversary, or other romantic promise is headed your way. Although Cups is considered the suit of love, the Four of Wands tarot card ushers in a time of celebration when it comes to love and intimate relationships.
If you’re in a relationship, the Four of Wands foresees a happy, healthy relationship. You and your partner will be on the same wavelength, which will manifest a happy home life, stability, passion, and security.
Have you been considering taking your relationship to the next level? If so, seize the moment and do it now!
If you are single, the Four of Wands tarot card in a love context says that you will partake in celebrations and that you will feel that you fit in, so you will be enjoying living the single life.
Since it also predicts a reunion, it is possible that a lover from your past could show back up in your life again.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
The Four of Wands promises good health and strong vitality. If you have been struggling with an illness, this card shows that you will overcome that soon.
It is also a happy family card, so if you are pregnant, this is a great omen.
If you desire to improve your overall well-being, this card tells you to seek the help of others and celebrate every small milestone you achieve.
Tara Branch said it best when she noted that “the spiritual path isn’t a solo endeavor.”
Joining a club or group related to your interests, taking part in an exercise class, or linking up with others in an online support group are all possibilities.
Learning from others’ experiences and being there to assist them in their goals will help you achieve victory.
Four of Wands Reversed Tarot Meaning
In this paragraph, we will talk a bit more about what it means if you’ve pulled the Four of Wands tarot card in the reversed position.

When the Four of Wands reversed turns up, tension is an issue. Are you in conflict with someone or a group of people? Are personality clashes stopping you from being successful or meeting goals that you’ve set?
The reversed Four of Wands doesn’t represent failure. It does serve as a warning that communication problems with others may get in the way of completion.
When not taken care of early on, they can even lead to the cancellation of an important event.
To avoid this, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to prepare. Don’t wait to the last minute procrastination might lead to collapse.
Embrace your team, commit to success, and address any problems that pop up right away.
Four of Wands: Yes or No
The Four of Wands represents all the good things in life. You are feeling triumphant and happy to be alive. Your vitality is probably the best it’s ever been, and you are feeling on top of the word.
Therefore the Four of Wands in a yes or no reading unequivocally means a yes! Whether you are planning an event, starting a new job, or taking part in a new venture, the Four of Wands predicts success.
When paired with upright relationship cards, a romantic connection may lead to commitment or marriage. This Minor Arcana card is an affirmation that things are going to go exactly the way you want them to.
Four of Wands and Astrology
The Four of Wands is connected to the zodiac sign Aries. This sign is a passionate, motivated, and confident leader who can build community with his cheerful character and never-ending determination. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of desire, action, and energy.
Important Card Combinations
Also paired with other cards, the Four of Wands is an exciting card! In most combinations, it symbolizes a time of unity and community success.
Four of Wands and the Temperance or The Devil
It is time to invest. The Four of Wands suggests an excellent financial return. Temperance recommends making it a property investment while the Devil urges you to make a connection with the land.
Four of Wands and the Moon
Are you planning or involved with a community or family event? If so, this combination tells you that it will definitely be a success. The moon suggests an evening time will work best.
Four of Wands and the King of Wands
When the Four of Wands is paired with the King of Wands, celebration, marriage, and fertility are front and center. Embrace the harmony of the present time or near future.
Four of Wands and Four of Cups
Are you feeling dissatisfied? Although the Four of Wands typically predicts happiness, when paired with the Four of Cups, a feeling of discontentment may be present.
If this is related to a relationship, talk to the other person. He or she may not even know that you’re feeling unhappy.
Four of Wands and the Two of Pentacles
This Wands card combined with the Two of Pentacles indicates that exciting times are coming! If you are close to achieving something, prepare to celebrate!
Your venture will be a success, and other people will celebrate your accomplishments as well. Parties, sociability, and will pave the way to success
Four of Wands and Four of Pentacles
The Four of Wands and the Four of Pentacles in a reading denote a good investment. A fantastic financial opportunity will come your way, and it would serve you well to invest in it.
You should still complete your due process and get all the information before you sign on the dotted line, but the cards are in favor of your success in a new financial space.
Four of Wands and Two of Cups
When these two cards appear together, it tells us that now is the time to celebrate love. A wedding or a renewal of vows is in your future.
You can rest easy knowing that the event will go off without a hitch, and everyone in attendance will enjoy themselves – it will be a night to remember.
Four of Wands and Seven of Cups
This duo with the Seven of Cups, promises a relaxing vacation is right around the corner. If you have been thinking of taking some time off to spend with close family or even going solo, now is a great time to do that.
You are in the perfect position to treat yourself to a nice stay away from the regular hustle and bustle of everyday life. Kick your feet up and relax – you deserve it!
Four of Wands and Ace of Swords
If the Four of Wands and the Ace of Swords appear side by side, you are destined to do well on tests, exams, or interviews. If you are planning to interview for a new job opportunity, you will certainly get the job.
Additionally, if you are a student or a professional looking to gain new certifications, now is a great time to complete any required assessments.
Your reading shows that you will excel in these areas, so the success that you seek is right around the corner.
Four of Wands and Ten of Swords
The combination with the Ten of Swords tells you that you should expect a celebration of retirement. If you have been indecisive about leaving your job, the cards are telling you to take the leap.
Now is the right time to enjoy a life free of any career obligations. It is your time to relax and soak up the happiness that the rest of your life can bring!
Four of Wands Tarot Cards
You have probably noticed that I write all my descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. This doesn’t mean that I use other decks too. And there are so many beautiful decks out there! Below you find a small selection of beautiful Four of Wands tarot cards.

Four of Wands FAQ
“What does _______ card mean?” is a question that I’m asked many times a day.
Although I’m always happy to help clear up specific questions, I’ve decided to create an FAQ section. This will allow you to find the answers you seek without having to wait for a response.
Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about the fourth card in the Suit of Wands.
What does the Four of Wands Mean?
Oh, happy day! The Four of Wands is the card of celebrations and surprises. One of the most positive cards in the entire deck, this tarot classic, represents a time of both unity and overall success.
It predicts weddings, graduations, families reuniting, and many other achievements. If The Four of Wands falls upright in your reading, get ready to party like it’s 1999.
What does the Reversed Four of Wands Mean?
I usually see the Four of Wands fall in a reversed position when someone is feeling abandoned, unappreciated, or uncelebrated. It’s a common divorce/break-up card.
If you have (or soon will be) jilted or left feeling unsupported and unstable, the Reversed Four of Wands is likely to present. Look to the cards surrounding this one for advice as to what to do to make this temporary setback a testimony instead of a travesty.
What does the Four of Wands Mean in a Love Reading?
I love to see the Four of Wands fall in a love reading because it’s usually indicative of a marriage or commitment that will soon take place. Numerology connects the number 4 with energy, and these vibrations are quite positive when it comes to love.
So, if you’re hoping to get engaged or celebrate the birth of a child, the outlook is a good one. If you’re single and not quite ready to mingle, that’s okay. In your case, the Four of Wands suggests focusing on community and social life in place of romance.
Is the Four of Wands a Yes or No card?
If you’ve pulled only this card, then you may be asking the Tarot for a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ regarding the future. In general, the Four of Wands is a ‘yes’ card. Of course, it is important to keep the nature of the question in mind. If you are hoping that a relationship, business venture, or some other progression will soon become a success, then this card is a welcome sight.
What Are Your Thoughts on the Four of Wands?
That’s all for the Four of Wands Tarot card meaning! If you have pulled the Four of Wands tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!
Mitsos says
Hi Willie
I asked tarot why sm I afraid to speak up and I pulled 4 of wands and 2 of pentacles. What does this mean? Mitsos