Do you know the difference between clairsentience and clairvoyance? Can you appoint your 7 chakras? And do you know what people mean when they’re talking about Apparition, ESP, or Ying Yang?
When you first start on your psychic journey, you might come across some words that might leave you absolutely clueless. So whether you’re new to the psychic world or an experienced pro, get the full scoop on all the common psychic definitions here!
Table of Contents
Psychic Definitions
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. They can automatically and involuntarily, bring up related mental images into the mind. When you repeat the affirmations frequently and believe in them, it will affect the subconscious mind, which in turn, influences the behavior, habits, actions, and reactions in a positive way.
Akashic Records
Akashic Records are thought to exist in the ether and embody all aspects of all occurrences that have taken place, including human lifetimes. The Akashic Records are not actual books or tablets in an actual, physical library. They exist in an energetic realm. Some people believe they are in the mental realm and others describe their location in the astral or spiritual realm.
Angel Cards
Angel cards are types of oracle cards and can be an extremely powerful tool for those seeking insight and guidance into their life. Unlike tarot card decks which always consist of 22 major arcana en 56 minor arcana Cards, Angel card decks don’t have a fixed format and amount of cards. The cards themselves may have images as well as messages on them. They are generally filled with loving messages from the Angels above.
Angel Numbers
Angel numbers are just numerical representations being communicated to us from our guardian angels. Common examples are 1111, 444, 3333, and even 666. Still, there’s a second part of determining if something is an angel number: you’ll usually see over and over again or at interesting times. So, even a number like ‘641’ can be an angel number if you see it enough.
Apparition is a blanket term used to describe many different types of unexplained visual phenomena, like ghosts, hauntings, orbs, doppelgänger, bilocation, and religious visions. The most known forms of apparition are supernatural manifestations of the spirits or souls of loved ones who passed away. Apparitions can appear in any form or shape like light anomalies, mists, shadows, and physical forms.
The term “Archangel” comes from a Greek word that translates to ‘chief angel’ and signifies their importance and power. Although each Archangel has a specific purpose, some of their duties are shared. For example, Archangels are responsible for soul contracts. They are managers and overseers of guardian angels, each assigned to help us with a different aspect of humanity.
Astral Body
Astral Body is the spiritual, ether-like counterpart of the physical body. The astral body is made of astral material or life force. It looks exactly like the last physical form one had in one’s youth unless the being chooses another form. The astral body comes into existence before the physical body. And it only fully fades out and dies when the very last remaining particle of the deceased physical body disappears and disintegrates, excepting the skeleton.
Astrology is a form of divination that predicts situations, influences, and the environment in a person’s life. The predictions are based on astrological charts that show the position of the sun, moon, and planets at a specific time. A chart is based on divine influences at the time and day of someone’s birth and determines which zodiac sign governs his or her horoscope.
Aura is a colored glowing energy field from the surface of an object or around a person that reflects the state of the soul. It can be any color in the rainbow — or even a sparkly white. Psychics view the aura as the life force that emanates from all things and is linked to the chakra centers of the body.
Binaural Beats
Binaural Beats arise when pure tones interfere with each other when they are close in pitch but not identical. When each tone is sent to a different ear, there will not be any physical interaction between the waves. Yet, your brain still creates an interference inside your head: the so-called binaural beats. They alter your brain waves and mental status. Besides, they are amazing for developing psychic abilities.
Birthstones are crystals that accompany a birth month, each having a unique meaning and historical significance. In our birthstone guide, you can find more information about the powers of birthstones.
Cartomancy is an alternative divination method using a regular deck of standard playing cards in a similar way to using a deck of tarot cards. Using your intuition and deciphering skills to ‘tell your future’. Even better, cartomancy is far more accessible to many of us than tarot.
Chakras are the centers of spiritual power in the human body. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to a wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras – the base of the spine, lower abdomen, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and the crown of the head. Each chakra has a connection to a particular ability or emotion. The heart chakra, for example, links to love and the throat chakra to communication. Chakra Affirmations and Chakra Stones can help to balance your chakras when you feel that they’re out of balance.
Clairalience or “clear-smelling” is the alleged phenomenon where sensitive people can smell the odor of a person who passed away. Someone with Clairalience can sometimes smell the unmistakable perfume of the deceased ones, pipe tobacco, or different spices as though they are coming from a kitchen. This could indicate that the spirit of the deceased person is around.
Clairaudience is the intuitive ability to hear beyond the normal range, the literal meaning being “clear-hearing”. Clairaudient people can receive intuitive information from Higher Spirits, those in heaven, and other members of your spiritual team via hearing. This information can come in a variety of forms.
Want to know more about clairaudience? Learn all about this super cool psychic gift in this article:
Claircognizance, also known as “clear-knowing” refers to the knowing of certain things even without any logical base to it. Despite having no information about an event, claircognizant people can feel that they know a piece of information that they have yet to be presented with and are consistently proven correct by the outcome of the situation.
Want to know more about claircognizance? Learn all about this super cool psychic gift in this article:
Clairsentience loosely translated means “clear-feeling” and is perhaps the most down-to-earth of all the intuitive gifts. It is the ability to feel the present, past or future physical and emotional states of others, without the use of the normal five senses (smell, vision, touch, hearing, and taste).
Want to know more about clairsentience? Learn all about this super cool psychic gift in this article:
Clairvoyance is one of the major psychic abilities and means “clear-seeing”. This psychic ability allows you to tap into the knowledge of your soul, and the collective knowledge of all souls of the universe, including those past and those not manifest yet.
Want to know more about clairvoyance? Learn all about this super cool psychic gift in these articles: and
Clairgustance or “clear-tasting” is probably the most uncommon of all the psychic abilities. It is the psychic ability of tasting without putting anything physically in the mouth. Usually, this ability shows up when a medium is doing a reading. If the Spirit they’re connecting with loved key lime pie, it’s possible the psychic will get the taste of tangy key lime. Yum!
Crystals or gemstones have been believed to hold metaphysical properties, alter our moods, increase positive energy in your home, and remedy a spectrum of ailments for thousands of years. There are even specific stones to balance your chakras. You can use the stones in a ton of different ways: carry the stones with you, sleep with them, and/or meditate with them.
Diffusers, also known as essential oil diffusers or aromatherapy diffusers are devices that spread essential oils throughout your home or workplace by dispersing essential oils so that their aroma fills a room or an area with the natural fragrance.
Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers.
An Empath is someone who can sense and feel the emotions and energies of other people, animals, and even objects. It’s a psychic gift connected with the gift of clairsentience (psychic feeling and sensing). The abilities of an empath aren’t limited to sensing and feeling emotions. Many empaths also perceive physical sensations and spiritual needs of people around them.
ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception and is a level of knowledge that’s perceived without the use of any of the physical senses, like hearing of seeing. It includes telepathy between individuals, precognitive knowledge of future events (clairvoyance) and the ability to know things about people or objects without any logical base to it (claircognizance). ESP can be referred to as your third eye or sixth sense.
Essential Oil
Essential oil is a highly concentrated oil extracted from a single plant species. Not all plants produce essential oils. In the plants that do, the essential oil may be found in the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, or fruits. Typically extracted using steam distillation (a process that involves applying steam until the oil vaporizes), essential oils have the characteristic scent of the plant.
Guardian Angel
A Guardian Angel is an angel that protects and guides a particular person, group, kingdom, or country. Unlike archangels and helper angels, guardian angels are yours exclusively. Guardian angels can give comfort, offer guidance and bring people and opportunities into your life.
Grounding means that you’re present in your body and connected with the earth. It allows you to feel centered and balanced no matter what’s going on around you. There are many ways to ground yourself. Any physical activity (sports, walking, dancing, gardening, etc.) will automatically ground you. You can also use meditation to ground yourself.
Higher Self
Higher Self describes an eternal, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one’s real self. Think of it as your soul. It’s the purest form of you. It is everything love and never concerns itself with trivial things. We can connect to our higher self through our intuition and meditation.
High Vibration (High-Vibe)
High Vibration means that the frequency of your energy or vibration is high. The higher the frequency of your energy, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy.
Your energy is literally full of light. Your life flows with synchronicity, and you manifest what you desire with ease. Overall, your life takes on a positive quality. Not only human beings can vibrate at very high frequencies, spirit and souls also have a high vibration because they don’t have physical bodies weighing them down.
If you want to connect with them, you have to make sure that you’re also vibrating on a higher level.
In Eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is a central concept and both religions share common beliefs about karma and how the concept works. In short and generally speaking, karma describes the concept of getting back whatever you put forth, good or bad, into the universe.
Lucky Charm
Lucky Charm is an amulet or another item that is believed to have positive magical powers and bring luck. You can use almost any object as a charm. Coins, jewels or amulets are all examples of lucky charms.
Major Arcana
Major Arcana is part of the tarot deck that consists of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism, and story. It is divided into two sections, the Major Arcana, and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, representing life’s karmic and spiritual lessons. You can learn more about the meaning of these cards in this article.
Mantra is a sacred word, sound or phrase, that you repeat to yourself during meditation to focus on your goal or reach deeper meditation.
The word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words: man meaning mind; and tra meaning vehicle or instrument – a tool to transport the mind from a state of activity to one of stillness and silence. It is believed that mantras have spiritual and psychological power.
Mind’s Eye
The Mind’s Eye is also known as your third eye and is associated with clairvoyance and the third eye chakra. The mind’s eye is located just above your eyebrows and is claimed to be responsible for visual clairvoyance abilities, like seeing visions, flashes, and symbols.
Near-Death Experience
A near-death experience (NDE) is a personal experience associated with death or impending death. A near-death experience may include an out-of-body experience and a sense of moving, often at great speed and usually through a dark space, into a fantastic landscape. In addition, a pinpoint of indescribable light may grow to surround the person in brilliant but not painful radiance. It is sensed as being an all-loving presence that many people define as the Supreme Being of their religious faith.
Oracle is someone that is considered to provide wise and insightful counsel or prophetic predictions and precognition of the future. The information comes from gods and Higher Spirits. Therefore Oracles are a form of divination.
Oracle Cards
Oracle card decks are closely related to Tarot cards, but they don’t follow as many rules. Every deck is completely unique, with its own meanings and messages. There is no traditional amount of cards, traditional suits, or traditional imagery. The structure, meanings, and interpretations of the cards are entirely up to the creator of the deck.
Palm Reading
Palm Reading, also known as palmistry, is the practice of characterization and predicting the future through reading one’s palm. Palm Reading is exercised all over the world, with many cultural variations.
Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities or Clair senses allow us to connect and communicate on a much deeper level. There are many different Clair gifts, some of which are just now being discovered!
Psychometry is the ability to sense and read information through touch. More commonly this is applied to an inanimate object such as jewelry, clothing, books, even larger items like cars.
Singing Bowl
A singing bowl is a metal basin that, when tapped with a mallet, can create sounds that restore the normal vibratory frequencies of our body and mind. They basically ‘fine-tune’ our bodies back at the right station.
Spirit Animals
A Spirit Animal is characterized as a teacher or messenger that comes in the form of an animal and is connected through a personal relationship with an individual. They are also called animal helpers, spirit helpers, spirit allies guides, power animals, or animal guides.
Tarot is a divination card deck based on the images and messages of 78 cards, divided into 22 major arcana cards, which reveal meanings for all stages of life’s journey, and 56 minor arcana cards. The cards, which date back to the late 1700s in Europe, provide insight into good and bad influences, positive experiences, and stressful uncertainties that we’re likely to encounter in daily life.
Want to learn more about Tarot? Read our ultimate tarot beginners guide:
Tarot Spreads
Tarot spreads are sets or patterns of cards laid in a tarot deck during a session reading. A tarot spread is formed after the cards are shuffled and cut in a deck. Each pattern has its own meaning and there can be a lot of combinations of 78 cards. Commonly used tarot spreads are the 10-card Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, the Three Card Tarot Spread, and a simple Yes or No Spread.
Tasseography, or the art of reading tea leaves, has been a mystical and spiritual tool for centuries. It is a form of divination that looks at signs and symbols in tea leaves that remain in a cup after use.
Zen is the peace that comes from being one with an entity other than yourself. It also means being aware of your oneness with the world and everything in it and living in the present and experiencing reality fully. If you’re being zen you experience fully the present, and delight in the basic miracle of life itself.
Robin says
Just thought you would want to know that it’s “yin” and yang, not”ying” and yang.
Now I can finish reading your wonderful articles
Hannah says
Thanks for sharing! I’d love to see a glossary like this about tarot as well, let me know once it is online as I’ve been looking for one for a while now. Totally zen now;)
Wille says
Hi Hannah, Thanks so much for your suggestion. We sure let you know! All the best, Wille
Hamish says
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Thank you for sharing.